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what does he look like教案.docx

1、what does he look like教案一教学建议1教学目标(1)能力目标a. 学会描述人的外形、外貌,包括身高、体重、发型、面部特征及着装特征等。b. 学会简单地谈论人的性格特征。c. 学会简单地表达自己的观点或好恶。(2)知识目标a. 词汇:look, glasses, hair, beard, curly, straight, blonde, height, medium, build, heavy, popular, good-looking, teeny, huge, wise, captain, team, joke, singer, dreamer, bit, a lit

2、tle bit, never, nobody, now, stopb. 句型:What do they look like?Theyre medium height.What does your friend look like?She is medium build, and she has long hair.Do you know David?No, what does he look like?c. 语法:Yes/ No问句及简短回答; Wear的一般现在时用法; 用于宽泛描述的形容词。(3)情感目标通过本单元的学习,了解外国文化,即如何礼貌地谈论和描述人的外形外貌特征。2教材分析(1

3、)教学重点:描绘人的外形外貌;简单谈论人的性格;通过外貌描述确定人物;为自己或他人合理地设计形象。(2)教学难点:描绘人的外形外貌;通过外貌描述确定人物。(3)相关背景材料: “你长胖了!”这句话在中国通常是一句带有更多赞赏意义的话,更多的含义是指你目前的生活很幸福平安。而在许多外国人看来,用“fat”来描述一个人的外形是很不礼貌甚至粗鲁的一种方式,即使这个人确实是超重了。所以通常在这种情况下,“heavy”是一个更被人接受的词。3学生的学情分析对于本单元的话题,学生在小学已学过下列相关内容: (1)词汇:long hair, short hair, thin, strong, quiet 句

4、型:He has short black hair.He has big eyes and a small nose.She has a big mouth.Shes quiet. (见小学英语第3册 Unit 3 My friends) (2)词汇:tall, short, thin, strong, young, old, funny, kind, strict, smart, active, quiet. 句型:Whats he like? Hes tall and strong. He is funny/strict/ (见小学英语五年级上册 Unit 1 My new teacher

5、s) 二活动设计建议活动1: 找父母活动目的:练习根据图片进行外貌描述及通过外貌描述确定人物。活动准备:学生准备照片,照片上有自己的父母及亲戚朋友,照片上有4人或4人以上,活动过程:学生2人小组活动。互相展示照片及描述自己父母的外形外貌及着装,让对方猜测自己的父母是照片中的哪两位。(注:若两人小组中互相认识对方的父母,可猜测照片中的其他人或调整组员)活动2: 他(她)是谁猜一猜班上的同学活动目的:练习描述人物外形的主要特征,并谈论人物的性格及兴趣爱好。活动准备:观察班上同学的外形特征,了解同学的性格特点及兴趣爱好。活动过程:学生4-6人小组活动。每位组员先用1分钟时间准备对某位同学的描述。这位

6、同学不能是本小组内成员。然后组员依次发言,描述某位同学的外形特征及着装,并介绍他(她)的性格特点及兴趣爱好,其他组员猜出这位同学的名字。猜出最多的同学获胜,并代表本组和其他组获胜的同学比赛。活动3: 他(她)是谁猜一猜我喜爱的明星活动目的:练习对外貌描述的一般疑问句句式及肯定和否定回答,同时复习前面学过的有关运动、电影、国籍、职业、年龄等话题内容。活动准备:学生准备明星的大幅图片,并了解该明星的有关信息。活动过程:学生4人小组活动。4人合作完成对某一位明星的描述,包括出生地、居住城市、年龄、职业、外貌特征、兴趣爱好、主要成就等。每组派一名同学上台,只说出该明星的职业,全班其他组的同学提问,如D

7、oes he/she have long curly hair? Does he wear glasses?等问题,该同学作肯定或否定回答。猜出明星名字最多的组为获胜组。活动4: 画一画活动目的:训练对外貌描述的听力,并增加英语学习的乐趣。活动准备:学生准备好一张白纸和若干支彩笔。老师准备好对某位名人的外貌描述的磁带或文字稿。活动过程:学生听磁带或听老师读,并根据听到的内容把人物画出来,最后评比看谁画得最像。活动5: 我心目中的外星人活动目的:充分发挥学生的想象力,综合训练学生对于外貌描述的听说读写能力。活动准备:学生阅读有关外星人的报道和文章,初步确定自己的思维和想象。学生准备一张白纸和若干

8、彩笔。活动过程:学生个人活动。每人充分发挥自己的想象,画出自己心目中的外星人的形象,并在旁边用文字描述其外貌及特点。然后每人上台介绍自己的外星人。课后将全班同学的作品贴在教室里,评出创意最好的同学。活动6: 我的新形象活动目的:让学生发挥想象力,并融合自己的观点和好恶,学会为自己或他人设计形象,对所学知识进行实践运用。活动准备:学生了解有关形象设计色彩搭配等方面的知识。老师设计好需要形象设计的场景,如:学校即将要举办一个新年晚会,快快为自己设计一个新形象吧!活动过程:学生先用图画或短语记下自己新形象的大致模样。然后4-6人小组活动,向其他组员描述自己的新形象,看谁的设计最有创意。全班同学都把自

9、己的形象设计写成一篇文章,并配上图画,贴在教室里展出。活动7: 寻人启事活动目的:对外貌描述进行口头和笔头综合训练,同时训练学生对所学知识进行实践应用。活动准备:老师设计好寻人启事的场景。如:Mrs Green的女儿Tina今天在公园里走失,Mrs Green立即打电话向警察局寻求帮助。学生准备角色扮演的相关道具。活动过程:学生2人小组活动。学生A扮演Mrs Green,学生B扮演警察,编对话。然后每小组上台表演。最后每位同学都依据Mrs Green的描述写一份寻人启事。三、教学过程建议本单元分为5课时完成。The First Period教学目的:学生学会对人物进行简单地外貌描述教学重、难点

10、:词汇:curly, straight, medium, height, heavy, build, beard, glasses, blonde句型:What does your friend look like? She is medium build. She has long hair.语法:用于描述的形容词。教学过程:1. Present new words.Ask some students to the front of the class and describe their looks.For example:T:He is tall.He has short curly h

11、air.What does he look like?S:He is tall.He has short curly hair.Draw pictures on the Bb to present the two new words “beard” and “blonde”.2. Section A 1aAsk Ss read the words and match the words with the people in the picture.Check the answers.3. Section B 1aAsk Ss read the words and match the words

12、 with the pictures.Check the answers.4. Section A 1bDo listening practice and check the answers.5. Section A 1cAsk Ss to make conversations to describe the persons in the picture on page 41.Fox example:SA: What does the boy look like?SB: He is tall and he has short curly brown hair. 6. Activity-Whic

13、h man is your father? 见活动设计建议 活动17. HomeworkDo some listening and reading.Write short passages to describe what your parents look like.The Second Period教学目的:学生练习对人物外貌特征及着装的描述。教学重、难点:词汇:always句型:What does she look like? Is she tall? I think I know her. She always wears a red dress and white shoes.语法:

14、Yes/No问句及简短回答。 wear一般现在时的用法。 Is/ has(have)的准确应用。教学过程:1. RevisionAsk Ss to describe their parents.Fox example:T: What does your father look like? S1: He is medium height and medium build. He has short hair. He has a beard.T: What does your mother look like?S2: She is tall but thin. She has long curly

15、 hair. Focus attention on the two words: “is” “has”.2. Section A 2aListen and circle “is” or “has”.Check the answers.3. Section A 2bListen and fill in the chart.Check the answers.4. Section A 3Ask Ss to fill in the blanks according to the picture.Ask Ss to practice the conversation in pairs.5. Game-

16、 Lets draw 见活动设计建议 活动46. HomeworkDo some listening and reading.Write a passage to describe one of your friend.The Third Period教学目的:学生练习对人物外貌描述,并学会简单谈论人物的性格特点。教学重、难点:词汇:captain, team, popular, good-looking, bit, a little bit, joke, never, stop, tell jokes, stop talking, the captain of语法:形容词的应用教学过程:1.

17、 Revision and presentationPresent new words and target languages by asking questions.Fox example:T: What does your friend look like?S: He is tall and medium build. He has short black hair.T: Is he a quiet boy?S: Yes, I think so. He is a little bit quiet.T: What sports does he like?S: He likes footba

18、ll. 2. Section A 3aAsk students to cover the descriptions, try to describe the four persons by themselves.Fox example:T: Please look at the first picture, what does he look like?S1: He is tall and thin. He has short curly black hair.T: What does he wear?S2: He wears a blue T-shirt and brown pants.T:

19、 What is in his hand?S3: Its a book.T: Can you guess what he likes doing?S4: I think he likes reading books. Read the descriptions.Match them with the pictures and check the answers.3. Section A 3bDo pairwork.4. Activity-Who is he(she)? 见活动设计建议 活动25. HomeworkDo some listening and readingDo section B

20、 1bCollect information about a famous person.The Fourth Period教学目的:学生学会把本单元知识和前面单元已学知识综合对人物进行描述。语法:形容词的恰当应用。 Yes/ No 问句及简短答句。教学过程:1. RevisionRevise by asking questions.Fox example:T: Do you have a favorite movie star or sport star?S: Yes. Jackie chan is my favorite movie star.T: What does he look li

21、ke?S: He is not tall but handsome. He has medium build. 2.SectionB 1bMake sentences about famous musicians or actors and fill in the blanks.3. Section B 2aDo listening practice. Check the answers.4.Section B 2bDo listening practice.Check the answers.4. Activity- Who is he(she)? 见活动设计建议 活动35.Self Che

22、ck 3Look at the picture and answer the questions.Check the answers.6. HomeworkDo some listening and reading.Write a passage about your favorite pop singer or movie star or sport star. The Fifth Period教学目的:学生学会对自己或他人进行合理的形象设计,并简单表明自己的观点和好恶。 学生学会对所学知识进行实践应用。教学重、难点:词汇:remember, nobody, singer, say, tee

23、ny, huge, wise.句型:He doesnt wear glasses. I dont think hes so great. Nobody knows me.语法:形容词的准确应用。教学过程:1. Presentation T shows some pictures of pop singers and say:These famous people often have different looks. They often have new looks. Please look at these two pictures of Zhou Jielun. What does he

24、 look like in Picture 1? S1: He has short hair. And he wears sunglasses. T: Yes, you are right. What does he look like in Picture2? S2: He has long hair. He doesnt wear glasses. T: Do you like his new look? S3: Yes, I do. I like Jay very much. I think he is great and cool. S4: No, I dont like his new look. The long hair is not good. 2. SectionB 3aRead the article then fill in the blanks.Check the answers.3.Section B 3bFill in the blanks according to the pictures.Check the answers.4.Activity-My new look 见活动设计建议 活动65.Activity- A missing girl 见活动设计建议 活动76.Homework:

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