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1、职场英语3046789049职场英语看办公室着装办公室的白领们相信都有过这样的行为吧,坐在工位的时候大家都穿平底鞋或拖鞋,而一旦要离开工位,就登上高跟鞋。办公室的着装的确让人感觉很累,但为了公司形象和礼仪又必需要整齐大方,现在我们就用职场英语说说办公室着装。Stiletto heels高跟鞋could be banned from the workplace because of health and safety reasons, according to the Trade Union bosses.英国工会的领导们认为,基于健康和安全方面的原因,工作场所应该禁穿细高跟鞋。您是不是觉得英国

2、工会领导太英明了,会真心的从员工的健康和安全着想,那么高跟鞋为什么会对健康不好,且听职场英语继续分解:Feet bear the brunt of daily life, and for many workers prolonged standing, badly fitted footwear, and in particular high heels can be a hazard. Around two million days a year are lost through sickness as a result of lower limb disorders.“足部每天承受着日常生

3、活的重担,对于许多要长久站立的劳动者来说,不合脚的鞋,特别是高跟鞋是危险之源。每年约有200万天的病休是由下肢不适而导致的。”Wearing high heels can cause long-term foot problems, such as blisters, corns and calluses, and also serious foot, knee and back pain and damaged joints.“穿高跟鞋可引发长期的足部疾病,比如水泡,鸡眼,老茧,以及严重的脚部、膝部和背部疼痛和关节损伤。”Many employers in the retail sector

4、 force women workers to wear high heels as part of their dress code.“许多零售业的雇主会强迫女员工穿高跟鞋,并把穿高跟鞋作为着装规范的一部分。”More must be done to raise awareness of this problem so that women workers and their feet are protected.“我们必须采取更多行动来唤起人们对这一问题的认识,从而使女员工和她们的脚受到保护。”虽然英国工会从健康角度提出了对员工的保护声音,但却从另一个议院传出了反对的声音,职场英语,高跟鞋

5、可以为职场带来帮助?Nadine Dorries, the Tory MP, however criticised the motion and said the extra height heels give women can help them when in the workplace.然而,托利党下院议员纳丁娜多瑞斯对这一建议提出批评,她说高跟鞋带来的额外高度能在工作场所对女性有所帮助。Im 5ft 3in and need every inch of my Christian Louboutin heels to look my male colleagues in the eye

6、, she said. If high heels were banned in Westminster, no one would be able to find me.她说:“我的身高是5英尺3英寸,我需要借助我的克里斯提鲁布托高跟鞋的高度才能平视我的男同事,一寸也不能少,如果高跟鞋在议会被禁,那就没人能看得见我了。”The TUC need to get real, stop using overtly sexist tactics by discussing womens stilettos to divert tension away from Labour chaos.“工会联盟需

7、要实际一点,不要再用这种带有明显性别歧视的策略来讨论女人的高跟鞋,从而引开人们的视线,缓和工党的混乱局面造成的紧张气氛。”Michelle Dewberry, a former winner of The Apprentice, said the motion was patronising.真人秀连续剧学徒的往届冠军米歇尔杜伯里说这个建议感觉是在给女性什么恩赐。This is absolutely ridiculous and I think these union officials should be spending their time dealing with more impor

8、tant issues, she said.她说:“这个提议非常荒谬,我认为这些工会官员们应该把这些时间花在处理更重要的问题上面。”Im at work in five-inch heels and perfectly able to do my job. Heels are sexy, they boost your confidence and they are empowering to women.“我现在就穿着5英寸的高跟鞋在工作,而且毫不费力。高跟鞋很性感,它能让人感觉更自信,还能赋予女人们力量。”I cant imagine these officials debating a

9、motion about how tightly men should wear their ties. Wearing heels is a personal choice.“如果这些官员们在一起讨论男人的领带应该系多紧,我不能想象那将是怎样的一番情景。穿不穿高跟鞋纯粹是个人选择。”的确,穿不穿高跟鞋完全可以看个人选择,相信每个公司的职场着装要求是整洁大方,并没有要求穿高跟鞋之说吧,健康第一。西岸英语科学观:职场英语午睡的秘密来源:互联网日期: 2011-08-31中午不睡,下午崩溃?为什么会出现这种情况,年纪轻轻的怎么就这么没活力呢?职场英语帮你解读,午睡的秘密。If a 20-minut

10、e nap, a cup of joe, and more shuteye at night were in a cage match, who would win for reducing that classic afternoon dip? The answer is: (in order of effectiveness)二十分钟的小睡,一杯咖啡,晚上多睡一会,这三样哪种能更有效地减轻下午的瞌睡?答案如下(根据有效度排序):1. Nap 小睡2. Caffeine 咖啡3. Then more nighttime sleep 晚上多睡会儿A new study just release

11、d proves the power of a nap over a jolt of caffeine and even more sleep at night. Its actually the first such study to look at all three methods for combating the afternoon lull thats commonly experienced-and which is a very normal physiological response to the body cycling through its natural rhyth

12、ms during the day.一项新研究刚刚证明小睡的威力强过一罐咖啡甚至是晚上多睡一会儿。这实际上是第一次让三种对抗下午犯困的方法同台竞技。事实上,下午犯困是一天之中人体生理节律导致的非常正常的生理反应。为什么我对小睡排第一一点都不奇怪?看职场英语帮你分析以下几个原因:Naps refresh you at a cellular level that-sorry, Soda-caffeine just cant do.小睡会在细胞层面让你清醒,这些是一杯可乐或者咖啡无法完成的。Its easier to over-sleep than you think. Biologically,

13、the body doesnt necessarily need that extra sleep if you force yourself to sleep more at night. (And getting sufficient sleep doesnt mean your body wont go through the dip regardless; its a natural, physiological phenomenon tied more to your circadian rhythm than to your previous nights sleep and po

14、tential sleep debt.)你比你想象的更容易睡多。从生理上来说,即便你强迫自己在晚上睡得更多,但其实身体并不需要这些额外的睡眠。(而且,睡眠充足并不意味着你的身体就不会有回落的过程。这是一种天生的、生理的现象,主要受到生理节律而非前一晚睡得多少或者有没有缺觉的影响)。But heres a big caveat: most people would probably choose caffeine over a nap, and ditch the nap entirely. Downing caffeine can be easier, quicker, and sociall

15、y more acceptable in many ways. Finding a place to nap in the middle of the workday can be a challenge. And studies have also shown that when deciding between a nap and an attractive wakeful activity, they choose the activity.不过我要给你一条最重要的提醒:很多人会选择咖啡因而不是小睡,他们完全不会打盹。喝杯咖啡可能更容易、更快、而且在很多方面更容易让社会接受。工作的时候找个地方小睡一下可能是个难题。研究还表明当决定是要小睡还是进行“吸引人的提神活动”的时候,人们会选择活动一下。Lets face it, coffeehouses have multiple buzzes going on. People. Internet. Connectivity. Social interaction. Exchanges of ideas. And tasty trea

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