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本文(度中考英语总复习 第1部分 教材梳理 七下 第3节 Units 14课时作业.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

度中考英语总复习 第1部分 教材梳理 七下 第3节 Units 14课时作业.docx

1、度中考英语总复习 第1部分 教材梳理 七下 第3节 Units 14课时作业【2019-2020年度】中考英语总复习 第1部分 教材梳理 七下 第3节 Units 14课时作业一、单项选择()1. I saw _ movie named A Dogs Purpose last night. Do you know about it?Yes. _ movie is about a story between dogs and men.A. the; An B. an; The C. a; The D. /; A()2. (2017青岛)Which is your new English teac

2、her?The young lady _red over there.A. with B. in C. on D. for ()3. Tom, what club do you want to join?Well, I want to join the _club. I love painting.A. chess B. sports C. art D. English ()4. I didnt tell her the truth because I was _of upsetting her.After all she was a little girl at that time.A. a

3、fraid B. proud C. kind D. painful()5. Do you often go to the gym?No,_. I dont like sports at all.A. always B. never C. usually D. often()6. Jane, what kind of food would you like for lunch, tomato noodles or rice?_is OK. I dont mind.A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. All ()7. There are lots of _that pe

4、ople have to follow in our society.A. problems B. exercises C. rules D. skills()8. How times flies! We should _our love for our parents and make them know how much they mean to us.A. hide B. except C. show D. accept()9. Regular aerobic(有氧的)_can not only make you relaxed, but also improve your memory

5、.A. experience B. promise C. exercise D. experiment()10. Remember _to my sons birthday party next Sunday.Of course I will.()11. (2017南阳模拟)Uncle John always walks as much as he can _healthy.A. keeps B. to keep C. keep D. keeping ()12. (2017南阳模拟)I dont feel very well. Im afraid you_ me your cold.Oh, I

6、m sorry to hear that.A. give B. will give C. had given D. have given()13. (2017甘肃白银)_have you stayed in this city?For more than 10 years.A. How far B. How soon C. How long D. How old()14. Where is Lucy?She _ in the music club now. She will take part in a singing contest next Friday. A. was singing B

7、. will sing C. is singing D. sings()15. (2017福建改编)Michael, could you tell me_?Id like to join the dancing club.A. why you like the dancing clubB. which club you are going to joinC. whether there are any clubs in your schoolD. what club are you going to join二、完形填空(2017四川凉山州改编)Last month, I joined a c

8、lub called “Passing Help”. This group was set up to help somebody out and pass help along. _1_ did I join in? Let me tell you the reason. One afternoon in winter, my old car _2_ on my way home. It was 30 miles away from my home. Its too far to go home on foot. I wanted to find a taxi but there wasnt

9、 one. _3_ I decided to take a bus home.I waited at a bus stop nearby. It was _4_ and everything looked white. After a while, a bus came, but it didnt go to my town. The bus driver was a young woman. She was kind and she told me which bus I should take. I waited there for about thirty minutes, but _5

10、_ bus came. A car came to me and a woman came out of the car at last. She was just the bus driver.“Its a long way.” I said.On the way she told me a _8_. A few days ago, there wasnt gas in her car. An old man drove her up to a gas station and then back with some gas.When we arrived home, I wanted to

11、give her some money to _9_ her, but she didnt accept it.“I only want to do something _10_ for somebody. Pass help along.” she said.()1. A. how B. why C. when D. where()2. A. lay down B. died down C. took down D. broke down()3. A. So B. Though C. But D. Or()4. A. sunny B. snowy C. windy D. cloudy()5.

12、 A. some B. any C. no D. not()6. A. forget B. remember C. think D. leave()7. A. at B. for C. to D. in()8. A. story B. tale C. joke D. notice()9. A. choose B. help C. encourage D. thank()10. A. responsible B. valuable 三、阅读理解Many parents like setting family rules for their kids. When kids break rules,

13、 parents will give them some punishments. 1._In fact, when you tell your kids about a new rule, you should talk with them about the price they should pay for breaking the rule what the punishment will be.2_That means punishments shouldnt have violence or threats (暴力或威胁). For example, if you find you

14、r son smoking, you may limit his social activities for two weeks. You should punish your kids only in ways you have discussed before the rule is broken. A study shows that the most popular punishment is to limit kids TV time.3_Punishment is a way to express your anger, but its not a very good one. T

15、ry to share your feelings of anger, disappointment or sadness with your kids. 4._ When your kids know what they have done has made you sad, they will feel sorry. When they know their actions influence you greatly, they will obey rules better.5_ If your rules or ways of punishment make them unhappy o

16、r under a lot of pressure, are they helpful?根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、内容完整。A. Punishments you set should be fair and proper.B. And the punishments arent included in rules.C. Rules are made to help your kids behave better.D. Its understandable that youll be angry when rules are broken.E.

17、 That may have a better result.四、词语运用 workablediscoverlosethemfindtakeunlessiffarskillfromYou either have it, or you donta sense of direction. But why is it that some people could find their way across the Sahara without a map, while others may lose 1._in the next street?Scientists say we are all bo

18、rn with a sense of direction, but it is not properly understood how it 2._. One theory(理论)is that people with a good sense of direction have simply worked harder at developing it. Experts suggest that if we dont use it, we will 3._it.“Children as young as seven have the 4._to find their way around,”

19、says Professor Jim Martland.“However, if they are always 5._ everywhere by car, they cannot develop the 6._.” Jim Martland also says young people should be taught certain skills to improve the sense of direction. He makes the following suggestions:7._you leave your bike in a strange place, put it ne

20、ar something like a big stone or a tree. Remember some landmarks(地标)as you go away 8._your bike. 9._ your direction by using streets in a town or walls in the countryside.Count your steps so that you can know how 10._you have gone.五、补全对话A: Hi, Tom! Tomorrow is Sunday. 1._?B: I will go to the old peo

21、ples home.A: 2._?B: Because I want to help the old people there clean their rooms and chat with them. A: That sounds wonderful. Can I join you?B: Of course. That would be nice.A: By the way, 3._?B: Riding a bike or taking a taxi, which do you prefer?A: 4._.B: I agree with you. We should protect the

22、environment with our actions. 5_?A: What about 8:00 oclock at the school gate?B: OK. See you then.A: See you.六、书面表达智能手机功能的多样化使人们对手机的依赖度越来越高,中学生也不例外。然而很多学校不允许学生在校内使用手机。请你以“Should students be allowed to use mobile phones at school?”为题,写一篇英语短文,谈谈你的看法。要求:1. 观点明确,条理清晰; 2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;3. 词数80左右。Should

23、 students be allowed to use mobile phones at school?_参考答案:一、15 C B C A B610 B C C C A1115 B D C C B二、15 B D A B C610 D C A D B三、15 B A D E C四、1. themselves2. works3. lose4. ability5. taken6. skills 7. If8. from9. Find10. far五、1. What are you going to do2. Why do you want to go there3. how can we go

24、there4. I prefer riding a bike5. When and where shall we meet(15小题答案不唯一,符合题意即可)六、Should students be allowed to use mobile phones at school?Nowadays, mobile phones are playing an important role in our daily life. However, many schools dont allow students to use mobile phones at school. I do agree wit

25、h this. Here are some reasons.First, if students are allowed to use mobile phones at school, they will spend too much time on phones instead of schoolwork. That will get in the way of their study. Second, some students may use mobile phones to search for answers to the difficult problems without thinking by themselves. They will form a bad habit. Third, using mobile phones too long will be bad for students eyes.In short, I dont think students should be allowed to use mobile phones at school.

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