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1、计算机英语实用教程课后题参考答案课后 参考答案unit 1Ex. 1根据课文内容,回答以下问题:1) It is primarily responsible for executing instructions.2) Through the monitor.3) All processors, memory modules, plug-in cards, daughterboards, or peripheral devices can be plugged in those sockets. 4) The binary system is used.5) Through clever for

2、matting.6) They are similar to each other. ROM only cannot be altered and does not lose its contents when power is removed.7) “Mouses”8) Floppy disks can be removed from their drives and hard disks cant.9) Because it is faster than many types of parallel port.10) I/O Port.Ex. 2根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇(使用

3、学过的单词、词组或缩略语)英 文 解 释词 汇1) A processor whose elements have been miniaturized into one or a few integrated circuits. It is usually used in PC.1) CPU2) The main board of a computer, usually containing the circuitry for the central processing unit, keyboard, and monitor and often having slots for accept

4、ing additional circuitry.2) motherbosard3) A unit of a computer that preserves data for retrieval.3) memory4) A hand-held, button-activated input device that when rolled along a flat surface directs an indicator to move correspondingly about a computer screen, allowing the operator to move the indic

5、ator freely, as to select operations or manipulate text or graphics.4) mouse5) A set of keys, as on a computer terminal, word processor, typewriter.5) keyboard6) A connection point for a peripheral device.6) port7) A machine code telling a computer to perform a particular operation.7) instruction8)

6、The information or image displayed at a given time on a monitor, display, or video terminal:8) screen9) An input device, sometimes part of a standard typewriter keyboard, consisting of a separate grid of numerical and function keys arranged for efficient data entry.9) keypad10) Information put into

7、a communications system for transmission or into a computer system for processing.10) inputEx. 3把下列句子翻译为中文:1)绝大部分计算机上键盘是主要的文本输入设备。2)最常见的鼠标器顶部有两个按钮,左按钮是用得最多的。3)Win 95 和其它操作系统让用户可以调节鼠标器的灵敏度。4)有些系统向用户提供几种不同的光标显示方式供选择。5)有些人用鼠标垫子提高鼠标球滚动的摩擦力。6)右边第二个按钮通常提供一些不太常用的功能。7)有些鼠标器厂家也为左撇子提供适用的鼠标驱动程序。8)如今鼠标器是任何个人计算机

8、用户图形界面不可分割的一部分。9)键盘也包括某些标准功能键。10)IBM兼容机为商用机(也可用于家庭)Ex. 4把下列短文翻译成中文 系统前面板和普通键盘有专门控制键,用户可以使用这些控制键实现主要的多媒体功能:观相片、听音乐和看电影。前面板还有为看电视和阅读电视指南而设的快速启动按钮。Ex. 6将左栏和右栏的单词匹配构成复合单词后再将其翻译成中文:Column AColumn BChinese meaning of compound worddaughterwriterdaughterboard 子板softwhatsoftware 软件plugformplug-in 插件keyrelate

9、dkeyboard 键盘typeintypewriter 打字机platpadplatform 平台somewaresomewhat 有一点儿(表示程度)mathputmath-related 与数学相关的keyboardkypad 数字小键盘inboardinput 输入Ex. 7用名词做宾语将下面汉语译成英语1. The order of access to different locations does not affect the speed of access.2. We typically/usually store data in Ram. (or Data is typica

10、lly/usually stored in Ram.)3. The mouse can control a pointer on the screen. 4. Some keyboards have independent shift lock and caps lock keys. Ex. 8用that从句做宾语将下面汉语译成英语1. You should know that you can not only read data from the disk but also write new information to it. 2. You should realize that flo

11、ppies do not hold too much data.3. Our computer teacher said that USB is much slower than Firewire.4. I think/believe that the CPU is primarily responsible for executing instructions.Ex. 9用疑问连词引出的从句充当宾语翻译下列各句。1. Please say what the monitor does.2. I wonder (want to know) why the memory can produce a

12、rbitrary rational numbers.3. I dont know whether all the disks can be removed from their drives or not.4. Can you suggest where I can buy a U disk?Ex. 10根据文章所提供的信息判断正误1. (F) 2. (F) 3. (T) 4. (T) 5. (F) 6. (F) 7. (T) 8. (T) 9. (T) 10. (T) 11. (F) 12. (T) 13. (F) 14. (T)unit 2Ex. 1根据课文内容,回答以下问题:1) Som

13、e drives are not capable of having new data written to them, such as CD-ROM or DVD-ROMs.2)The signals or power is transmitted along the bus.3)The are meant to perform user-defined tasks.4)Yes, it can also demodulate analog signals and converts them to digital signals.5)Using PCI, a computer can supp

14、ort both new PCI (32 bit) cards while continuing to support Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) expansion cards (16 bit).6) To promote standards for a credit card-size memory or I/O device that would fit into a notebook or laptop computer.7) “P & P” refers to such devices that you plug into a compu

15、ter and the operating system can recognize automatically.8) It allows PC to communicate with peripheral hardware such as disk drives, tape drives, printers, scanners etc., much faster than previous interfaces. 9) CD-ROM can store large amounts of information.10) Because it stores the computers opera

16、ting system, files, programs and documents.11) It sends the images to the monitor.12) Inkjets and bubble jets can.13) Graphic intensive users will.14) It cannot reproduce music, sounds and voices.15) BIOS or CMOS.Ex. 2根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇(使用学过的单词、词组或缩略语)英 文 解 释词 汇1) A device that reads data from and

17、writes data onto a storage medium, such as a floppy disk.1) drive2) The part of a system that produces printed matter.2) printer3) Numerical or other information represented in a form suitable for processing by computer.3) data4) To vary the frequency, amplitude(振幅), phase, or other characteristic o

18、f (electromagnetic waves).4) modulate5) An integrated circuit that contains the entire central processing unit of a computer on a single chip.5) microprocessor6) a criterion.6) standard7) The point of interaction or communication between a computer and any other entity, such as a printer or human op

19、erator.7) interface8) An activity providing entertainment or amusement; a pastime:8) game9) Circular regions a disk is divided into9) tracks10) The combination of equipment needed to run a computer system10) configurationEx. 3把下列句子翻译为中文:1)带宽通常用每秒钟的位数来计量。2)56K的调制解调器每秒钟能够转换大约57,000位。3)ISA(工业标准结构)是标准总线

20、结构,与IBMAT主板相关。4)声音可以通过喇叭或耳机输出。5)一个G字节相当于1000个兆字节。6)鼠标器,键盘和打印机都可以通过电缆线与计算机连接。7)打印机电缆通常为数据的传输提供串行或并行的通道。8)声音可以通过连接在计算机上的麦克风输入。9)例如,打印机打印结束后就会向计算机发出中断信号。10)声卡让你听音乐CD,欣赏DVD电影强烈的音响效果,录音编辑音频文件。Ex. 4把下列短文翻译成中文Intel 865PE作为一个新的主流平台,尽管速度不如875P那么快,但与以前的850E芯片组基础上的高端性能相比,在强烈依赖内存的多媒体中及实时三维应用软件中具有极高的性能。除了低成本系统,I

21、ntel把865系列定位为所有系统的主流平台。对于手头拮据的家庭用户和IT用户,这提高了性能水平。而这在以前只有发烧友和低端工作站级系统才使用。Ex. 7用动词不定式或V-ing做宾语将下面汉语译成英语1. I prefer to use/using the inkjet rather than the laser printer. 2. As technological improvements were made, the overall size of computers began to shrink/shrinking.3. If you are a graphic intensiv

22、e user, you cant avoid using a scanner.4. If youre planning to play multimedia games, make sure you have a sound card/you have to own a sound card/your computer has to be equipped with a sound card.5. When your monitor fails to display any character,try checking the video card. 6. There are viruses

23、in the hard disk, which need killing/to be killed.7. I suggest you buying a 56K modem.8. How forgetful you are! You forgot my telling you that GB stands for gigabyte.9. When a printer has finished printing, it sends an interrupt signal to the computer.10. Im planning/intending/meaning to buy a noteb

24、ook rather than a desktop computer.Ex. 8根据文章所提供的信息判断正误1. (F) 2. (F) 3. (F) 4. (T) 5. (T) 6. (F) 7. (T) 8. (F) 9. (F) 10. (T)11. (T) 12. (T) 13. (T) 14. (F)unit 3Ex. 1根据课文内容,回答以下问题:1) It is produced in or on a small slice of silicon.2) It is read only memory, ie. a kind of permanent memory that canno

25、t be changed.3) This measurement is generally used when describing the speed of computer systems.4) It controls the data flow between the processor, memory, and the other components of the system.5) It retains its data after the power is removed.6) It uses a synchronous interface to do it.7) The pur

26、pose is to ensure all communication from the chipset is collected by the clock edge, providing a controlled delay on heavily loaded memories. 8) They are nanosecond (lower is faster) and MHz(higher is faster). The former is for EDO and FPM and the latter is for SDR SDRAM, DDR, SDRAM, and RDRAM.9) SR

27、AM does not need to be refreshed and it retains its contents even when the main current is turned off while DRAM is a kind of volatile memory.10) Hard drive.Ex. 2根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇(使用学过的单词、词组或缩略语)英 文 解 释词 汇A tiny slice or chip of material on which is etched or imprinted a complex of electronic comp

28、onents and their interconnections.ICA fast storage buffer in the central processing unit of a computer.CacheA small memory that allows fast access to permanently stored data but prevents addition to or modification of the data.ROMA machine code telling a computer to perform a particular

29、structionA minute slice of a semiconducting material, such as silicon or germanium(锗), doped(掺杂质)and otherwise processed to have specified electrical characteristics, especially before it is developed into an electronic component or integrated circuit.chipThe main board of a computer, usually contai

30、ning the circuitry for the central processing unit, keyboard, and monitor and often having slots for accepting additional circuitry.motherboardOf or relating to the generation or transmission of electricity.powerA single complete execution of a periodically repeated phenomenon:cycleTo change in form

31、 or character; alter.modifyA source of regularly occurring pulses used to measure the passage of time, as in a computer.clockEx. 3把下列句子翻译为中文:1)BIOS(基本输入输出系统)经常被叫做CMOS(互补金属氧化物半导体),它为计算机硬件和软件提供了一个接口。2)BIOS(基本输入输出系统)的配置决定了访问硬件的方式。3)EDO是异步动态随机存取存储器操作模式。与动态随机存取存储器相比,它改善了访问时间。4)一级高速缓存是集成在处理器中的小型高速缓存,能够使用户快速访问最近使用过的数据。5)校验位查看其它8位并判断它们是奇数还是偶数以及相对的是0还是1。6)系统把8位与校验位比较。如果它们两都是奇数或偶数,数据就被认为是正确的。7)如果一个是偶数,一个是奇数,那就出错了,一般来说系统就要无法操作。8)PC100规范为100MHz FSB主板上的 SDRAM模块定义了需求标准。9)PC133 SDRAM可以用在100MHz FSB的主板上,但在性能方面比不上100MHz.上的PC10

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