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1、专业八级考试试题及答案解析一专业八级考试试题及答案解析(一)一、Listening Comprehension (News Broadcast)(共4小题,共4.0分)In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 第1题 According to the news, US consumer confidence _.A slipped in five successive monthsB slipped

2、in seven successive monthsC has dropped to its lowest level in five yearsD slipped one more point this month【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】听力原文 US consumer confidence dropped in November for the fifth straight month to its lowest level in more than seven years (1). The latest survey, a key indicator for t

3、he US economy, was released Tuesday by the Conference Board, a private business research group. The latest numbers show Americans are increasingly worried about jobs, as the number of unemployed keeps rising this year. Consumer confidence slipped another few points this month, more than experts were

4、 predicting. The figures show consumers are more concerned about the present economic situation than they have been in recent years. Also, persistent fears over terrorism apparently are adding to the peoples worries (2). Economists say signs of falling confidence in the US economy could not have com

5、e at a worse time. It suggests less robust shopping during the end of the year holiday season. US retailers are already gloomy, as customers worried about their current financial situation seem to be shopping more cautiously. Consumer spending accounts for about two-thirds of US economic activity.题目

6、问美国消费者信心下滑的情况。短文开头就直接给出了答案:“US consumer confidence dropped in November for the fifth straight month to its lowest level in more than seven years”,即11月美国的消费者信心连续5个月下跌至七年多来的最低点,所以正确选项是A。第2题 What resulted in the falling confidence?A Fear over terrorism.B Worse financial situation.C Both A andB.D Shoppi

7、ng more prudently.【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】题目问是何导致了消费者信心的下滑。报道中提到:“the present economic situation”和“persistent fears over terrorism”,即选项A和B,而shopping more prudently则是消费者对财政状况担忧的结果,所以得出正确答案为选项C。第3题 What can be learned about the barrier?A The barrier was first approved three years ago.B Construction o

8、n the barrier was slow due to legal wrangling.C The Israeli government is determined to erect the barrier by September 1th.D The barrier is built to keep suicide bombers out of the West Bank.【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】听力原文 Israel has approved construction of its controversial security barrier around J

9、erusalem. The decision has angered Palestinians as we hear from Robert Burger at the VOA bureau in Jerusalem.Israels cabinet decided that construction of the separation barrier around Jerusalem will be accelerated. Israel began erecting the controversial barrier two years ago to keep Palestinian sui

10、cide bombers out. But legal obstacles and bureaucracy have slowed construction (1). Now the government means business. Planners have until September 1st to complete preparations. Palestinians are furious because the barrier cuts off the West Bank from East Jerusalem, which they want as the capital o

11、f a future state. Four Arab neighborhoods will be outside the barrier, separating 55,000 Palestinian residents of Jerusalem from jobs, schools and hospitals (2). With prospects for a final peace agreement looking dim, the barriers part of Prime Minister Ariel Sharons plan to unilaterally redraw Isra

12、els borders. Robert Burger for VOA News, Jerusalem,题目问关于隔离墙的正确表述,文中提到以色列两年前就开始修建颇受争议的隔离墙,“But legal obstacles and bureaucracy have slowed construction”,即由于法律上的阻碍和官僚的行政体制,修建进程放慢了。故选项B的表述正确。第4题 Why were the Palestinians furious?A The barrier cut off the West Bank from their capital.B The barrier block

13、s 55,000 Palestinians access to education and health care.C Jerusalem residents have no jobs, schools and hospitals.D A final peace agreement looks dim.【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】题目问巴勒斯坦人愤怒的原因。虽然巴勒斯坦希望将东耶路撒冷作为未来巴勒斯坦国的首都,但目前还不是,所以排除干扰项A。短文提到:“separating 55,000 Palestinian residents of Jerusalem from jo

14、bs, schools and hospitals”,即隔离墙的修建会让55,000巴勒斯坦居民失去工作、教育和医疗的机会。二、Reading Comprehension (Comprehension)(共20小题,共20.0分)In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best

15、answer. Mark your answers on Answer Sheet Two. 第1题 Business travelers used to be the cash cows of the hotel business. Armed with corporate credit cards and expense accounts, theyd happily lay down hundreds of dollars per night for the privilege of a Godiva chocolate on their pillow and a sunken whir

16、lpool tub in their bathroom. But just as prolonged corporate belt-tightening has forced road warriors to use budget airlines, more and more of them are now eschewing five-star lodging in favor of cheaper accommodations. Indeed, earlier this year the US National Business Travel Association released f

17、igures showing that 61 percent of corporate travel managers planned to book their people into lower-priced hotels in the coming year.Heres the good news: penny-pinching is translating into better deals at cheap and up-market hotels alike. Services at middle-market hotels are rising to accommodate a

18、new wave of more demanding corporate customers. And luxury hotels are working harder to keep business travelers coming, offering lower rates, special packages and extra services. Even though business-travel volume is set to rise by more than 4 percent in 2004 after three dismal years, hotels will co

19、ntinue to be under pressure in large part because a weak dollar is forcing American business travelers to search for value.Some of the best deals are coming from the big chains. In January Starwood Hotels announced it would upgrade its global middle-market brand by rolling out flee high-speed wirele

20、ss Internet access in all guest rooms. On the flip side, upscale brands like Inter-Continental and Ritz Carlton are selling empty rooms at discount rates via online services. That has the effect of depressing luxury- room prices, because corporate travel managers can now demand that hotels match the

21、ir own discount prices all the time. Inter-Continental hotels in France and Germany have been hit so hard that they are actually repricing their rooms to reflect rates before the dollar began falling. Upscale hotels like Waldorf-Astoria, Sofitel are also trying to offer extra services.But beware of

22、new, hidden fees. In an effort to make up some of their lost revenue, hotels are starting to charge corporate travelers for things that used to be free, including breakfast, banquet or meeting rooms.Aside from saving companies money, the trend in frugal business travel may give rise to a whole new m

23、arket segment, the buy-to-let hotel room. Last week in London, British property developer Johnny Sandelson launched GuestInvest, a hotel in Notting Hill where users can purchase a room for 235,000, use it for a maximum of 52 nights a year themselves, then rent it out the rest of the time to make ext

24、ra money. It seems an idea whose time has come: GuestInvest says it has already fielded hundreds of calls from business people interested in making a cheaper hotel their second home.According to the text, business travelers used to _.A take budget airlinesB book lower-priced hotelsC enjoy privileges

25、 in hotelsD be customers of luxurious hotels【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】题目问下列关于商务旅行者过去的做法哪项是正确的。第1段第1句提到:“Business travelers used to be the cash cows of the hotel business(商务旅行者过去通常是酒店行业的可靠收入来源)”。第3句指出:“more and more of them are now eschewing five-star lodging in favor of cheaper accommodations(他们当中越来越

26、多的人现在开始放弃住五星级酒店而选择更便宜的旅店)”。由此可见,商务旅行者过去通常住高档酒店,D符合文意,故为答案。第2题 How do hotels react to the penny-pinching policy?A They have to raise their rates.B They charge more on extra services.C They offer better deals for travelers.D They are suffering successive dismal.【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】题目问酒店如何应对“节约开支”

27、政策。根据题干定位第2段。第1句提到:“penny-pinching is translating into better deals at cheap and up-market hotels alike(节省开支正促使廉价酒店和高档旅店都提供更好的服务)”。然后第2、3句详细介绍了中档酒店和豪华酒店的做法:“Services at middle-market hotels are rising to accommodate a new wave of more demanding corporate customers. And luxury hotels are working hard

28、er to keep business travelers coming, offering lower rates, special packages and extra services(中档旅店正提高其服务质量,豪华酒店正采取措施如降低价格、提供优惠和额外服务来吸引顾客)”。C符合文意,故为答案。第3题 Travelers can now demand hotels to match their own prices because _.A travelers only have limited budgetB hotels are trying hard to keep good bu

29、sinessC hotels are trying to depress their pricesD travelers demand for extra services【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】题目问为什么旅行者现在能要求旅店的价格和他们所期望的价格保持一致。第2段第3句告诉我们:“luxury hotels are working harder to keep business travelers coming, offering lower rates, special packages and extra services”。第3段第3句提到了高档酒店的具体措

30、施“upscale brandsare selling empty rooms at discount rates via online services(豪华酒店通过网络以折扣价招揽客人入住)”。紧接着介绍了产生的影响:“That has the effect of depressing luxury-room prices,because corporate travel managers can now demand that hotels match their own discount prices all the time(这起到了降低豪华房价价格的效果,因为现在客人可以要求酒店的

31、价格与折扣价格一致)”。由此可见,旅店这么做的是为了降低价格,而降低价格是为了吸引顾客,保持生意兴旺。故B为答案。第4题 Compared with traditional hotels, the buy-to-let hotel _.A provides better room and serviceB attracts more attentions from travelersC costs less and can be profitableD makes travelers feel more at home【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】题目问下列关于购买用于出租

32、的酒店的说法哪个是正确的。根据题干定位第5段。首句指出节俭的商务旅行趋势也可能导致一个全新市场的诞生,即用于出租的酒店。紧接着作者举了个例子:“GuestInvest,. where users can purchase a room for235,000, use it for a maximum of 52 nights a year themselves,then rent it out the rest of the time to make extra money(客人花235,000英镑就能一整年租下GuestInvest的一个房间,其中自己最多能使用52晚,而其余时间都可以租出去来赚取额外收入)”。末句提到:“GuestInvest says it has already fielded hundreds of calls from business people interested in making a cheaper hotel their second hom

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