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1、裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记第01课横排打印Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话New words and expressionsprivate adj. 私人的(personal)a private conversation 私人谈话a private company 私有公司a private life 私生活a private secretary 私人秘书a private affairs 私事儿eg. That is for your private ear. 这是说给你一个人的秘密。秘密的(secret)a private place 一个秘密的地方a

2、 secret place 一个秘密的地方conversation n. 谈话谈话:talk; say; speak; chat; discuss; gossipconversation n. 非正式谈话 (an informal talk)have a conversation with sb 跟某人谈话eg. I had a quiet conversation with my closest friend. 我跟我最好的朋友进行了密谈。eg. I saw him in conversation with a friend.我看见他在和一个朋友谈话。eg. No conversation

3、while Im talking.我讲话的时候不要谈话。相关短语:1)converse v. converse with sb 跟某人谈话2)talk n./v. talk with/to sb 和某人谈话 talk with/to sb about sth 跟某人谈论什么事情3)say vt. ; say sth 说了一些话 eg.He said nothing. 他什么也没说。eg. What a lovely day, he said.4)speak vt. 讲(语言)speak a foreign language 讲一门外语speak Chinese讲中文speak English

4、讲英语speak vi. 谈话speak to sb 和某人谈话speech n. 讲话谈话make a speech 做演讲 5)chat n./v. 聊天 (talk friendly 友好地谈话)eg. We had a long chat about old times. 我们聊了很多关于过去的事。6)discuss v. 有着严肃目的的讨论 discussion n. 讨论7)gossip v./n. refers to talk about private lives of other people(贬义)说闲话,嚼舌头eg. He is nothing but a gossip.

5、 他就是个爱嚼舌头的人。theatre n. (in US: theater)metremeter (in US) centrecenter (in US)go to the theatre 去看戏,去剧院go to the movies/cinema/film 去看电影,movie (in US):电影theatre=(口)play housetheate goer 戏迷 go+er=goer 去的人。 也可以表达为:play goer 戏迷seat (本课重点词)区别:seat n./vt. si:t 长音sit vi. sit短音chair 椅子,可以搬动的seat n. 座位,固定在某

6、地的eg. We dont have enough chairs here. 我们没有足够的椅子。eg. Is this seat taken? 这个座位有人坐吗?n. 座位,座eg. Have a seat, please. / Take a seat, please. 请坐。eg. I had a very good seat. 我的座位非常好。相当于Maybe I sat in the front of the theatre.也许是我坐在戏院的前面,所以说座位很好。seatbelt=safety belt 安全带in the drivers seat = in the leaders

7、seat/place 在领导的位置上,指某人非常重要的意思。back-seat driver 后座司机,指的是爱指手画脚的人。n. 席位win/lose a seat 赢得/输掉一个席位vt. 安排坐下seat sb 安排某人坐下seat yourself 你请坐eg. Be seated, please. 请坐。表示请坐的方式:eg. Sit down, please. Will you have a seat? Wont you have a seat? Would you have a seat? Be seated , please. Seat yourself, please.pla

8、yn. 玩耍,游戏,娱乐 playboy 花花公子 playground 操场v. 玩,玩耍play with sb 跟某人玩;玩弄某人(慎重使用这个短语)play with sth 玩弄,摆弄什么东西 play with a ball 玩弄,摆弄一个球play with a toy 玩弄,摆弄一个玩具play gooseberry (酷栗)摆弄醋栗,表示当电灯泡,尤其是在情侣之间当电灯泡,也就是妨碍别人谈恋爱的意思。这个短语源自西方习俗。从前有些西方人有钱人家的女孩子都由老妈子伺候着,等到她们长大成人的时候,谈恋爱的时候,或在社交场合也有年长的女伴陪着,据说少女很难有见面的时候,有时候这个在

9、一旁的陪伴的妇女为了便于监视,又不太露骨,便端一盘醋栗在旁包起来。从此,play gooseberry(摆弄醋栗)便表示监视别人谈恋爱的意思,类似中文所说的在情侣之间当电灯泡的意思。v. 玩,比赛play football 踢足球 play basketball 打篮球 play volleyball 打台球play cards 打扑克 play chess 下棋注意:在运动项目的前面不加定冠词theplay the piano 弹钢琴 play the violin 拉小提琴 play the guitar 弹吉他注意:在乐器的前面加then. 戏剧,剧本theatre play 戏剧,剧院

10、上映的那些TV play 电视剧soap play 电视连续剧,因为这样的电视连续在最初是由肥皂公司来赞助,在播放的间隙,穿插的都是肥皂、清洁剂等商品的广告。play goer 戏迷eg. It is as good as a play. (像戏一样的好)好玩极了。eg. You must come here, or, there is no play. 你必须来这儿,否则,就没戏了。no play 没戏区别:play 戏剧,剧本drama 戏,戏剧文学,戏剧艺术opera 歌剧Beijing Opera 京剧loud adj. 大声的loudly adv.大声地 aloud adv. 大声地

11、eg. She called loudly for help.=She called aloud for help. 她大声呼救。think aloud 自言自语adj. + ly adv.angry adj. angrily adv. rude adj. rudely The young man said rudely.这个年轻人粗鲁的说。real adj. really adv. exact adj. exactly adv.quick adj. quickly adv. quiet adj. quietly adv.attention n. 注意pay attention

12、 to sth 对给予注意pay some attention to sth 给予一定的注意pay more attention to sth 给予更多的注意pay close attention to sth 给予密切的注意pay great attention to sth 给予极大的注意pay enough attention to sth 给予足够的注意pay little attention to sth 很少注意pay no attention to sth 根本不注意,毫不理会pay no attention to. 毫不理会turn a blind eye to. 视而不见tu

13、rn a deaf ear to. 充耳不闻draw ones attention/attract ones attention 吸引注意力eg. The new type of computer draws our attention. 新款计算机吸引了我们的注意力。attention v. 注意eg. Attention, please. 请注意。(讲一件事情,要吸引别人的目光时可以这样用)eg. Attention, passengers. The plane leaves at 9 oclock. 乘客们请注意,飞机在9点起飞。(机场广播会有类似的句子)eg. Ladies and g

14、entlemen, may I get your attention, please? 女士们先生们请注意。(正式的场合, 比如国际会议上)eg. Thats all. Thank you for your Thats all. Thank you for your time.感谢你听我讲这些。(讲完的时候可以用)bearn. 熊,粗鲁蛮横的人eg. Hes really a bear. 他真是个粗鲁的家伙。a bear market 熊市(股票下跌的行情)a bull market 牛市(股票上扬的行情)a bear hug 紧紧地拥抱(熊抱)eg. The ol

15、d lady saw me and came and gave me a bear hug. 那个老太太看见我,走过来,给了我一个大大的拥抱。成语:bears service 帮倒忙,好心做坏事源自:俄国作家克雷洛夫的寓言隐士和熊有个隐士久居荒郊,后来跟一只寂寞的熊成为好朋友。有一天,隐士正在午睡时,一只苍蝇落在他的脸上,熊想帮隐士把苍蝇赶跑,可是怎么赶也赶不走,这只熊就生气了,抱起一块大石头就朝苍蝇砸了过去,结果可想而知,苍蝇是被砸死了,可是隐士也被砸死了。由这个故事我们就把bears service比喻成“帮倒忙,好心做错事”。v. 忍受 (stand; put up with sb)eg

16、. I cant bear the young man and the young woman behind me. 我无法忍受身后的这对青年男女。eg. I cant bear it anymore. 我再也受不了了。eg. I cant bear the rude fellow. / I cant bear the bear. 我无法容忍这个粗鲁的家伙eg. I cant bear to be laughed at. 我不能容忍被嘲笑。bearable adj. 可忍受的,经得住的eg. The climate is bearable. 这个气候还是可以忍受的。eg. The pain i

17、s bearable. 疼痛是可以忍受的。bear相关短语:unbearable adj. 难以忍受的,不能容忍的eg. I find his rudeness unbearable. 我发现他的粗鲁让人难以忍受。unbearably adv. 无法忍受地unbearably hot 热得无法忍受unbearably selfish 自私得让人无法忍受business n.贸易,商业,买卖 (trade, commerce, buying and selling)a business man 商人 a business woman 女商人be on business 出差 business h

18、ours (商店的)营业时间do business 做生意 do good business 生意做得好eg. How is your business? 生意怎么样了?(对别人的生意的提问)(以下是对别人关于生意问题的回答)Half and half. 一般。 Just so so. 马马虎虎,一般。Its OK. 还行吧。 As usual. 像往常那样,还那样。Not too bad. 还行,不太糟糕。 Great. 非常的好。Couldnt be better. 非常非常好。事情,事物(matter; affair)eg. Lets get down to business. 让我们言

19、归正传。 (直译:让我们到事儿上去) Lets get/come to business. 让我们言归正传。eg. Its none of your business. 不关你的事。 Mind your own business. 管好你自己的事就行了。(两个小男孩有意思的吵架片段马克吐温)The adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain:Tom Sawyer: Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?The boy: Its none of your business! 关你什么事!Tom Sawyer: Ill make it my busine

20、ss. 我偏问不可!(直译:我就让它成为我的事)The boy: You are a liar. 你这个大骗子!Tom Sawyer: You are another. 你是另一个大骗子!The boy: Get away from here. 你给我从这儿滚开!Tom Sawyer: Get away yourself. 你才滚呢。The boy: I wont. 我才不滚!Tom Sawyer: I wont either. 我也不滚!区别:thing/business/affair/matterthing 任何的事情,事务 (泛指) business 强调职责,责任(自己的私事)affa

21、ir 强调发生过或将要发生的事 foreign affairs 外交事务 public affairs 公共事务 matter 被考虑,被处理的事(问题)(比较令人头疼的)Key structures简单陈述句的语序简单陈述句:叙述一件事。 (只有一套主谓宾)某人或某事(who, which, what):主语动作:谓语动词 被发生对象(who, which, what):宾语例如: 他大声地说。 这个大声是方式,所以,大声地:方式状语;地点(where):地点状语;时间(when):时间状语。简单陈述句的成份: 主语、谓语、宾语、方式状语、地点状语、时间状语(很多情况下,时间状语可以放句首)

22、。主谓宾结构主系表结构(谓语动词是系动词)eg. He left. 主谓(陈述句最少要有主、谓两部分)eg. He left Beijing last year. 主谓宾时间状语时间状语也可以放在句首,所以还能表达为:Last year he left Beijing.Exercises1. The film I enjoyed yesterday I enjoyed the film yesterday.2. The news listened to I quickly I listened to the news quickly.3. Well the man the piano play

23、ed The man played the piano well.4. Games played yesterday in their room the children quietly The children played games quietly in their room.5. A me young behind man sitting and were a woman young A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.Exercises1. The young man and young woman were si

24、tting behind him. He was sitting _ them. A. before B. above C. ahead of D. in front of答案:D分析:B. 在上方;C. 在前面,在之前。并不和behind相对应,也不强调位置的先后顺序。而before和in front of 都是和behind相对应的,都有“在.之前”的意思。in front of 更具体强调位置,表示“在之前”;而before则包含更宽泛的意思,即时间、空间、次序、等级、重要性等方面“在之前”的意思。那么跟题干相对应的,weresitting behind him在他身后,他在他们前面,所

25、以选择答案D. in front of。He wassitting in front of them. 他坐在他们前面。所以方位感表示”之前“通常用in front of。2. The writer looked at the man and the woman angrily. He was very _ . A. sad B. unhappy C. cross D. pleased答案:C分析:A. 悲哀的,忧愁的;B. 不幸的,不快乐的;D. 高兴的; 只有C. cross 表示脾气坏的,易怒的,生气的。3. The writer could not bear it. He could

26、not _ it. A. carry B. suffer C. stand D.lift答案:C分析:A. 提着,扛着,背着,抱着;B. 遭受;D. 举起,抬起; 只有C. stand 和bear一样,表示“忍受”的意思stand 和bear是同义词。4. My orders are important, so pay _ to what I am going to say. A. interest B. attention C. care D. thought答案:B分析:A. 兴趣;B. 注意;C. 小心;D. 想法。pay的固定搭配是:pay attention to 注意,重视, 倾听

27、,而到题干之后呢,含义恰当。即为:我的指令很重要,所以要注意听我将要讲的内容。 并且,另外的三个词都不能与pay构成实义词组。TEXTLast week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat.上星期我去看戏。 go to somewhere 去某地 go to school 去上学 go to work 去上班 go home 回家 go to the theatre 去看戏 go to the cinema 去看电影 I had a very good seat. 我的座位很好。 =Maybe I sat in the front of

28、the theatre.也许是我坐在戏院的前面,所以说座位很好。The play was very interesting. 这部戏很有趣。 interesting adj. 令人感兴趣的eg. The boy was very interesting. 这个小男孩很有意思,让我觉得很有趣。 interested adj. 感到感兴趣的eg. I was interested in the play. 我对这部戏很感兴趣。eg. I am not interested in your affairs. 我对你的事儿不感兴趣。I did not enjoy it. 我却无法欣赏。 enjoy (get pleasure from) 喜欢,欣赏,享用 enjoy+名词 enjoy your life/the meal/the sunshine 享受生活/一顿饭/阳光 enjoy equal rights 享有平等的权力 enjoy +代词 enjoy oneself=have a good/wonderfu

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