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1、八年级英语上册Unit10Ifyougotothepartyyoullhaveagoodtime学案2人教新目标版2019年八年级英语上册Unit10Ifyougototheparty,youllhaveagoodtime学案2人教新目标版【课前预习 自主学习】1. 通过人机对话,磁带或光碟,拼读单词(从meeting至certainly),短语及1a2d教材中的句子2. 完成汉译英练习。1) have a great time = have a good time = have fun = enjoy oneself =play happily _2) wear jeans _ 3) tak

2、e the bus to the park_4) let sb in / out _5) talk about when to have a calss party_【合作探究 课堂导学】1、 预习检查:小组内朗读生词,相互纠正发音,点评短语汉译英练习的答案,有不同意见的做上符2、 自主学习,看图并完成1a.不懂的做记号。 3、 合作研讨:听听力完成1b. 4、 仿照1c pairwork.5成果展示,交流反馈。【互助释疑 精讲点拨】.仔细观察下列例句,然后总结归纳关于if 引导的条件状语从句的用法。1.If it rains next Sunday, we wont go for a pic

3、nic. 如果下周日下雨,我们就不去野餐了。2.If you go to the party, you will meet Uncle Zhang.如果你去参加聚会,就会遇到张叔叔。3.Ill ask the teacher for help if I dont understand. 如果我有不懂的知识,就会向老师求助。4.Well plant trees in the mountains if it is fine tomorrow. 如果明天天气睛朗,我们就要去山上植树。5.Put up your hand if you have any questions to ask. 如果你有问题

4、,请举手。6.If I get there early, I can see the doctor soon. 如果我早到这儿,我就能很快看病。结论1.从以上例句,可知if是_词,它连接了一个_从句,表示假如有从句的动作发生,就会有主句的动作发生。2.通常情况下,主句用_(时态),if引导的条件状语从句要用_时态,常称作“_j将_现”;3.由if 引导的条件状语从句既可以放在主句之_,如例句1、2、6;也可以放在主句之_,如例句3、4、54.从句如果位于主句之前时,常用_将其与主句隔开,如例句1、2、65.若主句是祈使句,if引导的条件状语从句仍用_时态。如例句_; 6.主句不一定总是一般将来

5、时,有时也会出现“_动词+动词原形”的情况,如例句_,从句总是_时态。 注意:在条件句中,主句部分只能使用动词will的一般将来时,不能使用be going to的结构【课内达标】一、单选( )1.I wont go if it _ tomrrow. ARain Bis raining CRains Dwill rain( )2.There _ a football game on TV this afternoon.A. is going to have B. will be C. is going to play D. will play( )3.Tomorrow well go to t

6、he city park _ it is sunny. A. as soon as B. when C. if D. As( )4.Would you like to go to the park with me, please?Id like to, _ you dont want to go alone. A. until B. before C. if D. after( )5.If you _ hard, you will catch up with others.A. working B. works C. work D. will work二、汉译英1. 如果我上课迟到, 老师将不

7、让我进教室。If I _ late for class, the teacher _ _me _.2. 如果你吃更多的蔬菜和水果, 你将会更健康。If you _ more vegetables and fruit, you _ _ healthier.3. 请帮我把笔记本带到学校来, 我把书包落在家了。 Please _my notebook _school. I _it at home.4. 如果你想参加比赛, 你必须每天都要训练。 _you want to take this match, you _ take _ every day.5. 如果我起晚了, 我将没有时间吃早饭。 If I

8、 get up _ , I_ _ no time to eat breakfast.【学后反思 拓展延伸】1. have a great time ( )同义短语:1._ 2._ 3._have a great time 翻译:我们踢足球玩得很开心。_ +V-ing _ have a hard/difficult time doing sth. = have some problems doing sth. ( ) 链接:have a hard time with sth. ( ) have a hard time with sb. ( )2. organize 意为“ ”,词性为动词;org

9、anized 意为“ ”,词性为 形容词; organization 意为“ ”,词性为名词 用法:organize sth. 翻译:我想组织一个聚会。I want to _.3. sothat, tooto和enough to相互转换 (根据班级情况,老师自行决定是否拓展)1). He is old enough to go to school. He is _ _ that _ _ go to school.2). She was so weak that she couldnt take care of her baby.She was _ weak _ take care of her

10、 baby.*sothat与tooto的转换She is so young that she cant go to school. She is too young to go to school.The box is so heavy that he cant carry it. The box is too heavy for him to carry*sothat与enough to的转换The man is so old that he cant go to work. The man isnt young enough to go to work.The desk is so hea

11、vy that I cant move it. The desk isnt light enough for me to move.*enough to的句式为否定式时,enough to可以转换为tooto结构。He is not old enough to do the work. He is too young to do the work.The problem is too difficult for me to work out. The problem isnt easy enough for me to work out.4. do的用法1)If you do, the tea

12、chers wont let you in.如果你那样做了,老师们不会让你进去。2)She works harder than he does.她比他学习努力。(does=works)do,在这两句话中,都不是_动词,而是实义动词,用来表示前面出现过的实义动词,以避免重复,这是动词do的一个特殊用法。3)Who won the basketball game?We _.A. do B. does C. did5. let sb. in的用法1)John is outside. Open the door and let him in.约翰在外面,打开门让他进来。2)The weather is

13、 so nice. We should let the children out. 天气那么好,我们应该让孩子们出去。let sb, in意为“允许某人进入”,in是副词,它的反义词是_.【课前预习 自主学习】1. 预习Section A P742a,2b and 2c Role-play (勾出重点短语)2.翻译原文短语:1).叫大家带食物来 _ 2).从餐馆点餐 _ 3).只带薯条和巧克力 _4).懒得不会烹饪_ 5).给大家发小礼物_ 6).一个好主意_ 7).更加精彩 _ 8).组织篮球比赛_ 9).提前离开 _ 10). 一半的同学_ 11) 举行晚会的好时间 _3.预习完成3a和3

14、b的练习,有疑问做上符号【合作探究 课堂导学】1. 预习检查:小组内收集预习勾画出来的短语,词组。并小组点评短语翻译的答案2合作研讨:听听力完成2a,2b. 3. 仿照 2d Role-play 编对话,pair work.4成果展示,交流反馈。5. 检查预习3a和3b 的答案,小组答疑。2.advice / advise / suggestion : 1.)advice “建议,意见”,不可数名词, 其动词形式为advise, 其同义词为suggestion , 但为可数名词。 some /much =a lot of =lots of / a little / a bit of +advi

15、ce= some / many=a lot of = lots of /a few +suggestions 一些/许多 /一点建议 ; a piece of advice = a suggestion 一条建议= two suggestions; two pieces of advice 两条建议2.) give sb some advice / suggestions (on sth ) (在某方面) 给某人一些建议; give sb some advice / suggestions on how to do sth 建议某人怎样做某事/ 在如何做某事方面向某人提供建议; advise

16、sb (not ) to do sth 建议某人(不)做某事; advise sb about sth 在某方面建议某人【课内达标】.补全对话A: Are you going to _?B: Yea, I am. _ to wear my new jeans!A: You cant do that!B: What will happen if I do?A: _. You should wear your cool pants.B: Thats a great idea.续写对话,根据所给的词或短语补全对话。snacks, ice cream and soda, my cousin Dave

17、from another school, your ID CardA: Im going to the school party. B: Me, too. Lets bring some snacks.A: Oh, we cant do that. B: Really? Why not?A: If we bring snacks. The teachers will take it away. B:。2.take away的用法1)If you do, the teachers will take it away. 如果你带了(食物),老师们将把它拿走。2)Dont take away the

18、 magazine on the shelf. 不要拿走架子上的这些杂志。take away 是动-副词组,意为:“_”,当代词作宾语时,一定要放在away的_面。3)Dont use your mobile phone in class, or the teacher will take _.A. it away B. away in C. them away3. if 引导宾语从句的拓展 (根据班级情况,老师自行决定是否拓展)A. if, Whether B. whether, Whether C. if, That D. if, If【思路探究】if 当译为“是否”引导宾语从句时, 它和

19、whether基本上可以通用。但whether有一个固定用法, 即whetheror not. 在本题的结构中if, whether不能互换。 另外, if当译为“是否”可以引导条件状语从句, 而whether不能. ( ) If you _ him tomorrow, please ask him if he _ to work on the farm with us.A. see, goes B. will see, goesC. will see, will go D. see, will go【思路探究】第一个if引导的是条件状语从句, 根据 “主将从现”的原则, 排除B和C选项。第二

20、个if引导的是宾语从句, 意为 “是否”, 因此要根据句子的实际时态进行判断。【课前预习 自主学习】1.预习单词wallet到halfway.2、找出下列短语的原文英语1.)快乐 2.)环游世界 3.)上大学 _ 4.)出名 _ 5.)接受教育 _ 6.)成为足球运动员 _ 7.)加入“狮子”队 _ 8.)刻苦 _ 9.)对于许多人来说 _ 10.)看起来像 _ 11.)努力工作 _12.)挣很多钱 13.)给我一些建议 _【合作探究 课堂导学】1、预习检查:小组内收集预习勾画出来的短语,词组。2、小组核对短语答案 3、听对话,完成1b,1c的听力任务。4、小组合作,演练对话1d。5、.合作探

21、究完成下列知识点。1.make a lot of money赚钱 make与不同的词组成词组。造纸 交朋友 生火 铺床 沏茶_谋生 _ 下决心 _ 打电话 _2.join/ join in / take part in的区别1)If you join the Lions,如果你加入雄狮队2)He joined the army in 1948.他在1948年参军。3)They took part in the game last Friday.= they joined in the game last Friday.上星期五他们参加了那项比赛。join用于_; take part in= j

22、oin in 用于_3.around the world的含义 “遍及全世界,世界范围内”2)We have friends around the world.=We have friends all over the world.=We have friends throughout the the world. 我们的朋友遍天下。3)Jack hopes to travel all over the world when he grows up.Jack hopes to travel _ _ _when he grows up.4)He traveled about/round/arou

23、nd the world.他周游了全世界。5) They sat about/round/around the fire. 他们围火而坐。around +地点,表示“在周围”时,相当于_,三者常可互换。【互助释疑 精讲点拨】.be famous for表示“因而出名”, for后接表示出名的原因;be famous as则表示“以身份而著名”,as 后接职业、身份或地位,表示作为职业、身份或地位是著名的,如:France is famous for its fine food and wine. 法国以其佳肴和美酒著名。France is famous as a romantic countr

24、y 法国作为一个浪漫的国家而出名。二、.单项选择。( ) 1. Being famous will _ you rich. A. make B. bring C. help D. give( ) 2. Sometimes we have to make a living _ doing something we dont like. A. on B. by C. in D. as( ) 3. _ cross the street if the traffic lights are red. A. Doesnt B. Not C. Dont D. Cant( ) 4. Well hold a s

25、ports meeting if it _ fine next Monday. A. is B. was C. be D. will be( ) 5. Can you answer the telephone if it _? A. ring B. rings C. will ring D. is ringing【学后反思 拓展延伸】1make a living (by) doing sth. 以(靠)做某事谋生 = do sth. for a living make a living as +职业 以(靠)某职业谋生2. around the world世界各地 = all over the

26、 world = throughout the world3. all the time 一直 = always4. make sth. / sb. + v.原/形容词 (迫)使某事或某人 翻译:这个好消息使我很开心。The good news _. 老板逼他的工人们一天工作10小时。The boss _ 10 hours a day.5.对宾语从句中的成分提问1. I think you should go to college. (提问) - What do you think I should do ?2. He knows Tom is at home. (提问) -Where does he know Tom is. 规律:特殊疑问词+主句的一般疑问句结构+ 宾语从句(陈述句语序)【课前预习 自主学习】(一)通过人机对话:跟读、朗读2b ,扫清语音障碍(二)预习文章找出下列短语的英文表达1.给某人一些建议_ 2.上大学 _ 3.成为职业足球运动员_4.担心 _ 5. 从专家那里得到建议_6. 尝试做某事 _ 7.在某方面存在问题 _ 8.解决问题 _ 9.对其他人说 _ 10.丢钱包 _ 11.害怕. _ 12.生气 _ 13.犯粗心的错误 _ 14.叫她仔细一些_

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