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1、大学英语听力常用单词历年听写考过的单词复合式听写必背单词126个第一组:42个准备四级考试词汇时,要全方位地记单词,看、听、读、写相结合,单词的读音、拼写、词义、用法都同等重要。additional architecture artificial average boring cancer coupled crossed describe despite destroyed distant emotionally ensure established experiences familiar focused historical increasingly instruments investi

2、gated mysterious normal percent perhaps permitted popular prints quality recommend relatively retirement romantic ruining species success typical uniform value variety worlds(09年12月14年6月)classified background album appreciation implies image calling up mixed with shoot informational in touch with pr

3、eserve appreciate households convenientrates submit philosophies thoughts care aboutsurvive distant stand still backward discoveredmotion predicted serve as capture definition company single on my own vacation sewn evidence journey independence take responsibility for burdencalculators handle items

4、responding emergencies rarely no murders property left lying around careful withforeign concerned with interpersonal controlled abruptlyreferences indication appointment highly valued believe inespecially driven commit pay off turn outshocking contract losing ruin deal within addition software avail

5、able individuals technologicalmanufacture in short by contrast scientific quantityidentical approach back and forth opposite indicatesreferring to parallel to reserved at a right angle embarrassing第二组:84个容易拼写错误的词。每个人都会有自己的盲点,一些容易拼写错的单词必须给予足够的重视,练习中要及时发现,认真总结,采取相应的对策。下面是经专家统计后归纳的一些常用的容易拼写错的单词,希望大家认真记

6、背。请大家重点注意元音字母a,e,i(y),o,u的发音、字母组合的拼写顺序,辅音字母的双写,不发音的字母。campaign architecture artificial emotionally species mysterious established instrumentsinvestigated recommended acceptable accidentallyaccommodate acquire amateur apparentargument believe calendar categorycemetery changeable collectible columncom

7、mitted conscience conscientious consciousconsensus definite discipline drunkennessembarrassment equipment foreign gratefulguarantee harass height humorousignorance jewelry judgment leisurelibrary license lightening maintenancemedieval mischievous misspell neighbornoticeable occasionally pastime pers

8、everancepersonnel playwright possession precedeprincipal/ principle privilege publiclyquestionnaire receive/receipt recommend referredreference relevant restaurant rhymeschedule separate sergeant their/theyre/therethreshold twelfth tyranny untilvacuum weather/whether weird李学萍早读听力听写词汇1-10套(80个词)spoke

9、sman suppliers cooperation approved decision current treatments resistancerelease direction records status background overseas connection screamed out joined sign confined undergoing needs early frustrated Dismissed focused emotionally distant cancer retirement crossed related increasingly practiced

10、 based world stress components stretch relax mind doubled seasonal rivals expectations trading income profits line mysterious coupled ruining means percent species ensure average limited valued lack especially increase bottom urges qualified efforts crisis improved narrowed farther trouble racial re

11、ducing puzzled differ typical odd conversation personal friendly offensive 四级考试听力高频词汇集锦词汇在四级英语考试中越来越重要,词汇量的大小和对单词掌握熟练程度直接影响着听力、阅读和写作及其它部分得分。广大考生如想在短时间内掌握词语的用法和搭配,须总结积累,集中记忆,以达到熟练词语用法的目的。基于这一目的,本章按大纲的要求,对四级考试中出现频率高且容易混淆的名词词组、形容词词组、介词、动词短语作了详细的总结,并且严格按照大纲上的词汇表,结合历年四级真题编写了常考重点词组的练习。考生可在反复记忆和实践中,培养出语感,提

12、高得分率。表示说话人态度的形容词(38个)positive 赞成的,肯定对 approving 赞成 negative 否定的,反对的 critical 批评的questioning 质问的 neutral 中立的 detached 不偏不倚的 suspicious 怀疑的 doubtful 不敢肯定的 compromising 妥协的 tolerant 忍让的indifferent 漠然的 unconcerned不关心的 concerned 关注的 worried担心的 pessimistic悲观的 depressed 沮丧的confident 有信心的 optimistic 乐观的inte

13、rested 感兴趣的 contemptuous 鄙视的hostile 有敌意的subjective 主观的 personal有个人观点的persuasive 说服人的 biased 带偏见的opinionated 固执己见的 objective 客观的impersonal 不带个人感情的 informative 提供信息的factual 实事求是的 impartial不偏袒的formal 正式的 reverent 恭敬的polite 礼貌的 informal 非正式的casual 随便的 familiar 熟悉的 词汇及短语是听力理解的基础。考生必须掌握大纲要求的基本词汇,而且应有意识地积累

14、日常口语词汇,包括一些习惯用语。口语对话中,经常会用到一些短语。有时考生不是听不懂说的是什麽,而是不懂习语的意思。因此,听力考试前必须积累一定数量的短语,这样才能应付自如。下面列举一些常用短语:1) 一些经常用来回答的短语:(13个)by all means 务必,尽一切办法 by no means 决不no way 不可能,没门儿 out of question 没有问题out of the question 不可能,不容讨论 at all costs 不惜一切代价in no time 立即,马上 in no way 决不no doubt 毫无疑问 no problem 没问题Would I

15、 ever. 当然愿意 beyond sbs reach 超出某人的能力之外 beyond question 毫无疑问2)一些常用的动词短语:(58个)come across 碰见 come down with 因病到come up with 想出 come about 发生come out 出现 come to 苏醒do away with 去掉 get rid of 除掉drop out 放弃,离开 face up to 面对fall behind 落后 fill out 填写表格get across 使被理解 get along with 与相处get down to 认真对待 get

16、over 恢复go/get through 结束,完成 give in 屈服give out/off 散发出 give up 放弃go ahead 请做,继续 go on (with) 继续hand in 上交 hand over 移交take over 接管 win over 争取,说服hold up 耽搁 keep up 赶上leave out 省略 let down 使失望look into 调查 look out 当心look on 旁观 look forward to 期待make out 理解,认出 care for 喜欢care about 关心 carry out 执行catc

17、h up with 赶上 check in 登记,报到check out 结帐,离开 clear up 天晴count on 依靠,信赖 count out 把排除在外cross out 划掉,去掉 cut down 削减cut in 插话 break in 打断讲话cut off 切断 call for 要求call off 取消 call on 号召,拜访drop in 拜访 call up 打电话ring up 打电话 ring the bell 让某人想起figure out 算出,弄明白 work out 想出办法,解决常用副词(147个)absolutely完全地,绝对地abund

18、antly丰富地accordingly因此,所以,于是accurately 准确地,精确地accidentally偶然地,意外地actually事实上,竟然,居然,如今acutely尖锐地,剧烈地adequately充足地,足够地adversely逆地,反对地anxiously忧虑地,不安地annually一年一次,每年apparently显然地approximately近似地,大约arbitrarily武断地,任意地,专横地artistically有艺术地,在艺术上artificially人造地automatically自动地,机械地barely仅仅,几乎不能,刚刚basically基本上,


20、ely相反地,逆地cooperatively合作地critically批评地,关键地,危急地,重要地crucially决定性地,关键地currently普遍地,通常地,现在,当前definitely明确地,干脆地deliberately故意地densely浓密地,浓厚地desperately拼命地,失望地diplomatically外交上,外交地directly直接地,立即diversely不同地,各色各样地dominantly占优势地,支配地dramatically戏剧地,引人注目地effectively有效地,有力地efficiently效率高地elaborately刻苦经营地, 精巧地,



23、ly仅仅,只,不过miraculously奇迹地,不可思议地namely即,也就是naturally自然地necessarily必要地negatively否定地,消极地normally正常地,通常地obviously明显地originally最初,原先 particularly独特地,显著地peculiarly特有地,特别地permanently永久地,永存地,不变地 positively断然地,肯定地practically几乎,简直promptly敏捷地,迅速地presently目前,不久presumably推测起来,大概primarily首先,起初,主要地,根本上probably大概,或许



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