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1、M2U1完整导学案道县一中高一英语导学案M2U1Period 1 M2U1 Reading一课前预习1Do you believe in unexplained things such as UFOs,Yetis and monsters?Why or why not?2. What other unexplained things do you know about?3. If you saw a UFO or a monster some day,what would you do ?There are 4 pictures on page 41, can you imagine a si

2、tuation that fits each picture?二课内合作Have a discussion:Did you experience something mysterious? Would you like to share it with us?Read the title of the article. (Boy missing, police puzzled)1) Does the title arouse your interest when you read it? Can you complete the title?_2) What information can y

3、ou get from the title?_3) Can you guess what details may be covered in the following news story?_ Read the passage quickly and then answer the following questions.1) What is the article about?_2) Who is missing_3) Do the police know what happened to Justin?_Read the article carefully and try to fill

4、 in the formsMain pointsSupporting detailsThe boy went missingMr foster was surprise_Justin Foster_The police found Justin returned homeJustins friend said that _Witness said that_The boy was taken away by aliensKelly saw _Kelly heard_Marks Wood said_Reading strategy.1) Do you often read newspapers?

5、 what kind of news do you like to read?_2) How do you select the news you like to read?_Period 2 M2U1 language points一课前预习预习课文,划出重点的句型和结构。二课内合作Language points1. Police have not ruled out the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens,but are looking into other possibilities.( 从句)rule out 排除(可能性)1)W

6、e cant rule out the possibility of enormous debt._2)我不能排除遇到麻烦的可能性。_拓展延伸:短语: rule off 画线隔开 rule over 统治,治理possibility n.1.可能性,可实现性(不可数的)(of/that)1)the possibility of success/rain_2)Is there any possibility that he will go abroad?_3)This is a possibility that cant be ruled out._2.可能发生的事,可能有的事(可数的)His

7、retirement is a possibility._look into 1)调查,检查 2)向里看 翻译:1)His disappearance is being looked into by the police._2)警察正在调查事故的原因。_拓展延伸:look out 1)当心(for)2)往外看look on as=regard as.look over 了望,越过。看look down on(upon) 1)俯视2)轻视(人/行为)look up 1)向上看 2)查阅look up to 1)仰似 2)尊敬(人/行为)look through 1)通过。看2)浏览look ah

8、ead 向前看,考虑look back 回忆,回顾look forward to 盼望look sb. up and down上下打量某人look sb. in the face/eye直视(正视)2.I didnt see him but I heard him put on his favorite CD. 翻译 _ put on 猜测下列put on 的意思:1). Put your coat on before you go outsides . _2) Shall I put on the lights ? _3) We are putting on a concert to rai

9、se money for the earthquake victims ._4) put on a performance _5) put on weight _ 拓展短语:put up 建立, 张贴 put up with 忍受;put out 扑灭,生产;出产; put off 延期;推迟put away 储存(钱);把收起来put down 记下, 压制:把某物放下3. The aliens took me away so that they could do research on me. 翻译划线部分: _. 那些外星人将我劫持走了,好拿我来做研究。research n.调查,研究(

10、工作) (可与不定冠词连用,也可用复数,但不与数字,many 连用)vt. & vi. ( into) 研究 翻译:1)大学毕业后,我继续致力于我的研究._.2)这些科学家正在开展一个对癌症病因的研究. _ the causes of cancer.短语: do scientific research on ; make researches on _carry out a research into _be engaged in research _猜猜看: researcher , researchist 中文_同义词 _.4.I heard Justin shouted, and the

11、n the UFO just disappeared. I havent seen him since. since . 自从 1) conj + 句子 (从句常用一般过去时,主句用_) 2) prep + 时间点 句子用 _ 时态 3) adv (常句末,由上文而知”自从”) = ever since 翻译: 1) 自从我上次见到你后,你到哪里去了? _? 2) 我们到这里刚好三个月了. _. 3) 自从1983年,中国发生了巨大变化. _. 4) 他1970 年离开家乡,从那以后,只回去过两次. _. 注意两句的不同: 1).I havent heard from him since he

12、 left Beijing ._. 2) I havent heard from him since he lived in Beijing ._.讲解: _.5. “It happened to me !” happen vi 1) (偶然)发生 某人发生某事 _ 翻译: 1) 昨天他发生了一起交通事故. _.归纳: 其它的”发生”:_ 2) 碰巧. sb happen to do sth = It happens that cl . _. 翻译: 我昨天碰巧在街上遇见他. (用3种方式表达)1) _ .2) _ 3) _.6. make up 请翻译句子并圈出其中文意思: 在你第一次会议上

13、,你一定要编写出规章手册。(a rule book) At your first meeting, _. 非汉族人口几乎占云南人口的30%。 Non Han people _ nearly 30% of Yunnans population. I have to make up the lessons I missed. _ 他们把他打扮成一个老头,出演这出戏的最后一幕。They _ as an old man for the last act of the play. They have quarelled seriously 3 times but each time they have

14、made up and become best friends again. _归纳make up的意思:_ _ _ _三:小试牛刀1.Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and _ jokes. A. turning up B. putting up C. making up D. showing up2.Happily for Johns mother, he is working harder to _his lost time.2000上海春A. make up for B. keep up

15、 with C. catch up with D. make use of3._ this book and tell me what you think of it. 90NMETA. Look through B. Look on C. Look into D. Look up4._! Theres a train coming. 91NMETA. Look out B. Look around C. Look forward D. Look on5.She _ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it ri

16、ght. 97NMETA. looked up B. looked for C. picked out D. picked up四:Homework Period 3 M2U1 Wordpower一课前预习1 Go through the text on page 6.2 Pick out those words which seem too difficult 3 Study the following words.Space astronaut launch rocket dream of artificial sample discover pick provide protect co

17、llect4 Work on the following exercise选用框中单词的适当形式填空Space astronaut launch rocket dream of artificial sample discover pick provide protect collect1) Since she feels sick of the smell of some flowers,she often buys some_ones2) No evidence of life has been _ on the moon so far3) Fei Junlong and nie hais

18、heng are_ who took a trip in shenzhouVI4) He likes_coins when he travels to small towns5) In those years we produced oil tanks and _them for many car factory6) Milu deer are being well_in the wild in Dafeng,jiangsu7) They showed me the _ of the cloth I wanted to buy8) Can you tell me when_were inven

19、ted in history9) He bought a new car last year and often_me up to my office10) Scientists are devoting themselves to carrying out rearch in out _11)Iran_some new types of misssiles to warn foreign armies not to invade12) She has a beautiful coice and _ becoming a singing star5 Work on Part C on Page

20、 7二课内合作1 讨论答案2 努力弄懂每一个句子3 听老师讲解题目4 讨论并学习老师的答案,质疑。三:小试牛刀翻译下例句子1, 政府已启动了一项为人们建造更多住房得计划(launch)2, 我被选中来做这项实验 (carry out)3, 如果你方便的话,来机场接我可以吗?(pick up)4, 他在旅法途中学了点法语(pick up)5, Jim 在大学期间染上了抽烟的习惯(pick up)6, 她在年轻时总梦想着成为一个电影明星(dream)7, 到目前为止他们开展这项研究已经三年了(so far)8, 我们发现他是个很好的厨师(discover)四:Homework Period 4 M

21、2U1现在完成与现在完成进行时一课前预习Fill in the blanks with proper tenses.1. We _ (study) English for about five years.2. They_ (live) in the south since their daughter was born.3. I_ (read) your article three times. Its well written.4. The student _ (finish) her homework already.5.The police_ (just finish) searchi

22、ng the area.Fill in the blanks with proper tenses.1 _you _ my pen? Yes, I _ it on your desk just now.(see)2 _ you_dinner? Yes, I _ it with Mary.(have)3 _ the postman_yet this morning? _Did the postman come this morning?(come)4. I _ him for a long time. (know)5. Hello! I _(not)you were here in Nanjin

23、g. How long have you been here?(know)6.I _ (teach) English for 5 years .二课内合作现在完成时的构成: have/has + done 1.现在完成时表示的动作在说话之前已完成,但对_造成影响。句中没有具体时间状语。 We have bought a new computer. 含义是现在已经有电脑了。 He has given up drinking. 含义是他现在已经不喝酒了。He has gone to Beijing. 她已经到北京去了。 含义是:她已前往北京,或在途中,或已到过现在人不在这里。 He has been to Beijing. 她曾到过北京。 含义是:她去过北京。表示一种经历,说话时她还在这里。2.现在完成时可以表示过去发生而持续到_(也许还会继续进行下去)的动作或状态。这一用法通常都要与for, since等开头的表示一段时间的状语连用。She has lived here for more than ten years. 她已在此住了10多年了。含义是她可能现在已不住在这里,也有可能再住下去。She has studied English since 1998. 她从2004年起就开始学习英语。for后接的是

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