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1、人教版必修五英语学分认定试题2013-2014学年第一学段模块学分认定考试 高二英语试题满分150分,考试时间120分钟.单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)1. Below the topsoil of the earth is the subsoil, _layer that contains stones mixed with a small amount of_organic matter.A. a; the B. the; theC. 不填; 不填 D. a; 不填答案:D考查冠词。句意:第一空表示“一层”,所以用不定冠词;第二空organic matter表示“有机物”,是专有名词,因

2、此不加冠词。2_blood if you can and many lives will be saved.AGiving BGive CGiven DTo give答案:B考查句式。句意:如果可能的话,你献血就会挽救很多人的生命。此处考查“祈使句and youll.”句式。3Is he the teacher you often refer to?Right, just the one from_you know I have learnt a lot.A.whom BhimCthat D.who答案:A考查省略和定语从句的用法。句意:“他就是你经常提到的那位老师吗?”“是的,你知道(他就是

3、)我从他身上学到了很多东西那个人。”由句意可知,答语just前承前省略了he is,因此the one后部分是定语从句,介词from后接whom。4His play was popular and every time_about it, he owed his success to the support of his friends.A. talking B. talkedC. to talk D. when talking答案:A考查状语从句的省略。句意:他的演出很受欢迎,每次谈到这一点,他都会把他的成功归于朋友的支持。every time后省略了句子的主语he和动词was。5If yo

4、u ask many different questions, you will_all the information you need to know.A.quit B.acquireCconvince Dadvocate答案:B考查动词。句意:如果你多问问题,你一定会获得你想知道的信息。acquire“获得,取得,学到”。6You arent angry at his disgraceful joke?No,_it.Ive never laughed so much in my life.A.more than B.apart from C.instead of Dfar from答案:

5、D考查短语。答语句意:没生气,一点也没生气。我感到非常高兴。far from“远非,绝不”;more than“多于,不仅仅是”;apart from“除之外”;instead of“代替”。7The most important word in the sentence has been_, so it doesnt make any sense.A. made out B. picked upC. left out D. held up答案:C考查动词短语。句意:这个句子中最重要的词被漏掉了,所以讲不通了。leave out“遗漏,省略”;make out“辨别出,理解”;pick up“

6、捡起,好转”;hold up“阻碍,拦截,举起”。8When will the expert come and give the lecture on intellectual property?Not until our program_by the authorities.A. approves B. has been approved C. is to approve D. will be approved答案:B考查时态和语态。until所接时间状语从句用一般时态表将来,所以排除C、D两项;再由句意“等主管部门同意了我们的计划专家才会来做报告”可知,用现在完成时表现在完成将来时。9Il

7、l join you later there are a few things I need to_in my office first.Aattend to B.apply for Cappeal to Dlay off答案:A考查短语。句意:待会儿我再找你,办公室有一些事需要我先处理一下。tend to“处理”;apply for“申请”;appeal to“吸引”;lay off“退休”。10I have been persuaded that the print media are usually more_and more reliable than television.A.acc

8、urate BridiculousCurgent Dshallow答案:A考查形容词。句意:我相信纸质媒体通常比电视更加精确可信。accurate“精确的”。11When can I use your computer?Never! _should you touch it. A. At no time B. In no timeC. At any time D. At one time答案:A考查介词短语。四个选项意思分别如下:绝不、在任何时候都不;立刻、很快、马上;在任何时候;曾经、一度。再结合所学知识:否定副词置于句首,句子需要部分倒装,例如:At no time should you

9、give up studying. 在任何时候你都不应放弃读书。故此选择:at no time。12How do you like the set of popular science books?Wonderful! It_many problems we are interested in exploring.A. refers B. consults C. covers D. writes答案:C考查动词。句意:“你觉得这套流行的科学方面的书怎么样?”“很好!它涉及了我们感兴趣的很多问题。”cover“包括,涉及”符合句意。13We could hardly believe what s

10、he says because she is_ _changing her mind.A. regularly B. steadily C. eventually D. constantly答案:D考查副词。句意:我们不相信她说的话,因为她的心思总在不停地变化。constantly“不停地”;regularly“规则地”;steadily“稳步地”;eventually“最后,终于”。14Was it because of the heavy snowstorm in Europe_the flight had to be put off?A. which B. soC. why D. tha

11、t答案:D考查强调句型。句意:是不是因为欧洲的大雪这次航班才不得不取消?强调句型的疑问句式是Was it.that.?15_you have picked up, you must give it back to_ _it belongs to.A. Whatever; whoever B. What; whoeverC. No matter what ; no matter who D. Whatever ; no matter who答案:A考查状语从句和名词性从句。无论你捡到什么,都必须还给它的主人。第一空是让步状语从句,可以用whatever或者no matter what;第二空是宾

12、语从句,必须用whoever。.完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)When I was 14, I was hired for an afterschool job selling subscriptions(订阅单)to my hometown paper, the Houston post. I was _16_to some of the citys worst neighborhoods to solicit(请求)doortodoor._17_I was often struggling around after dark in bad areas searching for gara

13、ge apartments;I was _18_for the work.It was a _19_because people didnt like a stranger knocking on their doors,_20_ a kid trying to get them to buy something. _21_,a man slammed(猛击)his door in my face and screamed,“I dont want any damn paper.”I _22_myself to knock again and finally I was _23_to tell

14、 him how great the paper was. I _24_ selling him a subscription. I was soon _25_the top subscription sellers and, like other successful salesmen, was given_26_for training new comers.Around this time I started _27_the harmonica and guitar. Before long I was playing in a band at chilicookoffs and oth

15、er events. When I _28_18, I focused my attention on becoming a professional musician. I never_29_ sight of this dream. Im sure my perseverance came from _30_I learned from knocking on strangers doors.That_31_helped me in many ways. Early in my music career I was _32_ in a legal dispute (争论)with a fo

16、rmer manager. He_33_me to back off, but I refused.Having all those doors slammed in my face as a kid gave me the _34_ to stand up to this intimidating(恫吓的)figure. Except this time there was one difference: I was the one saying no.And I _35_.16A.taken BmadeCtold Dsent答案:D根据上下文和文化背景可知此句的句意是:我被派遣到。be s

17、ent“被派遣,被指派”,因此选D。17A.Even though BFor fearCAs if DShortly after答案:A尽管我经常在天黑以后寻找有车库的公寓,但是我还是很感谢这份工作。因此用even though。18A.fearful BgratefulCsuccessful Dcareful答案:B根据上下文可知这份工作是他人生很重要的经历,虽然很困难。fearful“害怕的”;grateful“感激的”;successful“成功的”;careful“细心的”;根据句意可知选B。 BtroubleCchallenge Dtask答案:C根据上下文可知这项工

18、作一开始对普通人是一种挑战,因为你要挨家挨户地推销报纸。因此选C。20A.even BjustConly D. especially答案:D根据上下文可知对一般人来说这是种挑战,尤其对一个孩子来说,这更是种挑战,因此选D。21A.At one time BLater onCSoon after DBefore long答案:A根据上下文可知作者是在讲述自己的一次经历,一次不好的经历,at one time“曾经”;later on“稍后”;soon after“不久之后”;before long“不久”;因此选A。22A.asked BforcedCmade Dadvised答案:B根据上下文

19、可知在这种情况下作者是强迫自己再一次敲开别人的门,因此选B。23A.angry BgladCshy Dable答案:D根据上下文可知作者强迫自己再一次敲开门,并且能够告诉他这份报纸有多棒,四个选项只有able符合,因此选D。24A.ended up Bfailed inCbegan with Dinsisted on答案:A根据上文可知作者强迫自己再一次敲开门,劝说别人买他的报纸,最后成功了,也就是说最终结果卖出一份报纸,end up doing sth.“以做某事结束”;fail in doing sth.“做某事失败”;begin with doing sth.“以做某事开始”;insis

20、t on doing sth.“坚持做某事”;因此选A。25A.on BamongCbeyond Dinto答案:B根据上下文可知因为作者的坚持不懈,很快他就成为了最佳推销员之一,among“在之间”,因此选B。26A.honour BchanceCresponsibility Dopportunity答案:C本题考查名词和介词的搭配,A、B和D三项一般与介词of连用,而只有responsibility能与for连用,句意是:像其他成功的推销员一样,我被赋予了训练新的推销员的职责,因此选C。27A.making BdoingCplaying Dgetting答案:C弹奏乐器用play。28A.

21、kept BgotCstayed Dturned答案:D本题考查动词的用法。根据句意:当我18岁了,我要成为一名专业音乐家。这四个选项都是系动词,get“变得”;keep“保持”;stay“保持”;turn“变为”;因此选D。29A.caught BrememberedClost Dleft答案:C根据上下文可知句意是:我从未忘记过我的梦想,我确信我的韧性就来自于敲开陌生人房门的经历。lose sight of“忽视,忘记”,因此选C。30A.where BwhichCwhat Dthat答案:C本题考查代词的用法。根据句意:我确信我的韧性来自于敲开陌生人房门的经历,what引导的从句作fro

22、m的宾语,又作learned的宾语,因此选C。31A.experience BmemoryCincident Daccident答案:A根据上下文可知句意是:这个经历在很多方面帮助了我。因此选A。32A.stopped BlockedCgot Dhit答案:C根据上下文可知句意:在我的早期音乐生涯中,我卷入了一场与以前的老板之间的法律纷争,be got in sth.“卷入某事”,因此选C。33A.encouraged BmadeCbegged Dpressured答案:D根据后文可知作者的前老板强迫他退出,可是他拒绝了,因此选D。34A.hope BstrengthCability Dspi

23、rit答案:B根据上下文可知句意是:孩提时候那些猛烈关闭的门给了我力量来经受住这些恫吓,因此选B。35A.won BdidClost Dhad答案:A根据上下文可知句意是:除此之外,我就是那个说“不”的人,作者战胜了他的前老板,作者赢了,因此选A。.阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)AAmerican and British use different greetings. In the USA the commonest greeting is “Hi”. In Britain it is “Hello!” or “How are you?”. “Hi!” is creeping(不知不觉的)

24、into British, too. When they are introduced to someone, the Americans say, “Glad to know you.” The British say, “How do you do?” or “Pleased to meet you.” When Americans say “Goodbye”, they nearly always add, “Have a good day,” or “Have a good trip,” etc. to friends and strangers alike. Britons are

25、already beginning to use “Have a good day”The British usually use “got”in the sense of “have”. The Americans hardly ever do.Am.E: Do you have a car, room,etc.?Yes, I do.Br.E: Have you got a car, room, etc.? Yes, I have.Finally, there are a number of differences between American and British English i

26、n the spelling of words, eg.check(US)/cheque(UK); center(US)/centre(UK). Many American words ending in “or”, eg. honor, vigor, labor are spelt in British English with an “our”, eg. honour, vigour, labour. Many verbs in American English with “ize”or “izing” forms, eg. organize, realizing are spelt in

27、 Br.E “ise”or “ising”,e.g.organise,realising.In American English, “practice”is used both for the verb and noun.In Br.E, the verb is spelt “practise”, and the noun “practice”. In the main, American English avoids the doubling up of consonants(辅音字母)in nouns and verbs while British English does not.In

28、American English, for example, one writes “travel, traveled, traveling, traveler,” while in British English, one writes “travel, travelled, travelling, traveller”It was once predicted that British and American English would became separate languages finally. But the opposite has happened. The links(

29、连接)between the two countries are so strong that linguistically(语言上的), and probably culturally(文化上的)too, they are closer together than ever.36The Americans hardly say_AGoodbye.Have a good day! BGlad to know you!CHi!DHave you got a car?答案:D考查细节理解与常识判断。从第二段“The British usually use gotin the sense of ha

30、ve. The Americans hardly ever do. Am.E: Do you have a car, room,etc.?Yes, I do. Br.E: Have you got a car, room, etc.? Yes, I have.”可知。37A British writes_.Acheque;center Bhonor;organiseCtraveled;practice Dlabour;traveller答案:D考查细节理解与常识判断。从文章第五段或结合常识可知。38What does the fifth paragraph talk about?AThere are lots of differences in spelling between Am.E.and Br.E.BWhy do the Americans and the British use different spellings?CThere are few differences in spelling between Am.E.and Br.E.D. The different usages of words in Am.E a

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