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1、ReadingM9U1 other countries, other culturesPeriod 2Reading Teaching objectives: To develop students ability of reading To know about Canada and its featuresImportant and difficult points:Learn how to sort information into sectionsImprove their reading skills by fully participating in all the activit

2、ies.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-in:Get students to think about the following questions: When we talk about Canada, What do you think of ? What is Canada famous for ? Can you name some famous cities in Canada ? What are the official languages that are used in Canada ? Have you ever heard anything

3、 interesting about Canada ? Can you name some famous people from Canada ? What is the capital city of Canada and where is it ? Where is the largest city, Toronto, located? Where is the second largest city, Montreal, located ? Where is Vancouver, the city with the largest Chinese population, located

4、? Where is Edmonton, a city in the province of Alberta, located? Can you mark the areas that are inside the Arctic ?Then have a quiz about Canada.Step 2 readingPlease go through the Reading strategy (make sure students know how to read.)First reading:Get students to read the textRead the brochure an

5、d answer the following questions What is the population of Canada ? About 30 million people. Which Canadian cities are mentioned ? Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Edmonton. How wide are Niagara Falls ? 670 metres wide.Second readingTrue, false or May be true 1.There are more rivers in Canada than a

6、nyone can count. 2.The border between Canada and the United States in the longest undefended border in the world. 3.Most Canadians live in cities. 4.Canada is a very beautiful country. 5.Toroto is the most multicultural city in the world. 6.The West Edmonton Mall is an underground city. 7.More Chine

7、se live in Vancouver than in any other city in North America. 8.The UN awarded Canada the honour of being the best country in the would to live in.Complete the following 1.If you want to see historic churches built 300 years ago, you should go to _. 2. For the best entertainment in the evenings, I w

8、ould recommend _. 3.To view the city on the tallest tower in the world, make sure you visit _. 4. The best city for sailing and fishing is _. 5.If you want to do shopping and visit art galleries or play in a water park all in one place, you should go to _. 6. For the most multicultural experience, y

9、ou could go to _.Word studyMatch themDetailed readingMore about Canada Language points average. a. 一般的,通常的,平均的 The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen. 这个班级中男生的平均年龄为十五岁。 It was an average piece of work. 那是一件普通的产品。 n. 平均, 平均数 An average of two students are absent each day. 每天平均有两个学生缺席。 v

10、i. 平均为 vt. 算出.的平均数,将.平均分配 The rainfall there averages 300 mm a year. 那儿的年降雨量平均每年为三百毫米。 He averaged nine hours work a day. 他平均每天工作九小时。 If you average 7, 14 and 6, you get 9. 将 7, 14, 6之和均分得9。 常用词组 take an average 平均起来算, 算出平均数 on an average 平均, 按平均数计算; 一般地说 above the average 在一般 水平以上, 中上; 在平均数以上 on th

11、e average 平均, 按平均数计算; 一般地说 below the average 在一般水平以下, 中下; 在平均数以下 Second to 仅次于 Rayon ranks second only to cotton as the most widely used fiber人造丝是仅次于棉花的使用得最广泛的织物。 He is second only to my own son in my affections我除了爱我的儿子,最爱他。 I think that, as a writer, he is second to none我认为, 作为一个作家, 他是最好的。 Danish b

12、acon has a reputation second only to the butter丹麦猪肉的名声仅次于牛油。 seemingly ad. 表面上(看上去) the seemingly limitless resources of the United States 美国的似乎是无限的资源 They were seemingly unaware of the decision. 他们似乎并不了解这个决定. Id prefer to too really back to normal, not seemingly so. 我希望你的身体能真正恢复正常,而不只是表面上有好转。 She p

13、lays with seemingly effortless skill. 她演奏得似乎毫不费力. Abundant a. 丰富 The country is abundant in natural resources这个国家天然资源丰富。 There is abundant firewood in the forest森林里有充裕的薪柴可用。 Winkle shells are abundant on this beach这个海滩上有大量的峨螺壳。 Birds concentrate (in places) where food is abundant鸟聚集在食物丰盛的地方. The dic

14、tionary is abundant in sunny words, healthy words, happy words词典含有大量表达乐观、健康和快活的词。 majority n. 多数, 大半 A person reaches his majority at the age of 21. 一个人二十一岁达到法定成年。 The majority were on Bens side. 大多数人都站在本的一边。 He won by a majority of two: the vote was seven to five. 他以两票多数获胜:票数是七比五。 The Democrats bec

15、ame the majority in the election. 民主党在这次选举中变成了多数党。 常用词组 in the majority 占多数, 拥有多数 by a bare majority 以勉强的多数票(当选或通过) carry gain the majority 赢得多数票 in the majority占多数, 拥有多数; locate v. 找出,设于,位于,定居. vt. 确定.的地点范围 After I retire Im going to locate in California. 退休后我打算在加州定居。 The company located its branch

16、 office in the suburbs. 该公司把它的分公司设在郊区。 The museum is located on Main Street. 博物馆位于梅茵街。 ensure v. 确定,保证,担保 vt.1. 保证; 担保, 保险 This medicine will ensure you a good nights sleep. 这药将保证你一晚睡眠良好。 I cant ensure that he will be there on time. 我不能担保他会及时到那儿。 I cant ensure his being on time. 我不能保证他的准时。 If you wa

17、nt to ensure that you catch the plane, take a taxi. 你要确保赶上那班飞机,就坐出租车去吧。 ensure vt.2. 保护; 使安全(against, from) 3. 保证给, 赋予(to, for) ensure sb. againstfrom danger 保护某人免受危险 ensure success safety, supplies 保证成功安全, 供应 To ensure freedom against tyranny 反对暴政,维护自由 A letter of introduction will ensure you an in

18、terview. 凭一封介绍信准保会接待你。 In addition to 加上, 除.外, 又; In addition to giving a general introduction to computer, the course also provides practical课程除了一般介绍电脑知识外,还提供实际操作的机会。 In addition to all her other qualifications, Bessie was an expert cook除了她所有的其他技能外,贝茜还是一个熟练的厨师。 In addition to a diet, she pursues va

19、rious exercises on TV节食以外她还随电视做体操。 consist v. 1.一致 , 由.组成, 包括(of) The beauty of the picture consists in its balance of colors. 这幅画的美在于其色彩的调和。 A university consists of teachers, administrators and students. 大学由教师,行政人员和学生组成。 The information consists with his account. 消息与他的叙述相符合。 The House of Commons c

20、onsisted of 658 members. 下议院由六百五十八名议员组成。 consist v. 2. 存在于(in) 3. (与.)一致; with) True charity doesnt consist in almsgiving. 真正的慈善不在于施舍。 Substances consist of small particles called molecules. 物质是由叫做分子的微粒组成的。 The testimony consisted with all known facts. 证据与全部已知事实相符。 Health does not consist with intem

21、perance. 健康与纵欲无节制不能相容。 shape n. 形状, 形态, 外形, 模样 The writers dreams find a shape in his novel. 作者的理想在他的小说中得到体现。 Athletes must stay in shape. 运动员一定要保持身体健康。 The sculptor worked the clay into the shape of a woman. 雕刻家将泥土捏成一个妇女的形状。 Shape v. 定形,使.成形,塑造 Our vacation plans are shaping well. 我们的假期计划进展顺利。 vt.

22、使成形;塑造,制作(+into/from/out of) The dress was shaped to her figure. 这件连衣裙做得很适合她的身材。 The potter shaped the clay into a vase. 陶工将泥土塑成花瓶。 Childhood experiences often play a big part in shaping ones character. 童年经历在形成人的性格方面起重要作用。 相关短语 in no shape (or form) 决不, 完全不, 一点也不 in shape 在形状上, 在外型上 in the shape of

23、以.的形状形式, 作为 get put sth. into shape 使成一定形状 be in bad shape 情况还处于混乱状态; 健康情况不佳 give shape to 使成形; 表达, 使.具体条理化 keep . in shape 使.保持原形 in good shape 完整无损, 处于良好状态, 健康情况良好 seek v. 寻求,寻找,搜索 (+after/for) He sought vainly for the answer. 他寻求答案,但无结果。 Something suspicious was found after the room was sought th

24、rough. 房间被彻底搜查后,发现了一点可疑的东西。 He sought to speak to her. 他寻找机会与她说话。 You should seek medical advice. 你应该请医生诊视。 They were seeking employment. 他们在找工作。 相关短语 Nothing seek, nothing find. 谚无所寻则无所获。 be (much) to seek 还需要探求, 还大为缺乏; 还远未找到 much sought after 供不应求, 极受欢迎 be yet to seek 还没有 seek out 找出, 搜出; 挑出 be no

25、t far to seek 1. 在近处 2. 很简单; 不难找到; 显而易见 seek through 找遍 feature n. 要素;特征; 特色; pl. 面貌, 相貌 Her eyes are her best feature. 她的眼睛是她容貌最美的一部分。 Wet weather is a feature of life in this area. 天气潮湿是这个地区生活的一个特色。 Everyone admired the delicacy of her features人人都羡慕她娇美的容貌。 feature vi. 起重要作用;作为主要角色(+in) Economic issues featured very largely in the Prime Ministers speech. 首相的讲话中很大一部分涉及经济问题。 vt.以.为特色;是.的特色 The new movie features two of my favorite actors. 这部新片由我最喜爱的两位演员主演。 The museums exhibit features paintings of colonial times. 博物馆的展品突出介绍殖民时代的绘画。Homework:Do exercise in the workbook

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