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1、汽车悬架如何工作毕业设计外文翻译中英文翻译文献翻译附录A 译文汽车悬架如何工作By William HarrisUniversity of Michigan当人们考虑汽车性能的时候,他们通常认为是马力,扭矩和零到60的加速时间。但是,如果司机无法控制汽车,由一个活塞发动机产生的功率都是无用的。这就是为什么汽车的工程师开始将注意力转向悬挂系统,尽快为他们几乎已经掌握了四冲程内燃机。双横臂独立悬架的本田雅阁轿跑车2005年汽车悬架的工作是尽量在轮胎和路面之间提供良好的操纵稳定性,并确保乘客的舒适度。在这篇文章中,我们将探讨汽车悬架如何的工作,他们已经逐渐发展起来,这些年来,那里的悬架设计在未来的发





6、于在弹簧位于上车即车轮之间的框架工程师常常感到方便谈谈簧载质量和簧下质量。4. 弹簧和簧下质量跳跃质量是对弹簧支撑的汽车质量,而簧下质量是松散的之间的道路和悬架弹簧质量定义。弹簧刚度的影响如何回应,而簧载质量正在驾驶汽车。松散的弹簧汽车,如豪华轿车(认为林肯城市车),可以吞下振动,并提供一个超级平稳,但是,这样的车很容易潜水和制动和加速并趋于身体晃动转弯。紧紧弹簧车,如跑车(认为马自达Miata身上),在颠簸的道路,但他们尽量减少身体的方案很好,这意味着他们可以更积极推动各地角落。因此,虽然自己看起来简单的弹簧装置,设计和实施他们的汽车乘客舒适度的平衡与处理是一项复杂的任务。而为了让事情更加复

7、杂,弹簧不能单独提供一个完美的平稳运行。由于弹簧在吸收能量是巨大的,但它不是在散热良好。其他构筑物,如阻尼器众所周知,必须这样做。5. 减震器除了抑制结构是现在用的,汽车弹簧将扩大和失控的速度释放的能量是从一肿块吸收。弹簧将继续反弹,直到所有的能量在其自然频率最初投入到IT用完。建立一个单独的弹簧悬架会使乘坐一个非常有弹性,并根据地形,难以控制汽车。输入减震器和缓冲器,一个装置,通过控制作为一个过程称为抑制有害弹簧的方案。减震器慢下来,减少转化为热能,可以通过液压油消退了悬架运动动能的振动运动的幅度。要理解这是如何工作,最好找一个减震器内看到它的结构和功能。一个减震器基本上是安装在车轮架和车轮




11、但如果他们没有,包可以很容易地安装在任何时候的杆机构。8.未来的汽车悬架虽然有增强和改善了弹簧和减震器,但汽车悬架的基本设计经过多年来的没有一个显着的变化。但是这要改变一个品牌,新的悬挂设计构思的Bose在相同的Bose声技术方面的创新而闻名,所有已知的介绍。一些专家甚至于说,Bose是悬浮在汽车悬架以来最大的一个全独立设计推出的进步。图 8-1前悬架模块它是如何工作的,Bose在每个系统使用一个传统的冲击和弹簧安装轮子代替线性电磁马达(LEM的)。放大器提供电力,在这样一个权力与每个系统的压缩再生方式的发动机。该发动机的主要好处是,它们不是由传统的惯性流体的阻尼器固有的限制。作为一个结果,L

12、EM的可扩展和压缩在一个更大的速度,几乎消除了所有客舱震动。该轮的议案能够如此精细的控制,该车体保持水平,不论是什么在方向盘的情况。在LEM的也可以抵消车身议案,而加速,刹车和转弯,使司机的控制更大的责任感。不幸的是,这种模式暂停将无法使用,直到2009年,将在一个或多个高档豪华车提供。在此之前,司机必须依靠可靠的真实的经得起百年考验的悬挂。附录B 外文原文How Car Suspensions WorkBy William HarrisUniversity of MichiganWhen people think of automobile performance, they normall

13、y think of horsepower, torque and zero-to-60 acceleration. But all of the power generated by a piston engine is useless if the driver cant control the car. Thats why automobile engineers turned their attention to the suspension system almost as soon as they had mastered the four-stroke internal comb

14、ustion engine.Double-wishbone suspension on Honda Accord 2005 CoupeThe job of a car suspension is to maximize the friction between the tires and the road surface, to provide steering stability with good handling and to ensure the comfort of the passengers. In this article, well explore how car suspe

15、nsions work, how theyve evolved over the years and where the design of suspensions is headed in the future.1. Vehicle Dynamics If a road were perfectly flat, with no irregularities, suspensions wouldnt be necessary. But roads are far from flat. Even freshly paved highways have subtle imperfections t

16、hat can interact with the wheels of a car. Its these imperfections that apply forces to the wheels. According to Newtons laws of motion, all forces have both magnitude and direction. A bump in the road causes the wheel to move up and down perpendicular to the road surface. The magnitude, of course,

17、depends on whether the wheel is striking a giant bump or a tiny speck. Either way, the car wheel experiences a vertical acceleration as it passes over an imperfection.Without an intervening structure, all of wheels vertical energy is transferred to the frame, which moves in the same direction. In su

18、ch a situation, the wheels can lose contact with the road completely. Then, under the downward force of gravity, the wheels can slam back into the road surface. What you need is a system that will absorb the energy of the vertically accelerated wheel, allowing the frame and body to ride undisturbed

19、while the wheels follow bumps in the road.The study of the forces at work on a moving car is called vehicle dynamics, and you need to understand some of these concepts in order to appreciate why a suspension is necessary in the first place. Most automobile engineers consider the dynamics of a moving

20、 car from two perspectives:1)Ride - a cars ability to smooth out a bumpy road2)Handling - a cars ability to safely accelerate, brake and corner These two characteristics can be further described in three important principles - road isolation, road holding and cornering. The table below describes the

21、se principles and how engineers attempt to solve the challenges unique to each.A cars suspension, with its various components, provides all of the solutions described.2.The Chassis SystemThe suspension of a car is actually part of the chassis, which comprises all of the important systems located ben

22、eath the cars body. figure 2-1 ChassisThese systems include: 1) The frame - structural, load-carrying component that supports the cars engine and body, which are in turn supported by the suspension 2) The suspension system - setup that supports weight, absorbs and dampens shock and helps maintain ti

23、re contact 3) The steering system - mechanism that enables the driver to guide and direct the vehicle 4) The tires and wheels - components that make vehicle motion possible by way of grip and/or friction with the road So the suspension is just one of the major systems in any vehicle. With this big-p

24、icture overview in mind, its time to look at the three fundamental components of any suspension: springs, dampers and anti-sway bars. 3.Springs Todays springing systems are based on one of four basic designs:1)Coil springs - This is the most common type of spring and is, in essence, a heavy-duty tor

25、sion bar coiled around an axis. Coil springs compress and expand to absorb the motion of the wheels.2)Leaf springs - This type of spring consists of several layers of metal (called leaves) bound together to act as a single unit. Leaf springs were first used on horse-drawn carriages and were found on

26、 most American automobiles until 1985. They are still used today on most trucks and heavy-duty vehicles.3)Torsion bars - Torsion bars use the twisting properties of a steel bar to provide coil-spring-like performance. This is how they work: One end of a bar is anchored to the vehicle frame. The othe

27、r end is attached to a wishbone, which acts like a lever that moves perpendicular to the torsion bar. When the wheel hits a bump, vertical motion is transferred to the wishbone and then, through the levering action, to the torsion bar. The torsion bar then twists along its axis to provide the spring

28、 force. European carmakers used this system extensively, as did Packard and Chrysler in the United States, through the 1950s and 1960s.4)Air springs - Air springs, which consist of a cylindrical chamber of air positioned between the wheel and the cars body, use the compressive qualities of air to ab

29、sorb wheel vibrations. The concept is actually more than a century old and could be found on horse-drawn buggies. Air springs from this era were made from air-filled, leather diaphragms, much like a bellows; they were replaced with molded-rubber air springs in the 1930s.Based on where springs are lo

30、cated on a car - i.e., between the wheels and the frame - engineers often find it convenient to talk about the sprung mass and the unsprung mass.4.Sprung and Unsprung MassThe sprung mass is the mass of the vehicle supported on the springs, while the unsprung mass is loosely defined as the mass betwe

31、en the road and the suspension springs. The stiffness of the springs affects how the sprung mass responds while the car is being driven. Loosely sprung cars, such as luxury cars (think Lincoln Town Car), can swallow bumps and provide a super-smooth ride; however, such a car is prone to dive and squa

32、t during braking and acceleration and tends to experience body sway or roll during cornering. Tightly sprung cars, such as sports cars (think Mazda Miata), are less forgiving on bumpy roads, but they minimize body motion well, which means they can be driven aggressively, even around corners.So, while springs by themselves seem like simple devices, designing and implementing them on a car to balance passenger comfort with handling is a complex task. And to make matters more comp

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