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1、全国小学生英语能力竞赛试题语法模块大练习1 2013/12/31 周二 名词1. I have two _ and three bottles of _ here. A. orange, orange B. oranges, orangesC. oranges, orange D. orange, oranges2. Every evening M r. King takes a _ tohis home . A. 25 minutes walk B. 25 minutes walkC. 25 minute walk D. 25 minutes walk 3. -This is a photo

2、 of _ when they were young. -OK, how happy they both looked! A. my father and mother B. my mother and fathers C. my mothers and fathers fathers and my mother4.-What do you think of the _ the Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven? - It sounds really wonderful. A. subject B. music C. book D. animal 5. _

3、is spoken the most widely in the world.A. Chinese B. English C. French D. Russian6. She is a friend of _.A. my sisters B. I sister sister D. her7. How much are the _.A. meat B.meats C. orange D. oranges8. They are _.A. woman teacher B. women teacher C.woman teachers D. women teachers9. Usually

4、_ are very careful in doing exercises.A. girl students B. girls students C.girls students D. girls student10. What big _ the tiger has!A. tooth B. teeth C. tooths D. toothes1. C 【orange当橘子讲时可数,当橘子汁讲时不可数,前半句说我有两个橘子,后半句说和三瓶橘子汁】2. A 【25分钟的路表达形式为“25 minutes walk】3. B 【这张照片为我爸爸和妈妈共有,故用一个s放在结尾】4. B 【考察常识和

5、名词辨析,贝多芬是音乐家,故用music】5. B 【根据句意,英文是最为广泛使用的语言,故选B】6. A 【a friend of 这个短语后面能接名物代或者所有格,这里my sister是一个名词,故后面要加所有格】7. D 【由于题目中有are,故要接orange的复数,请大家注意How much这里是问价钱】8. D 【请大家注意man和woman当做定语的时候要和后面被修饰的名词一起改变,名词为单数,man和woman为单数,名词为复数,man和woman都变为复数】9. A 【girl这个词不同于man和woman,当它做定语时后面需要用单数形式】10. B 【感叹句,What后面

6、没有a、an,故后面加的名词应该是复数,tooth的复数形式为teeth】语法模块大练习2 2014/01/02 周四 代词1.You may come to my house _ this week _ next week.A .neither; or B .from; to C .either;or D.either; nor2.I dont want this shirt. Please show me _.A .others B .the others C .another D .the other3.I cant repair the model ship _. Can you he

7、lp_?A .me; me B. myself ;myself C .myself;me ; myself4.The book on the shelf is_. She wrote _name on its cover_.A .Hers; her ;herself B. Her;hers; herselfC. Herself; her; hers D .Her;herself; herself5.These shoes are too small. You may buy some _ shoes.A .another B .other C .the others D. other

8、s6.Granny seems ill .Are you sure its_?A .nothing serious B. anything seriousC. serious nothing D. serious anything7.Can you speak English?Yes, but only_.Afew Ba few Clittle D a little8. Mr.Smith is an old friend of_.AI Bme C my D mine9. The teacher gave_student a new book.A nobody B both C each D a

9、ny 10._of the students in the whole class could dothis physics question.A No B None C Not D Neither 1. C 【eitheror表示的意思是要么要么,根据句意可以看出句子想表达你要么这周,要么下周来都可以】2. C 【another表示“另一个”,用在无范围的情况下】3. C 【根据句意,我自己不能做这个模型,你能帮我吗?第一个空填反身代词,第二个空填宾格】4. A 【根据句意,书架上的书是她的,第一个空给名物代。她把她的名字亲自写在书的封面上,故第二个空填形物代,最后一个空填反身代词5. B

10、【一些其它的用“some other”】6. A 【首先形容词要放在复合不定代词something,nothing等的后面,接着根据句意为“奶奶好像是生病了,你确实她没有什么严重的地方吗?,故填nothing serious表示没有严重的地方】7. D 【English不可数,故用little或a little,又因为句意表示肯定的意思,回答问题的人还是会一点英语的,故用a little】8. D 【a friend of后面需要加名物代或名词所有个,只有D选项为名物代】9. C 【each表示每一个,接在student前面表示老师给了每个学生一本新书】10. B 【none表示三者或三者以上

11、都没有,故根据句意选none】语法模块大练习3 形容词,副词1. .She is _ a lovely girl that everyone loves her. A.much B. too D. such2._ the ground is, _ the air becomes.A.The higher,the thinner B.Higher,thinnerC.The high,the thin D.Higher,the thinner3.Lily is one of_in the classroom.A. beautiful student B. beautifuler stud

12、ents C. most beautifulest students D.the most beautiful students4. It took me _ to clean my room.A.sometime B.sometimes C.some times D.some time5.What do you like_,milk, coffee or tea?A. better B.good C. best D. much6.In sports, John is _than Mike but Hassan is the _ of the three.A. good; better B.

13、better; better C.better; best D. best; best7.When we grow_we can look after ourparents.A. enough old B. old enough C.young enough D. enough young8.It is _ to speak English so I study _ on English class.A.hard,hardly B.hardly,hard C.hard,hard D.hardly,hardly9.Jane is _ ,but she is still taking care o

14、f her _ mother.A.ill,sick B.ill,ill C.sick,ill D.illness,sick10.We are not_ ,for we have friends all over the world. However , sometimes we still feel _.A.alone,alone B.alone,lonely C.lonely,lonely D.lonely,alone1. D【名词such,形副so,所填词修饰的中心词girl是名词,所以应该选择such】2. A【“the比较级,the比较级”表示越越,这道题可以理解为地面(海拔)越高,空

15、气越稀薄】3. D【有in the classroom这样的范围要选择最高级,beautiful是个多音节的形容词,变成最高级要在前面加上most;看到了one of 后面的名词要选择复数形式】4. D【花费我一段时间来打扫房间,一段时间是some time, sometime表示某时,sometimes表示有时,some times表示几倍、几次】5. C【三者当中进行比较应该使用最高级】6. C【第一个空因为出现than所以要用比较级,这是两个人进行的比较;而第二个空出现了three,说明是三个人,三者比较应该用最高级】7. B【enough修饰形容词、副词的时候要后置,这道题是说当我们年

16、纪足够大的时候我们可以照顾父母,所以应该是old enough】8. C【hard形副一致,作形容词表示困难的、坚硬的,作副词时表示努力地;而hardly只能是副词,表示几乎不。这道题翻译成说英语很难所以我要在英语课上努力学习,两个空都写hard】9. A【ill和sick作表语时都表示生病的,但当这两个词做定语时sick翻译成生病的,而ill翻译成坏的,所以这道题第二个空表示生病的妈妈只能用sick】10.B【alone既可以是形容词也可以是副词,译为独自的、孤独的,lonely只能是形容词,译为寂寞的,情感色彩较为明显。因为有很多朋友所以我们不孤独(alone),但有时候还是会觉得寂寞,f

17、eel后面要加形容词,所以是lonely】语法模块大练习4 数词1.The Smiths have _ children. They love _ very much.A.two; them B. two; their C. second; them D. second; theirs2._ foreigners visited the Great Wall this year.A.Three thousands of B. Thousands of C.Many thousands D. Several thousands of3. _of the teachers in our schoo

18、l is about one hundred, and _of them are women teachers.A. The number, two thirds B. The number, two thirdC. A number, half D. Anumber, three quarters4.There are _months in a year. December is the _month of the year.A. twelve; twelve B. twelve;twelfth C. twelfth; twelve D. twelve;twelveth5.How old i

19、s your sister?_.We had a party for her _birthday last week.A.Ninth; ninth B. Nine;nineth C. Ninth; nine D. Nine; ninth6.Look! There are _in the sky.A. thousand stars B. thousand of starsC. thousands of stars D. thousands of star7.I think that the _ century (世纪) will bring us more hopes.A. twenty-one

20、 B. twentieth-first C. twenty-first D. twentieth-one8.-When is our science test?-It is on _ of June.A.Twenty B. twentieth C. the twenty D.thetwentieth9.“The year 1999”should be read(应该读作)“The year _.”A. nineteen and ninety-nine B.nineteen ninety-nine C. one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine D. ninet

21、een hundred and ninety-nine10.We can say the number 78,645 in English like this_.A. seventy-eight thousand and six hundred and forty-fiveB.seventy-eight thousand six hundred and forty fiveC.seventy-eight thousand six hundred and forty-fiveD. seventy eight thousand six hundred and forty-five1.A【有两个孩子,就基数词表示就可以;第二个空考查的是动宾结构,love是动词后面要接他们的宾格them】2.B【thousands of是个固定搭配,表示数以千计、成千上万,thousands前边不需要加别的修饰词】3.A【前半句是意思是说我们学校教师的数量且be动词是is,特指我们学校的老师数量所以要选the number;后半句是说三分之二都是女老师,考查的是分数的写法,要遵循子基母序,子一母单,子大一母复数的规律,two大于

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