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人教版九年级英语全一册 Unit12 Life is full of the unexpectedA2导学案.docx

1、人教版九年级英语全一册 Unit12 Life is full of the unexpectedA2导学案Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected单元总览类别课程标准要求掌握的项目单元话题 In this unit, students learn to talk about narrate past unexpected events重点单词1. miss v. 错过,未得到;2. unexpected adj. 出乎意料的;3. block n. 街区4. worker n. 工作者5. stare v. 盯着看,凝视6. disbelief n. 不信

2、,怀疑7. above adv. 在上面8. burn v. 着火;燃烧; 9.alive adj. 活着的;有生气的;10. airport n. 飞机场11. till conj. Prep. 直到12. west adv. 向西13. cream n. 奶油,乳脂; 14.pie n. 果馅饼;15. bean n. 豆荚; 16. market n. 集市;17.fool n, 蠢人,傻瓜;v.愚弄;18.costume n. 服装,装束;19. embarrassed adj. 窘迫的;害羞的;20.annoounce v. 宣布21. spaghetti n. 意大利面条22. h

3、oax n. 骗局;恶作剧23. discovery n. 发现,发觉; 24. lady n. 女士 25. cancel v. 取消,终止;26. officer n. 军官27. believable adj. 可相信的,可信任的; 28. disappear v. 消失;不见;29. embarrassing adj. 使人害羞的。30.backpack n. 背包,旅行包;31. oversleep v. 睡过头;重点词组1. take a shower洗浴 2. leave my backpack at home把背包忘在家里 3. get back to school返回学校 4

4、. start teaching开始教学 5. go off响铃 6. rush out the door冲出房门 7. give sb a lift捎某人一程 8. miss both events错过两个事件 9. full of unexpected充满着不可预知性 10. be about to do sth正要做某事 11. stare in disbelief at难以置信地盯着. 12. raise above the burning building从正在燃烧的楼上升起13. jump out of bed跳下床14. collect the math homework收数学作

5、业 15. complete the work for my boss完成老板的工作16. make the apple pie制作苹果馅饼 17. show up赶到,出现 18. add the green beans加绿豆荚 19. get dressed紧张 20. hand in homework 上交作业 21. costume party化装舞会22. take place发生 23. play all kinds of tricks and jokes on each other相互开各种玩笑24. sell out卖完,售完 25. lose weight减肥 26. by

6、the end of that day到那天结束时 27. end up以结束 28. get married结婚 29. have a happy ending有一个幸福的结局 30. fear spread across the whole country恐惧席卷整个国家31. the unluckiest day of my life一生中最不幸的一天 32. head west 向西行驶 33. n the middle of the road在路中间i34. turn around 调头 35. make an unexpected discovery作一个出乎意料的发现36. ca

7、ncel the plan取消计划 重点句式1. By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.当我起床时,我哥哥已经进了浴室了。2. By the time I got outside, the bus had already gone. 当我出来时,公汽已经走了。3. When I got to school, I realized I had left my backpack at home.当我到达学校时,我才意识到我把背包忘在家里了。4. By the time I walked into clas

8、s, the teacher had started teaching already.当我走进教室时,老师已经开始讲课了。5. By the time I arrived at the party, everyone else had already showed up.当我到达晚会时, 其他的每个人都已经到了。6. When he put the noodles into the bowl, he realized he had forgotten to add the green beans.当他把面条放进碗里时,他意识到他忘了添加绿豆荚了。7. Before she got a cha

9、nce to say goodbye, he had gone into the building. 在她得到一个向他告别的机会之前,他已经进入楼房了。单元语法Past perfect tense. Review of key structures.课时分解第一课时 Section A(1a 2d)I. I. 知识目标类别课时要点重点单词1.backpack n. 背包,旅行包;2. oversleep v. 睡过头重点词组1. take a shower洗浴 2. leave my backpack at home把背包忘在家里 3. get back to school返回学校 4. st

10、art teaching开始教学 5. go off响铃 6. rush out the door冲出房门 7. give sb a lift捎某人一程 重点句式1. By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.当我起床时,我哥哥已经进了浴室了。2. By the time I got outside, the bus had already gone.当我出来时,公汽已经走了。3. When I got to school, I realized I had left my backpack at hom

11、e.当我到达学校时,我才意识到我把背包忘在家里了。4. By the time I walked into class, the teacher had started teaching already.当我走进教室时,老师已经开始讲课了。5. I didnt even brush my teeth or wash my face. 我甚至没有刷牙也没有洗脸。II. 课堂环节自主学习方案【自学自查】根据汉语提示完成单词。1. I got to school late because I overslept(睡过头)this morning.2. When I got home, I reali

12、zed I had left (遗忘)my English book at school.3. Its cold outside (在外面), youd better wear more clothes.4. When I got to school, I realized(意识到)I forgot to bring my homework.5. Youd better put your homework in your backpack (背包). 课堂导学方案Step 1 情景导入(参考案例)Teacher: For one or more times in our school time

13、s ,we are late for school. Have you ever been late for school? Can you tell me why? And what happened to you that day?Students: _Yes, I have been late for school one times. BecauseI was nearly late for class one day and 环节说明:通过课前的一个师生问答互动引入新课的话题Step 2 完成教材1a-1c的任务【操作案例】1. 要求学生翻开课本P89,迅速阅读1a部分的内容。并按要

14、求完成课本上相应的任务: Look at the pictures what happened to the girl.(1分钟)2. 检查答案,先要求全班一起给出答案并检查讨论。然后要求2-3名同学就What do you usually do in the morning?给出自己的答案,并把收集的答案列举在黑板上。(3分钟)参考案例Teacher: What do you usually do in the morning?Students: I _. put on my clothes and get upcook breakfastride to school3. 要求学生听第一遍录

15、音,并完成课本上1b的听力任务: Listen to Mary talking about her morning. Complete the sentences: 读出序号-读出所填单词-读出完整的句子(2分钟)4. 要求学生听第二遍录音,并逐句进行跟读。(2分钟)5. 完成教材1c的任务,要求学生模仿1a内容,进行对话练习。并邀请2-3对同学当堂进行演示。(3分钟)6. 小结训练。要求学生在规定的时间内完成一个小练习。并请若干学生给出自己的答案。有错误的话及时解决纠正。(2分钟)用所给动词的正确形式填空:2. By the time I got up, my mother had alre

16、ady cooked (cook) breakfast yesterday morning.3. When Jack got home, his sister had washed (wash) the clothes.4. We had learned (learn) over 2,000 English words by the end of last term. 5. What happened (happen) to you last week? I had my bike stolen.6. The boy never realizes (realize) his mistakes

17、until his teacher points them out.环节说明:通过学习1a,使学生对过去完成时态有所了解,并拓宽了思路;通过1b,锻炼学生的听力及抓取关键信息的能力;通过1c的训练锻炼学生的口头表达能力,同时巩固对本课内容的认识。Step 3 完成教材2a-2c的任务【操作案例】1. 要求学生翻开课本P90。播放录音一遍,完成2a,2b的听力任务,然后个别检查,统一核对答案。(2分钟)2. 要求学生听第二遍录音,并逐句进行跟读。(2分钟)3. 听力内容巩固训练。要求学生根据所听到的内容完成下列各句。完成后要求若干学生给出自己的答案。以巩固对听力内容的了解。(4分钟)1) I r

18、an home to get my backpack.2) I ran back to school without my keys or my backpack.3) She asked for out homework, but of course I didnt have it.4. 大声朗读听力材料。(1分钟)5. 放下听力材料,要求学生模仿听力内容,利用2a,2b的信息编写故事的结尾,并和同伴分角色练习对话练习。然后邀请2-3对同学当堂演示。看哪一对的表现最佳。(5分钟)6. 播放2d的对话录音,让学生跟读,模仿并理解大意。然后让学生分角色朗读并表演2d的对话。(5分钟)环节说明:将

19、听、说、读、写的任务结合起来不仅锻炼了学生的语言综合运用能力,还巩固了学生对目标语言的学习、识记和运用;同时,小组合作对话训练了同学们的合作意识和团队精神;对话的当堂演示使同学们有了学英语的成就感,张扬了个性。当堂评价方案(详见当堂训练部分)备课资料包a. 词汇包:by the time 到时候【备课例句】by the time作连词引导时间状语从句,当从句用一般过去时,主句用过去完成时;当从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时或将来完成时。By the time he was ten, Tom built a chemistry lab himself. 等到了十岁的时候,汤姆自己建了一个化学实

20、验室。Ill be in bed by the time you get home. 你到家时,我已经上床睡觉了。【课堂变式】By the time I was five, I _English. Really?A. had started learning B. have started learning C. started to learn D. started learning 【解析】by the time所引导的从句是一般过去时,其主句要用过去完成时。正确答案是A。b. 句式包:1.By the time I got outside, the bus had already lef

21、t.当我出来的时候,公共汽车已经走了。本句是by the time引导的时间状语从句,从句是I got up,是一般过去时。主句the bus had already left是过去完成时。过去完成时表示在过去某个时间之前已经发生的动作或一直延续的动作或状态。它表示的动作所发生的时间是“过去的过去”,常用“助动词had+过去分词”构成。常与过去完成时连用的时间状语有:by(the end of)+过去的时间,for+段时间,since+点时间,when引导的时间状语从句(从句中谓语动词用过去时)等。【备课例句】By the end of the match, they had kicked t

22、wo goals and we had kicked four.到比赛结束时,他们已踢进两个球,我们进了四个球。”By the time she got up, her brother had already gone into the bathroom. 在她起床之前,她的弟弟已经进了盥洗室。【横向辐射】过去完成时与现在完成时的区别过去完成时与现在完成时的主要区别是时间的参照点不同:过去完成时的时间参照点是某个“过去的”时间;现在完成时的时间参照点是“现在”。因此现在完成时中的很多规则,也适用于过去完成时。【例句】When I got to the cinema, the film had

23、been on for five minutes.当我到达电影院时,电影已演了五分钟了。(got是一个过去的“时间点”,电影“开始”在我“到达”之前,是“过去的过去”。因为for five minutes为延续一段的时间状语,应用可延续的系表结构be on的过去完成时形式。)【温馨提示】过去完成时是一个相对的时态,表示的是“过去的过去”,只有在和过去某时或某动作相比较时才用到它,因此当原句中若找不到一个“过去的时间”作为参照点时,是不能用过去完成时的。【例句】He got to the railway station and suddenly realized that he had forg

24、otten to bring his ticket.他到了火车站后忽然意识到他竟忘记带车票了。(“忘记”这一动作在“意识到”这一动作之前。)【课堂变式】1.Why didnt you go to the movie yesterday?Because I _it before. A. had watched B. have seen C. have watched D. had seen 【解析】“看电影”要用动词see,所以可先排除和。再由yesterday可知答话者在昨天之前就已看过这部电影,即“过去的过去”,要用过去完成时。正确答案是D。2.By the end of last year

25、, we _ about 2000 English words. A. were learning B. have learnt C. learnt D. had learnt 【解析】由时间状语By the end of last year可知应用过去完成时,即“had+过去分词”。正确答案是D。3.Since 2000, Nanchang has become a new city. Everything _. A. is changed B. was changed C. has changed D. had changed 【解析】由上文中的Since 2000可知过去的动作chang

26、e对现在产生了结果,即一切发生了变化,应用现在完成时。正确答案是C。2.When she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home. 当她到学校时,她意识到她把背包忘在家里了。表示“把某物忘在某处”要用词组leave sth in a place。【备课例句】Ive left my umbrella at home.我把伞忘在家里了。I left my book on the desk. 我把书忘在桌子上。【横向辐射】forget forget意为“遗忘某物”,指忘记一件具体的东西,但不能有具体的地点。【例句】I

27、 forgot my umbrella yesterday .我昨天忘了带伞。Dont forget the cases. 别忘了带箱子。【课堂变式】Boys and girls! Please _ your compositions after class. Oh, my God! I _ it at home. A. hand in, forgot B. hand in, left C. hand out, forgot D. hand out, left 【解析】hand in意为“上交”,hand out意为“分发”。可先排除C和D。forget意为“遗忘某物”,指忘记一件具体的东西,

28、但不能有具体的地点。leave意为“遗忘某物在某处”,后应接具体的地点。由此根据at home确定正确答案是B。第二课时 Section A(3a 3c)类别课时要点重点单词1. miss v. 错过,未得到;2. unexpected adj. 出乎意料的;3. block n. 街区4. worker n. 工作者5. stare v. 盯着看,凝视6. disbelief n. 不信,怀疑7. above adv. 在上面8. burn v. 着火;燃烧; 9.alive adj. 活着的;有生气的;10. airport n. 飞机场11. till conj.& prep. 直到12

29、. west adv. 向西重点词组1. miss both events错过两个事件 2. full of unexpected充满着不可预知性 3. be about to do sth正要做某事 4. stare in disbelief at难以置信地盯着. 5. raise above the burning building 从正在燃烧的楼上升起6. jump out of bed跳下床 重点句式1. I was about to go up when I decided to get a coffee first.我正准备上去,我突然决定先喝一杯咖啡。2. As I was wa

30、iting in line with other office workers, I heard a loud sound. 正当我和其他的员工在排队等候时,我听到了一声巨响。3. Before I could join the others outside to see what were going on, the first plane had already hit my office building.我还没来得及和其他人到外面看发生什么事,第一架飞机已经撞上了我办公室的楼房。4. But by the time I got to the airport, my plane to N

31、ew Zealand had already taken off.但是当我到达飞机场时,我的飞往新西兰的飞机已经起飞了。5. My bad luck had unexpectedly turned into a good thing.我的坏运气出乎意料地变成了好事。I. 知识目标II. 课堂环节自主学习方案【新词自查】根据汉语提示完成单词。1. I didnt call him up because I wanted to give him an unexpected(出乎意料的) surprise.2. The woman stared in disbelief (不信) at the large pile of money on the table.

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