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高一英语必修4学案课堂探究 Unit2WorkingthelandSec.docx

1、高一英语必修4学案课堂探究 Unit2WorkingthelandSec课堂探究1What do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat?如果明天突然没有米可吃了,你认为会发生什么事呢?剖析:1)do you think属于插入语,置于特殊疑问词之后。句子的主干应是What would happen?如:Who do you think will come to help us?你认为谁将来帮助我们?2)该句中用了虚拟语气,表示与将来事实相反的假设。从句用一般过去时,主句中用“would/coul

2、d/might/should动词原形”。要注意在使用虚拟语气时谓语动词的形式:从句谓语主句谓语现在情况一般过去时(be要用were)would/could/might/should do将来情况一般过去时should do were to dowould/could/might/should do过去情况过去完成时,即had donewould/could/might/should have done注意:如果if条件句中含有were,should,had,则可以将if省略,把were,should,had提到主语的前面。如:Were I you,I wouldnt make him angr

3、y.如果我是你,我不会让他生气。Should he come,I would let you know.如果他来,我会让你知道。Had they said sorry to me,I would have forgiven them.如果他们向我道过歉,我就原谅他们了。单项填空1) I should not have laughed if I _ you were serious.Athought Bwould thinkChad thought Dhave thought2)John went to the hospital alone.If he _ me about it,I would

4、 have gone with him.Ashould tell Btells Ctold Dhad told完成句子3)_(你认为他们什么时候) will be back?4)_(如果我是你),I shouldnt do that.答案:1)C2)D3)When do you think they4)If I were you/Were I you2Indeed,his sunburnt face and arms and his slim,strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese farmers,for whom he h

5、as struggled for the past five decades.的确,他被太阳晒得黝黑的脸庞和手臂,以及他那瘦削而又结实的身躯,就跟其他千百万中国农民一样,过去50年来,他一直在努力帮助他们。剖析:1)本句中含有一个定语从句for whom he has struggled for the past five decades,修饰先行词Chinese farmers。该定语从句的引导词是“介词whom”的形式。如:I wont forget the old worker with whom I worked for three years.我不会忘记那位老工人,我和他在一起工作了

6、三年。2)those代替前面的名词his sunburnt face and arms and his slim,strong body。考点 struggle vi.& n斗争;拼搏;努力He has struggled against illness for many years.他与疾病斗争很多年了。The young man is struggling for his future.这个年轻人在为自己的将来拼搏。A bird was caught in the net and was struggling to get free.一只鸟被网罩住了,挣扎着想要逃脱。It was a ha

7、rd struggle to get my work done in time.为使工作按时完成,我作了一番艰苦的努力。归纳:struggle against的含义是“同作斗争”。struggle for的含义是“为奋斗”。struggle to do sth的含义是“挣扎着做某事”。struggle作名词时是可数名词。单项填空1) In our class there are 46 students,_ half wear glasses.Ain whom Bin themCof whom Dof them2) Adolescence is a difficult period of lif

8、e,often characterized by a _ individual independence.Astruggle with Bstruggle toCstruggle for Dstruggle against翻译句子3)那个小孩在我怀里挣扎。_4)那时他们为了生存而斗争。_答案:1)C2)C3)That child is struggling in my arms.4)At that time they struggled for a living.3Yuan Longping searched for a way to increase rice harvests withou

9、t expanding the area of the fields.袁隆平要在不增加土地面积的基础上寻求增收稻谷的途径。剖析:句子中的动词不定式短语to increase rice harvests在句子中作定语,修饰a way。如:Can you think of a way to solve the problem?你能想出一个办法来解决这个问题吗?考点 expand vt.& vi.使变大;伸展She expanded her store by adding a second room.她通过再增加一间房子来扩大自己的商店。The flowers expanded in the sun

10、shine.花儿在阳光下开放了。Our foreign trade has expanded greatly in recent years.我国的对外贸易近几年来已有很大发展。考点延伸 1)expand还有“细说;阐述”的含义。如:You mentioned the need for extra funding.Would you please expand on that?你提到了增加资金的必要性,请你充分叙述一下好吗?归纳:expand作“细说;阐述”讲时,常与介词on连用。2)expand的名词为expansion。expansion作“扩大;膨胀”等讲时,是不可数名词;作“扩大物;增

11、加部分”讲时,则是可数名词。3)辨析expand与extend:expand是“范围”扩张;extend意为“延伸”,也有“扩张”的意思。单项填空1)When reading,you should _ your attention on the main idea and the structure of the passage,not on specific words or sentences.Apay Bfocus Cput Dexpand2)Metals _ when they are heated.AenlargeBexpand Cextend Dstretch用expand的适当形

12、式填空3)He breathed deeply and _ his chest.4)Many old factories _ in recent years.答案:1)B2)B3)expanded4)have been expanded4Thanks to his research,the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger.多亏了他的研究,联合国在消除世界饥饿的战斗中又多了些方法。剖析:thanks to his research在句子中作原因状语。考点一 thanks to幸亏;由于;因为Thanks to

13、you,I was saved from drowning.幸亏有你,我才没淹死。Thanks to the efforts by the headmaster,I can go back to school now.由于校长的努力,我现在又能回学校上学了。He was criticized thanks to his being late.他因为迟到受到了批评。归纳:thanks to相当于because of,具有介词性质,后可接sb,sth_或动名词短语。考点延伸 同义词:because of,owing to,due to 考点二 rid.of 摆脱;除去He finally rid

14、himself of all financial worries.他终于使自己摆脱了所有的财政忧虑。You have rid yourself of that bad habit.你已经改掉了那个坏习惯。归纳:rid 的过去式和过去分词均是rid。考点延伸 1)近义词:free.of 使摆脱break away from脱离,摆脱2)rid的常用短语归纳:be rid of 摆脱掉get rid of 摆脱掉;除掉;处理掉如:I am glad to be rid of him.我很高兴摆脱了他。Well have to get rid of him.我们必须摆脱掉他。He hopes to

15、get rid of his bad habits.他希望除掉他的坏习惯。3)用于“动词某人of某物”的常见短语还有:rob sb of sth 抢劫某人某物remind sb of sth 提醒某人某事inform sb of sth 通知某人某事convince sb of sth 使某人信服某事ask sb of sth问及某人某事expect sb of sth 期望某人某事(物)require sb of sth 要求某人某事(物)单项填空1) _ your timely help,otherwise,we wouldnt have finished the work ahead o

16、f time.ABecause BFor CThanks to DThanks of2) We hope that we can _ the world _ wars,killings and everything else that is bad.Aget rid of;by Bbe rid of;byCrid;of Dget rid;of3) You should _ these bad habits.Aget yourself rid of Brid yourself ofCget rid of yourself with Drid of yourself with翻译句子4)她最终不再

17、牙疼了。_答案:1)C2)C3)B4)Finally she was/got rid of the toothache.5Using his hybrid rice,farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.用他的杂交水稻种子,农民们种出的粮食比以前多了一倍。剖析:1)本句中的现在分词短语using his hybrid rice作方式状语。动词的现在分词除了作方式状语外,也可以作时间状语、原因状语或结果状语。2)as.as前可以用表示倍数的词来修饰,如half,a quarter,twice,three times等,意为

18、“是多少倍”。倍数的表达可用下面五个句型:倍数as形容词/副词原级as倍数形容词/副词比较级than倍数the名词(size,length,width,height,amount等)of倍数whatclauseby倍数This tree is three times as tall as that one.这棵树的高度是那棵树的三倍。The Yangtze River is almost twice longer than the Pearl River.长江差不多是珠江的三倍长。The newly broadened square is four times the size of the

19、previous one.新扩建的广场的面积是未扩建时的四倍。The production of our factory is five times what it was five years ago.我们工厂的产量是五年前的五倍。Compared with that of last year,our coal output has increased by four times.与去年相比,我们的煤的产量增加了四倍。归纳:time表示倍数,一般只限于表示基数词在内的三倍或三倍以上;若表示两倍,可用副词twice或形容词double。time表示的倍数也可以用分数、百分数或某些表程度的副词替

20、换。单项填空1)The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be _ the present one.Aas three times big as Bthree times as big asCas big as three times Das big three times as2)Our city has developed into a big city,which is _ it used to be.Afour times larger than that Bfour times the size of what

21、Cfour times the size larger than what Das four times the size as that3)Lilys bag looked just the same as Marys,but it cost _ hers.Aas much twice as Btwice as much asCmuch as twice as Das twice much as单句改错4)Not known what to do,we turned to him for help._5)His room is three times size of ours._答案:1)B

22、2)B3)B4)knownknowing5)在times和size之间加the6Yuan Longping is quite satisfied with his life.袁隆平很满意他的生活。考点 be satisfied with对感到满意One shouldnt be satisfied with only a little success.一个人不应该只因一点小成就而感到满足。考点延伸 1)同义词:be content with,be pleased with,be glad with2)be satisfied to do sth对做感到满意。如:He was satisfied

23、to win the race.他对赢得赛跑感到满意。3)satisfying和satisfied的区别:satisfying 令人满意的,使人满足的。如:a satisfying answer令人满意的回答satisfied 感到满意的,满足的。如:a satisfied smile满意的微笑4)同根词及其常用短语:satisfy vt.使满足satisfy ones needs 满足某人的需要satisfaction n满足;令人满意的事to ones satisfactionto the satisfaction of sb使某人满意的是with satisfaction 满意地单项填空

24、1)The government tried its best to _ the peoples needs,but the people were still not _.In fact,what the government did was not _.Asatisfy;satisfying;satisfiedBsatisfy;satisfied;satisfyingCsatisfied;satisfied;satisfyingDsatisfying;satisfied;satisfied2)She was _ the result.We knew it from her _ look.A

25、satisfying with;satisfiedBsatisfied with;satisfiedCsatisfied with;satisfyingDsatisfying with;satisfying3)Those girls gave a wonderful and impressing concert.Their parents watched and nodded their heads _ satisfaction.AinBwith Cfor Dof选择正确的词填空(satisfying,satisfied)4)He looked at his children with a _

26、 smile.5)He offered us a _ answer.答案:1)B2)B3)B4)satisfied5)satisfying7He would much rather keep time for his hobbies.他宁愿把时间花在自己的业余爱好上。考点 would rather 宁愿;宁可If you would rather be alone,well all leave here.如果你宁愿独自一人,那我们都离开这儿。归纳:would rather后接动词原形。考点延伸 would rather do sth 的否定形式为would rather not do sth。

27、would rather没有人称和数的变化,它通常用于以下两种句型:1) 宁愿做不愿做I would rather stay at home than go out on Sunday.星期天我宁愿待在家里也不愿外出。The children would walk rather than take a bus.孩子们宁愿步行也不愿乘公共汽车。2)would rather (that) sb did sth/had done sth宁愿某人(从句的谓语动词用虚拟语气)I would rather you came with us.我宁愿你跟我们一起。(表示与现在或将来事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去

28、时)Id rather you hadnt done that.我宁愿你没做那件事。(表示与过去事实相反,谓语动词用过去完成时)归纳:would rather后接句子用虚拟语气时,其后的从句应用一般过去时来表示现在或将来的动作,用过去完成时来表示过去的动作。单项填空1)George is going to talk about the geography of his country,but Id rather he_ more on its culture.AfocusBfocusedCwould focus Dhad focused2) Yuan Longping is quite satisfied with his life and he _ keep time for his hobbies _ spend money on himself or lead a comfortable life.Ahad rather;than Bwould rather;thanCcould rather;than Dprefer to;rather than3) Dont come tonight.I would rather you _ tomorrow.Acome Bcame Cwill come D

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