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1、秦咸阳历史文物陈列大纲 秦咸阳历史文物陈列前 言咸阳是历史上著名的古都。秦孝公十二年(前350),筑城咸阳,开始了秦定都咸阳之后140余年的历史。在长达一个多世纪的时间里,秦励精图治,东取河西(魏属黄河以西地区),南夺巴蜀(今四川盆地),跻身战国七雄,于秦王政二十六年(前221)剪灭六国,建立了中国历史上第一个统一的中央集权制帝国。咸阳成为秦帝国政治、经济、文化的中心。秦帝国仅存15年而亡,秦都咸阳的帝王宫殿也被项羽纵火焚烧,化为焦土。但帝国留下的文物典章制度,却对后世产生了深远的影响。它的声名秦(chin),甚至远播昔日的希腊和罗马,成为今天英语及其他非汉语国家china(中国)同源名称的原

2、型。20世纪50年代末至90年代中期,考古工作者在咸阳市渭水以北西起塔尔坡东至柏家咀的广阔区域内,发现并发掘了大面积的秦宫殿遗址、手工业作坊遗址和秦人墓地。正是近40年的考古工作,我们才能凭借这些大地留下的丰厚的文化遗存,去构想秦咸阳当年壮阔的景象。 PREFACEXianyang was a famous historical capital.The king,Qin Xiao Gong built the city of Xianyang in 350BC,which had been the capital for over 140 years.During more than one

3、century,the state Qin intruded on Hexi in the east(belonging to the state of Wei in the west of Yellow River) and conquered Bashu in the south (the Sichuan basin).Then,it became one of the seven powerful states in the Warring States Period.In221BC,the king, Yingzhen eliminated the other six states a

4、nd founded the first united and centralized empire in chinese history.Xianyang turned into the centre of politics,economy and culture of the Qin empire.The Qin empire was destroyed 15 years later,the Qin palace in Xianyang was burned down by Xiangyu,but its relics and regulations remained and exerte

5、d significant influence on the following dynasties.From the end of 1950s till the middle of 1990s,the archaeological staff discovered and excavated a large numbers of sites of the Qin palaces,handicraft workshops,and tombs in Xianyang.Based on the 40-year-archaeology-research and the rich cultural r

6、emains,we can figure out the splendid prospect of Xianyang in the Qin Dynasty. 一 展 厅 辅助展版(一)一展厅总说明秦人信史始于非子。公元前897年,非子居 犬丘(今甘肃天水一带),为周王室养马汧渭。公元前770年,周平王东迁,秦封诸侯,始立国。公元前350年,建城咸阳,次年徙都。公元前349 前338年,商鞅继续实行变法,国力日强。公元前221年,嬴正统一六国,称始皇帝,结束了春秋战国(前770前221)五个半世纪分封割据的局面。Fei zi (who was a chieftain of Qin people

7、in history) lived in Quanqiu(in Gansu province) ,and raised horses for the royal family of the western Zhou Dynasty along the Qian and Wei River in 897BC. In 770BC,the state Qin was founded. In 350BC,the city of Xianyang was built and became the capital next year. From 349BC to 338BC,Shangyang ( a p

8、olitician) kept his reforms,so its national strength became much stronger day by day. In 221BC,the king,Yingzhen united the whole land,which called him the first emperor,and so he ended the separate situation lasted for five and a half century from 770BC to 221BC.展品:石鼓(2件) 1、高65厘米 底径73厘米 2、高56厘米 宽75

9、厘米展品说明牌:石鼓及铭文20世纪70年代北京故宫博物院复制咸阳博物馆藏石鼓文刻于秦襄公时期(前777前766),是中国现存最早的石刻文字。因镌于十个鼓形石腹壁而得名。每鼓铭刻记述秦国君游猎四言诗一首。石鼓唐初发现于陕西陈仓(今宝鸡石鼓山)原石现藏北京故宫博物院。Stone Drum with InscriptionCopied by Beijing Palace Museum in 1970sCollected in Xianyang MuseumInscriptions on drum-shaped stone blocks formed in the period of Qin Xian

10、g Gong,and it were the earliest writings which remained on stone blocks in china. On each drum,there was a piece of poem about hunting of the Qin kings.They were discovered in Chengcang in Shannxi province at the beginning of the Tang Dynasty.The geniune ones were collected in Beijing Palace Museum.

11、展品: 凤鸟铭文铜鼎 高20厘米 腹径18厘米羽人凤鸟纹铜钫 高12.3厘米 底径4.5厘米窃曲纹铜鼎 高17.5厘米 宽19.5厘米展品说明牌:凤鸟铭文铜鼎西周中期咸阳博物馆藏西周中期(前976前876),秦人生活于渭水上游,过着半游牧的生活。秦人早期的青铜器完全是西周样式,春秋(前770前476)秦器仍保留着西周的装饰风格。Bronze Tripod with InscriptionIn the Middle of Western Zhou DynastyCollected in Xianyany MuseumIn the middle of Western Zhou Dynasty,pe

12、ople of the state Qin lived a half nomadic life along upper reachs of the Wei river.The early bronze-ware of the state Qin were completely the pattern of the Western Zhou Dynasty,until the Spring and Autumn Period,it still kept that kind of decorative style.羽人凤鸟纹铜钫春秋咸阳任家咀出土咸阳博物馆藏Bronze square vessel

13、 with a winged man and pheonix figure In the Spring and Autumn PeriodExcavated from Renjiazui Village in XianyangCollected in Xianyang Museum窃曲纹铜鼎春秋宝鸡青铜器博物馆藏Bronze TripodIn the Spring and AutumnCollected in Baoji Bronze-ware Museum工师初铜壶战国早期咸阳塔儿坡出土咸阳博物馆藏Bronze Vessel with InscriptionIn the Early Warr

14、ing States PeriodExcavated in XianyangCollected in Xianyang Museum雍工敃铜壶战国早期咸阳塔儿坡出土咸阳博物馆藏Bronze Vessel with InscriptionIn the Early Warring States PeriodExcavated in XianyangCollected in Xianyang Museum辅助展版(二)传秦人犬丘放马场(照片) Ranch Raising Horses of Qin People in Quanqiu in Legend.展品:鹿纹瓦当 直径13厘米树木禽兽纹瓦当 直

15、径13.6厘米骑马俑(2件) 1、长18厘米 宽 7厘米 高22.6厘米 2、长18.4厘米 宽7.4厘米 高22厘米展品说明牌:鹿纹瓦当 20世纪60年代陕西历史博物馆复制咸阳博物馆藏鹿纹瓦当多出土于陕西凤翔一带,此地古称雍,公元前677年,秦德公建都雍城。鹿纹反映了先秦时期秦人居住的地理环境和秦人早期的游猎生活。Eaves Tile with Deer FigureCopied by Shannxi History MuseumCollected in Xianyang MuseumEaves tile with deer figure was excavated from the reg

16、ion of Fengxiang in Shannxi province. Fengxiang was named Yong in ancient china. In 677BC,the king, Qin De Gong made the city his capital. Deer figure indicated the geographical environment and their hunting life in pre-Qin times.树木禽兽纹瓦当20世纪60年代秦遗址区采集咸阳博物馆藏 Eaves Tile with Tree and Animal FigureDisc

17、overed in the Site of Qin in 1960sCollected in Xianyang Museum骑马俑1995年塔尔坡战国秦墓出土咸阳市文物考古研究所藏这是中国目前发现时代最早的骑马俑。马无鞍鞯,俑塑戎服。秦与戎为邻,着戎装,善骑射。Horse-Man FigurineExcavated from a Tomb of the State Qin in the Warring States Period in 1995.Collected in Xianyang Archaeological Research InstituteThis is the earliest

18、 horse-man figurine with no saddle ever discovered now in china, men were dressed in uniform.At that time, people of the state Qin were good at riding and bowing. 辅助展版(三) 秦都城迁徙示意图 A Map Showing Changes of the State Qins Capital.展品:大良造商鞅量 长24.3厘米 宽9厘米 高5 厘米商鞅镦 高 5.2厘米 直径2.3厘米展品说明牌:大良造商鞅量20世纪70年代陕西历史博

19、物馆复制咸阳博物馆藏Shang yangs Litre Copied by Shannxi History Museum in 1970sCollected in Xianyang Museum商鞅镦1995年塔尔坡战国秦墓出土咸阳市文物考古研究所藏商鞅镦铭文拓片铭文:“十九年大良造庶长鞅之造殳犛郑。”Shang yang dun (Part of a Sword)Excavated from a Tomb of the State Qin in the Warring States Period in Xianyang in 1995.Collected in Xianyang Archae

20、ological Research Institute.辅助展版(四)商鞅变法主要内容:(一)废井田 开阡陌(二)奖励耕织(三)奖励军功(四)推行郡县制(五)编户齐民 重农抑商(六)严刑峻法 实行连坐(七)焚毁诗书 尊崇法家(八)统一度量衡Main Contents of Shang yangs Reform1.The government of the state Qin abolished some former policy about land, encouraged farmers to reclaim wasteland for farming. 2. Rewarded to th

21、e persons farming and weaving well3. Rewarded to military expliots4. Applied prefecture-county system in whole state.5.Modified census registration system,encouraged farmers to develop agriculture and discouraged commerce.6. Enforced stiff laws7. The government burnt all other books except ones abou

22、t law.8. Made different length ,capacity and weight into the same ones. 秦中央集权郡县制机构表(后附)展品:铁料 长43厘米 宽25厘米铁铲 残长 10厘米 宽9.3厘米铁镈(2件) 1、长10厘米 2、长12厘米铁锸 长13厘米 高0.7厘米展品说明牌:铁镈 铁铲 铁料 铁锸长陵车站秦手工业作坊遗址出土咸阳博物馆藏铁农具的使用和牛耕的推广,极大地带动了农业的发展。公元前246年以后,由于修筑了郑国渠和都江堰,使秦的农业资源大为充足,加快了秦统一六国的历史进程。Iron bo(farm tool) Iron Spade I

23、ron Material Iron cha(farm tool)Excavated from the Site of Qin Handicraft Workshops in Xianyang Collected in Xianyang MuseumSince iron farm tool and cattle-ploughing were used, agriculture developed rapidly.After Zhenguo canal and Doujiangyan (water conservancy project in sichuan province )was finis

24、hed in 246BC, agricultral resource of the state Qin became more than enough. All of those accelerated the history process which the state Qin united china. 辅助展版(五)郑国渠首遗址(照片) The Site of the Beginning of Zhenguo Canal展品:铜戈(3件) 1、长23厘米 宽10.5厘米(51238) 2、长28厘米 宽15厘米 (51240) 3、长27.5厘米 宽18.9厘米 (51596)铜勾戟

25、长21.5厘米 宽18.7厘米铜矛 长12厘米 宽2.9厘米铜剑(5把) 1、长42.5厘米 宽4厘米 2、长14.5厘米 3、长35.5厘米 宽3.5厘米 4、长50厘米 宽4.9厘米 5、长43厘米 宽5厘米铜镞一组 长3.24.8厘米 宽0.51厘米铜武士造像 高11.5 厘米展品说明牌:铜戈长陵车站秦手工业作坊遗址出土咸阳博物馆藏Bronze Dagger-axeExcavated from the Site of Qin Handicraft Workshops in XianyangCollected in Xianyang Museum铜勾戟长陵车站秦手工业作坊遗址出土咸阳博物馆

26、藏Bronze HalberdExcavated from the Site of Qin Handicraft Workshops in XianyangCollected in Xianyang Museum铜矛战国秦咸阳博物馆藏Bronze SpearIn the Warring States PeriodCollected in Xianyang Museum铜剑窑店秦宫殿遗址区出土咸阳博物馆藏Bronze SwordExcavated from the Site of Qin Palaces in Xianyang MuseumCollected in Xianyang Museum

27、铜镞长陵车站秦手工业作坊遗址出土咸阳博物馆藏Bronze ArrowExcavated from the Site of Qin Palaces in XianyangCollected in Xianyang Museum铜武土造像1982年长陵车站秦手工业作坊遗址出土咸阳博物馆藏作为经常与非华夏族的“夷狄”发生冲突的边陲国家,秦人以善战而闻名。著名的军事将领白起、王翦和蒙恬皆为秦人。秦有发达的兵器制造工艺,出土的秦兵器,有些经二千多年,毫无锈迹,锋棱爽然。Bronze Statue of a Warrior Excavated from the Site of Qin Handicraft

28、 Workshops in Xianyang in 1982.Collected in Xianyang MuseumAs a state on the border which often conflicted with other nationalities,the people of the state Qin were famous for fighting. In this state, there were many well-known military generals, such as Baiqi,Wangjian, Mengtian.Its weapons were adv

29、anced, some excavated even were not any rust spot more than 2000 years later.辅助展版(六)铜武士造像(照片)Bronze Statue of a Warrior 展品: 铜鼎 高29厘米 宽31.5厘米修武府温杯 长15厘米 宽12.9厘米安邑下官锺 高56厘米 腹围116厘米展品说明牌:铜鼎秦遗址采集咸阳博物馆藏Bronze TripodDiscovered in the Site of Qin Collected in Xianyang Museum修武府温杯塔尔坡秦青铜器窖藏出土咸阳博物馆藏秦灭六国,虏其重器。

30、温杯耳侧与同侧盘沿刻有“修武府”三字。修武属魏,温杯应是魏器,魏亡后入秦。Wine Heater with InscriptionExcavated from a Bronze-Ware Cellar in the Warring States Period in Xianyang.Collected in Xianyang MuseumThe state Qin eliminated other six states and robbed some valuable wares of their states.This wine heater had belonged to the stat

31、e Wei originally, it was taken into the state Qin after the state Wei was destroyed.安邑下官锺塔尔坡秦青铜器窖藏出土咸阳博物馆藏口沿铭文:“十三斗一升”。颈部刻横杠,杠下铭文:“至此”。腹部铭文:“安邑下官重(锺)”。“十年九月, (府)、啬夫成、左(佐)史 (狄) 之,大大半斗一益(溢)少半益(溢)”。安邑下官锺与香港中文大学藏荥阳上官皿腹铭“十年九月 之”13字完全相同。安邑属魏,荥阳属韩,锺名与腹铭亦非同时所錾,知此锺在魏刻器名,入韩校量刻腹铭,入秦再校刻“十三斗一升”Bronze Vessel with InscriptionExcavated from a Bronze-Ware Cellar of Qin in Xianyang.Collected in Xianyang Museum辅助展版:(七)安邑下官锺铭文(照片)B

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