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1、高中英语搭配词典F素材2015年高中英语搭配词典FFFace1. be faced with 面临。如: They are all faced with the same problem. 他们都面临同样的问题。2. face the music 承当后果。如:Youve been caught cheating - now you must face the music. 你的骗局被戳穿了,现在你得自食其果了。3. face to face (with) 面对面,面临,当面。如:He stood face to face with her. 他与她面对面站着。He came face to

2、face with death. 他面临死亡。4. in (the) face of (1) 面对。如:He showed great bravery in face of danger. 在危险面前他表现出非常勇敢。(2) 尽管,不顾。如:He succeeded in the face of great difficulties. 尽管有巨大困难,但他还是成功了。5. lose face 丢面了。如:He lost face with his friends. 他在朋友面前丢了面子。6. make a face (at) 皱眉头, 做苦相, 做鬼脸。如:He made a face whe

3、n he saw the pile of work. 看到一大堆活,他皱起了眉头。注:有时 face 可用复数。如:The children made faces at one another. 孩子们相互做鬼脸。7. pull wear a long face愁眉苦脸的样子, 板着面孔。如:She pulled a long face when she heard that. 他听到这话之后, 显示出一副不高兴的样子。8. save face 保全面子。如:She kept silent about that in order to save face. 为了保全面子,她对那事只字未提。fa

4、ct1. in fact / as a matter of fact 事实上,实际上。如:He doesnt mind. In fact, he is very pleased. 他不介意,实际上他很高兴。A:You must have spoken to him today. 你今天一定给他谈过了吧。B:As a matter of face, I havent. 恰恰还没有。2. The fact is that 事实是。如:The fact is that he has not enough money. 事实是他没有足够的钱。注:该结构在口语中也可用以下形式:The fact is,

5、he has not enough money. Fact is that he has not enough money. Fact is, he has not enough money. 3. the fact that-clause 的事实。如:The fact that he had no girl-friends worried him a lot. 他没有妇朋友,这事使他非常不安。The judge paid not attention to the fact that she had just lost her husband. 法官根本不理会她刚刚失掉丈夫这一事实。fail

6、1. fail in sth 在做某事中失败。如:He failed in business. 他经商失败。I passed in maths but failed in French. 我数学及格,但法语未能及格。注:如果指在考试中失败(即不及格),通常可以不用 in。如:He failed (in) the maths test. 他数学测验没及格。2. fail to do sth 未能做某事。如:Doctors failed to save her life. 医生没能挽救她的命。He never fails to write to his mother every week. 他每周

7、都给他母亲写信。familiar1. be familiar to sb 为某人所熟悉。如:His name is familiar to many people. 他的名字许多人熟悉。These tales are familiar to Chinese children. 这些故事对中国小孩而言是听惯了的。2. be familiar with sth (sb) (1) 熟悉或精通某事物。如:He is familiar with English. 他精通英语。We are familiar with his character. 我们了解他的性格。比较:We are familiar w

8、ith the saying. 我们熟悉这条格言。The saying is familiar to us. 这条格言我们熟悉。(2) 与某人关系友好。如:Hes familiar with his boss. 他与他的老板关系很友好。She greeted them by their first names in a familiar way. 她与他们打招呼时亲切地直呼其名。(3) 与某人关系过分友好(冒失)。如:The man is too familiar with my wife. 这个人对我妻子太随便(太放肆)。famous1. be famous as 作为而出名。如:He is

9、 rather famous as a writer. 他是一位著名作家。Virginia is famous as the birthplace of several US presidents. 弗吉尼亚作为一个出了几位美国总统地方是很有名的。2. be famous for 因为而出名。如:This place is famous for its scenery. 这个地方以风景出名。France is famous for its wine. 法国因为其葡萄酒而出名。far1. as far as (1) 与一样远,一直到We walked as far as the river. 我

10、们一直走到河边。We didnt go as so far as the others. 我们走得不如其他人远。(2) 就而言,从来看,尽所能,只要。如:There are no mistakes as far as I can see. 在我看来没有什么错。We will help you as far as is possible. 我们会尽可能帮你。2. by far(1) 得多。如:He is cleverer by far than her. 他比她聪明得多。Its quicker by far to go by train. 坐火车去要快得多。注:与比较级连用,通常要放在比较级之后

11、,若放在比较级前,则比较级通常应带有冠词。如:He is by far the cleverer than her. Its by far the quicker to go by train. (2) 最最。如:He is by far the tallest among us. 他是我们当中最高的。She is the best teacher by far. 她是最最好的老师。This is by the best news for a long time. 这是很久以来最最好的消息。注:与最高级连用,可放在最高级之前或之后。3. far from (1) 离远。如:Our school

12、 is far from the railway station. 我们学校离火车站很远。Your birthday is not far from mine. 你的生日和我的生日相隔不远。(2) 远远不,完全不,不但不。如:He is far from a fool. 他决不是笨蛋。His work is far from (being) satisfactory. 他的工作丝毫不令人满意。Far from being kind, he was most cruel. 他非但不善良,相反却很残忍。4. how far (1) 多远。如:How far is it from the facto

13、ry to the station? 从工厂去车站有多远? (2) 到多大程度。如:How far was this true? 这事有多大程度的真实性? 5. so far (1) 到目前为止。如:So far the work has been easy but things may change. 到目前为止,这工作很容易,但情况可能有变化。We agreed to meet here but so far he hasnt turned up yet. 我们讲好在这里见面的,但到目前为止他还没有来。注:用于此义时通常与现在完成时连用。(2) 到这种程度或范围。如:I can only

14、help him so far. 我只能帮他到这种程度。注:用于此义时,可根据情况选用时态。 fault1. at fault 有错,有责任,有毛病。如:My memory was at fault. 我记错了。She was not at fault; dont blame her. 她没有责任,不要责怪她。2. be ones fault 是某人的错。如:Im really sorry - its all my fault. 实在对不起,这完全是我的错。He lost his job, but it was his own fault for telling lies. 他丢了工作,但那是

15、因为他自己说谎的错。3. find fault (with sb) 找(某人的)错。如:Why do you find fault so much? 你为什么老是抱怨? He is always finding fault with me. 他老是挑我的毛病。favo(u)r1. do sb a favour / do a favour for sb 帮助某人。如 :Will you do me a favor? 请帮个忙好吗? He is always ready to do a favour for his classmates. 他总是乐于帮助同学。注:以下各句均可表示“劳驾请把窗户打开

16、”:Do me a favour and open the window. Do me a favour by opening the window. Do me a favour - open the window, please. Do me the favour to open the window. Do me the favour of opening the window. 2. in favour of 赞成,主张。如:Are you in favour of stopping now? 你赞成现在就停止吗? I spoke in favour of the motion. 我发

17、言支持这个提议。3. in ones favour 对某人有利。如:The decision went in his favour. 这一判决对他有利。All the comments are in your favour. 所有的评论都对你有利。fear1. fear for sb (sth) 为某人(某事物)担心。如:They feared for the lost child. 他们为丢失的孩子担心。He feared for his sons safety. 他为他儿子的安全担心。比较:We all fear him. 我们都怕他。We all fear for him. 我们都为他担

18、心。2. fear to do doing sth 害怕做某事。如:Women fear to go out at night. 妇女害怕晚上出去。He fears telling her what happened. 他害怕告诉她所发生的事情。3. for fear of 由于怕,以防。如:He left an hour early for fear of missing the train. 他提前一小时离开,以免错过火车。4. in fear of 害怕,担心。如:Were in fear of more snow. 我们担心会再下雪。The thief passed the day i

19、n fear of discovery. 这个小偷整天提心掉胆担心会被发现。feed1. feed on sth 吃。如:Sheep feed mostly on grass. 羊以草为主食。Foxes feed on small animals. 狐狸以小动物为食。2. feed sb on sth 用某物喂某人。如:He fed the horse on potatoes. 他给马喂土豆。She feeds the child on cows milk. 她用牛奶喂小孩。注:该结构中的介词 on 通常不宜省略,即 feed 通常不带双宾语,但在现代英语中,偶尔也可用于双宾语句型,学生宜慎用

20、。3. feed sth to sb 喂某物给某人。如:We feed meat to our dog. 我们喂肉给狗吃。Please feed some grass to the cow. 请给牛喂点草。feel1. feel for sb 同情某人。如:We really felt for her when her husband died. 她丈夫死了,我们十分同情她。比较:She is feeling the baby. 他在摸这婴儿。2. feel for sth 摸着找某物。如:The man felt in the dark for the switch. 这个人在黑暗中摸索寻找

21、开关。比较:The doctor first felt my pulse. 医生先摸了我的脉。3. feel like (doing) sth (1) 感到想要(做某事)。如:I dont feel like going to the movies. 我不想去看电影。Do you feel like (having) a drink? 要喝一杯吗? (2) 摸起来好像。如:It feels like silk. 这东西摸起来像丝绸。The material feels like velvet. 这料子摸起来像丝绒。(3) (感到)像是的样子。如:It feels like rain (snow

22、). 像是要下雨(雪)的样子。I feel like catching a cold. 我像是感冒了。4. feel oneself 觉得身体情况正常。如:I dont feel like myself today. 我今天感到不太舒服。有时可省略介词 like。如:He isnt feeling himself this morning. 今天早上他感到不太舒服。5. feel sb (sth) to be 认为或觉得某人(某事物)是。如:He felt them to be right. 他认为他们是对的。They all felt the plan to be unwise. 他们都认为

23、这个计划不明智。注:该结构常可与带宾语从句的句子转换。如以上两句也说成:He felt that they were right. They all felt that the plan was unwise. 6. feel sth (sb) do doing sth 感觉某人(某事物)在做某事。如:We all felt the house shake shaking. 我们都感觉这房子在震动。I felt something crawl crawling up my arm. 我觉得有什么东西顺着我的胳膊向上爬。注:该结构中用作宾语补足语的不定式通常不带 to, 但是下面各句中不定式带了

24、 to, 情况有所不同(用作目的状语):He felt the coat to see if it was wet. 他摸了一下衣服,看它是否湿了。7. feel sth (sb) done 感觉某事物(某人)被。如:I felt myself lifted up. 我感到自己被举起来。He felt a great weight taken off his mind. 他感到去掉了一件大心事。fetch1. fetch sb sth / fetch sth for sb 为某人去拿某物。如:Go upstairs and fetch me my glasses, will you? 去上楼把

25、我的眼镜拿来,好吗? Fetch me the dictionary. / Fetch the dictionary for me. 给我把那本字典拿来。2. fetch sb (sth) from 从把某人(某物)拿来或接来。如:Its time to fetch the children from school. 是把孩子们从学校接回来的时候了。He fetched a globe from the living room. 他到起居室拿来了地球仪。few1. a few 几个。如:I have a few friends besides you. 除你外我还有几个朋友。His theor

26、y is very difficult, and few people understand it. 他的理论很深奥,没几个人能懂。比较:I have few friends except you. 除你外我几乎没有朋友。His theory is very difficult, but a few people understand it. 他的理论很深奥,但还是有些人能懂。2. not a few 不少,相当多,好些。如:Not a few of the members were absent. 不少会员未出席。3. quite a few 相当多,不少。如:He has made qui

27、te a few friends. 他交了不少朋友。Quite a few of us are worried. 我们不少人很着急。注:quite a few 也可说成 a good few。4. the few 少数。如:He was among the few who have read the book. 他是少数读过这本书的人之一。Only the few are likely to enjoy this music. 可能只有少数人欣赏这种音乐。fight1. fight with sb (sth) (1) 与某人(某事)斗争(战斗)。如:We fought with the ene

28、my bravely. 我们勇敢地同敌人作战。注:此时也可用介词 against。如:We fought against the enemy bravely. (2) 用某事物打。如:The children fought with snow-ball. 孩子们打雪战(用雪球打战)。(3) 与某人一起战斗。如:England fought with France against Germany in World War I. 英国在第一次世界大战与法国一起对德作战。比较:England fought with against France. 英法交战。2. fight for sth(1) 为

29、某事物而战斗或斗争。如:He died fighting for the country. 他为国战死。(2) 为得到某物而战斗或斗争。如:They fight for peace. 他们为和平而战。注:有时用介词 about, over。如:The two dogs fought for over, about a bone. 这两条狗为一根骨头争斗。figure1. figure sth in 将某事物包括(计算)在内。如:Have you figured in the cost of food for our holiday? 你把咱们度假的食物费用计算在内了吗? 2. figure o

30、n (doing) sth 指望或计划(做)某事。如:Im figuring on (getting) a pay increase. 我指望可以加工资。You can figure on him to be on time. 你可以指望他准时来。3. figure sth (sb) out (1) 理解某人,弄明白某事。如:Ive never been able to figure him out. 我一直不能理解他。We must figure out how to do it. 我们必须想出做这事的办法。(2) 演算(计算)出某事物。如:Please figure out the tot

31、al cost. 请计算出总费用。It took me hours to figure out these maths problems. 算出这几道数学题花了我几个小时。fill1. fill sth (sb) with sth 用某物装满某物(某人)。如:He filled the glass with water. 他把杯子装满了水。The thought filled me with pleasure. 这个想法使我内心充满了快乐。注:有时用被动形式(有时可视为系表结构)。如:The glass was filled with water. 玻璃杯内装满了水。2. fill with sth 装满了某物。如:Her eyes filled with tears. 她眼睛里充满了眼泪。Soon the house (was) filled with

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