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1、中级口译考试模拟题答案Sentence translation:1. The main light source of the future will almost surely not be the bulb. It might be a table, a wall, or even a fork.几乎可以肯定的说,未来的主要光源不会再是灯泡,而可能是桌子、墙壁,甚至是餐叉。2. Moscow is the worlds most expensive city for the second year in a row, thanks to an appreciating ruble and

2、rising housing costs.由于卢布的升值和房价的提高,莫斯科已经连续第二年被列为生活消费最贵的城市。【ruble:卢布 appreciate:增值、涨价】3. A record number of Japanese people worked themselves to death last year despite a government campaign to ease the countrys notorious office hours.日本人工作时间过长可谓“世界闻名”,尽管政府发起“减负运动”,但去年日本的过劳死人数竟创下记录。4. Multinational e

3、nterprises are those firms that produce and market their products in two or more countries. Now those sorts of companies dominate in the more capital intensive industries.跨国公司指的是在两个或两个以上国家生产和销售自己产品的公司,现在这类公司在更多资本密集型产业中占据了统治地位。5. Men who are accused of never listening by women now have an excuse-wome

4、ns voices are more difficult for men to listen to than other mens.终于有一个理由来为从来不愿意听女人说话的男人们开脱了:女人的声音和男性的相比,比较不容易被接受。6. Girls who regularly eat breakfast, particularly one that includes cereal, are slimmer than those who skip the morning meal.每天坚持吃早餐,特别是吃含有谷类食物早餐的女孩子比不吃早餐的女孩子身材苗条。7. New Yorks crowded q

5、uarters force restaurants to store trash indoors until it can be collected, providing rats with an indoor food source.纽约房屋过于拥挤,导致餐馆垃圾无法及时运出,为老鼠在餐馆内寻找食源提供便利。8. Research among youngsters has found 47 per cent feel unsafe being driven by their mother, compared with 39 per cent who feel unsafe with thei

6、r father.一项针对孩子们的调查发现,47%的孩子坐妈妈开的车会感到不安全,39%的孩子坐爸爸开的车会感到不安全。9. Air and water pollution combined with widespread use of food additives and pesticides made cancer the top killer in China last year, according to a recent government survey.最近,政府的一项调查显示,空气污染、水污染以及大范围使用食物添加剂和杀虫剂导致癌症成为去年我国的头号杀手。10. Divorce

7、, inheritance and business sense has helped a growing number of women to become millionaires, who have increased at five times the rate of wealthy men.离婚、遗产继承和商业头脑使得越来越多的女性成为百万富翁,其增长速度为富有男性的五倍。11. Traditionally, the fathers family name is the first choice for a Chinese kids surname, although the use

8、 of the mothers name is not uncommon.从我国传统来看,孩子一般随爸爸姓,尽管也不乏跟妈妈姓的情况。12. Eating a first course of soup before lunch, people can reduce their total calorie intake by 20%, compared with those who do not begin the meal with soup.与那些饭前不喝汤的人相比,如果在午餐钱先喝了一碗汤,这顿饭所摄入的总热量就会减少20%.13. Few days go by without a men

9、tion of globalization in the media. While we are all aware that globalization is affecting our lives, our attitudes to it differ widely.新闻媒体几乎每天都会提到“全球化”。尽管我们都意识到全球化影响了我们的生活,但我们对全球化的看法却相去甚远。14. If the stock market declines by 40%, then people feel less wealthy; if they feel less wealthy, they buy le

10、ss; if they buy less, less is produced and fewer people are employed.如果股票市场下跌40%,人们就会觉得自己的财富减少了。如果他们觉得自己的财富减少了,他们就会减少购物支出。如果他们减少购物支出,生产就会减少,受雇佣的人数 也会降低。15. Making sure military mothers have the quality child care, generous family leave, and access to necessary mental health services is a key to thei

11、r family well-being and national security.保证军人妈妈能更好的照顾孩子、享有充足的探亲假及必要的心理健康咨询服务对于她们的家庭幸福及国防安全十分关键。16. One “bad apple” can spread negative behavior like a virus to bring down officemates or destroy a good team.某个人的坏行为能像病毒一样传播,最终带坏同事或者破坏一个好的团队。17. Supercomputers have computed pi to more than a trillion

12、decimal places, looking always for a pattern to unlock its mystery.超级计算机已经计算到的小数点后一万亿位,一直试图寻找一个规律来解决这个谜团。【compute: 计算; Pi: ; trillion: 一万亿; decimal: 小数点】18. Infants and apes apparently adopt the same tactics for remembering where things are, but as children develop their strategies change.婴儿和猿使用同样的方

13、法来记忆物品所在的地方,但是当孩子们越长越大,他们的方法就会改变。19. Warning signs became apparent from 1996, as these countries faced increased competition from China and Mexico in markets for manufacturing exports.从1996年开始,随着这些国家在制造业出口市场上面临来自中国和墨西哥越来越强的竞争,危险信号变得清晰可见。20. Just 10 percent of the 30 million Chinese currently sufferi

14、ng from depression are getting proper medical care due to a lack of psychiatrists and social prejudice against mental illness. 由于精神病医生的缺乏及对于心理疾病存在社会偏见,在我国现有的3000万抑郁症患者中,仅有10%的人在接受正规治疗。【psychiatrist: 精神病专家,精神病医生】21. 10 percent of all clothing, accessories and footwear sales are expected to occur onli

15、ne this year, up from 8 percent last year.今年服装、饰品和鞋类销售的10%都可能发生在网络交易中,比去年高出两个百分比。22. Brighter children tend to behave in a healthier fashion as adults- theyre less likely to smoke, less likely to be overweight, less likely to have high blood pressure and more likely to take exercise.聪明的孩子会和成年人一样跟随健康

16、的流行趋势,他们更不容易吸烟、更不容易肥胖、更不容易血压高,却参与更多的锻炼。23. As capital was withdrawn from the region and the exchange rates of the five countries depreciated, or fell, panic set in amongst foreign creditors.随着资本撤出这一地区以及五国的货币汇率下调或跌落,外国债权人开始感到恐慌。【creditors:债权人,贷方】24. A full-time stay-at-home mother would earn $134,121

17、 a year if pay for all her work, an amount similar to a top US ad executive.如果全职妈妈所做的每项工作都能得到报偿的话,年薪应当高达134,121美元,和美国顶级广告执行官的薪金差不多。25. Beijing is planning to build the worlds biggest subway and dramatically expand its bus network as part of efforts to combat the citys fast-increasing traffic jam.为了缓

18、解急速增长的交通堵塞,北京计划建设世界上最大的地铁并大幅度扩展公交系统。【combat: 反对,与搏斗】26. Even a self-confident person needs to practice before making a speech in public.即使是自信的人,在众人面前演讲,也需要练习。27. The tune of some folk music still keeps the traditional style, but the rhythm is rather fashionable.有些民间音乐的曲调仍然保持传统的风格,但节奏却非常时兴。28. On the

19、 bank of the beautiful Huangpu River, were extremely happy to see so many friends from the press circle across the country.在这美丽的黄浦江畔,看到来自全国各地的媒体朋友,我感到十分高兴。29. On October 1, 2001, Bank of China (HK) Limited was established upon the merger and restructuring of the 12 sister banks of the former BOC Gro

20、up in Hong Kong.2001年10月1日,原香港中银集团重组合并了中国银行在港的12家姐妹行,正式成立了中国银行(香港)有限公司。【merge:合并;BOC: Bank of China Limited中国银行】30. This year is the 100-year birthday of Ford. The journey of Ford over the past century has witnessed the glory of the auto industry. 今年是福特汽车的百年华诞,福特的百年历程,见证了汽车工业一个世纪的辉煌。31. We are not t

21、rying to practice medicine. We are trying to give consumers detailed information on their various, health care issues.我们并不试图行医,而是向我们的客户提供关于各种医疗问题的详尽信息。32. American and Japanese researchers have discovered a strong connection between weather and conditions in the ocean.美国和日本的研究人员发现天气与海洋情况存在密切的联系。33.

22、Boeing, the worlds largest commercial airplane maker, announced it has 18 billion dollars in new orders this year for its new 777 jetliner.世界最大的商业飞机制造商波音公司宣布其新型777喷气式客机今年的新订单价值达180亿美元。34. The agreement marks the end of thirteen long and often painful years of negotiations between China and the Unite

23、d States.协议标志着中美长达13年痛苦谈判的终结。35. Tourism clearly counts as one of the most remarkable economic and social phenomena of the last century. It undoubtedly will keep this position for the century to come.在上世纪,旅游业成为了最显著的经济和社会现象之一,而在下个世纪毫无疑问它仍将地保持这一地位。36. According to a recent study in Sweden, almost half

24、 of our unnatural deaths are related to alcohol. Scientists suggest that 44% of deaths caused by accidents or other events are linked to drinking.瑞典最近的一项调查显示,几乎一半的非正常死亡与饮酒有关。科学家们指出在由事故或其它事件引起的死亡事件中,44%与饮酒有关。37. Today its evident that Internet represents a transformation far more profound than online

25、 “chat” groups or giving people access to sports scores and weather reports.如今,很明显,互联网络代表着比网上聊天或向人们播报体育比赛成绩和天气预报更深远的变革。38. We are all intimately familiar with at least one language, yet few of us ever stop to consider what we know about it. The words of a language can be listed in a dictionary, but

26、not all the sentences.虽然我们人人至少通晓一门语言,但很少有人会静心思考一下对语言了解多少。一种语言的词汇可以在词典中列出,但并非所有句子都能为词典所收入。39. As the world leader in the software industry, Microsoft would like to share with Chinese customers our success. And we are expected to maintain our leading position in the world software market.作为世界软件行业的龙头老大

27、,微软公司希望同中国客户分享我们的成功。我们将继续保持在世界软件市场的领导地位。40. Welcome to my discussion on the Chinese culture and American way of life. Americans are looking to Chinese culture to enrich their life.欢迎各位参加中国文化和美国生活方式的讲座。美国人现在将目光转向了中国文化,借以丰富他们的生活。41. According to Chinas fourth national census conducted in 1990, the Han

28、 nationality accounts for 92% of the countrys total population, and ethnic minority groups account for 8%.1990年中国第四次人口普查显示,汉族人口占总人口的比例为92%,少数民族为8%。42. The Zhujiajiao ancient town is 50 kilometers from downtown Shanghai in Qingpu District in the southwestern suburbs of the city.古镇朱家角位于上海西南郊青浦区,距市中心50

29、公里。43. Chinese Wushu has aroused interest among foreigners and is taught in many countries throughout the world.中国武术让很多外国人产生兴趣并且在世界许多国家得以传授。44. In an era dominated by electronics and telecommunications, we can never emphasize too much the importance of change.在一个由电子和通讯主导的时代里,我们再怎么强调变革的重要性都不为过。45. To

30、day, American businessmen are eager to learn more about trade and investment opportunities in China, especially after its accession to the WTO.如今,美国商人渴望更多的了解中国贸易及投资机会,尤其在中国加入世贸组织之后。46. Information superhighway is a large-scale nationwide, or worldwide, electronic communications network system, capab

31、le of transmitting just about any form of recorded data.信息高速公路是全国或世界范围的大规模电子通讯网络系统,能够传输几乎任何形式的记录数据。47. According to the statistics from the housing authority, prices of Chinas houses averaged at 2,226 Yuan a square meter last year, 6% up over the year before.根据房屋管理部门的数据显示,去年中国房屋平均价格达到2225元/米,比前年上升了6

32、%。48. Intel will provide China with technological guidance and standards on the production of personal computers equipped with a Pentium IV processor.因特尔公司将对中国生产配有奔腾4处理器的个人电脑提供技术指导和标准。【Pentium: 美国英特尔公司生产的微处理器,中文译名为“奔腾”】49. Many businesses in the United States are conducted on the telephone. The average businessman spends much of his time on the telephone making business contacts.在美国,许多生意通过电话完成。一般商人花很多时间打电话来谈生意。50. The Chinese Spring Festival is a wonderf

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