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1、吉林磐石高考英语二轮复习完形填空练习吉林省磐石市2016高考英语二轮复习 完形填空练习(3)吉林省磐石市2016高考英语(二轮)完形填空练习(3) 【深圳市2014高考英语综合能力测试题(8)】 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1-15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。 The British writer Paul Smith has become the first person to travel half-way around the world on Twitter. Smith, who considers himself

2、as an ordinary person, traveled _l_ for 30 days, relying on the kindness of Twitter _2_. During his journey, he has raised money for “Charity Water”, which helps to bring clean and _3_ drinking water to developing nations. Like millions of people, he spends a lot of time using Twitter, a social netw

3、orking site that connects friends and strangers alike. _4_ himself the “Twitchhiker”, Smith vowed (发誓) not to _5_ for transport or accommodation during the month of travel. Instead, he depended on help _6_ by Twitter users. He made his goal the _7_ point on the other side of the world from Britain-C

4、ampbell Island, several hundred miles from the southern tip of New Zealand. The most important _8_ was this: Smith couldnt ask Twitter users for specific help. It was up to them to offer _9_. and decide his route. When he accepted an offer, he would meet the _10_. to pick up his ticket. Within two d

5、ays of _11_ his idea online, Twitchhiker became headline _12_in New Zealand. The British comedian, writer and announcer Stephen Fry heard of the journey and asked his tens of thousands of followers to help Smiths travels. Smiths _13_ journey inspired acts of kindness from Twitter users around the wo

6、rld. Smith said, During my 30 days as the Twitchhiker, I discovered that _14_ is universal and that the whole can be much greater than the sum of its parts. _15_, I received a life-changing lesson in self-belief and living without regrets.” 1. A. unsuccessfully B. successfully C. difficultly D. easi

7、ly - 1 - 2. A. players B. travelers C. friends D. followers 3. A. safe B. dangerous C. deep D. dirty 4. A. Making B. Treating C. Naming D. Introducing 5. A. care B. stand C. wait D. pay 6. A. offered B. bought C. sold D. requested 7. A. nearest B. farthest C. highest D. lowest 8. A. routine B. reply

8、 C. report D. rule 9. A. assistance B. time C. salary D. job 10. A. visitor B. reminder C. receiver D. sender 11. A. practicing B. giving C. announcing D. exchanging 12. A. news B. word C. person D. story 13. A. unusual B. common C. unpleasant D. strange 14. A. help B(kindness C. business D. travel

9、15. A. However B. Regularly C. Eventually D. Moreover 【参考答案】1-5 BDACD 6-10 ABDAD 11-15 CAABD 完形填空 - 2 - 为了给一家慈善机构筹集善款,英国Twitter社交网站用户Smith在很多Twitter用户的帮助下,没有花一分钱走遍了半个地球。 1. B。从第一句可知Paul成功完成了30天的旅行。 2. D。Twitter是一个社交网站,Paul是依靠Twitter跟帖者的热心进行旅行的,因此选D。 3. A。他为“慈善水”筹集钱的目的就是要把清洁而又安全的(safe)饮用水带到发展中国家,其他选项

10、均不符合句意,故选A。 4. C。根据上下文,这里应指Paul给自己取网名“Twitchhiker”。 5. D。根据上下文,这里应指为交通和住宿付费。 6. A。从上句可知,Smith发誓在他旅行的那个月他不支出运输和食宿费用,相反,他依靠社交网站用户提供的帮助,因此应选A。 7. B。 从后面“on the other side of the world from Britain Campbell Island, several hundred miles of the southern tip of New Zealand.”可知,他的目的地定在地球另一端离英国最远的一个地方,因此应为B

11、。 8. D。 根据冒号之后的Smith couldnt ask Twitter users for specific help判断这就是规定的具体内容,故选D。 9. A。句中的them即Twitter users。根据前文的help判断,社交网站的用户决定向Smith提供援助(assistance)和路线,故选A。 10. D。根据上下文,这里应是去见提供帮助的人。 11. C。这里指Paul把他的想法在网上公布,因此应选C。 12. A。这里指Twitchhiker即Smith成了新西兰的头条新闻 (headline news)。 13. A。根据全文可知,Smith不寻常(unusua

12、l)的旅行鼓舞了全世界Twitter用户的慈善行动,因此答案为A。 14. B。经过30天的旅行之后,Smith先生不无感慨地说慈善 (kindness)是世界性的。 15. D。Smith不仅发现慈善是世界性的,而且(moreover)他还得到了很多教训。 完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Even though it was only October, my students were already whispering about Christmas plans. With each passing day everyone be

13、came more anxious, waiting for the final school - 3 - bell. Upon its 1 everyone would run for their coats and go home, everyone except David David was a small boy in ragged clothes. I had often wondered what kind of home life David had, and what kind of mother could send her son to school dressed so

14、 2 for the cold winter months, without a coat, boots, or gloves. But something made David 3. I can still remember he was always 4 a smile and willing to help. He always stayed after school to straighten chairs and mop the floor. We never talked much. He 5 just simply smile and ask what else he could

15、 do, then thank me for letting him stay and slowly head for home Weeks passed and the 6 over the coming Christmas grew into restlessness until the last day of school before the holiday break. I smiled in 7 as the last of them hurried out of the door. Turning around I saw David quietly standing by my

16、 desk. “I have something for you.” he said and 8 from behind his back a small box. 9 it to me, he said anxiously, “Open it.” I took the box from him, thanked him and slowly unwrapped it. I lifted the lid and to my surprise saw nothing. I looked at Davids smiling face and back into the box and said, “The box is nice, David, but

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