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高中英语北师大版必修1文档Unit 3 Section Ⅶ Communication Workshop Culture Corner amp Bulletin Boa.docx

1、高中英语北师大版必修1文档Unit 3 Section Communication Workshop Culture Corner amp Bulletin BoaSection_Communication_Workshop,_Culture_Corner_&_Bulletin_Board一、这样记单词记得准写得对记得快记得多.基础词汇1.souln灵魂2.needlen. 针3.pillown. 枕头4.litren. 升,公升5.worshipvt. 崇拜,崇敬;敬神;拜神6.messn. 混乱,脏乱.拓展词汇1.productionn生产,制造produce v生产2.unfortuna

2、teadj.不幸的unfortunatelyadv.不幸地fortunately adv.幸运地3.invadevt.侵略invadern侵略者invasion n侵略4.adoptvt.采纳,采用adoption n收养;采用5.honourvt.向某人致敬,尊敬honourable adj.可敬的6.immigrantn移民immigrate v移居1.pillow n枕头联想“床上用品”名词小结quilt被子sheet床单,被罩blanket 毛毯cushion靠垫2.mess n混乱,脏乱词块in a mess杂乱,乱成一团3.unfortunate adj.不幸的同义unlucky记

3、法否定前缀 “un形容词”表示“不,无”。 联想盘点un前缀形容词fairunfair不公平的likelyunlikely不可能的healthyunhealthy不健康的 happyunhappy不幸福的comfortableuncomfortable不舒服的usualunusual不寻常的4.adopt vt.采纳,采用比较adapt v适应;改编二、这样记短语记牢固定短语多积常用词块 well也2put out 熄灭,关掉;生产;伸出3go on 继续下去,持续4complain about 抱怨5a bit of 一点,希望6dress up 盛装,打扮7be known as

4、作为而著名8in particular 特别地,尤其9a variety of 各种各样的,种种10be supposed to_do 理应,应该做11frighten sb./sth. away 把吓走1.have a good time过得很快乐2the Peoples Republic of China 中华人民共和国3get relaxed 放松4do a thorough cleaning 做一次彻底卫生大扫除5increase the festival atmosphere 增添节日的气氛6bring good luck 带来好运7football referee 足球裁判员8go

5、 from door to door 挨家挨户串门9heavy metal music 重金属音乐10a huge public firework display 大型的烟花燃放表演11have a new look 有一个崭新的期望三、这样记句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.It was believed that any village that did not give food would have bad luck. 人们认为哪一个村子不献出食物就会有坏运气。It is/was believed that .“人们相信”,it 为形式主语,that 引导主语从句。It_is_believed

6、_that the whole globe is getting warmer and warmer. 人们相信全球正在变暖。2.Gradually, over the years, the Celtic, Roman and Catholic customs and holidays got mixed together . 多年以后,凯尔特人的、罗马人的和天主教的习俗和节日逐渐地融合在一起了“get过去分词”结构,是被动语态的另外一种形式。The entrance to the parking place was too small and often got_blocked.(2014北

7、京高考满分作文)通往停车场的入口太小了,经常堵车。3.Since it is one of the longest holidays in the year, for most peopleits the time to getrelaxed or go out of the city to travel. 因为这是一年中最长的假期之一,所以对大部分人来说这是放松自己,走出城市旅行的时机。It is time to do sth.“是该做某事的时候了”。He says it_is_time_to_look for solutions. 他说,现在正是寻找解决方案的时候了。1(教材P45)A f

8、ew of my good friends came as well. 我的几个朋友也来了。 as well也,又;还有(用作状语,相当于too 或 also,常位于句末) as well as(除之外)也,既又may/might as well 不妨,倒不如,还是的好Air is necessary for people. It is necessary for plants as well.对人而言,空气是必不可少的,对植物来说也是一样的。The headmaster as_well_as some of our English teachers was given a chance to

9、 go abroad last year.去年,校长以及我们的一些英语老师获得了一次出国的机会。You might_as_well leave at once, for the headmaster stopped students from coming in.你最好还是马上离开,因为校长不许学生们进来。辨析比较as well, too, either, alsoas well用在肯定句中,放在句末too放在句子末尾,通常用逗号隔开;有时也可置于句中either在否定句中使用,放在句子末尾,通常用逗号隔开also放在be动词、助动词和情态动词之后,实义动词之前选用上述词语填空I have n

10、ot been to the World Expo, either.我也没有去过世博会。I want to go to the cinema tonight, and he wants to as_well.今晚我想去看电影,他也想去。Li Ming also took part in the ceremony.李明也参加了典礼。He works as a volunteer and I do, too.他是一名志愿者,我也是。2(教材P45)The house was a bit of amess and my sister made us all a cup of tea.房间里有些凌乱,

11、我姐姐为我们每个人沏了一杯茶。 mess n混乱,脏乱,麻烦,困境v.弄脏;弄乱in a mess乱成一团,一团糟;处于困境 get into a mess 陷入困境make a mess of 把弄糟/乱mess up (把)搞砸/弄糟;弄脏;弄乱Your room is always in a mess.You should keep it tidy.你的房间总是乱七八糟的。你应该保持房间的整洁。The company was in a complete mess when she took over.当她接手的时候,公司的处境非常困难。The local economy is now g

12、etting into a mess.当地的经济现在正陷入困境之中。The children messed up/made a mess of everything in the room.孩子们把房间里的所有东西都弄乱了。3(教材P46)Later, when the Romans invaded Europe, theyadopted the Celts New Year customs and used them in their own festivals.后来,当罗马人侵略欧洲的时候,他们采用了凯尔特人的新年习俗,并把这些习俗融入他们自己的节日中。 adopt v收养;采取,采纳,采

13、用adopt a child/kid/an orphan收养一个小孩/孤儿adopt an idea/a suggestion 采纳意见/建议adopt a new technique/method 采用新技术/方法Having no children of their own, they decided to adopt an orphan.他们因没有亲生儿女,所以决定领养一个孤儿。After much consideration, my teacher decided to adopt_my_suggestion.老师再三考虑之后,决定采纳我的建议。名师点津adapt vt.适应;改编;(

14、往往与to连用)。语境串记The young couple had no children of their own and adopted a boy whose parents were killed in the earthquake. To their surprise, the adopted boy soon adapted to his new family.这对年轻的夫妇没有自己的孩子,他们收养了一个在地震中丧失父母的小男孩。让他们感到惊讶的是,这个被收养的小男孩很快适应了他的新家庭。4(教材P46)Today, in the USA and the UKin particul

15、ar, Halloween has become a special occasion for young people.今天,尤其在美国和英国,万圣节已成为年轻人的一个特殊节日。 in particular尤其,特别(相当于particularly) The price of the house is low and I love the garden in particular.这栋房子的价格很低,我尤其喜欢那个花园。be particular about/over .对很挑剔/过于讲究particularly adv. 特别;尤其As we all know, the British a

16、re rather particular about/over table manners.众所周知,英国人非常讲究餐桌礼仪。The restaurant is particularly (particular) popular with young people.这家餐馆尤其受年轻人的青睐。语境串记Bettyis very particular about food. However, she likes the food cooked by her grandma in particular because her grandma is particularly good at cooki

17、ng.贝蒂是一个很挑食的女孩。可是,她特别喜欢奶奶做的饭。因为她的奶奶特别擅长做饭。5(教材P47)Its usually the biggest family gathering for most families, so everyone is supposed togo home to join the celebration.这通常是大部分家庭最大的家庭聚会,因此每个人都应该回家去参加庆祝。 be supposed to do sth. “应该(理应)做某事”The train for Shanghai leaves at 9 tomorrow morning. So you are

18、supposed to geteverything ready before 8 oclock.去上海的火车明天上午9点出发。因此8点之前你就应该准备好一切。You are_supposed_to take off your shoes before entering the laboratory.在进入实验室之前,你应该脱掉你的鞋子。(1)I suppose so.我认为是这样。I suppose not./I dont suppose so. 我认为不是这样。(2)suppose/supposing (that) . 倘若/假使Will he win?I suppose so./I don

19、t suppose so.I suppose not.他会赢吗?我想他会赢吧。/我想他不会赢。Suppose/Supposing (suppose) (that) you were a millionaire, what would you use your money to do?假如你是个百万富翁,你会用钱来做什么?6(教材P46)After 835 AD, the Catholic Church in Europe invented a holiday on 1 November, All Hallows Day, tohonoursaints.在公元835年后,欧洲的天主教堂在11月1

20、日开创了一个新的节日,为天下圣徒之日,来向圣人致敬。 honour(1)vt.给予(某人)荣誉,使得到尊敬/荣誉,向某人致敬honour sb. for因而尊敬某人feel/be honoured to do 因做而感到荣幸Ihonour Yao Ming for his good behavior in the NBA.因姚明在NBA中的出色表现,我很尊敬他。I feel honoured (honour) to be invited to give you a lecture on how to improve English reading ability.应邀给你们作关于如何提高英语阅

21、读能力的讲座我深感荣幸。(2)n.尊敬;荣誉,光荣;荣幸have the honour有做某事的荣幸in honour of .向表示敬意;为了纪念It is ones honour to do sth. 做某事是某人的荣幸I have the honour to_inform/of informing you that you have got the first.我十分荣幸地通知你,你获得了第一名。This monument was built in_honour_of those brave soldiers. 这块纪念碑是为了纪念那些勇敢的战士们而修建的。It is my honor

22、to be here to share with you my opinions on what to learn in senior high school.(2014江西高考书面表达) 我很荣幸能在这里与你们分享关于高中要学习什么的看法。7(教材P46)To celebrate All Souls Day, people made big bonfires and dressed up as angels, devils, saints and witches.为了庆祝万灵节,人们点起篝火,并且打扮成天使、恶魔、圣人和巫婆的模样。 dress up 穿上盛装; 乔装打扮Ladies lik

23、e to dressthemselves up before going out.女士在出门前喜欢把自己打扮一下。dress up as装扮成dress sb./oneself 给某人(自己)穿衣(宾语是人,不是衣服)be dressed in 穿着(后面跟衣服或表示衣服颜色的词)On Halloween, children in America like to dress up as ghosts to frighten people.在万圣节那天,美国的孩子们喜欢装扮成鬼来吓唬人。He dressed himself (he) quickly, and then went out.他快速穿

24、上衣服出去了。1Since it is one of the longest holidays in the year, for most people its the time to getrelaxed or go out of the city to travel.因为这是一年中最长的假期之一,所以对大部分人来说这是放松自己,走出城市旅行的时机。 该句属于time的相关句型,It is time to do sth.表示“是该做某事的时候了”。Spring is coming. Its time to plant trees.春天来了,是该植树的时候了。 time的常见句型有:(1)It

25、 is time for sth. “该是(做)某事的时候了”It is time for clear rules.现在是明确规则的时候了。(2)It is time for sb. to do sth.“是某人该做某事的时候了”Your results are far from satisfactory. Its time for you to double your effort.你的成绩令人非常不满意,是你加倍努力的时候了。(3)It is (high) time (that)从句“某人(早)该做某事了”,that从句中谓语动词用一般过去时或should动词原则,should一般不省略。

26、Its (high) time (that) we should_do/did (do) something to make good use of time.是我们该做些什么充分利用时间的时候了。(4)Its/This is the first/second/. time that sb.has done sth.“这是某人第一/二次做某事了”This is the first time that I have_been (be) away from my family for such a long time.这是我第一次离开家这么长时间。2Gradually, over the year

27、s, the Celtic, Roman and Catholic customs and holidays got mixedtogether .多年以后,凯尔特人的、罗马人的和天主教的习俗和节日逐渐地融合在一起了get与动词的过去分词连用,构成被动结构,表示某一事件或事故的发生,着重强调动作的发生。Im feeling very sorry to tell you that I have to change our plan to visit Yunnan in July, because one of my feet got injured.(2014北京高考满分作文)我很抱歉地告诉你我

28、不得不改变我们七月份去云南的计划,因为我的一只脚受伤了。The escaped prisoner got arrested (arrest) immediately he turned up at the railway station and was sent to prison again.这个越狱犯一出现在火车站就被逮捕了并再次被送进了监狱。The boy got hurtwhen he was riding to school.那个男孩在骑车上学时受伤了。As we joined the big crowd I got separated (separate) from my frie

29、nds.我们融入一大群人的时候,我与我的朋友们被分开了。.单句语法填空1It was foolish of you to refer to your notes in such an important test.As a result, you got punished (punish)2Li Yugang often dresses up as a lady singing on the stage.3Im honoured to_be_asked (ask) to speak here.4Suppose/Supposing (suppose) you are wrong, what wi

30、ll you do then?5The whole meal was good and the wine in particular was excellent.6It is time for her to_answer (answer) the question.完成句子1房间里一团糟,肯定有人闯入了。The room is_in_a_mess. It must have been broken into.2每个人在汽车里都应该系安全带。Everyone is_supposed_to_wear_a_seatbelt in the car.3外面太冷,我们不如待在家里好了。Its so cold outside, we might_as_well_stay_at_home.4我能有荣幸与你跳舞吗?May I have_the_honour_of_dancing/to_dance with you?5这位女士对穿戴很讲究。The lady is_very_particular_about what she wears.一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高本

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