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1、高三英语学案高三英语学案 (M 9) Unit 1 Reading (1)一、学习目标:掌握Reading (L 1-33)中的重点单词、短语及句型的用法并能熟练运用。二、预习引导1. 仅次于俄罗斯 2. 以其绮丽的自然景色出名 3. 有辽阔的荒原 4. 零下20摄氏度 5. 8892米长的边境线 6. 在北方的冰封之地 7. 某地盛产 8. 热爱户外娱乐活动 9. 非常喜爱 10. 对兴奋不已 11. 大都市的生活方式 12. 跻身于 13. 被简称为 14. 港口城市蒙特利尔位于魁北克省境内,是加拿大第二大城市,也是世界上第二大讲法语城市,最大的是巴黎。 15. be settled by

2、 the French 16. be lost to the British 三、问题探究1. be second only to ((L1, P 2) 仅次于The Yellow River (仅次于) the Yangtze River in China. be second to none 不亚于任何人 As a dancer, he is second to none. 2. On the east and west are the shores of two great oceans - the Atlantic and the Pacific. (L6)In the heart o

3、f Toronto is the Canadian National Tower, which is often called the CN Tower for short. 加拿大国家电视塔位于多伦多市中心,通常简称为CN塔。 (L 21) 思维训练:以上两句均为 句,置于句首的是 短语。再如:1) (她左边)sat her husband. for short: 简称;缩略;常作状语。 be short for: 作谓语, 是的简称; in short: 总之;简言之2) British Broadcasting Corporation is called BBC . 英国广播公司简称为B

4、BC。3) CCTV is Chinas Central Television. CCTV是中国中央电视台的简称。4) , her novels are well-received by teenagers. 总之,她的小说很受青少年的欢迎。3. fish are abundant in the seas and rivers. (L 10, P 2) sth be abundant in + sw 某物在某地有大量的/盛产; sw be abundant in + sth 某地在某物方面丰富;充裕 1) 中国南方盛产大米。 Rice is abundant in the south of C

5、hina. = The south of China 2) China (自然资源丰富).4. You will be delighted by Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Edmonton - all known around the world for their urban life, beautiful architecture and unique culture. (L17, P 2) 你会为Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Edmonton而兴奋不已 - 这些城市均以其大都市的生活方式,美丽的建筑和独特的文化而

6、闻名世界。Montreal, a port in the province of Quebec, is the second largest French-speaking city in the world, Paris being the largest. (L24, P2) 港口城市蒙特利尔位于魁北克省境内,是世界上第二大讲法语城市,最大的是巴黎。There are old buildings, historic churches, narrow streets and alleys, all alongside glass and steel and concrete skyscrap

7、ers towering upwards. (L 30, P2) 这里有古老的建筑、历史悠久的教堂、狭窄的街道和小巷,而旁边则矗立着用玻璃和钢筋混凝土盖成的摩天大楼。以上三个句子划线部分用的是独立主格结构,独立主格的逻辑主语与主句的主语是不一致的,它独立存在。独立主格结构可以由 “名词/代词(主格) + V-ing/V-ed/to do/形容词/副词/介词短语” 等构成,这种结构在句中作状语,表时间,原因,条件,伴随,方式等。 注意: 独立主格结构中用to do/V-ing/V-ed 意义不同。不定式往往表示没有发生或即将发生的动作;V-ing 表示一个主动动作正在进行;V-ed表示已经完成、

8、或被动完成的动作。 独立主格结构中的being可以省略,但若是being done表示正在被做时,being不可省略。当独立主格结构的逻辑主语是it,there时,being 通常不省略。1) I (一听到) the news, tears came down. 2) Her work (完成了), she prepared to go home. 3) The weather (好), I kept the windows open. 4) So many windows (要擦), I had to devote the whole afternoon.5) The boy stood t

9、here, book (手里拿着书).6) It (be) Sunday, they had no classes. 7) Food , I fell asleep. 我做着饭睡着了。5. rank vt./vi. 把分等级;属于某等级;排列,使排成行 (L 19, P 2) rank () as 具有等级; rank among 跻身于;rank/be ranked first/second 排第一/二名1) Todays match one of the most exciting games that the two teams have ever played. 今天的比赛是这两支球队

10、打的最精彩的比赛之一。2) We the safest countries in the world. 我们是世界上最安全的国家之一。3) The university in the country for engineering. 在工程学领域,这所大学居本国第一。6. Rising 553 metres into the sky, it is the third tallest tower in the world. (Line 22)Rising 553 metres into the sky为 短语,在句中作 。 1) (want) to protect the father, Liu

11、 claims that she alone knows the name. 2) (not know) how to deal with the problem, he turned to me for help. 3) (twist) her ankle, our guide had to be taken to the hospital. III. Multiple choices. 1. I wont do it! _ shortno! Her real name is Catherine, but we call her Kate _. A. In; for short B. For

12、; in short C. In; in short D. As; for short2. Many children _ very _ mini French bread. A. is; fond of B. are; fond of C. do; like D. are; like3. _ in the east of China, Shanghai is said _ one of the most developed cities of the country. A. Located; to be B. Locating; to being C. To locate; being D.

13、 To be located; having been 4. It is said that Pairs is the largest _ city in the world. A. French-spoken B. spoken French C. speaking French D. French-speaking5. Quebec, once originally _ by France, _ the British in 1763. A. was colonized; was lost to B. being colonized; was lost in C. colonized; w

14、as lost to D. having being colonized; was lost in6. _ 553 metres into the sky, Canadian National Tower is the tallest tower in the world. A. Raising B. Raised C. Rising D. Risen 7. It is so _ that Im almost _ . A. freezing; frozen B. freezing; freezing C. frozen; frozen D. freeze; frozen8. Time _, w

15、ell go to the park. A. permit B. permits C. permitting D. is permitted 9. There _ no time left, we had to speed up. A. is B. was C. / D. being10. The Springs there are _ mineral salts. A. abundant at B. abundant in C. rich in D. both B and C11. In this city, traditional beliefs go _ a modern urban l

16、ifestyle. A. alongside B. as well as C. together with D. All of above12. Would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our study? - If you make _ most of the time , there will be _ rise in your study efficiency. A. /; / B. the; a C. /; a D. the; /高三英语学案 (M 9) Unit 1 Reading (2)一、学习目标: 掌握Readin

17、g L 34-59和Part E的重点单词、短语及句型的用法并能熟练运用。二、预习引导:1. 各种现代生活的舒适设施 2. 除外 3. 临近,靠近 4. 是之乡/发源地 5. 室内购物中心 6. 占地面积超过20英亩 7. 由组成 8. 呈半圆形 9. 最广为人知的自然景观 10. 外出寻找(成功或发财)机会 11. 少数人 12. 建立定居点 13. 加拿大的国家象征 14. 与某物相配 15. 去滑雪 (Part E) 16. Edmonton以南300公里处 17. 只是而已,仅仅 18. 养牛 19. 令某人惊叹/叫绝 20. 旅游团 三、课中探究1. Smaller in size,

18、 but just as famous, is the city of Vancouver in the province of British Columbia on the Pacific coast. 位于太平洋沿岸的不列颠哥伦比亚省的城市温哥华虽然面积较小,但同样名闻遐迩。(L 34, P3)Nearer to the Atlantic coast is Niagara Falls. 尼亚加拉瀑布群更靠近大西洋海岸。 (L 44, P3) 思维训练:以上两句为 句,两句句首的“Smaller in size, but just as famous和Nearer to the Atlan

19、tic coast”在句中作 语。Practice: 把下面句子改成倒装句。1) Those who are contented are happy. 2) The days are gone when women were looked down upon. 3) An old man in his seventies is seated/sitting in the armchair. 2. It is like an underground city, covering an area of more than 20 football pitches. (L41, P 3)它就像一个地下

20、城市,其面积比20个足球场还要大。covering an area of 是V-ing短语,作city的非限制性定语 = cover vt 占地;覆盖;走完 (一段路程);报道;涉及;读完(多少页书); 足以支付,够付n. 盖子;覆盖物;(书)封面 1) 用手盖住他的眼睛。 2) China is the third largest country in the world, (占地面积) 9.6 million square kilometers. 3) The Red Army (走了25000里) during the Long March.4) I want to send our b

21、est reporter to (报道这件事).5) The report covered all aspects of the problem. 6) I (读20页书) a day. 7) Airlines are raising fares to cover the rising costs of fuel. 8) Your parents will have to cover your tuition fees. 9) The show barely covered its costs. 10) (这本书的封面) is very beautiful. 3. seek ones fort

22、une 外出寻找(成功或发财)机会 (L 50, P 3) 思维训练:seek 的过去式 ;过去分词 ;常用短语有:seek to do sth. ;seek sb/sth. out seek after/for ;seekfrom sb seek ones fortune 归纳拓展: fortune 大笔的钱,巨款 (C);运气,机遇 (U) make a fortune 发财 spend a fortune (人)花大钱 cost a fortune (东西)花/值不少钱 have the fortune to do sth 有幸做某事 tell sbs fortune 给某人算命 a f

23、ortune-teller 算命先生4. settlement n. 定居点;安顿;定居;(问题的)解决; (L 52, P 3) settle vt./vi 确定;定居;解决;(使)平静;停落1) Lets (确定的日期) the meeting. 2) They got married and (定居伦敦). 3) Can you help us (解决这个问题吗)?4) The chairman tried to (让观众平静下来).5) Two birds settled on the fence. 5. go well with sth 与某物很相配 (L 57, P 3) 1) D

24、oes this jacket go with this skirt? 2) 煎饼配洋葱再完美不过了。 Pancakes _ onion. 6. little more than = no more than = only 只不过,仅仅 (Part E, P5) 1) 他只受了点基础教育就辍学了。 He left school a basic education. 2) Standing while reading is little more than a formality. 3) The restaurant is no more than a glorified (吹捧的,吹嘘的,美化

25、的) fast-food caf. 注意:not more than = at most 至多III. Multiple choice.1. _ are the days when the women were looked down upon. A. Gone B. Go C. Missed D. Losing 2. The maple leaf is Canadas national _. A. symbol B. sign C. sigh D. design 3. Shuyang high school has a long history of about 85 years, _ of

26、 approximately 100 mu.A. cover the area B. covered a area C. covering the area D. covering an area 4. That the city of Toronto keeps the most multicultural is _ the large amount of immigration there.A. owe to B. due to C. because D. thanks to 5. The dancing group _ the old women got the first place

27、at last. A. consists of B. consist of C. consisted of D. consisting of6. - How about the book you are reading ? - Good indeed. It _ many problems we have come across in our study. A. says B. talks C. covers D. refers7. The Sydney Opera Houses roof _ a ships sails. A. is shaped like B. is in the shap

28、e of C. takes the shape of D. All of above8. North Island is famous for an area of hot springs, some of _ throw hot water into the air. A. them B. what C. which D. where9. China is _ pandas. A. home to B. the home of C. home for D. Both A and B10. The color of her dress doesnt at all _ her hair. A.

29、go through B. go over C. go over D. go with11. The film _ Anthony Hopkins _ Picasso. A. features; for B. is featured; for C. features; as D. is featured; for12. Some magazines _ boys while others are intended for girls. A. cater of B. appeal for C. cater to D. apply to13. Located _ the eastern coast of the sea, the village is fairly new _ only a small population of less than 30 minutes. A. on; with B. off; with C. in; of D. on; in14. Dont

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