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1、17春秋华师阅读理解与技巧在线作业华师阅读理解与技巧在线作业一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)1. You arent using this typewriter, _ ?A. are youB. do youC. will youD. have you正确答案:2. If you study hard, you_the examination.A. has passedB. are passingC. have passedD. will pass正确答案:3. We all believe that computer_ smaller and smaller in the co

2、ming years.A. can be becomeB. will be gotC. will be changedD. can turn正确答案:4. Dont worry. Everything will_in time.A. be finishedB. finishC. finishedD. be finishing正确答案:5. Todays weather isnt as cold as it was yesterday,_ ?A. was itB. wasnt itC. is itD. isnt it正确答案:6. His three children _ now college

3、 graduates, he felt he could retire from business.A. to beB. beingC. having beenD. been正确答案:7. I cant find my dictionary.I wonder whether Mary_it now.A. haveB. hasC. is havingD. had正确答案:8. He _the Communist Party_2002.A. has joined, inB. has joined, sinceC. joined, onD. joined, in正确答案:9. I remember_

4、him_the bike needed_.A. hearing . saying . to repairB. to hear . say . to repairC. hearing . say . repairingD. to hear . saying . to be repaired正确答案:10. You should have thanked her before you left. I meant_, but when I was leaving I couldnt find her anywhere.A. to doB. toC. doingD. doing so正确答案: 华师阅

5、读理解与技巧在线作业二、完型填空(共 1 道试题,共 20 分。)1. Another useful method for improving your reading is the ability to reflect on what is being presented. Readers 1 the material that they have read not simply to understand it, 2 to interpret, analyze, and critique this information. Readers use several different met

6、hods to help them reflect such as careful note-taking, .synthesis(综合), and analysis. Careful note-taking on your reading material 3 while you read. Pausing periodically to 4 about important claims or ideas, 5 details, or questions about unclear concepts is a valuable practice. The act of note-taking

7、 will help you to reflect about the content of the document, and the notes you keep will 6 an archive that you can refer to in the future. Synthesis is the ability to take what are 7 seeming irrelevant points and put them together into a meaningful, new whole. Synthesis may occur during your reading

8、, or it may tale place after you have read a document in its entirety.Analysis moves synthesis one step 8 , encouraging a reader to carefully examine thoroughly the points 9 , and how they are synthesized. After readers analyze a passage or a whole text, they 10 regarding the document, either genera

9、lly agreeing or disagreeing with its message. 1). A. study B. reflect on C. consider D. think正确答案:2). A. andB. but alsoC. moreoverD. yet正确答案:3). A. must take place B. may start C. have to begin D. should occur正确答案:4). A. make note B. write noteC. take notesD. keep note正确答案:5). A. relevantB. connecte

10、dC. associatedD. linked正确答案:6). A. act asB. serve as C. consider asD. regard as正确答案:7). A. firstly B. to begin withC. first hand D. at first正确答案:8). A. in advanceB. farther C. further D. forwardly正确答案:9). A. to be made B. being madeC. having made D. to make正确答案:10). A. take a position B. insist onC.

11、 consider D. hold the view正确答案: 华师阅读理解与技巧在线作业三、阅读理解(共 6 道试题,共 60 分。)1. Turtles are reptiles that live within a bony shell. There are many types. Some of the 200 to 300 kinds in the world live only in water - some others live only on land. Still other species can live in both environments. Tortoises

12、and terrapins are names for certain turtles. The name tortoise is commonly applied to land turtles, while the term terrapin generally refers to any turtle that is served to people as food. The shell that surrounds a turtles body is formed from its backbone and ribs growing together under a covering

13、of thick, plate like scales. The top part of the shell curves over the turtles back, whereas the underside is a flat surface. When a turtle is frightened, it pulls its legs, tail, and head inside its shell. Then it hides there. When the danger is over, the turtle emerges and continues in its way. Tu

14、rtles have been in existence for at least 155 million years. Many centuries ago some of them were much longer. They measured up to twelve feet! The turtles found today are much smaller, although one species, the Galapagos turtle, sometimes weighs as much as 500 pounds. Turtles have many interesting

15、characteristics. Like many cold-blooded animals, for example, they hibernate during the winter. Most species have been eyesight but poor hearing. However, turtles can sense vibrations carried through the air or water to their skins. They do not have teeth. Instead, they have horny beaks so powerful

16、that some species can bite off a persons finger with a single, swift chop. To produce their young, female turtles dig a hole in soft sand or dirt with their hind legs. Then they lay their eggs there. After that they cover them and go away, leaving the warmth of the sun to hatch the babies. As soon a

17、s they hatch, the newborn turtles crawl toward the water, where they find protection until their soft shells have a chance to harden. 1). Which of the following states the main idea of the passage?A. Turtles are clever animals.B. Turtles shells are important to themC. To know about turtles.D. To mak

18、e friends with turtles.正确答案:2). Generally speaking, turtles _.A. are divided into only tortoises and terrapinsB. could all live in water, and some even could live on the landC. are classified into about 300 kindsD. could make delicious food depending on what type it belongs to.正确答案:3). What might th

19、e word chop(para.3) probably mean?A. a quick short cutting blowB. a heavy forceful strikingC. bitingD. squeezing正确答案:4). Which of the following statement is NOT true according to the passage?A. Turtles had been seen millions years ago.B. Turtles today dont have the large size as they used to.C. The

20、species will decide to what size a turtle can grow.D. Turtle are cold-blooded animals for they hibernate in winter.正确答案:5). What might be the authors attitude toward turtles?A. We cant judge from the passage.B. He tends to like them very much.C. He doesnt like them very much.D. He is asking us to pr

21、otect them.正确答案:2. By the time the Olympics begin in Atlanta this summer, the business world will have spent more than 1 billion to link their names and products to the Olympic Games. There are 10 Worldwide Sponsors, 10 Centennial Olympic Partners, about 20 regular sponsors and more than a hundred l

22、icensees. The Atlanta Games will boast an “official scouring pad and timepiece, two official game shows, and three official vehicles: a family car, an import minivan and a luxury sedan.But what exactly do these companies reap for their huge investment? At the very least, they command tickets to the

23、most popular events, invitations to the best parties and prime hotel rooms. But most of all, according to US Postal Service, it is purchasing the right to spend money.And the right to spend money is expensive. The biggest backers, Olympic sponsors like Anheuser-Busch, Coca-Cola, Mcdonalds and Xerox,

24、 commit up to 40 million. But, getting the rights to the Olympic rings is only half the battle. The other half is the challenge to sort of wrap their product brands around that image. Often that means TV time. And at roughly 400,000 per 30-second spot, some of the biggest sponsors have already locke

25、d up every commercial slot in their product categories that NBC has to sell.Not everyone is convinced that the Games are worth the price of business admission. The biggest and most conspicuous naysayer is Nike. Its spokesman says: If I see a Reebok official who may not be in the best shape firing th

26、e starting pistol and Carl Lewis wearing Nike shoes, Im going to go with Carl because thats the authentic link. Nikes strategy is hard to argue with - instead of sponsoring the Olympics, it sponsors Olympians.Yet even Nike wants a piece of the Atlantic action. Along with some other non sponsors, Nik

27、e is trying to dot downtown Atlanta with billboards. Advertisement, its another Olympic event.1). By official vehicles, the author means _. A. automobiles for Olympic officialsB. automobiles used in official occasionC. automobiles that the Olympic participants must driveD. automobiles that allowed t

28、o bear the Olympic symbol 正确答案:2). Which of the following is not an Olympic sponsor? A. US Postal Service.B. Nike.C. Coca-Cola.D. Mcdonalds 正确答案:3). The last sentence of this passage indicates _. A. businesses trying to get publicity is a part of the Olympic GamesB. what the Olympic non-sponsors do

29、is of no interest to the Olympic organizersC. that businesses must try very hard to earn money from the Olympic Games as if they were themselves competing in the GamesD. that those who fail to sponsor the Olympics this time will try very hard the next time正确答案:4). Which of the following is NOT impli

30、ed in the passage?A. Companies use their Olympic sponsorship to promote sales of their products.B. To provide sportswear for Carl Lewis is a more effective advertisement than to provide suits for Olympic officials.C. NBC makes great profits from selling advertising time to companies eager to impress

31、 potential customers during the Olympic Games.D. Nike looks down upon the Olympic Games.正确答案:5). Which of the following can best sum up the passage? A. Businesses want to profit from the Olympics.B. The 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games.C. The Olympic sponsorship.D. Importance of the Olympic Games.正确答案:3. How can you find out what is going on inside a persons body without op

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