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1、福建省漳州五中学年仁爱九年级上期中考试英语试题及答案漳州五中20142015学年上学期期中考试九年级 英语试卷命题人:车茹 审题人:郭浴华(考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分)题号总分得分.听力测试:(每小题1分,计30分)A. 听句子,选出与其内容相符的图片。每个句子读两遍。(5分)( ) 1. A B C( ) 2. A. B C( ) 3. A. B. C ( ) 4. A B C. ( ) 5. A B. C. B.听句子,选出最佳应答语。每个句子读两遍。(15分) 第一节 听下面六段对话,回答第611小题( )6. Where is Bob going for his summer

2、 vacations?A. Canada. B. The USA. C. South Africa.( )7. What kind of music will the man listen to when he is tired?A. Rock music. B. Jazz. C. Light music.( )8. Why is the woman moving?A. The house is too old. B. She needs a quiet place. C. She finds a new job.( )9. Whose French book might it be?A. T

3、he boys. B. Lilys. C. Joans.( )10. What would the woman like to drink?A. Coffee. B. Milk. C. Tea. ( )11. What time is it now? A. 9:20. B. 10:20. C. 11:20.第二节 听下面三段对话,每段对话后各有三个问题,选择最佳选项回答问题。听第一段对话,回答第1214小题 ( )12. How long havent they seen each other? A. For 2 years. B. For 3 years. C. For 4 years.(

4、)13.What did Arthur use to wear?A. Suits. B. Jeans. C. T-shirts.( )14. Where does Arthur work now? A. In a bank. B. In a company. C. In a school.听第二段对话,完成第15至17小题。( )15. Where is David at the moment? A. At home. B. In his office. C. In a shop.( )16. Why cant David have dinner with Lily on Friday? A.

5、 Because he will go to London. B. Because he will go to a party. C. Because he will work late.( )17. When are they deciding to have dinner together at last?A. Next Tuesday. B. Next Wednesday. C. Next Thursday. 听第三段对话,完成第18-20小题。( )18.When was the football match held? A. Yesterday afternoon. B. Last

6、Thursday. C. Last Tuesday.( )19. Why did Lucy miss the match?A. She was in hospital. B. She was at home. C. She was having a test.( )20. Which two classes played football?A. Class 5 and Class 2. B. Class 2 and Class 3. C. Class 3 and Class 5. C .听短文,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。(5分)( )21. What is Daniels job?A. A

7、worker. B. A farmer. C. A waiter.( )22. How long is Daniels summer holiday? A. One week. B. One month. C. Three weeks.( )23. How did Daniel go to San Francisco? A. By plane. B. By train. C. On foot.( )24. When did Daniel set off?A. On Monday at 10:30 pm. B. On Friday at 11:30 pm. C. On Sunday at 12:

8、30 pm.( )25. Why couldnt Daniel fall asleep that night? A. Because he was too hungry. B. Because its too noisy. C. Because he was too excited.D .听短文,根据你所听到的短文内容,填写下列表格,每空填一词。短文读三遍。(5分) Tips about the Trip to the Happy Valley Its a long journey and it will bake about 26_ hours. Have breakfast at 27_.

9、 Go to the 28_ park and get on the bus before 8:30. Remember to bring your blue tickets for 29_. Dont forget to bring a 30_ with you, for itll get cold in the valley.II. 单项选择:从A、B、C三个选项中,选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,计15分)( )31.Mrs. White isnt here. She _ London.A. has been to B. has gone to C. went( )32.How long h

10、ave you lived in this town?_ 2011.A. Since B. In C. To ( )33.Dont give up, _ you will never succeed.A. and B. but C. or( ) 34.The policeman prevent us _ out. A. from go B. from going C. go( ) 35._ you _ your homework yet? Yes, I _ it ten minutes ago.A. Did; do; finished B. Have; done; have finished

11、C. Have; done; finished( )36. Which do you prefer, a glass of water or a cup of tea? _. Thanks, I am not thirsty.A. Either. B. Both. C. Neither. ( ) 37. He is late for the meeting. _.A. So I am B. So am I C. So do I ( ) 38 In our class, about _ of the students are girls.A. three fifth Bthird fifth C

12、three fifths ( )39.What did our geography teacher say?She told us that the earth _ around the sun.A. moves B. moved C. has moved ( )40. Last year, the population of that city _ 7,120,000.A. were B. have been C. was ( )41.Mike, where is todays newspaper?Well, you dont need to read it because there is

13、 _in it.A. something interesting B. nothing special C. anything new ( )42.What can we students do _ the environment?A. to protect B. protects C. protecting ( )43.Do you know him?Im sure Ive seen him _, but I cant remember the right place.A. anywhere B. somewhere C. everywhere ( )44. There are severa

14、l chemical factories _waste water into the river.A. pouring B. pour C. pours ( )45. The traffic in the city _ be terrible, but now it has improved a lot. I think you will _ it soon.A. use to; use to B. get used to; used to C. used to; get used to. 完形填空:从A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(每小题1.5分,计15分)Agroup

15、offrogsweretravelingthroughtheforests,butunluckilytwoofthemfellintoahole.Theotherfrogstriedtohelpthem.Whentheysawhow46 theholewas,theycriedtothetwofrogsthattheycouldnotbesaved.Thetwofrogsdidnt47andtriedtheirbesttojumpupoutofthehole.Theotherfrogs48 sayingthattheyweresuretodie.49,oneofthetwofrogs,whoh

16、eardwhattheotherfrogsweresaying, 50 .Thenhefelldownanddied.Theotherfrog,however, 51 tojumpashardashecould,andatlastmadeitout.Whenhe52,theotherfrogsasked,Didntyouhearus?Thefrog,whohadapoor 53 ,explained,Ithoughtyouwereencouragingmeallthetime.Thestoryteachesusa54:Thereispower(力量)oflifeanddeathintheton

17、gue.An 55 wordtothosewhoaredowncanhelpthemoutwhileadiscouragingwordcankillthem.( )46.A.small B.deep C.big( ) B.refuse C.insist( )48.A.kept B.finished C.practiced( )49.A.Luckily B.Finally C.Suddenly( )50.A.wenton B.ranaway C.gaveup( )51.A.happened B.continued C.planned( )52.A.gotout B.ranawa

18、y C.gotoff( )53.A.smelling B.eyesight C.hearing( )54.A.lesson(教训) B.skill C.sentence( )55.A.interesting B.excellent C.encouraging. 阅读理解:(A、B、C、E篇每小题2分,D篇每小题1分,计45分)(A)One day, I happened to meet an Englishman in the street and soon we began to talk. As I was talking about how I was studying English,

19、 the foreigner seemed to be very surprised, gently (轻轻地)shaking his head and saying, “You dont say! You dont say!” I was puzzled(困惑的), and I thought, “Perhaps this is not a right thing to talk about.” So I said to him, “Well, shall we talk about the Great Wall? Have you ever been there?”“Certainly.

20、When Im back home, everyone will laugh at me if I leave here without seeing it. The Great Wall is wonderful!” “Yes, it is one of the wonders in the world. And people of many countries have come to visit it.” As I went on telling him more about it, he stopped me again, “You dont say!”I couldnt help a

21、sking, “Why do you ask me not to talk about it?”“Well, I didnt ask you to do so.” he answered, greatly surprised.“Didnt you say You dont say!?” I asked again.Hearing this, the foreigner laughed loudly. He began to explain, You dont say! means Really? Perhaps you know little about English idioms(习惯用语

22、).”Wow! How foolish I was! Since then I have been careful with English idioms.( )56.The writer was puzzled because_.A. the foreigner had some trouble in understanding him.B. he himself didnt understand the meaning of “You dont say!”C. the foreigner was not polite.D. he found no interest in such thin

23、gs.( )57.What made the foreigner laugh? A. The English idioms. B. The writers talk about the Great Wall. C. The writers misunderstanding(误解) of “You dont say!”D. The writers stupidity (愚蠢)。( )58.The story probably happened in_.A. China B. America C. England D. Australia( )59.The writer was puzzled _

24、in the passage.A. once B. four time. C. three times. D. twice( )60.The English idiom “You dont say!” means “_” A. Is it true ? B.OK. C. All right D Pardon ?(B)Its important to learn things about protecting environment. Heres a 4Rs rule for us.ReduceIf you want to reduce waste, you should use things

25、wisely (明智的). A large number of trees are being cut down to make paper. If everyone uses paper carelessly and then throws it away, soon we would not have any trees left. Some other things are also being wasted, and people dont know what to do with waste in big cities, so its necessary to reduce wast

26、e.ReuseYou should always think of reusing the usable (可用的) things before throwing them away. Give your clothes or things you dont use to the poor. In a family, you may pass such clothes on to your younger brothers or sisters.RecycleBottles, cans and paper can easily be recycled. By doing so we save

27、lots of time and money, for example, cola cans are sent to a factory, where theyre smashed flat(压平)and smelted (熔化), and the metal things are made into new cola cans.RepairIf one of the legs of your table is broken, you can repair it. If you want to change for better ones, its better for you to sell

28、 the old ones or give them to other people who can use them after doing some repair.( )61.The “Reduce” rule mainly requires us _.A. to use things wisely B. to cut down many treesC. to use paper carelessly D. to use more and more things( )62.Whats the right order of recycling cola cans?a. smash them flat b. collect the used cansc. smelt them d. send them to a factoryA. a-b-c-d B. d-c-b-a C. b-d-a-c D. b-d-c-a( )63.The “Reuse” rule mainly requires us _.A. to throw away the old clothesB. to collect waste paper and soft drink cansC. to use both sides of paperD. to

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