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1、版高考英语二轮复习专项技能保分练十五完形填空1211462专项技能保分练(十五)完形填空Test 12019长沙一模 Steve was a seventh grader, a big boy, looking more like a teenager than a 12yearold. Yet, he went unnoticed he had been _1_ every examination since first grade until Miss Wilma appeared.In the middle of the first semester of school, the ent

2、ire seventh grade was _2_ for basic skills.“You all did pretty well,” Miss Wilma told the class after going over the _3_, “except for one boy. And it _4_ my heart to tell you this, but.” she _5_, “the smartest boy in the seventh grade is failing my class.” Steve _6_ his eyes and carefully examined h

3、is fingertips.After that, Steve still wouldnt do his homework. Even if Miss Wilma _7_ punished him, he remained _8_.“Steve, please! I care about you!”_9_, Steve got it! “Someone CARES ABOUT ME?!”One Monday a couple of weeks later, Miss Wilma gave a _10_ on the weekend homework. Steve _11_ through th

4、e test and was the first to hand in his paper. With a look of _12_, Miss Wilma took his paper and began to look it over.Miss Wilmas face was in a _13_ shock! She glanced up at Steve, then _14_, then up. The smartest boy in the seventh grade had just passed his first test!From that moment, nothing wa

5、s the same for Steve. He discovered that not only could he remember and understand _15_, but he could translate what he learned into his life. He became _16_.After high school, Steve enlisted in the Navy, and he had a(n) _17_ military career. During his naval years, he inspired many young people who

6、 might not have _18_ themselves without him.A _19_ took place within the heart of a boy all because of one teacher, who _20_.体裁:记叙文题材:学校生活主题:老师的关爱改变了一个孩子【语篇解读】Steve曾经每次考试都不及格,但是Miss Wilma看到成绩的时候,却说他是班里最聪明的学生,而且告诉他老师非常关心他。Steve感受到老师对自己的良苦用心,从此刻苦学习,改变了自己的命运。老师对他的影响促使他用同样的方法去影响并且帮助更多的人。【高频词回顾】unnoticed

7、 adj.被忽视fail v不及格,失败semester n学期severely adv.严厉地stubborn adj.固执的outstanding adj.杰出的career n生涯1A.missing BfailingCpassing Dskipping答案与解析:B根据下文可知,Steve学习成绩很差;故可推知,他自一年级以来成绩就不及格,故选B。下文中的“failing”也是提示。2A.tested BclassifiedCseparated Ddismissed答案与解析:A根据语境及下文内容可知,此处是说第一学期期中七年级全部学生进行基本技能测试。test“测试”符合语境。3A.

8、questions BeffectsClessons Dresults答案与解析:D根据上文可知,七年级全部学生进行了基本技能测试,故此处应是指查看测试成绩(results)。4A.fills BpressesCbreaks Ddestroys答案与解析:C根据语境可知,此处表示告诉Steve他考试没及格使Miss Wilma心碎。break“使心碎”。5A.shouted BhesitatedCinterrupted Dlaughed答案与解析:B根据语境可知,Miss Wilma的语意有所转折,故此处表示她犹豫(hesitated)了一下继续说道。6A.dropped BraisedCco

9、vered Dclosed答案与解析:A根据语境可知,Steve此次测试未及格,所以当Miss Wilma提到Steve的时候,Steve双目低垂,认真检查自己的指尖。drop ones eyes“垂下眼睛”。7A.strangely BsteadilyCseverely Dsecretly答案与解析:C根据上文“After that, Steve still wouldnt do his homework”并结合语境可推知,即使Miss Wilma严厉地(severely)惩罚了Steve,但他仍然很固执(stubborn)。8A.helpless BstubbornCflexible Dc

10、razy答案与解析:B参见上题解析。9A.Commonly BUnwillinglyCParticularly DSuddenly答案与解析:D根据语境可知,Steve突然顿悟,有人关心着自己。Suddenly“突然”符合语境。10A.quiz BchanceCspeech Dpresentation答案与解析:A根据下文“Steve _11_ through the test and was the first to hand in his paper”可知,此处表示Miss Wilma组织了一场小测试(quiz)。11A.slept BlookedClived Dhurried答案与解析:

11、D根据该句中的“was the first to hand in his paper”可推知,Steve很快就完成了测试。hurry“急忙(做某事)”符合语境。12A.disappointment BsurpriseCsatisfaction Dinspiration答案与解析:B根据下文中的“Miss Wilmas face was in a _13_ shock”可知,Miss Wilma对Steve的表现非常惊讶(surprise)。disappointment“失望”;satisfaction“满意”;inspiration鼓舞人心的人(或事物)。13A.bitter BtotalCp

12、recious Dridiculous答案与解析:B根据语境可知,Miss Wilma深感震惊。a total shock“深感震惊”为固定搭配。14A.down BawayCout Dback答案与解析:A根据该句“she glanced up at Steve, then _14_, then up”可知,Miss Wilma深感震惊,上下打量Steve。down“向下”符合语境。15A.homework BgradesCknowledge Dsubjects答案与解析:C根据语境以及空后的“but he could translate what he learned into his l

13、ife”可知,Steve不但记住并理解了知识,而且可以把所学知识(knowledge)应用到生活中。16A.outstanding BlazyCrough Dtroublesome答案与解析:A根据上文内容可知,Steve不但记住并理解了知识,而且可以把所学知识应用到生活中。由此可推知,他变得很优秀(outstanding)。17A.tiring BordinaryChardworking Dsuccessful答案与解析:D根据上文并结合语境可推知,毕业后,Steve参加了海军,并且度过了成功的(successful)军旅生涯。tiring“令人困倦的”;ordinary“普通的”;hard

14、working“努力的”。18A.relied on Blooked afterCturned to Dbelieved in答案与解析:D根据语境可知,Steve在海军服役期间鼓舞了许多年轻人,如果不是他,这些年轻人可能不会相信(believed in)自己。19A.competition BchoiceCchange Dcampaign答案与解析:C根据上文可知,Steve在Miss Wilma的关心下,发生了改变(change)。20A.waited BlistenedCwished Dcared答案与解析:D参见上题解析。与上文中的“I care about you”呼应。Test 2

15、2019成都第三次诊断I recently visited India to meet women with AIDS. Having AIDS is considered as a mark of disgrace and the punishment is abandonment. Most of these women had been _1_ by their family.What I _2_ most is how much they wanted to touch me and be touched as if physical _3_ somehow proved their

16、_4_.I spent time with the dying and saw rows of cots (折叠床). Every cot was _5_ except for one in the corner, so I went there, hoping to provide some help. The _6_ was a woman in her 30s. She had _7_ eyes and was skinny. _8_, I suddenly felt helpless. I had nothing to _9_ her. I couldnt save her, eith

17、er.I _10_ down and reached out to touch her and when she _11_ my hand, she grabbed it and wouldnt let go. We had been there together for a while when she pointed upwards. It took me some time to _12_ that she wanted to go up to the roof and sit outside. It was getting _13_ and the sun was going down

18、, and no one seemed _14_ to take her upstairs.I carried her up. She sat on a chair, facing the west and watching the _15_. I reminded the workers to _16_ her later. Then I had to leave. But she never _17_ me.Sometimes its the people you cant help who _18_ you the most. Optimism isnt a passive expect

19、ation that things will get better. It is a(n) _19_ that we can make things better and we can help people if we dont lose hope and dont look _20_.体裁:记叙文题材:个人经历主题:照看艾滋病患者带来的启发【语篇解读】我到印度去看望那些患有艾滋病、被家庭抛弃的妇女;在那里我遇到一位女病人,她要我带她到屋顶上;我将她带到上面,然后就离开了,但是这个人却永远留在了我的心中;我由此次经历明白,只要心存希望并且不随便放弃,我们终究会使事情变好,帮助到别人。【高频词

20、回顾】consider n认为;考虑grab v抓住expectation n期望,期待1A.beaten BabandonedCscolded Dcheated答案与解析:B根据上文中的“the punishment is abandonment”可知,这些妇女中大多数已经被她们的家人抛弃了。故选B。2A.value BcomplainCremember Dwonder答案与解析:C根据文章开头的“I recently visited India”可知,文章叙述的是作者的回忆。由此可知,这里表示我记得最清楚的就是她们很想要触碰我并被触碰。故选C。3A.excitement Bcollisio

21、nCpleasure Dcontact答案与解析:D根据第1小题的分析以及该空前的“touch me”和“be touched”可知,她们希望和我有身体接触(contact),好像这样能以某种方式证明她们的价值(worth)。B项意为“碰撞事故,冲突”。4A.birth BfailureCworth Dfuture答案与解析:C参见上题解析。5A.occupied BattendedCmade Dcovered答案与解析:B根据该空后的“hoping to provide some help”可知,每个折叠床(的病人)都有人照看,除了角落里的一个,所以我希望能给这个床的病人一些帮助。B项意为“

22、看护,照料”,故选B。A项意为“占用,占领”。6A.patient BwitnessCnurse Dworker答案与解析:A根据第一段第一句中的“women with AIDS”可知,这里住的都是身患艾滋病的病人。故选A。7A.shining BbeautifulCsorrowful Dgreedy答案与解析:C根据语境以及该空后的“skinny”可知,她有着悲伤的眼睛且骨瘦如柴。D项意为“贪婪的”。8A.Otherwise BHoweverCInstead DBesides答案与解析:B根据第5空后的“hoping to provide some help”以及该空后的“I suddenl

23、y felt helpless”可知,本来我想帮助她,但突然发现我无能为力。此处与上文构成转折关系,故选B。9A.entertain BprotectCconvince Doffer答案与解析:D根据上题解析并结合该空后的“I couldnt save her, either”可知,我什么也给不了她。故选D。10A.knelt BcalmedCwent Djumped答案与解析:A根据该空后的“reached out to touch her”可推知,我跪下来(knelt down),然后伸手去触碰她。故选A。11A.pushed BfeltCshook Dwarmed答案与解析:B根据该空前

24、的“touch her”以及该空后的“she grabbed it and wouldnt let go”可知,当我用手触碰她的时候,她感觉到了我的手,并且抓住它,不肯松开。故选B。12A.figure out Bget acrossCpoint out Dput down答案与解析:A根据空后的“she wanted to go up to the roof”可推知,我花了一些时间,才弄明白她是要到屋顶上去坐一坐。A项意为“弄明白”,故选A。B项意为“解释清楚,传达”;C项意为“指出”;D项意为“记下,写下”。13A.clear BcloudyClate Dwindy答案与解析:C根据该空后

25、的“the sun was going down”可知,天已经很晚了。故选C。14A.brave BdeterminedCconfident Dwilling答案与解析:D根据第5、13小题的分析可知,之前没人照看她,并且由于天太晚了,似乎没有人愿意带她到外面去。故选D。15A.night BsunsetCroof Dperformance答案与解析:B根据第13空后的“the sun was going down”可知,她坐在椅子上,面朝西方,看着日落。故选B。16A.treat BsaveCcomfort Dfetch答案与解析:D根据空后的“I had to leave”可知,我要走了,

26、所以我提醒工作人员稍后去将她接回来。故选D。17A.left BforgotCforgave Dthanked答案与解析:A根据空前的“I had to leave”和语境可推知,虽然我离开了她,但是她却仍然在我心中,没有离开。故选A。18A.challenge BconfuseCsatisfy Dinspire答案与解析:D结合上文内容可知,有时候,正是那些你无法给予帮助的人,给你的启发最大。inspire意为“启发思考”,故选D。19A.opportunity BpromiseCbelief Dintention答案与解析:C根据空前一句可知,乐观不是被动地期待事情会变好。它是一种信念,即

27、如果我们心存希望,不看向别处(即放弃),那么我们就能够将事情变好,能够帮助别人。故选C。20A.away BupCout Dback答案与解析:A参见上题解析。Test 32019济南高三模拟It was 1972, and I was in second grade. In the classroom the teacher, Ms. Boyette was _1_ aloud to us from Island of the Blue Dolphins. And we had just come to a part of the book where the main _2_ was tr

28、aining a wild dog. I was listening, fascinated by the _3_ of all.Not far away from me, there seated a boy who always frightened or _4_ others, so I was _5_ of this boy. While Ms. Boyette was reading, I looked over at him, for he was someone I was in the _6_ of keeping an eye on. I _7_ that he was li

29、stening too, that he was engaged by the _8_, that he was leaning forward in his seat and listening with all his heart, I _9_ at him, openmouthed. I was _10_ that this boy was in fact just _11_ me. He was a kid who liked a story. The boy must _12_ my eyes on him, because he turned. Then something _13

30、_ happened. He smiled at me. _14_, I smiled back, unafraid. We were two _15_ smiling at each other.Why have I never forgotten this _16_ moment? Why do I still _17_ every detail of it? I think its because that moment illustrates so beautifully the _18_ of reading out loud. It shows us into a safe roo

31、m, where everyone involved, the reader and the listener, can have that chance to _19_ each other. We humans long not just for the story, not just for the flow of language, but for the _20_ that comes when words are read aloud.体裁:记叙文题材:学校生活主题:阅读的力量【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者通过回忆儿时的故事阐明了阅读的力量所在。【高频词回顾】openmouthed adj.

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