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1、上海牛津版英语高二下册Unit5U5同步讲义教案及阅读推理判断学员编号: 年 级: 高二 课 时 数:学员姓名: 辅导科目: 英语 学科教师:授课类型T 词汇 牛津高二下 U5C 阅读推断T 综合能力提升授课日期及时段教学内容I.Key Words 重点单词1.foresee v.预见;预知e. g. The extent of the damage caused by heavy snow could not have been foreseen.大雪造成的损害程度是无法预见 的。Though I can foresee the difficulties facing me, I still

2、 want to have a try. 尽管我能预见到面临的困难,但我还是想试试。【知识拓展】 foreseeable adj.可预料的;可预见的;可预知的 反 unforeseeablefor/in the foreseeable future (在)可预见的将来e. g. Its likely that a new school will be set up in the foreseeable future. 很可能不久就会建立一所新学校。2.consequence n.结果e. g. He was fined as a consequence of fast driving. 他因高

3、速驾驶被罚款Her investment had disastrous consequences she lost everything she owned. 她的投资后果是灾难性的她失去了拥有的一切。in consequence(of sth) 由于,作为 的结果e. g. Millions of people lost their homes in consequence of world war. 由于世界大战,数百万人无家可归。 【指点迷津】 consequence result(1)consequence意指“后果” ,一般指不好的结果。e. g. If he behaves so

4、foolishly, he must be ready to take the consequences.如果他这样愚昧行事,他必将自食其果。(2)result 常指由于具体发生的一次事件所产生的结果、作用。e. g. The collapse of the ancient building is the result of the work of nature. 这座古老建筑的倒塌是大自然作用的结 果。【知识拓展】 consequent adj. 随之发生的;作为结果的 (+on/upon sth)e. g. the lowing of taxes and the consequent in

5、crease in spending 税收降低与随之引起的消费增长consequently adv.因此;所以e.g. My car broke down and consequently I was late. 我的汽车坏了,所以我迟到了。3.personal adj.个人的;私人的e. g. Please write your personal details down if you want to apply for the job. 如果你想申请这份工作的话,请写下你的个人基本资料。The students all had lockers in which they could sto

6、re their personal belongings. 所有学生都有一个上锁的储物柜,可以存放私人物品。【知识拓展】 personally adv. 就本人而言,就个人意见;本人,亲自e. g. Personally, I prefer the second opinion. 就我个人而言,我倾向第二种选择。 All letters will be answered personally. 一切信函都将由本人亲自答复。4.vital adj. 重要的vital意为“重要的” ,但这种重要性要比 important强烈得多, vital所表示的重要性含有必不可少的、必需的意思。 e. g.

7、The new technology was vital for the success of the company. 这项新技术对公司的成功至关重要。5.growl v.咆哮着说e. g. He growled (out) instructions. 他咆哮着下指令。When the prisoner tried to get up out of his chair, the guard growled, Sit down! 当囚犯试图从椅子上站起来时,看守吼道: “坐下!”。6.obsess v.使着迷e. g. Hes obsessed by computer games他. 迷上了电

8、脑游戏。 【常用搭配】 be obsessing about sth(对 )牵挂,念念不忘e. g. I think you should try to stop obsessing about food. 我看你该歇歇了,别没完没了地唠叨吃的东西。 be obsessed with老是想着;痴迷于e. g. She was obsessed with the idea that she was being watched.她总有被人监视的幻觉。7.flash v.闪光,突然想起e. g. The stars flashed in the midnight sky. 午夜的天空星光闪烁。 Th

9、e idea flashed into his mind. 他脑子里闪过一个念头。【知识拓展】 n.闪光:闪现 e. g. Flashes of light were followed by an explosion. 阵阵闪光后是一声爆炸的巨响。a flash of lightning 一道闪电 a flash of wit 机智的闪现 a flash of inspiration 灵感的闪现8.directly adv.直接地e. g. You can call me directly if you need any help. 如有任何需要帮忙的地方,你可以直接给我打电话。 We hav

10、e not been directly affected by the latest cuts. 我们并未因最近的裁员而直接受到影响。directly 还可作连词,表示“一 就 ”,相当于 as soon as。e. g. He went to play table-tennis directly he had finished his homework. 他一做完作业就去打乒乓球。 【知识拓展】 direct adj.直接的;径直的;直率的e. g. There is a direct train from Beijing to Shanghai. 有一班从北京直达上海的火车。 Youll

11、have to get used to his direct manner. 你得慢慢习惯他这种直率的方式。9.master n. old fashioned 男雇主e. g. The master of the house allowed his servants only two day off once a year. 房子的男主人每年只给仆人们两天假。10.apart adv.相隔;相距e. g. The students planted the trees two metres apart.学生每隔两米种一棵树。 He lives thousands of miles apart f

12、rom his parents. 他和父母分开住,相隔有数千英里。 The two sides in the talks are still a long way apart. 谈判双方的意见仍相去甚远。【知识拓展】 apart作为副词,是由前缀 a-加名词 part构成的,此外 a-还可与动词、形容词构成副词:e. g. board -aboard like-alike loud -aloud wake-awake11.blow v.爆炸;炸开e. g. After the thieves blew the safe, they found nothing of value inside i

13、t. 小偷们炸开保险箱后却没有找到任何值钱的东西。【知识拓展】 v.吹,刮;显露,泄露(某事物) ;错过(良机)e. g. A cold wind blew a cross the river. 河面刮过一股冷风。 The spys cover was blown. 间谍的伪装被揭穿了。He blew his chances by arriving late for the interview. 他面试迟到了,错过了机会。12.provide v.提供e. g. The Red Cross provided food and blankets to the survivors of the W

14、enchuan Earthquake. 红十字会给汶川地震中的幸存者们送去了食品和毛毯。【常用搭配】 provide sth. for sb. /provide sb. with sth.e. g. We are here to provide a service for the public. 我们来这里是为公众服务的。 【友情提示】表示“提供” ,“给予”的结构还有:supply sb. with sth. /supply sth. to sb. /offer sb. sth /offer sth to sb. 【知识拓展】 provided/providing conj. 如果,假如,在

15、 条件下e. g. We will go for picnic tomorrow provided it doesnt rain. 假如明天不下雨,我们就去野餐。13.vast adj. 辽阔的;巨大的;大量的e. g. He went to England to try his luck, and eventually made vast sums of money. 他去英格兰碰运气,最终大赚了一 笔。【指点迷津】 vast, hugevast与 huge都可表示量大而多,其细微差别在于,当表示“大”时, vast强调的是面积的辽阔、宽广,而 huge强调的是体积的巨大,此外两个词的副词形

16、式 vastly和hugely都可表示“很” “非常”的意思。e. g. There is a vast area of forest. 有一片莽莽苍苍的森林。The ship sank because it crashed into a huge iceberg.那船因为撞到巨大的冰山而下沉。 Table-tennis is hugely vastly popular all over the world. 乒乓球在全世界都很受欢迎。14.profit(C) n.利润e. g. I made a profit of $5,000 on those shares. 我在那些债券上赢利 5,00

17、0 美元。If you follow my advice, I am sure you will make a big profit in a year. 如果你听我的建议,保证你一年后有可观的收益。We should be able to sell the house at a profit. 我们卖掉这座房子应该可以获利。He made a considerable profit by investing in stock market last year. 去年,他通过投资股市获得了可观的利润。U 好处,益处e. g. He did it for his own profit. 他为了自

18、身利益而做那件事。 【知识拓展】 profit v. 获益,得到好处( +by/from sth )e. g. We should try to profit by our mistakes. 我们应努力从错误中吸取教训。e. g. Marys wealth profited him nothing. 玛丽的财富对他一无好处。 profitable adj.有利润的,赢利的;有好处的 反 profitlessvt.对 有好处15.delay v.拖延;延期e. g. Our flight was delayed due to the typhoon. 由于台风我们的航班延误了。He delay

19、ed telling her the news, waiting for the right moment. 他没有马上把消息告诉她,等有了适当的时机再 说。n.延迟(耽搁)的时间;延期,延误e. g. We apologize for the delay in answering your letter. 来信收悉,迟复为歉。 He went to the hospital without delay on hearing the news. 听到那消息,他立马赶到了医院。【指点迷津】 delay &postpone(1) delay常指由于不可避免的障碍而延误进展,也可指由于粗心大意或不情

20、愿,而未能在预期的或适当的时候做 某件事情。e. g. Many trains have been delayed by the snow storm. 许多火车被暴风雪所延误。 Sorry , I delayed in answering your letter. 很抱歉答复你这封信迟了。(2) postpone是正式用语,语气较强,通常指根据希望或计划,将一件事搁置,直到另一个时间再干。e. g. The conference will be postponed until the first Monday of next month. 大会将延期到下个月的第一个星期一。 Talks be

21、tween the representatives of the two countries have been postponed indefinitely. 两国代表的会谈被无限期延后。16.course n.(l)水道e. g. The path follows the course of the river. 小路沿河道延伸。(2)课程,讲座e. g. The college runs English language and literature courses. 这所学院开设有英语语言和文学课程。 【指点迷津】 course cause(1) course意指过程,进程,水道,航道

22、,课程, (一)道(菜)等;e. g. Wars have influenced the course of world development 战争已经影响了世界发展的进程。 She took a course in mathematics. 她修数学课程。(2) cause意指原因,起因,事业, (奋斗的)目标等。e. g. It is doubtlessly the system that is the cause of the countrys poverty. 无疑是体制问题造成了这个国家的贫困。 World peace is the cause she works for.世界和平

23、是她追求的事业。mand v.命令e. g. The general commanded his soldiers to attack at dawn. 将军命令战士们黎明时分开始进攻。(2) n.命令;控制; (对语言的)掌握,运用能力【常用搭配】 at your command 可自由使用,或支配 at sbs command 听候某人的吩咐;服从某人的支配e. g. All the money is at your command, you can spend it on anything you like. 这些钱由你自由支配。 Applicants will be expected

24、to have a good command of English. 申请人必须精通英语。18.ingredient n.成分;原料e. g. Our products contain natural ingredients. 我们的产品含有天然成分。The ingredients of dumplings include pork and cabbage. 饺子的原料包含猪肉和白菜。 【知识拓展】n.因素,要素e. g. It has all the ingredients of a good mystery story. 这部作品具有构成一个好的神秘故事的所有因素。The director

25、s confidence in himself is one of the ingredients of his success. 自信是这位导演成功的因素之一。19.impatiently adv.不耐烦地e. g. Everyone in the queue waited impatiently for the cinema to open. 人们排着队,不耐烦地等着电影院开门, 【知识拓展】 impatient adj.不耐烦的,没有耐心的 反 patient be impatient with sb./ sth.; be impatient atsthe. g. I was becom

26、ing increasingly impatient at their lack of patience. 对他们那种缺乏耐心的情况我越来越不能忍耐 了。impatience n.没有耐心 反 patiencee. g. She was bursting with impatience to tell me the news. 她迫不及待地要告诉我这个消息。 People have lost patience with the slow pace of reform. 人们对改革的缓慢速度已失去信心。 . Key Expressions 重点词组1.a series of 一系列的;一连串的s

27、eries意为“一系列” ,“连续”,其复数形式仍为 series,通常用于 a series of结构中,意为“一系列的” ,若其后接 名词短语作主语,则谓语动词要用单数形式。e. g. Although a series of misfortune has happened to him, he will not give up his pursuit of truth. 尽管他已经历了一连串的不幸,他仍不会放弃追求真理。There has been a series of car accidents at the crossing.在那个十字路口发生了一连串的车祸。2.switch on

28、 开(灯、机器等)e. g. We only switched on the TV halfway through the programme. 节目播到一半我们才打开了电视。【知识拓展】与 switch相关的词组还有: switch( sth. )off 关(电灯,机器等) ;不再想着e. g. Switch off the gas , power.切断煤气、电源。Switch ( sth. )over 转换;交换位置e. g. You drive first and then well switch over. 你先驾驶,过一会儿咱们再换着开。3.cut down 砍倒e. g. It i

29、s against the law to cut down any of the trees in the nature reserve. 砍伐自然保护区中的任何树木都是违法的。 Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade. 遮阴之树不可砍。【知识拓展】与 cut 相关的短语还有:cut across/through走近路 cut away砍掉;切除 cut back 减少;缩减cut in插嘴 cut off中断(通话) ;打断 cut out停止运转4.newly-discovered adj. 新发现的newly- 可与过去分词构成形容词,

30、表示“最近 的”,“新近 的”。e. g. newly-wed 新婚的 newly-born 新生的 newly-elected 新当选的 newly-built 新建的. Key Sentences 重难点句子1.Harry Saleem, an obese man with too much money and power, faced a choice.(l)an obese man with too much money and power 是插入成分,在句中作同位语,补充说明 Harry Saleem 是怎样的一个人。(2)face v.面临e. g. You should know

31、 that an unskilled youth will face a difficult life. 你应当明白,一个缺乏技能的青年将面临窘困的生活。2.Outside his office waited his personal doctor, bringing him vital news about the only medicine that could save his life.(1) 主句中使用了完全倒装。句首的 outside his office 是表示地点的介词词组,作地点状语,所以需要用完全倒装 的句式结构。e. g. On either side of the road were rows of houses. 路的两边是一排排房子。In the west of the city lies a mountain. 城市的西边有座山。Beyond the river lives an old fisherman. 有个老渔夫住在河的对岸。(2) bringing him vital news about 是现在分词结构作伴随状语。在这个分词结构中还有一个限制性定语从句,即 that could save his life ,用来修饰名词 medicine 。3.Then Saleems men had come, cutting down al

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