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1、自己备课Monday, August 07, 20061. introduction I am a 30-year-old woman teacher, who graduated from Bohai University in 2000. 2. demand I demand everyones full respect for in class.3. arrangement we must finish all textbooks and grammar during the first half term.4. aim I hope your way to college is str

2、aight not curly. I promise the more time you spend on English, the more progress youll make in it.1. 一门学科 English2. 两大板块 vocabulary grammar3. 三种句子 简单,并列,复合4. 四种技能 listening, speaking, reading , writing5. 五种(简单句基本)句型 见下面6-7六(或七)种题型 听力,单选,完型,阅读,改错,作文,新8-9八(或九)种句子成分 主,谓, 宾,定,状,补,表,同10十种词性 见下面

3、pron.v.adj.adv.prep.conj.interj.名冠数代动形副介连叹1. 主 + 谓 (vi.)2. 主 + 谓 (vt.)+ 宾3. 主 + 谓 (vt.)+ 双宾4. 主 + 谓 (vt.)+ 宾 + 补5. 主 + 系 (link-v)+ 表( there be 句型 )Tuesday, August 08, 200620 个词型变化1. moustache(嘴上) beard(嘴下) 胡子2. voyage-voyager trip, journey, travel3. _ + _ = 合成词 : 在书上找例子4. fire - hire 解雇 - 雇佣5. long

4、- length width, height , depth , weight 6. edit (v.)- editor (n.)- edition (n.) The editor is editing a new edition.7. athlete - athletic (adj.)8. count - account (n. )帐目9. suit - suitable (adj.)10. gradual (adj.) - gradually (adv.)11. recent (adj.) - recently (adv.)12. enthusiasm (n.) - enthusiasti

5、c (adj.)13. skill (n.)- skillful = skilful = skilled (adj.) 14. permit (vt. ) - permission (n. ) 允许15. fact -factor (n. ) 因素16. true (adj.) - truly (adv.)17. energy (n.)- energetic (adj.)18. delight (n. & vt. )- delighted (adj.)19. caution (n.) - cautious (adj.) care - careful with caution = be caut

6、ious20. ten - teenage (n.)Wednesday, August 09, 200610 个重点动词前5个强调含义:1. fade : vi. 凋谢,枯萎 (颜色)褪去 (声音)变弱;(光)变暗 vt. 使褪色2. burst: vi. 突然爆发 vt. 使胀破3. fascinate : vt. 强烈地吸引 be fascinated with by 4. underline vt. 在.的下面划线 强调5. register : 登记,注册 vt. the birth of his son vi. registered at a hotel后5个强调用法 :6. con

7、clude vt. 结束(+by/with) = end We concluded our meeting at 9 oclock. 推断出, +that = infer What can you conclude from? 决定 +to-v+that = decide He concluded that he would wait a little longer. vi. 结束了(+with) The meeting concluded after two hours. 7. attemptvt. 企图;试图 attempt to do = attempt doing n. =try to

8、 do sth./seek to do sth.n. 企图,尝试 make an attempt to do on sth at sth an several ones attempt to do8. confirmvt. 证实; His letter confirmed everything. 坚定; The latest developments confirmed me in my belief. 批准, The queen confirmed the law.9. concentratevt. 集中; concentrate A on Bvi. 全神贯注于 concentrate on

9、 center on/ upon 10. delightn. 高兴; 愉快to ones delight - to ones joy -to ones surprise - to ones disappointmentwith delight vt. 使高兴;使愉快 sth delight sbadj. sb be delighted to do at sth that 作业:1 我买了一件新T-shirt ,可当我洗的时候,褪色了。2 在回家的路上,我的车胎爆了。3 他进傲班的企图失败了。4 令我高兴的是,你们把主要精力集中在学习上了。5 他决定他要注册一家新公司。6 你的表情证实你被这个故

10、事深深吸引了。Thursday, August 10 , 2006 Unit 1 reading Words:1. director n. 导演 厂长2. argument n. 争辩3. category n. 种类4. balance v. 平衡 顶起5. incredible adj. 不可思义6. brilliant adj. 杰出的7. achievement n. 成就8. impressive adj. 印象深的9. diagnose vt. 被诊断10. career n. 生涯11. curiosity n. 好奇心12. entertain adj. 使愉悦13. cham

11、pion n. 冠军14. contact n. 联系15. afterwards adv. 后来Phrases:1. send in 送交某处进行处理2. set down 记下,写下3. keep track of 与某人保持联系,了解某事情况4. stand out 突出stand up 站起来stand for 代表stand by 支持,站某人一边stand off 脱离,疏远某人5. in a row = one by one = one after another 连续,一个接一个6. in the first place = at first = first of all 首先

12、7. apply for 申请8. make for 成为, 有好处,攻击grammar:doing 现在分词做后置定语:a car weighing 160kga certificate stating sentence:1. Impressive as it is, the records让步状语从句,倒装Young as he is, he knows a lot.Child as he is, he knows a lot.adj. adv. v. n. + as though + sb + be , 2. the same + n. + as 和。一样的the same + n. +

13、 that 正,就是那个I bought the same book as you bought yesterday.I bought the same book that you told me to buy.Friday, August 11, 2006 Integrating skillsWords:1. experience n. & v. 经历,经验,体验2. trick n. 特技 ,小把戏play a trick on sb 开某人玩笑3. grab vt. 抓住4. competition n. 竞赛5. local adj. 当地的6. grand adj. 盛大的7. ki

14、d n. 小孩8. generation n. 一代人9. extreme adj. 极端的10. defeat vt. 打败11. harmony n. 和谐12. thrill n. 激动 = excitement13. equipment n. 设备14. protect vt. 保护15. performance n. 表演Phrases:1. head down to = head for + 地点2. as a result of = because of = due to = owing to = thanks to 由于3. sth be familiar to sb 熟悉=

15、sb be familiar with sth 4. have been around 在某一范围流行5. center on 以。为中心6. concentrate on 专心致志于Saturday, August 12 , 2006 语法: 主语主语可以用那些词或形式来充当:1. n. 或 pron. 如果 n. + n. - 复are2. doing + 单 is Seeing is believing.3. done + 单 is To see is to believe.4. It 形式主语 It is said that they are good.5. 主语从句 + 单is引导词

16、:that 1.不缺成分 2. 不可省略That the earth moves around the sun is known to us all.whether 1. 是否 2. 句首不用ifWhether he will come depends on the weather.Sunday, August 13, 2006 Unit 1 1. edit editor edition2. be familiar to sb3. sb concentrate on center on4. burst into + n.5. to ones delight6-10. 见语法11. make f

17、or 攻击某人 make at 扑向某人12. stand out 13. in a row 连续14. apply A to B -A be applied to B 应用15. apply to sb for sth 申请16. have been around17. disappear 消失 out of sight 看不见18. turn out to be 被证明是,结果是,无被动19. journey 长途 tourism 旅游业 travel 泛指 course 课程20. one 可数 单数 ones 可数 复数 that 同一句中 比较 不可数21. have advanta

18、ge over sb 优越于22. convenient adj. (物是)方便的23. fit 合身match 匹配 suit = be fit for 适合24. inspect - inspection 25. familiar 熟悉的 similar 类似的26. turn out to be 27. see sb doing 正在 done 被。 do 做。全过程28. It is + 段时间 + since + did 自从It will be +段时间+ before + do 才29. other than 除了 more than 不仅是 rather than 而不是 le

19、ss than 少于30. stand by 支持31. thanks to 多亏了32. whether 句首 if 不放句首33. doing 主动34. my goodness! 惊讶,天啊!35. do harm to 对。有害Monday , August 14 , 2006 语法: 分词 属于非谓语动词,不做谓语。非谓语动词分成:不定式,动名词,分词。 分词分成:现在分词 和 过去分词。一 形式现在分词 (write)主动被动一般式writingbeing written完成式having writtenhaving been written过去分词 只有一种形式:done二 含义

20、doing : 进行, 主动 done : 完成, 被动falling leaves fallen leavesdeveloping country developed country一般式 : 强调动作同时 完成式 : 强调动作先后They went home, singing and dancing.Having finished their homework, they went home.三 否定把 not 加在各种形式之前四 逻辑主语 + 分词之前n.onesmy me名词名词所有格形容词性物主代词宾格五 句子成分定 1前置 :单个词 后置 :2个以上the remaining fo

21、od = the food lefta sleeping boy a broken cupa boy sleeping on the grass a cup broken by Tom2时间差别:都表被动done 已经 being done 正在 to be done 将要3完成式不做定语 having done having been done 做状语状1. 分词 ,主语 + 句子 主语 + 句子 , 分词分析分词和主语关系,主动:doing ,被动:done ,强调动作先后,用完成式 having done having been doneSwimming in Summer, we ge

22、t cool.Broken by Tom, the cup cant be ued.2. 固定结构generally speakingjudging by fromcompared with补V. + 宾语 + 分词 分析分词和前面宾语的关系,主动:doing ,被动:done.I found the cup broken.I found the boy swimming in the river.表be + 表示心理情绪的动词:指人用 -ed,指物用 ingThe news is interesting.I am interested in the news.Tuesday , August

23、 15 , 2006 对分词的50 道题Wednesday , August 16 , 2006 Unit 2 words 1. evaluate - evaluation vt. - n. 评价value - valuable vt. & n. - adj. 价值2. vary - various - variety vi. - adj. - n.3. key n. - adj. 关键的4. origin - original n. - adj. 5. equip - equipment vt. - n. be equipped with 被装备6. puzzle - puzzled - p

24、uzzling n. & v. - adj. 7. wealth - wealthy n. - adj. 财富 health - healthy n. - adj. 健康8. Asia - Asian 亚Africa - African 非Rome - Roman 罗马Korea - Korean 韩国Tibet - Tibetan 西藏Arab - Arabic 阿拉伯9. ex + change in exchange for 交换 10. west+ern+most adj. 最西的easternmostsouthernmostnorthernmost11. empire - emper

25、or n. 帝国-国王12. embassy - ambassador n. 13. wander v. 徘徊wonder v. 想知道 n. 奇迹14. a+ware+ness n. be aware of 意识到15. mother+land 16. exist - existence v. - n. 存在17. symbol - symbolic n. - adj. 符号-象征的18. navy - navigation 海军 - 航海19. suggest - suggestion v. - n. 可数advice - advise 不可数20. sick+ness n. 晕 ill+

26、ness21. un+able be unable to 22. sacred - sacredly adj. - adv. 23. honest - honesty adj. - n. 诚实24. dedicate - dedication v. - n. 奉献25. idea - ideal n. - adj. 26. technology - technological n. - adj.27. air+craft = airplane28. arise - arose - arisen vi. 出现rise - rose - risen vi. 上升raise vt. 上升,饲养pra

27、ise vt. 表扬price n. 价格prize n. 奖品29. evident - evidence adj. - n. 明显的 - 证据30. chair+man August , 17 , 2006 ThursdayUnit 2 十个重点动词前5 个既是n. 又是v. ,不需要变形1. puzzlen. 谜word puzzle 字谜sth is a puzzle to me vt. 使人迷惑sth puzzled sbvi. 冥思苦想puzzle out puzzle at = aboutadj. puzzled 人 a expression 表情puzzling 物 a att

28、itude 态度2. exchange 交换n. an exchange of glances 目光the exchange of foodin exchange A for Bexchange sth with sbexchange seats with sb 换座3. command 命令n. obey ones commands 服从at = by ones commandunder the command of sbin command of 指挥command sth command sb to do sthcommand that sb should

29、4. volunteer n. 自愿者 可volunteer to do 做volunteer sth 提供volunteer for sth 为。服务5. praise 表扬n. in praise of give praise to sing high praise for vt. praise sth highlypraise sb for sthpraise sb as sth - be praised as 后5个需要变形6. evaluate 语言 评价value 评 价值vt.evaluate ones abilities evaluate ones work study evaluate ones chances of doing sthn. an evaluation of sth7. accomplish 完成vt.accomplish ones aim purpose goal 目标

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