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1、最新中考英语专题复习感叹句带答案中考英语专题复习:感叹句(带答案)学员姓名: 学科教师:年 级: 辅导科目:英语 授课日期年月日时 间A / B / C / D / E / F段主 题感叹句教学内容(本次课的重点、难点以及达到怎样的情感目标)1.掌握感叹句的基本句型;2.掌握陈述句变成感叹句的方法。教学建议:让学生用三句话分别描述一下看到这三幅图片的感受,旨在引导学生用感叹句表达自己的感受。 用三句话描述一下你看到这三幅图片的感受吧!1、_2、_3、_教学建议: 1.建议老师采取发现式教学法,先给学生一些具体的例句,然后让学生根据例句总结出感叹句的句型结构及规律;2.练习题部分在限定的时间内完

2、成,重点讲解错误率较高的题目,并对相关的知识点进行重点复习;3.课堂举例尽量贴近学生生活。感叹句学习一、什么叫感叹句感叹句是表示喜怒哀乐等强烈感情的句子。感叹句句末通常用感叹号,读时一般用降调。二、感叹句的基本句型1.【句型一】What + (a / an) + 形容词 + 名词 + 主语 + 谓语!What a clever boy he is! (他是个)多么聪明的男孩啊!What an interesting story it is! (这是个)多么有趣的故事啊!What fine weather it is! 多好的天气啊!What beautiful flowers they are

3、! (它们是)多么漂亮的花啊!【说明】 在感叹句中,What a / an 常用来修饰单数可数名词,若其前面的形容词为元音开头,则用 an。what 是用来修饰复数可数名词和不可数名词。但有些不可数名词,如 rain, surprise, breakfast, lunch 等,当前面有形容词修饰,使抽象名词具体化时,则要用 what a / an,如:What a heavy rain it is! 多大的一场雨啊!What a great surprise it is! 这多么令人惊奇啊!What a rich breakfast it is! 多么丰盛的一顿早餐啊!2. 【句型二】How

4、+ 形容词 / 副词 + 主语 + 谓语!How well you look! 你气色真好!How kind you are! 你心肠真好!How beautifully you sing! 你唱得真好听!Strawberries! How nice! 草莓! 多好呀!How clever the boy is! 这个男孩多么聪明啊!How fast he runs! 他跑得多么快啊!【说明】how还可以修饰动词构成感叹句,但动词不提前。如:How I want to be a doctor! 我多么想成为一名医生啊!How she dances! 她跳得多好啊!3. 感叹句型总结How +形

5、容词+ a +名词+其他成分!How+形容词或副词+其他成分!What +名词+其他成分!What +a+形容词+名词+其他成分!What + 形容词+复数名词+其他成分!What + 形容词+不可数名词+其他成分!练习:将下列句子变成感叹句 1. It is quite a nice present. _ _ nice present! 2. We have fine weather today. _ _ weather we have today! 3. Its sunny today. _ _ sunny day it is today! 4. The children are work

6、ing hard. _ _ the children are working! 5. She played basketball wonderfully. _ _ she played basketball! 6. He is good at singing. _ _ he sings! 7. He was doing well in dancing. _ a _ dancer he was! 8. Tom coughs badly. _ _ _ cough Tom has! 9. The fish is very lovely. _ _ the fish is! 10. They live

7、a happy life today. _ _ _ life they live!.选择最佳答案填空1. _ carefully the boy does his homework!A. How B. How an C. WhatD. What an2. _ well you sing but _ badly he dances!A. How, howB. What, what C. How, whatD. What, how3. _ cheap these clothes are! Id like to buy some for my son.A. How B. How an C. What

8、D. What an 4. _ fools they were! They believed what the girls said. A. How B. How an C. WhatD. What an5. _ difficult questions they are! I cant answer them.A. How B. How an C. WhatD. What an6. I miss you very much. _ I want to see you!A. How B. How an C. WhatD. What an7. Oh, _ mistake youve made! It

9、s too bad.A. How B. How a C. WhatD. What a8. _ lovely weather we are having these days!A. How B. How an C. WhatD. What an9. _ delicious your supper is!A. How B. How an C. WhatD. What an10. _ interesting work it is to teach children! A. How B. How an C. WhatD. What an. 根据所给句子填空,使填空句变为相应的感叹句.1. The ol

10、d man walked very slowly._ _ the old man walked!2. The film is very wonderful._ _ the film is!3. Our school looks very beautiful in spring._ _ our schools looks in spring!4. It is a very useful dictionary._ _ _ dictionary it is!_ _ _ dictionary is!5. The students are listening very carefully._ _ the

11、 students are listening!6. Kitty is a good swimmer._ _ Ketty swims!keys: 一. 1. What a 2. What fine 3. What a 4. how hard 5. how wonderfully 6. how well 7. whatgood 8. what a bad 9. how lovely 10.what a happy 二. 1.5. AAACC6.10. ABCAC三. 1. How, slowly 2 . How, wonderful 3. How, beautiful 4. What, a, u

12、seful / How, beautiful, the 5. How, carefully 6. How well三. 感叹句中的省略【难点】what类感叹句省略形容词1. 当其中的名词带有形容词的意味时【重点】What luck! 真幸运! What fools! 真是些笨蛋! What a surprise! 真是意想不到! What fun we could have! 我们玩得多开心啊2. 当进行批评时What nonsense! 一派胡言!What a shame! 多可耻(惜)!What a mess! 多么脏乱啊!【难点】how在感叹句中修饰动词感叹句有时可用“how+主语+动词

13、”构成,此是how直接用于修饰动词。如:How I missed you. 我多么想念你啊。How youve grown! 你都长这么大啦!How youve changed! 你的变化真大! How he wished for a drink! 他多希望能有点东西喝!How things get around! Everyone must know you are in town. 消息传得多快!人们一定都知道你到城里来了 四. 感叹句注意问题 (1)要修饰名词的形容词不能是表数量的many, much, little, few,遇此情况要用how,即使它们后面跟有名词: How many

14、 books he has! 他的书真多! How much money he gave her! 他给了她好多钱呀! How little money I have! 我的钱多么少呀! How few friends he has! 他的朋友真少! 比较:What a little box it is! 多小巧的盒子呀!(该little不表示数量)(2)有时句中的主语和谓语可以省略: How fast! 多快呀! How nice! 多好呀! How beautiful! 多美呀! How nice of you to come! 你来了真好! 练习:. 单项选择1. Weve just h

15、ad a warm December. unusual weather it was! A. What B. What a C. What an D. How 2. _excited the mother was when she heard her sons voice from the space station! A. How B. What C. What a D. What an3._ good idea it is that we will visit London this summer holiday! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 4.

16、_important news is to our daily life! A. What B. How C. What an D. How a5. useful advice on my diet our teacher has given us! A. What B. What a C. What an D. How 6. _ funny the animals are! They are jumping up and down the trees excitedly. A. How B. What C. What a D. What an7. useful suggestion you

17、have given me! A. How B. What C. What a D. What an8. weather! Shall we go out for a picnic this afternoon? A. What fine B. What a fine C. How fine D. How a fine9. long queue it was outside the department store! Do you know why? The shop was offering a big sale around midnight. A. What a B. What an C

18、. How D. How a10. _ cold day it is! Wed better turn on the air-conditioner. A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 11. _ super calculators computers are! A. What B. What a C. What an D. Howkeys:15:AABBA 610:ACAABA. 改为感叹句 (11年一模)1. Your bedroom is very bright. (改为感叹句) _ _ your bedroom is!2. Talent Show is

19、 a very popular TV program in China. (改为感叹句) _ _ Talent Show is in China!3. It is interesting to have a barbecue in the suburbs in autumn. (改为感叹句) _ _ interesting thing to have a barbecue in the suburbs in autumn! 4. Tom is a wonderful singer. (改为感叹句) _wonderful singer Tom is!5. We have very beautif

20、ul roses at the flower show. (改为感叹句) roses we have at the flower show!6. It is very interesting to float on the Dead Sea. (改为感叹句) _ _it is to float on the Dead Sea!keys:How bright, How popular, What an, What a, What beautiful, How interesting 四、感叹句巧解五法 (1)一找二断三辨四确定:构成感叹句的感叹词有两个:what和how,其基本结构是:1)Wha

21、t名词陈述肯定式:2)How形容词(或副词)陈述肯定式很多初学者常常对该用what还是该用how弄不清楚。如:_cold water this is!AHow BWhat_cold it is!AWhat BHow如果我们采取“一找二断三辨四确定”的方法很快就能确定该选哪个感叹词。“一找”即先找出句中的主语。“二断”就是在句中的名词(形容词、副词等)与代词(或名词)之间断开。例如上面第一句应在water与this中断开(因this是指示代词),断开后辨别断线前面的词的词性,也就是所谓“三辨”,句中断线前的词是water,而water是名词。第四步,就可迅速确定如果是名词就选what。所以第一例

22、句就选B。用这个方法我们会对上面第二个例句作出如下判断:_coldit is!断开线其前cold是形容词,故应填How。上面两个例句是最基本最简单的填空题形式。但只要掌握这个方法,即使再复杂的填空题也会迎刃而解。不过还要注意,如果断开后,断线前的那个中心词是单数可数名词,千万别忘了在感叹词与名词间加冠词a(an)。例如:_nice present it is!AHow BWhatCHow DWhat a用上述方法,从present与it之间断开,断线前present是名词,且为单数可数名词,nice又以辅音开头,故选D。(2)歌诀记忆法:感叹句中what和how的选用,关键看形容词后面是否有名

23、词。如果有,用what(a,an);如果没有,用ho(至于副词,其前永远用how)。记住下面歌诀更方便:what,how如何选? 先在后面把名词找,若有名词用what, 若无名词必用how。what,how提句首, 其它紧跟别忘了。主谓一起挪最后, 常常可以被省掉。练习:选择最佳答案。1. interesting sound effect the film has got! A. What B. How C. What a D. What an 2. _difficult homework we had yesterday! We can only work out part of it. A

24、. How B. What C. What a D. What an3. _amazing news it is to learn the Korean star will come to Shanghai! A. How B. What a C. What an D. What4. _ it is to shop on the Internet! A. What easy B. What an easy C. How easy D. How easily5. _ encouraging speech President Obama once made! A. What B. What a C

25、. What an D. How6. _ nice flowers! Where did you get them? A. How B. What C. What a D. What an 7. _ exciting match! Miami Heat beat New York Knicks at last. A. What an B. What a C. What D. How8. _ sad movie! It brought tears to my eyes. A. What B. What a C. How D. How a9. _eager these volunteers are

26、 to help the police look for the missing boy!A. What B. What an C. How D. How an10. _ useful message he got from his mobile phone this morning! A. What B. How C. What a D. What an11. _ helpful advice Qu Yuan gave to the king at that time!A. What a B. What an C. What D. How12. Summer camping! _ enjoy

27、able days we are going to spend in July.A. How B. What C. What a D. What an教学建议:1规定学生必须在15分钟内完成;2相互交换批改,表扬正确率最高的学生;3做对的学生给做错的学生讲题;4让每个学生简单总结一下错误原因及应该注意的问题。把下面句子改成感叹句。 1. We have fine weather today. (改为感叹句) _ _ weather we have today!2. Mr. Black is a humorous man. (改为感叹句) _ _ humorous man Mr. Black is!3. Damins wife smiles happily in the photo. (改为感

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