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1、浙江省英语高考模拟卷 浙江省2009年英语高考模拟卷本试卷分第卷 (选择题) 和第卷 (非选择题) 两部分,共120分。考试时间为120分钟。 第卷(共80分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. -380, but that is my last offer.-OK, it is a _.A. cost B. deal C. reward D. price2. -How much does it cost to rent a mid-size car?-I can

2、 give you _ for $24 a day. A. it B. that C. one D. such3. The zoo will have to close _ the local government agrees to give extra money. A. until B. when C. unless D. if4. Every minute he has is spent _ his English. A. improving B. improve C. improved D. to improve5. Dont worry! I will help you _. A.

3、 as possible as I can B. as much as possible C. as many as possible D. as best as I can6. -David is a wise person. - But in my opinion, he is _ than wise. A. brave B. braver C. more brave D. less brave7. -Im afraid I spilled coffee on the tablecloth. - _.A. Its a shame, actually B. Im sorry to hear

4、thatB. No problem at all D. Dont worry about it8. If our parents would listen more to us, they would understand us better. -_. They just expect us to listen. A. I believe not B. No problem C. Good idea D. I cant agree more9. Hes having a hard _ communicating since he doesnt speak much English.A. tim

5、e B. talk C. way D. task 10. In Great Britain,_ are called public schools are actually not owned by the state. A. as B.what C. those D. which11.Could I use your dictionary? -Im sorry it isnt here. Id get it for you_ I could remember who last borrowed it. A. expect that B. now that C. if only D. even

6、 though12._ , his parents sent him abroad to study in an art school. A. When seven years old B. Having been seven years old C. When he was seven years old D. Being seven years old13. What _ beautiful weather! Great for _ holiday. A. a; a B. the; the C. the; a D. /; a14.There is little we can do abou

7、t it,_? A. is there B. isnt there C. can we D. cant we15.It is certain that he will _ his business to his son when he gets old. A. take over B. think over C. hand over D. go over.16. They may have left for Wuhan, yes? -No, they _. They got the tickets for tomorrow. A. may not B. dont C. mustnt D. ca

8、nt17He was _ tired. As soon as he lay down he fell _. A. not a bit, sleepy B. not a little, asleep C. not a bit, asleep D. not a little, sleepy18. His father came home at midnight, and _, he was drunk. A. whats more B. as a result C. that is to say D. sooner or later19. _ is known to us all is that

9、China is a developing country_ the Third World. A. As, belongs to B. What, belongs to C. It, belonging to D. What, belonging to20.Whats up,Jessica? -_. A. Nothing much B. Its up to you C. I enjoyed it very much D. Nice to see you第二节:完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出

10、最佳选项。American medical researchers have just reported the first scientific proof that even a small amount of exercise will help us21longer. The study was carried out by scientists at Harvard and Stanford universities,22 were very famous in America. It involved (涉及) about 17,000 students who23 Harvard

11、 between 1916 and 1950. The scientists24 their research in 1960. They collected a lot of25 and studied the medical26 of every one in the study group-both living and dead. Members of the study group27 how much they walked, how many28 they climbed, what kind of sports they went in for and many other t

12、hings they29 each week. The scientists checked30 about height, weight,31 pressure and family records of heart disease. Their research showed exercise helped32 the chance of death from a number of diseases. They also concluded that sports and games33 peoples bodies and prevented them from34 weight. T

13、hey found that two thirds of people who had heart35 never exercised. One of the scientists said the most important36 was that people who do not exercise have more heart diseases, but they37 realize the importance of sports until they38 the disease. He also said that it might be39 to get them to exer

14、cise now when their doctors40 them to. They take the doctors advice very seriously and they want to keep healthy and have a longer life. 21. A. learn B. remember C. live D. work 22. A. where B. who C. which D. all 23. A. attended B. passed C. entered D. visited 24. A. began B. finished C. stopped D.

15、 discovered 25. A. advice B. facts C. truth D. ideas 26 A. care B. research C. practice D. history 27. A. reported B. counted C. tested D. studied 28. A. paces B. steps C. races D. blackboards 29. A. could B. should C. used D. did 30. A. information B. knowledge C. message D. news 31. A. air B. wate

16、r C. blood D. strength 32. A. reduce B. slow C. lose D. miss 33. A. increased B. kept C. built up D. harmed 34. A. losing B. putting on C. leaving D. remaining 35. A. beat B. strike C. attack D. break 36. A. invention B. discovery C. subject D. plan 37. A. will B. wont C. did D. didnt 38. A. know B.

17、 cure C. get D. cause 39. A. important B. necessary C. harder D. easier 40. A. advise B. agree C. hope D. lead 第二部分:阅读理解(第一节小题,第二节小题;每小题分,满分分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Love Is Just a Thread Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. Every day they are very busy

18、 trying to earn money to pay the high tuition for us. They dont act in the romantic ways that I read in books or I see on TV. “ I love you” is too luxurious for them to say . Sending flowers to each other on Valentines Day is even more out of the question. My father is easy to lose his temper, espec

19、ially when hes very tired from the hard work. One day, my mother was sewing a quilt. I silently sat beside her and asked her if there was love between them. “ What?” she replied, still doing her work. My mother stopped her work and raised her head with surprise. She didnt answer immediately. Then sh

20、e bowed her head and continued sewing the quilt. I was in a great embarrassment and I didnt know what to do. But at last I heard my mother say the following words: “ Look at this thread. Sometimes it appears, but most of it disappears in the quilt. The thread really makes the quilt strong and durabl

21、e. If life is a quilt, then love should be a thread. It can hardly be seen anywhere or anytime, but its really there. Love is inside.” I listened carefully but I couldnt understand her until the next spring. My father suddenly got sick seriously. My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a

22、month. When they returned from the hospital, they both seemed as if they had a serious illness. Every day in the morning and dusk, my mother helped my father walk slowly on the country road. It seemed they were the most harmonious couple. There were many beautiful flowers, green grass and trees, and

23、 the sun gently glistened through the leaves. All of these made up the most beautiful picture in the world. When we were worrying about him, he said gently: “ I really like walking with your mom. I like this kind of life.” Reading his eyes, I know he loves my mother deeply. Once I thought love meant

24、 flowers, gifts and sweet kisses. But from this experience, I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life. Love is inside, making life strong and warm.41.Why does the author sometimes doubt that there is real love between her parents?A. Because they are very busy earning money for

25、 the high tuition.B. Because they dont act in the romantic ways.C. Because her father is easy to lose his temper to her motherD. Because “ I love you” is too luxurious for them to say42. Which of the following explanations is similar to the underlined phrase “ out of the question” in Paragraph One?

26、A. possible B. impossible C. out of question D. unnecessary43. What can we learn from her mothers answer about love? A. Love should be seen anywhere. B. Love should be seen anytime. C. Love should be a thread. D. Love is really existing everywhere and anytime even though we cant feel it.44. What mad

27、e her father change so greatly? A. The real love. B. The thread of the quilt C. The beautiful scenery of the country road D. All the other members of the family.45. Whats the main idea of the text? A. We should understand our parents. B. Love is inside, making life strong and warm C. Love is really

28、very important to anyone D. Love should be outside, and can be seen everywhere. BXinJiang: The plane carrying the bodies of three Chinese engineers, who were shot dead in Pakistan on Wednesday, landed at Urumqi airport on Friday.Investigations are focusing on why no guards escorted the engineers the

29、 day when they were attacked. Local police usually accompanied the group during their travels in the country.Earlier in the day, 10 other Chinese engineers who worked together with the victims returned to Hefei. They were all from Hefei Cement Research & Design Institute, and were in Pakistan to off

30、er technical services for the construction of a cement factory there.“The guards of the Chinese engineers were not accompanying them when they were attacked,” local police officer Pervez Zahoor said. “Police are investigating as to why the guards did not do so that day.”Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf said in Islamabad on Friday that all the development activities between Pakistan and China would continue and the incident would not affect the friendship between the two countries. He told Xinhua News Agency that the incident had shocked him. “We condemn it in the st

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