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沪教版五年级上学期英语Unit 10 Wind 教案.docx

1、沪教版五年级上学期英语Unit 10 Wind 教案单元整体分析 本单元是谈论天气的一个单元,并且对天气进行相似与差异的比较。本单元的核心句型是能用运所学的方式副词及现在进行时描写风的状态及事物的相应变化。本单元的话题是以一首诗的形式描述在不同风力下的环境变化以及人物活动,在这首始终在感受诗歌语言的魅力的同时体会的用法。又以小故事的形式巩固运用所学的语言。同时激发他们热爱大自然的情感。 全套教材中与本单元相关的教学内容分析: 功能:社会交往;比较 话题:风 语言知识:3BSoundsWhat do you hear? I can hear a bike.4AUnit 12 WeatherHow

2、s the weather? Its windy.5AUnit 5 Family lifeIm doing my homework.Unit 8 An outingWhat are you doing? Im reading the map.本单元将复习现在进行时和学习用合适的副词来描述动作进行的方式。 本册教材与此相关的内容分析:Unit 5 Family life Im doing my homework Unit 8 An outing What are you doing? Im reading the map. 学情分析学生已掌握现在进行时的句型。能在具体语境中用现在进行时的句型介绍

3、自己及他人正在做的事情。 本单元的难点: 学生灵活运用不同的副词来描述动作进行的方式是难点。学生掌握副词的正确的变法有难度。如,heavy-heavily, gentle-gently, easy-easily, happy-happily, angry-angrily在教学中,可重点强调并给学生足够的时间来进行练习。单元总目标 语言知识与技能:1. 能听、说、读、写核心词汇blow, gently, softly, strongly, slowly, quickly, sound, paper, quiet。2. 在语境中熟练运用It is blowing gently.描写风的状态及事物的

4、相应变化。 过程与方法:1.以阅读、对话等方式推动对语言的感知和理解。2. 以阅读教学为主线,在所创设的日常活动情境中运用本单元目标语谈论不同风力下的环境和任务的活动。 情感态度价值观: 在“Read a story”的主题中帮助学生建立互相帮助的习惯,加强他们之间的友谊,并激发他们热爱大自然的情感。采用学生动手制作,培养其爱动手,敢于表达的习惯。教学方法与手段 1.采用有节奏的诵读诗歌体会Listen and say这一核心板块,并通过聆听及朗诵,感受诗歌语言的韵律。 2.利用多媒体课件,通过呈现不同风力的图片,学习Look and learn 核心板块。 3.以阅读教学为主线,在所创设的日

5、常活动情境中运用本单元目标语谈论不同风力下的环境和任务的活动。 4.采用学生动手制作,培养其爱动手,敢于表达的习惯。课时划分与分课时目标板块单元知识整合与拓展的知识教学目标主题语境第一课时Listen and sayLook and learn单词gently, softly, strongly, slowly, quicklymoveWhat can you hear? I can hear通过单词游戏,帮助学生学习方式副词的词汇。通过看图说话,帮助学生用所学词汇和句型描述不同风力下的环境变化以及人物活动。Diffe-rent wind句型The wind is blowing slowly

6、.fanMany kinds of wind第二课时Make and sayLearn the sounds单词Blow move gently, softly, strongly, slowly, quicklySc skWalk slowlyWalk quicklyIm doing sth. 能用运所学的方式副词及现在进行时描写风的状态及事物的相应变化.Won-derful wind句型The wind is blowing slowly.Sth is doing Do you like.?第三课时Read a story单词理解运用核心词汇和词块。Many kinds of bellWh

7、at can you hear?I can hear阅读训练,在此基础上进行模仿和表演。Beauti-ful sound句型Thats the sound of the wind.Many kinds ofsoundI can make abell.I like the sound of .教学设计续页课题Unit 10 Wind课型新授课时第1课时授课时间年 月 日项目内容教学重点难点Teaching important aims1. Perceive and understand the words blow, gently, softly, strongly, slowly, quick

8、ly, move2.Use the drills“The wind is blowing slowly.”3. Look at the pictures and then speak out the sentences to describe the wind.Difficult points1. heavy-heavily, gentle-gently, easy-easily, happy-happily, angry-angrily2. The wind is blowing slowly.板书设计Unit 10 WindDifferent wind The wind is _.It i

9、s blowing_.The windmill is blowing_.教学设计续页教学流程个性化调控Pre-producerGreetingsT: Boys and girls, Welcome to our class!Hows the weather today?S: Its.T: Do you like the weather?S: Yes, I do.While-producer1.Lead in1.T: Guess, what is it?A riddleIt has no shape. It has no colour.It has no smell, And you canno

10、t catch it.You can hear it, But you cannot see it.What is it?Ss: It is wind. 2.T: Listen, what can you hear?S: I can hear the wind. (the sound of the wind)T: Listen, what is the difference between the two sounds?Ss: Sound 1, the wind is soft. (write the word on the blackboard)Ss: Sound 2, the wind i

11、s strong. (write the word on the blackboard)3. T: Look at these pictures. Can you tell me when the wind is strong?Ss: The wind is strong in picture 2.Ss: The wind is soft in picture 1.T: We can also say The wind is gentle in picture 1.Sometimes the wind is soft and gentle. Sometimes the wind is stro

12、ng.T: Look at this picture 1. Can you see the wind?Ss: No.T: Look at this tree. Can you see the wind?Ss: Yes.T: The wind is bowing. (write the word on the blackboard) Hows the wind in this picture? Is it gentle or strong?Ss: Gentle.T: Yes. The wind is bowing gently. (write the word on the blackboard

13、) What are the flowers doing?Ss: They are dancing in the wind.T: How are they dancing?Ss: Theyre dancing softly.1.Look and sayLook at the pictures, and then say it softly or gently.4.Show some pictures about the wind from grade 1 to grade 12.0级称为无风,陆地上的特征是烟直上。1级称为软风,特征是烟能表示风向,树叶略有摇动。2级称为轻风,特征是人面感觉有风

14、, 树叶有微响,旗子开始飘动,高的草开始摇动。3级称为微风,特征是树叶及小枝摇动不息,旗子展开,高的草摇动不息。4级称为和风,特征是能吹起地面灰尘和纸张,树枝动摇,高的草呈波浪起伏。5级称为清劲风,特征是有叶的小树摇摆,内陆的水面有小波,高的草波浪,起伏明显。6级称为强风,特征是大树枝摇动,电线呼呼有声,撑伞困难,高的草不时倾伏。7级称疾风,特征是整个树摇动,大树枝弯下来,迎风步行感觉不便。8级称为大风,可折毁小树枝,人迎风前行感觉阻力甚大。9级称为烈风,特征是草房遭受破坏,屋瓦被掀起,大树枝可折断。10级称为狂风,特征是树木可被吹 倒,一般建筑物遭破坏。11级称为暴风,特征是大树可被吹倒,一

15、般建筑物遭严重破坏。12级称为飓风,这种风力的大风在陆地少见,其摧毁力很大。T: So, when the wind blows strongly, we should stay at home.5. T: Now, look. Do you know what is it?Ss. T: Its a windmill. (write the word on the blackboard)Look at the windmill. It can move. (write the new word on the blackboard) Do you want to make one?Ss: Yes

16、.T: What do we need to make a windmill?Ss: First, we should draw a circle. So, we need a pencil and some paper.Ss: Second, we should cut the circle out. So, we need a pair of scissors.Ss: Then, we should draw eight lines and cut along them. Ss: Finally, we need a pin. We can pin it to a pencil.6.T:

17、Lets do it by yourself.Ss: T: I will ask some students to show it for us.How is the windmill moving?Ss: The windmill is moving slowly.SS: Ss: Show and tell.7.S1: (blow the windmill gently) The wind is blowing gently. My windmill is moving slowly.S2: (blow the windmill strongly) The wind is blowing g

18、ently. My windmill is moving strongly.T: Show your windmill in pairs.Homework 1. Copy the words five times. Gentle-gently The wind is blowing gently.2.Describe the windmill to your friends or your parents.当堂达标设计Change the adj-advsoft- gentle- slow-quick- strong- happy-carefully- warm- heavy-polite-教

19、学反思现象与归因分析改进措施教学设计续页课题Unit 10 Wind课型新授课时第2课时授课时间年 月 日项目内容教学重点难点Teaching important aims1. Use and understand the word: blow, gently, softly, strongly, slowly, quickly.2. Use the sentences correctly: The children are flying their kites happily.3. Learn the sound of sc(scarf), sk(skateboard).Difficult

20、points1. Use the sentences: The children are flying their kites happily.2. Use the adv correctly: gently, softly, strongly, slowly, and quickly.板书设计Unit 10 WindWonderful wind The wind is _.It is blowing _.The _ are _ in the wind _ sc, /sk/ scarf, sk, /sk/skateboard 教学设计续页教学流程个性化调控Pre-producerGreetin

21、gsT: Boys and girls, Welcome to our class!1.Put out the words, and ask the students act quickly.Blow, gently, softly, strongly, slowly, quickly.2.Free talkTalk about the windmill you like best.S1: This is my windmill. Look, it is blowing gently.S2While-producerLead in1. Look at the pictures.Picture

22、1:The children are happy.The children are playing happily.Read and choose.happy happily1. My mother has a new dress. She is _.2. The children are playing football _.3. The boys fly kites _ in the park.4. I am _ with my new toy.Think and say. The wind is _.It is blowing _. The wind is _.It is blowing

23、 _.The wind is blowing _.The windmill is moving _.The wind is blowing strongly.The windmill is moving _.Pictures2Soft softlyThe flowers are _ .They are dancing in the wind _. Pictures 3What are the children doing ?The children are _.How are the children flying their kite?3.Listen and sayListen to th

24、e radio 4.Listen again and finish the blanksThe wind is _.It is blowing _.The flowers are dancing in the wind _.The wind is _.It is blowing _.The children are flying their kites _.The wind is _.It is blowing _.The windmill is moving _.The wind is _.It is blowing _.The windmill is moving _.5.Work in

25、pairs to read the poem. 6.Read the poem together.7.Learn the soundsRead after the radio.T: sc, /sk/ scarf, scarf.Ss: sc, /sk/ scarf, scarf.T: sk, /sk/skateboard, /skateboard.Ss: sk, /sk/skateboard, /skateboard.Listen to the song, then sing it.Post-task activities1. Work in pairs to act the poem out.

26、2. Play the games “Simon says”.T: Now lets play the game “Simon says”. Only do what I say when I say “Simon says”.T: Walk quickly.Ss: (do not move)T: Simon says “Walk slowly”.Ss: (walk as slowly as they can)Play in pairs.Homework 1.Write and remember the word “blow, gently, softly, strongly, slowly,

27、 quickly, sound, paper, quiet。”.(word-phrase-sentence)2. Draw and write. Write some sentences about the wind on page 73.3. Read the poem fluently and remember the poem.当堂达标设计Read and complete.1. Its a nice day today. The wind is blowing _ (gentle). 2. The clouds are moving _ (quick) in the sky. 3. I

28、t is raining . People in the streets go home _ (quick). 4. The wind blows _ (strong). Some leaves fall on the ground.教学反思现象与归因分析改进措施教学设计续页课题Unit 10 Wind课型新授课时第3课时授课时间年 月 日项目内容教学重点难点Teaching important aims1. Perceive and understand the words 2. Review the sentences: Me too. Why?3. Inspire the student

29、s to love the nature.Difficult pointsAct out the story correctly板书设计Unit 10 WindBeautiful soundsWhose Material SoundLittle Ducks wind-bell glass Tink-tink Little Rabbits wind-bell bell Clink-clinkLittle Pigs wind-bell paper .Your wind-bell wood 教学设计续页个性化调控Pre-producer1.Review the knowledge we learned(Make students repeat the words, and the teacher draw a mind map)Act qu

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