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湖北最新 高考英语 阅读理解练习题含答案.docx

1、湖北最新 高考英语 阅读理解练习题含答案湖北最新 高考英语 阅读理解练习题(含答案)一、高中英语阅读理解1阅读理解 Nhon Ly, a 55-year-old Vietnamese-born professional bodybuilder from California has been awarded the real-life Master Roshi for his unbelievable similarity to the popular Dragon Ball Z anime(日本动漫) character. Ly certainly doesnt look like any

2、other typical 55-year-old man. In fact, he looks a lot better than most guys in their 20s, with his lean(瘦且健康的), strong muscles and youthful attitude. But hes absolutely not the only 50-something man who has the strong muscle in the world. What really sets Nhon Ly apart from all the rest is his unbe

3、lievable similarity to Dragon Ball Z character Master Roshi, also known as the Turtle Hermit, in his final form. And he apparently liked the comparison so much that he even set his Instagram handle as master_ roshi_ real_ life. According to Madness Media, Ly immigrated to the United States in 1980,

4、at the age of 16. He got a job as a pedicurist(修脚师) at a nail salon, and worked his way up to salon owner. Although he has achieved so much, bodybuilding has always been his biggest love. He has competed in several professional bodybuilding events, with his most notable results being the 4th place a

5、t the 2011 US Championship, the 7th place at the 2012 edition, and the 5th place at the 2015 Nationals. Even at 55, Nhon Ly continues to train hard in the gym in order to keep his Master Roshi look. He also likes to share photos and videos with his 40,000 fans, many of whom are Dragon Ball Z fans. T

6、hey routinely post a large quantity of comments, thanking him for training Goku, who is the main character in Dragon Ball media, and asking him to train them in the art of bodybuilding.(1)Why is Nhon Ly called real-life Master Roshi? A.He looks extremely similar to Master Roshi.B.He is quite good at

7、 training people like Goku.C.He has the same life stories as Master Roshi.D.He holds a special attitude to Dragon Ball Z.(2)How does Nhon Ly feel about his new name? A.He finds it typical yet silly.B.He thinks it can be popular.C.He is fond of it very much.D.He considers it embarrassing.(3)Which of

8、the following words can best describe Nhon Ly? A.Confident and wealthy.B.Creative and ambitious.C.Athletic and hardworking.D.Healthy and generous.(4)What can be a suitable title for the text? A.Success Comes From Continuous Efforts and DreamsB.Great Achievements of an Old but Still Positive AthleteC

9、.Unbelievable Life Experiences of an Anime CharacterD.A 55-year-old Man Is Known for Looking Like Master Roshi【答案】 (1)A(2)C(3)C(4)D 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,55岁的职业健美运动员尼汉莱因其与流行的龙珠Z中的动画人物龟仙人看起来相像而被授予“现实生活版的龟仙人”的称号。他看起来比20多岁的小伙子还要年轻健美,这源于他多年坚持不断的健身。 (1)考查细节理解。根据第一段”Nhon Ly, a 55-year-old Vietnamese-born profe

10、ssional bodybuilder from California has been awarded the “real-life Master Roshi for his unbelievable similarity to the popular Dragon Ball Z anime( 日本动漫) character.“55岁的Nhon Ly是一名出生于越南的职业健美运动员,来自加利福尼亚。他被授予“现实生活中的Roshi大师”称号,因为他和流行的龙珠Z动画人物有着令人难以置信的相似之处。可知,尼汉莱被授予“现实生活版的龟仙人”的称号是因为他与龙珠Z中的动画人物龟仙人极其相像。故选A

11、。 (2)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“And he apparently liked the comparison so much that he even set his Instagram handle as CcOmaster_ roshi_ real_ life.”他显然非常喜欢这种比较,甚至把自己的Instagram账号设为“roshi_ real_ life”。可推断,尼汉莱非常喜欢他的“新名字”。故选C。 (3)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“In fact. he looks a lot better than most guys in their 20s. with his

12、lean,strong muscles and youthful attitude.”事实上。他看起来比大多数20多岁的年轻人好得多,肌肉结实,有年轻的态度。;第三段中的“He got a job as a pedicurist(修脚师) at a nail salon, and worked his way up to salon owner.”他在一家美甲沙龙找到了一份修脚师的工作,并一步步成为美甲沙龙的老板;以及第四段“Even at 55, Nhon I_v continues to train hard in the gym in order to keep his Master R

13、oshi look.“即使在55岁的时候,Nhon I_v仍然在健身房刻苦训练,以保持他的Roshi大师的形象。可推断,尼汉莱体格健壮且勤奋。故选C。 (4)考查主旨大意。纵观全文可知,本文讲述了55岁的职业健美运动员尼汉莱因其与流行的龙珠Z中的动面人物龟仙人看起来相像而被授予“现实生活版的龟仙人”的称号。故选D。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,推理判断和主旨大意三个题型的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,要求考生在捕捉细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,概括和归纳,从而选出正确答案。2(2019江苏)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项

14、。 In the 1960s, while studying the volcanic history of Yellowstone National Park, Bob Christiansen became puzzled about something that, oddly, had not troubled anyone before: he couldnt find the parks volcano. It had been known for a long time that Yellowstone was volcanic in naturethats what accoun

15、ted for all its hot springs and other steamy features. But Christiansen couldnt find the Yellowstone volcano anywhere. Most of us, when we talk about volcanoes, think of the classic cone (圆锥体) shapes of a Fuji or Kilimanjaro, which are created when erupting magma (岩浆) piles up. These can form remark

16、ably quickly. In 1943, a Mexican farmer was surprised to see smoke rising from a small part of his land. In one week he was the confused owner of a cone five hundred feet high. Within two years it had topped out at almost fourteen hundred feet and was more than half a mile across. Altogether there a

17、re some ten thousand of these volcanoes on Earth, all but a few hundred of them extinct. There is, however, a second les known type of volcano that doesnt involve mountain building. These are volcanoes so explosive that they burst open in a single big crack, leaving behind a vast hole, the caldera.

18、Yellowstone obviously was of this second type, but Christiansen couldnt find the caldera anywhere. Just at this time NASA decided to test some new high-altitude cameras by taking photographs of Yellowstone. A thoughtful official passed on some of the copies to the park authorities on the assumption

19、that they might make a nice blow-up for one of the visitors centers. As soon as Christiansen saw the photos, he realized why he had failed to spot the caldera; almost the whole park-2.2 million acreswas caldera. The explosion had left a hole more than forty miles acrossmuch too huge to be seen from

20、anywhere at ground level. At some time in the past Yellowstone must have blown up with a violence far beyond the scale of anything known to humans.(1)What puzzled Christiansen when he was studying Yellowstone? A.Its complicated geographical features.B.Its ever-lasting influence on tourism.C.The myst

21、erious history of the park.D.The exact location of the volcano.(2)What does the second-paragraph mainly talk about? A.The shapes of volcanoes.B.The impacts of volcanoes.C.The activities of volcanoes.D.The heights of volcanoes.(3)What does the underlined word blow-up in the last paragraph most probab

22、ly mean? A.Hot-air balloon.B.Digital camera.C.Big photograph.D.Birds view.【答案】 (1)D(2)A(3)C 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,二十世纪六十年代Bob Christiansen在研究黄石公园的火山历史时,奇怪地发现到处看不到火山的影子,原来,这儿的火山并不是像我们大部分人想象的那种圆锥体形状的高耸的样子,而是一个巨大的洞,这个洞太大了以至于从地面上的任何地方都看不见。 (1)细节理解题。根据第一段中的“But Christiansen couldnt find the Yellowstone volcan

23、o anywhere.”可知,他困惑的是到处看不到火山。故选D。 (2)段落大意题。本段讲述了两种形状的火山,一种是通常人们所理解的由火山岩浆堆积形成的圆锥体,还有一种极具爆发力的火山,它们会在一个大裂缝中爆裂,留下一个巨大的洞,故选A。 (3)词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“Just at this time NASA decided to test some new high-altitude cameras by taking photographs of Yellowstone. A thoughtful official passed on some of the copies to t

24、he park authorities on the assumption that they might make a nice blow-up for one of the visitors centers.”可知,美国国家航空和宇宙航行局为测试一些新的高海拔照相机而拍摄了黄石公园的照片。一位深思熟虑的官员把其中的一些照片副本转交给了公园管理部门,认为他们可能会将其放大以供一个游客中心展示。故可知,此处意为将照片放大。故选C。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,词义猜测和段落大意三个题型的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,要求考生在捕捉细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,概括和

25、归纳,从而选出正确答案。3阅读理解 On average, Americans spend about 10 hours a day in front of a computer or other electronic devices and less than 30 minutes a day outdoors. That is a claim made by David Strayer, a professor of psychology at the University of Utah. In his 2017 TED Talk, Strayer explained that all

26、this time spent with technology is making our brains tired. Using an electronic device to answer emails, listen to the news and look at Facebook puts a lot of pressure on the front of the brain, which, Strayer explains , is important for critical (有判断力的)thinking , problem-solving and decision-making

27、.So, it is important to give the brain a rest. And being in naure, Strayer claims, helps get a tired brain away from too much technology. More than 15,000 campers from around the world attended an international camping festival in September. That is when friends and family take time off and escape t

28、o nature for several days. They take walks, climb, explore, swim, sleep, eat and play. Camping may be just what a tired brain needs. Take Carl for example .He lives in West Virginia and enjoys camping. He says that staying outdoors makes him feel at ease. It also prepares him for the work he must do

29、. Kate Somers is another example who also lives in West Virginia. She says she enjoys camping with her husband and two children. She calls it a “regenerative” experience. At the University of Utah, David Strayer has studied both short-term and long-term exposure to nature. He found that spending sho

30、rt amounts of time in nature without technology does calm the brain and helps it to remember better. However, he found, it is the long-term contact with nature that does the most good. He and his research team found that spending three days in nature without any technology is enough time for the bra

31、in to fully relax and reset itself.(1)What is David Strayers opinion? A.Americans dislike outdoor activities.B.Electronic equipment should be quitted.C.New technologies are a double-edged sword.D.Electronic equipment brings great convenience.(2)Why does Strayer insist we go outdoors? A.To try another lifestyle.B.To refresh our brain.C.To make better decisions.D.To play with our family and friends.(3)What

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