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沪教牛津版初中英语九年级下册Unit 3知识点梳理.docx

1、沪教牛津版初中英语九年级下册Unit 3知识点梳理沪教牛津版初中英语九年级下册Unit 3知识点梳理Unit3单词concernknsn担心;忧虑 n.atmosphere tmsf 大气层 n.temperature temprt(r) 温度;气温 n.consumer knsjum 消费者 n.guess ges 猜测 grin 环境保护的;赞成环境保护的 v.lifeless lafls 无生命的;无生物生长的 adj.fuel fjl 燃料 n.coal kl 煤 n.result rzlt 结果 n.increase nkris n (使)增长;增多 v.sea le

2、vel lev()l 海平面 n.destroy dstr 摧毁;毁灭 v.nature net 自然界;大自然 n.surface sfs 表面;表层 n.soil sl 土壤 n.flood fld 洪水;水灾 n.habit hbt 习惯 n.proper prp 正确的;恰当的 adj.friendly fren(d)l 无害的 adj.recycle risak()l 回收利用 v.purpose pps 目的;用途 n.solution slu()n 解决办法;处理手段 n.government vnmnt 政府 n.role model mdl 楷模;行为榜样 n.greenho

3、use effect 温室效应in danger 在危险中as a result of 由于result in 造成;导致mountains of 许多;大量take action 采取行动make a difference 有作用;有影响act as 充当Unit3课文The world is in danger世界正处于危险之中Our world is in danger. We must do something to protect the environment. But, what are the main problems we face?我们的世界正处于危险之中。我们必须采取行

4、动来保护我们的环境。但是,我们现在面临的主要问题是什么?The greenhouse effect温室效应The atmosphere around the Earth is necessary for all living things. It is like the glass of a greenhouse, letting sunlight in and keeping heat from getting out. Without it, the Earth would be the same as the Moon - cold and lifeless.地球上空的大气层对地球上的所

5、有生物都至关重要。它就像温室的玻璃,让阳光射入温室,防止室内热量流失。如果没有大气层,我们的地球会变得和月球一样寒冷而毫无生机。When we burn fuels such as petrol and coal, we produce a gas called carbon dioxide (CO2). Too much of this gas pollutes the atmosphere, and causes it to keep in too much heat. As a result of the greenhouse effect, the Earths temperature

6、 is increasing. This causes sea level to rise, and in the future may cause cities to disappear.当我们燃烧汽油和煤炭等燃料的时候,燃料燃烧就会产生二氧化碳的气体。大量的二氧化碳会污染大气层,使热量得不到释放。由于温室效应,地球的温度正在上升。这使得海平面也跟着上升,在未来,许多沿海城市可能会消失。Cutting down forests大量砍伐森林Every year, we destroy nature by cutting down huge areas of forests. This make

7、s the greenhouse effect worse because trees take in CO2 and produce oxygen. Cutting down trees also destroys the homes of the animals that live in our forests, and causes the surface of the soil to be easily destroyed by rain. This can result in floods and even more damage to the environment.每年,我们砍伐

8、大量的森林,破坏了大自然的环境。由于树木能够吸收二氧化碳,释放氧气,树木遭到砍伐使得温室效应变得更加严重。砍伐树木同时也破坏了生活在森林里动物的家园,也使得裸露在地表的土壤更容易随雨水流失。水土流失会造成洪水泛滥以及更严重的生态灾难。Bad habits不良习惯Many of our habits cause pollution. People often use things once and then throw them away, or leave them on the ground as litter. This creates mountains of rubbish and p

9、ollutes our land and seas.我们的许多习惯会污染环境。人们通常喜欢用一次性的物品,用完之后就把它们扔掉,或者扔在地上成为垃圾。这使得垃圾成山,污染了我们的土地和海洋。In order to protect the environment, we need to take proper action. We should be different from many consumers and become green consumers. This means that we should only buy and use products friendly to th

10、e environment. We should also recycle as many things as we can. We can reuse things for the same purpose as before, or we can use them for new purposes. If we just learn to live in new and different ways, we can make a difference.为了保护环境,我们需要采取合适的行动。我们需要和不良消费者区别开来,成为“绿色的”消费者。这意味着我们需要购买和使用对环境有益的商品。我们也

11、应该尽可能地重复利用资源。我们可以像以前一样重复使用某种东西,也可以换一种方式来使用。如果我们学会以一种新的方式生活,我们一定能够有所作为。More PracticeThe journey of a plastic bottle塑料瓶之旅I am a plastic bottle. A week ago, I was on a supermarket shelf. I had a normal life, the same as all my brothers and sisters - other bottles of water. I felt really happy.我是一个塑料瓶。一

12、周前,我被放在超市的货架上。和其他装满水的兄弟姐妹塑料瓶一样,我的生活很平常。我也感到非常快乐。Then a tall woman picked me up and put me in her basket! The woman took me home and put me in the fridge. It was cold, but I soon made friends with the cans and bottles in it. However, only a few hours later, she took me out of the fridge and drank the

13、 water inside me. Then she threw me into a dustbin. I have never felt so empty and alone in my life.有一天,一位高个子的女人把我从货架中取出来,然后放进了购物篮!这个女人把我带回家,然后放到里冰箱里。冰箱很冷,我发现我的伙伴们易拉罐和塑料瓶都在里面。几个小时以后,这个女人把我从冰箱里拿出来,然后喝掉了我肚子里的水。接着,她把我扔到了垃圾桶里。我从来没有感觉到我会如此空虚和孤独。Early the next morning, a man took me out of the dustbin. He

14、 threw me and the other rubbish into the back of a truck. There were so many horrible smells. Then I was pushed together with the rest of the rubbish. Soon I was completely flat. I cannot believe how thin I became.第二天早上,一个男人把我从垃圾桶里拣出来。他把我和其他垃圾扔到卡车的车斗里。这里的气味实在太难闻了。接着,我和其他垃圾被挤在一起。不一会儿,我被彻底地挤压平了。我简直不敢相

15、信我会变得如此苗条。I slept for a while. When I woke up, I found myself in a terrible place. Everything around me was ugly and had horrible smells. I felt afraid. I kept hoping that I would be moved somewhere else. Then huge trucks came and covered us with a layer of soil.我休息了一会儿。当我睡醒的时候,我发现自己来到了一个很糟糕的地方。我周围的

16、东西都很丑陋,并且散发出难闻的气味。我感到很害怕。我一直希望我会被送到其他的地方。接着,几辆大型的卡车开过来,用一层泥土将我们掩埋了。I asked another bottle what would happen to us. He said that we would never leave this horrible crowded place, but would have to stay here for thousands of years.我向另一个塑料瓶询问发生了什么事情。他说,我们永远都逃离不了这个可怕又拥挤的地方了,但是我们可以在这个地方待上好几千年。Why cant th

17、ey reuse or recycle us? I cried.“他们为什么不将我们重复利用呢?”我哭喊到。Unit3必考短语和句型1.too much 太多 danger 在危险中3.greenhouse effect 温室效应 让.进来5.the same as 和.一样 a result of 由于7.sea level 海平面 the future of 在将来9.cut down 砍伐 10.take in 吸收11.result in 造成,导致 12.throw away 扔掉13.mountains of 许多,大量 14.tak

18、e action 采取行动 different from 和.不同 16.(be) friendly to 对.无害17.make a difference 有作用,有影响 for 关心19.act as 充当 20.take a shower 洗淋浴21.turn off 关上 22.switch off 关上23.instead of 代替,而不是 24.pick up 捡起25.make friends 交朋友 26.the rest of 其余的27.cover.with. 用.覆盖. 28.thousands of 数千的 the beginning

19、 of 在.的开始 possible 尽可能.用法集萃1.比较级+and+比较级, 越来越.2.keep.from+n./ 阻止.(做)某事3.cause sth. +to do sth. 导致某物做某事 sth. 通过做某事5.make+n.+adj. 使.处于.状态 order to +do sth. 为了做某事7.A+be+形容词比较级+than+B A比B更.8.keep+doing sth. 一直做某事经典句型1. Without it, the Earth would be the same as the Moon-cold

20、and lifeless.没有它,地球将会和月球一样-寒冷且没有生命。2. We should be different from many consumers and become “green consumers”.我们应该不同于很多消费者而成为“环保消费者”。3. We can reuse things for the same purpose as before.我们可以像以前一样以同样的用途再使用物品。Unit3必考语法重点语法the same (as),different (from),like及the same.as1. the same与differentThe same一样,

21、相同,强调事物的相似度极高,几乎无差别。These pens look the same.different 不同的,强调事物之间有差异、不一样,与the same正相反。They are twins, but they look, the same as与different fromlike介词,意为像,强调事物在某些方面具有相似性,但并不一样。Sometimes the Moon looks like a big round plate.He looked after me like a brother.the same as和.一样,强调一者与另一者一样

22、,as后接比较对象。My English book is the same as yours.different from与.不同,from 后接比较对象,与短语the same as相对。My bike is different from yours.注意like, the same as及different from 常与动词be, look, seem, smell, sound, taste等连用。3. the same.as有时在the same后放一个名词或短语,用来表达双方在某一方面是一样的。I like the colours as you.My father is the same age as my mother.

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