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Unit 2 The United Kingdom 秋学期高中英语必修5人教版学案.docx

1、Unit 2 The United Kingdom 秋学期高中英语必修5人教版学案Unit 2The United KingdomSailors used to speak of a “Jack” when they meant a flag which was set near the bow of a sailing ship.The flag showed the country to which the ship belonged.The Union Jack became the flag of Great Britain.Australias flag has the Union

2、Jack in the top left hand corner together with the stars of the Southern Cross.They have kept this small part of Britain on their flag because their country was first settled by people from Britain.Australias flag is the same colour as the Union Jackred,white and blue.The act of joining together is

3、called a “Union”The Union Jack was the name of the flag made when England,Scotland and Ireland joined together to make one country.It all began in 1707 when England and Scotland joined together to become one nation.A flag was made using two crossesone for the patron saint (守护神) of each country.The w

4、ord “patron”means protector.Many centuries before the English had taken St George as their patron saint,his emblem(标志) was a red cross on a white background.The Scottish patron saint was St Andrew.In memory of him,they used a white cross on a blue background.This cross was shaped like the letter “X”

5、The new flag was a mixture of both flags with two sets of crosses.When Ireland joined England and Scotland in 1800,another cross was added.St Patricks cross of Ireland was red and also shaped like an “X”All three flags made up the Union Jack.【词海拾贝】1bow n船首2settle v殖民;作为移民在殖民地定居3saint n圣人4background

6、n背景【问题思考】True(T)or False(F):1The Scottish patron saint was St George.()2The Union Jack is the flag of Australia.()答案:1.F2.F.重点单词分类记拼写高频单词1_vi.组成;在于;一致2_vt.澄清;阐明3_vt.完成;达到;实现4_n矛盾;冲突5_n争吵;争论;吵架vi.争吵;吵架6_n快乐;高兴;喜悦vt.使高兴;使欣喜7_n机会;时机8_adj.相同的;类似的9_n错误;过失;谬误答案:1.consist2.clarify3.accomplish4.conflict5qua


8、.一致的_vi.组成;在于;一致11_adj.配备好装备的;带家具的_vt.提供;供应;装备答案:1.uniteunitedunion2.unwillingwillingwill3.convenienceconvenientconveniently 4roughroughly5.attractattractionattractive6.collectioncollect7.descriptiondescribe8.possibility possiblepossibly9.arrangearrangement 10consistentconsist11.furnishedfurnish识记阅读

9、单词1currency n _2administration n. _3port n. _4wedding n. _5royal adj. _6statue n. _7original adj. _8thrill vt. _9plus prep. _adj. _10fold vt. _答案:1.货币通货2.管理行政部门3.港口(城市)4.婚礼5.王室的皇家的高贵的6.塑像雕像7.最初的原始的独创的新颖的8.使激动 使胆战心惊9.加上和;加的正的零上的10.折叠对折.重点短语快速记1_由组成2_把分成3_挣脱(束缚);脱离4_为了纪念5_省去;遗漏;不考虑6_代替7_(机器)损坏;破坏8_展览9

10、_动身去某地10_为带来荣誉;值得赞扬;在名下11_无法描述答案:1.consist of2.divide.into3.break away (from) memory of5.leave out6.take the place of7.break down8.on show/display9.leave ones credit11.beyond description.经典句式应用记1Now when people refer to England you _(发现威尔士被包括在内) as well.(find宾语过去分词作宾语补足语)2_(很遗憾) the ind

11、ustrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.(It ben.that从句,it作形式主语)3_(由于担心时间不够),Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London.(过去分词短语作原因状语)4It looked splendid_(刚建成的时候)(状语从句的省略)5_(这似乎是一件怪事) the man who had developed communism_(竟然在伦敦生活过且在那里去世)It seeme

12、d strange that.(should) do.答案:1.find Wales included2.It is a pity that 3Worried about the time available4.when first built5.It seemed strange thatshould have lived and died in London.Skimming for the main information1Whats the main idea of the passage?AThe economy of the United Kingdom.BThe geograph

13、y and history of the United Kingdom.CThe people of the United Kingdom.DThe politics of the United Kingdom.2Match the main idea with each paragraph.(1)Para.1_AExplaining the differences in the four countries.(2)Para.2_ BExplaining how the UK came into being.(3)Para.3_ CExplaining how England is divid

14、ed into three zones.(4)Para.4_DIntroducing the topic to the readers.(5)Paras.5&6_EExplaining the importance of London as a cultural and political centre in the UK.答案:1.B2.(1)D(2)B(3)A(4)C(5)E.Scanning for detailed information1When people speak of England now,they usually refer to England and_AScotla

15、nd BIrelandCthe United Kingdom DWales2Which of the following is the main reason for the southern part of Ireland to break away from the United Kingdom?AIt wanted to set up its own government.BIts customs were different from those of the United Kingdom.CIt was once badly treated by the United Kingdom

16、.DIt was refused by the United Kingdom.3Where do most of the people settle in England?AThe zone nearest France.BThe zone nearest to Scotland.CThe Midlands.DThe North of England.4Which city is the centre of the national government and its administration?ADublin. BLondon.CManchester. DPlymouth.5Which

17、group of invaders influenced the British words for food?AThe Romans. BThe Vikings.CThe Normans. DThe AngloSaxons.答案:1.D2.A3.A4.B5.C.Intensive reading to finish the passageGreat Britain 1._(consist) of four countries:England,Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland.In the 13th century,Wales 2._(link) to E

18、ngland.In the seventeenth century,they were joined to Scotland.They were united 3._peace instead of by war.However,just as they were going to get Ireland 4._ (connect ) to form the United Kingdom,the southern part of Ireland broke away,5._only Northern Ireland joined with England.England is 6._(larg

19、e) of the four countries and for 7._(convenient) it is divided into three zones:the South of England,the Midlands and the North.Most of the population 8._(settle) in the south,but most of the industrial cities are located in the Midlands and the North.London is the capital city with the great 9._(hi

20、story) treasures.It has the oldest port built by the Romans in 10._first century AD,the oldest building begun by the AngloSaxons in the 1060s and the oldest castle constructed by later Norman rulers in 1066.答案:1.consists2.was linked3.in4.connected5so6.the largest7.convenience8.settled9historical10.t

21、he.Analyze the following difficult sentences in the text1So only Northern Ireland joined with England,Wales and Scotland to become the United Kingdom and this was shown to the world in a new flag called the Union Jack.句式分析第二个and 连接两个并列分句。第一分句中 to become the United Kingdom是结果状语,表示北爱尔兰加入之后的结果。第二分句中过去分

22、词短语called the Union Jack作后置定语,修饰a new flag。尝试翻译2Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland connected in the same peaceful way.句式分析这是一个简单句。在 try to 中间插入时间状语 in the early twentieth century;介词短语 by getting Ireland connected in the s

23、ame peaceful way 在句中作方式状语;其中 getting 后接复合宾语,过去分词 connected 作 Ireland 的宾语补足语。尝试翻译3It has the oldest port built by the Romans in the first century AD,the oldest building begun by the AngloSaxons in the 1060s and the oldest castle constructed by later Norman rulers in 1066.句式分析这是一个较为复杂的简单句。动词 has 后接三个宾

24、语:the oldest port;the oldest building;the oldest castle;每个宾语都含有一个过去分词短语作后置定语。尝试翻译答案:1.因此,只有北爱尔兰同英格兰、威尔士和苏格兰联合起来组成了联合王国,这从向世界展示的新的英国国旗上就可以看出来。2最后,英国政府打算于20世纪初把爱尔兰也同另外三个国家和平联合起来以形成联合王国。3它有公元1世纪由罗马人建造的最古老的港口,有由盎格鲁撒克逊人始建于11世纪60年代的最古老的建筑,还有公元1066年由后来的诺曼人统治者建造的最古老的城堡。如何写好导游词导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游人员同游客交

25、流思想、向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作的文体之一。一篇完整的导游词,一般包括下面三个部分:1见面时的问候语。主要包括对游客的问候、欢迎、游览注意事项和对游客的一般希望等方面,一般放在导游词的最前面。常见的表达方式有:Hello,my dear visitors.Welcome to.Its so nice to meet you here!I feel it a great honour to be your tour guide today.Id like to take this opportunity to give you a brief introduction about.

26、2景点介绍。景点介绍包括旅游景点的位置、范围、地位、意义、历史、现状和发展前景等,目的是帮助旅游者对景点进行总体了解,引起游览兴趣。常见的表达方式有:It was built it had a very long history.It is located/situated.with an area of.It has become the most popular tourist attraction since.With its pleasant climate,rich natural resources and picturesque scenery,.is one of

27、Chinas major tourist cities.3结束语。结束语包括感谢语、惜别语、征求意见语、致歉语和祝愿语等方面,一般放在导游词的最后面。常见的表达方式有:Please allow me to take this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation and understanding.Wish you have a good time and enjoy yourself!Thanks again for listening.Have a good time!假设你是王颖,是北京青年旅行社股份有限公司(Beijing Youth Travel Service Co.,Ltd.)的一名英语导游,10月1日要带一批来自美国的游客旅游观光。请根据下表提供的信息写一篇英语导游词。北京概况历史悠久,旅游资源丰富。2008年奥运会的召开,令北京的面貌焕然一新旅游活动安排1.早7点在红星

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