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1、高二英语实验20082009学年第一学期期中统考高 二 英 语第I卷I语音知识(共5小题,每小题1 分)1) hero A.above B.become C. develope D.close 2) actor B.difference C.since D.once 3)prize A.information B.hide C. gift D.animal 4) industry A.reply B.yes C.July D.necessary 5)boss A.some B.those II.单项选择(从A.B.C.D.四个选项中选出最佳

2、答案)6)Jane is going to _Jane next Monday A. marry B.marry to C.marry with D.married 7)-You should make_of your time to learn your lessons well -Yes ,I will make good _of it ,Please believe me ,use B. the most ,use ,fun D. worst ,story 8) If you have no idea about how to pronounce the wo

3、rd correctly ,you may _your dictionary with B. look for C.bring about D.refer to 9) Its a simple dish to prepare ,mainly _rice and vegetablesA. consisting of B.made up of C.made from D.consisting in 10) Modern English _from about the middle of the 16th century .A. came into B.came out C.came

4、into being D.came off11)What he said just now _me of that American professor A. mentioned B.informed C. reminded D.memorized 12)There is no doubt _they will win the game A. whether C.when D.that 13)Some students are _to the Internet ,so that they cant put their mind to their studies A. addicte

5、d B.creative C.special D.unique 14). _more time ,we should be able to do the work much better A.Give B.Giving C.To give D.Given 15) The news has spread all over the country_the spaceship succeeded in returning to the earth A.that . B.which C.whether D.what 16)You can compare this _that and choose th

6、e better on e B.with C.for D.on 17) She had her hair _last night A. cut B.cutting C.cuts cut 18) _he will come depends on the weather A.If b.Whether C. That D.Which 19) We are to them _fish is to water A.that B.what 20)He impressed _me the importance of hard work A.on B.with C.

7、in III完形填空(阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题和四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项)Two travellers were riding on a horseback through the south of Italy ,Towards evening they _21_ had lost their way .They began to look for a house where they _22_rest for the night and perhaps find a guide to _23_them the right way in the mornig A

8、fter_24_for some time ,they saw a farmhouse ,When they _ 25 _ the house ,they found a peasant and his wife having supper .They were asked to sit down and _26_ too .They did so with _27_ .While eating his supper the peasant kept his eyes on the plate without saying _28_ .This made the travellers _29_

9、 afraid .After _30_ the peasants wife led them up to a storeroom .and showed them a _31 _ where they could sleep .Being _32 _ they soon _33 their clothes and went to bed .But the younger traveller was too _34 _ to go to slpeep .He heard the peasant and his wife talking in the room _35_ .At first he

10、could notd hear any words ,but then he _ 36_ heard the husband say ,“Must we kill them both ?” and the _37_ reply ,”yes ,of course we must ”。A moment later ,he again heard the peasant _38 _ into the room ,so he quickly _39_ behind the door .The door slowly opened ,and the peasant came in _40 a light

11、 in one hand and a long knife in the other ,He went to the meat hanging on the wall ,cut off a piece and returned as quietly as he had come .The two travellers didnt dare to go to sleep .Early in the morning they got up and walked through the kitchen ,finding on the table a piece of meat cleaned and

12、 two chickens killed ( )21.A knew B.found C.saw D.heard ( )22.Amight B.must C.could D.would ( )23. A lead C.point D.bring ( )2 4.A.finding B.watching C.looking D.walking ( )25.A visited Bdropped in C.broke into D.entered ( )26 B.have D.drink ( )2 7.A.pleasure B.hurry C.thanks D.k

13、indness ( )28.A a speech expression C.a word D.a sentence( )29.A.a little B. so C.less D.more ( )30.A.this C.supper D.the moment ( )31 A,chair B.board C.bench D.bed ( )32. A.tired B.excited C.surprised D.thankful ( )33. A.took off B.threw away C.pulled down D.put away ( )34. A.frightened B

14、.moved C.pleased D.excited ( )35. A.silently B.loudly C.below D.above ( )36. A obviously B.clearly C.nervously D. eagerly ( )37. A.woman B,wife C.peasant D.other ( )38 A.go B.running C.walking down D.coming up ( )39. A.ran B.hid C.stayed D.stood ( )40. A having B.without C.showing D.with IV. 阅读理解 阅读

15、下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项 AChirlie studied in a famous college for four years .He studied hard and did well in all his subjects ,He hoped to become a good teacher .This year he left the college and began to work in a middle school .He likes his students and is strict with them .He does his best to make

16、 his classes lively and interesting One day he carefully explained a chemical reaction (化学反应)to students of Grade Two in the chemistry lab “Be careful ,everyone .”he said loudly ,Before I make the experiment ,there are twenty five atoms of carbon but after I finish it ,there are twenty four atooms o

17、f carbon left He stopped to watch the classroom and hooped his students would go on explaining it ,But the young men looked at each other and nobody answered him .He gad to ask ,“what happens ?”What makes the atom lost ?” The classroom was very quiet and none of the students looked at their teacher

18、“Who can tell us where it had gone ?”Suddenly a soft voice came from the back row ,“We did not see anybody leave the classroom !”( )4 1.Charlie began to work in the middle school because _A. he was in school for only four years B. he couldnt do anything except teachin gC. he hoped to become a good t

19、eacher D. he did well in all his subjects ( ) 42.Charlie hopes _,so he does his best to make his classes lively and interesting A. all his students can understand him B. his students wont be afraid of him C. his students can count the atoms of carbon D. his students can make the experiment ( ) 43.Ch

20、arlie wished his students could _A. learn the chemical reaction B. find the atoms of carbon C. count the atoms of carbon D. Make the experiment ( )44 The students couldnt answer charlies questions because _A. none of them had seen the atoms B. they didnt understand their teacher C. the chemical reac

21、tion was complicated D. They all wanted to drop the subject ( )45 In fact _A. Charlie failed that day B. The students was not interested in it C. Nothing was lost D. Charlie failed in making the experiment BNot only farmers but scientists have studied weather forecast .People ,for many centuries and

22、 in all countries ,have studied the weather and tried to make weather forecast .Sometimes distant objects such as hills and tall trees seem to be vry clear and near ,this is a sign of much water vapour in the air ,and therefore a rain will probably come . When distant sounds (such as the noise from

23、a train ,birds singing ,or people shouting )are very clearly heard ,then wet and stormy weather is on the way . Rings round the sun are a sign of coming rain .Many people feel the coming of wet weather in their bones .Their joints hurt .Some birds fly high if fine weather is coming ,but they flyVery

24、 near the ground if rainy weather or a storm is on the way .This is probably because the insects ,which they are hunting,fly low at that time .If you see a rainbow during rainy weather ,this is a sign that the weather will clear up and become fine .Such rainbows come in the evening .If the stars twi

25、nkle clearly at night ,fine weather will continue .If a mist appears in the early morning ,just about sunrise ,the day will be warm If the sunset is mostly red in color ,the following day will be fine .When big cumulus clouds appear atsunset ,the bad weathr will follow the next day .If cirrus clouds

26、 remain quite still,fine weather will come .If a rainbow appears in the morning ,then rainy weather will probably come ,Most of the above sayings have been made up by people who have used their eyes and their brains to forcast the weather .( )46Some birds fly high if fine weather is coming ,because

27、_.A. they fly high to catch insectsB. they can fly high when fine weather is coming C. they like fine weather D. they feel very happy ( )47.When big cumulus clouds appear at sunset then the weather will _the next day fine bad windy cloudy ( )48.Weather will be fine if _A. you see

28、 rings round the sun B. you see the distant objects very clear and near C. you feel pwin in your bones D. the stars twinkle clearly at night ( )49。If you see a rainbow during rainy weather ,it shows that the weather will clear up and become fine .This is because _A. there is much water-vapour in the

29、 air B. there is not much water-vapour in the air C. there is not any water-vapour in the air D. there are all kinds of water vapour in the air CSenior citizens are allowed to travel cheaply on a bus if they have a special card. Women get the card when they are sixty Mrs.Mathews lived in the country

30、 but she went into town once a week to buy food and other things for the whole family .and she usually went by bus .She always had to pay the full price for her ride Then she reached the age of sixty and got her senior citizen card ,but when she used it for the first time on the bus ,it made her fee

31、l very old The bus driver had often seen her traveling on the bus before ,and he noticed that she was feeling unhappy ,so after she had paid her money ,he winked at her and whispered :“Dont forget to give your mothers card back to her when you see her again :” Mrs Mathews was very happy when she learned this ( )50Who can get a special card when they are sixty A.Men B.Women C.Senior citizen D.Those that live in the country and have to go to town once a week to buy things( ) 51.Before Mrs Mathews

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