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1、国际商法教程案例翻译国际商法教程案例翻译国际商法教程案例翻译Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v. Boots Cash Chemists (Sourhern) Ltd.1953 1Q. B.401,1953 1 All E.R.482(C.A.)The defendants, Boots,operated a self service pharmacy.One part of the store was called the”Toilet Dept.,”and another the”Chemists Dept.”One of the shelv

2、es in the chemists department drugs,including proprietary medicines ,were displayed in individual packages or containers with an indication of the price of each. One section of the shelves in the chemists deparement was devoted exclusively to drugs which were included in, or which contained substanc

3、es included in ,Part of the Poisons Act , 1933;The defendants staff included a manager ,a registered pharmacist, three assistants and two cashiers, and during the time when the premises were open for the sale of drugs the manager ,the registered pharmacist,and one or more of the assistants were pres

4、ent in the room.In order to leave the premises the customer had to pass by one of two exits, at each of which was a cash desk where a cashier was stationed who scrurinized the articles selected by the customer, assessed the value and accepted payment .The chemists department was under the personal c

5、ontrol of the registered pharmacist, who carried out all his duties at the premises subject to the directions of a superintendent appointed by the defendants in accordance with the provisions of section 9of the Act.The pharmacist was stationed near the poison section, where his certificate of regist

6、ration was conspicuously displayed, and was in view of the cash desks. In every case involving the sale of a drug the pharmacist supervised that part of the transaction which took place at the cash desk and was authorized by the defendants to prevent at that stage of the transaction , if he thought

7、fit, any customer from removing any drug from the premises.No steps were taken by the defendants to inform the customers, before they selected any article which they wished to purchase , of the pharmacists authorization.On April 13 , 1951,at the defendants premises,two customers,following the proced

8、ure outlined above, respectively purchased a bottle containing a medicine known as compound syrup of hypophosphites, containing 0.01% W/V strychnine, and a bottle containing medicine known as famel syrup, containing 0.23%W/V codeine, both of which substances are poisons included in Part of the Poiso

9、ns List The question for the opinion of the court was whether the sales instanced on April 13, 1951, were effected by or under the supervision of a registered pharmacist , in accordance with the provisions of section 18(1)( a )(iii) of the Pharmacy and Poisons Act . 1933.The Lord Chief Justice answe

10、red the question in the affirmative 1952 2 Q . B .795, 1952 2 All E . R. 456 .The Pharmaceutical Society appealed.Somervell L. J.The plaintiffs are the Phaimaceutical Society , incorporated by Royal charter .One of their duties is to take all reasonable steps to enforce the provisions of the Act. Th

11、e provision in question is contained in section 18.His Lordship read the section, stated the facts ,and continued: It is not disputed that in a chemists shop where this self-service system does not prevail a customer may go in and ask a young woman assistant ,who will not herself be a registered pha

12、rmacist, for one of these articles on the list ,and the transation may be completed and the article paid for, although the registered pharmacist, who will no doubt be on the premises, will not know anything himself of the transaction, unless the assistant serving the customer,or the customer, requir

13、es to put a question to him. It is right that I should emphasize ,as did the Lord Chief Justice, that these are not dangerous drugs. They are substances which contain very small proportions of poison , and I imagine that many of them are the type of drug which has a warning as to what doses are to b

14、e taken. They are drugs which can be obtained, under the law ,without a doctors prescription.The point taken by the plaintiffs is this: it is said that the purchase is complete if and when a customer going round the shelves takes an article and that therefore, if that is right, when the customer com

15、es to the pay desk, having completed the tour of the premises, the registered pharmacist, if so minded, has no power to say:”This drug ought not to be sold to this customer.” Whether and in what circumstances he would have that power we need not inquire, but one can, of course ,see that there is a d

16、ifference if supervision can only be exercised at a time when the contract is completed,I agree with the Lord Chief Justice in everything that he said, but I will put the matter shortly in my own words. Whether the view contended for by the plaintiffs is a right view depends on what are the legal im

17、plications of this layout the invitation to the customer . Is a contract to be regarded as being completed when the article is put into the receptacle, or is this to be regarded as a more organized way of doing what is done already in many types of shops and a bookseller is perhaps the best example

18、namely, enabling customers to have free access to what is in the shop, to look at the different articles, and then, ultimately, having got the ones which they wish to buy ,to come up to the assistant saying “I want this?” The assistant in 999 times out of 1,000 says “That is all right, ” and the mon

19、ey passes and the transaction is completed. I agree that in the case of an ordinary shop , although goods are displayed and it is intended that customers should go and choose what they want, the contract is not completed until, the customer having indicated the articles which he needs ,the shopkeepe

20、r, or someone on his behalf, accepts that offer . Then the contract is completed . I can see no reason at all, that being clearly the normal position, for drawing any differernt implication as a result of this layout.The Lord Chief Justice, I think , expressed one of the most formidable difficulties

21、 in the way of the plaintiffs contention when he pointed out that ,if the plaintiffs are right ,once an article has been placed in the receptacle the customer himself is bound and would have no right , without paying for the first article, to substitute an article which he saw later of a similar kin

22、d and which he perhaps preferred. I can see no reason for implying from this self service arrangement any implication other than . . . that it is a convenient method of enabling customers to see what there is and choose ,and possibly put back and substitute, articles which they wish to have , and th

23、en to go up to the cashier and offer to buy what they have so far chosen. On that conclusion the case fails, because it is admitted that there was supervision in the sense required by the Act and at the appropriate moment of time. For these reasons, in my opinion, the appeal should be dismissed.Birk

24、ett L . J. noted that it was the duty of the Pharmaceutical Sociey to enforce this part of the Act and continued: The two women customers in this case each took a particular package containing poison from the particular shelf, put it into her basket , came to the exit and there paid. It is said ,on

25、the one hand, that when the customer takes the package from the poison section and puts it into her basket the sale there and then take place. On the other hand ,it is said the does not take place until that customer , who has placed that package in the basket , comes to the exit.The Lord Chief Just

26、ice dealt with the matter in this way ,and I would like to daopt his words 1952 2 Q.B.795 at 802:It seems to me, therefore, that the transaction is in no way different from the normal transaction in a shop in which there is no self - -service scheme. I am quite satisfied it would be wrong to say tha

27、t the shopkeeper is making an offer to sell every article in the shop uo any person who might come in and that that person can insist on buying any article by saying “I accept your offer.”Then he went on to deal with the illustration of the bookshop,and continued:Therefore, in my opinion ,the mere f

28、act that a customer picks up a bottle of medicine from the shelves in this case does not amount to an acceptance of an offer to sell.It is an offer by the customer to buy and there is no sale effected until the buyers offer to buy is accepted by the acceptance of the price. The offer ,the acceptance

29、 of the price ,and therefore the sale take place under the supervision of the pharmacist .That is sufficientto satisfy the requirements of the section for by using the words “the sale is effected by ,or under the supervision of ,a registered pharmacist ” the Act envisages that he sale may be effecte

30、d by someone not a pharmacist. I think ,too, that the sale is effected under his supervision if he is in a position to say “You must not have that : that contains poison, ” so that in any case ,even if I were wrong in the view that I have taken on the question as to when the sale was completed ,and

31、it was completed ,and it was completed when the customer took the article from the shelf, it would still be effected under the supervision of the pharmacist within the meaning of section 18.I agree with that ,and I agree that this appeal ought to be dismissed.Romer L . J . delivered a concurring jud


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