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1、新起点小学英语二年级上册教案(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)昆明高新一小 2010学年上学期二年级英语学科教学设计教学计划:从学习者的角度来讲,基础教育最重要的任务是学会学习。发展学习策略,培养学生学习能力,是素质教育的重要组成部分。教师要用生动简单,通俗易懂的方式把学习策略介绍给不同年龄段的孩子,逐渐培养开发他们的自主学习能力,养成良好的学习习惯。一、 教学目的激发学生学习英语的积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心,培养学生一定的语感和良好的的语音语调,并初步打下良好的英语基础,培养良好学习习惯,培养他们初步用英语进行简单日常交际的能力。同时,注重培养学生的观察、记忆

2、、想象和创造能力。二、 教学内容目标听、做:1、能根据听到的词语,识别或指认图片或实物。2、能听懂课堂指令并做相互相应的反应。3、能根据指令做事情,如:画图、涂色、做动作、做手工等。4、能在图片和动作的提示下听懂小故事,并作出反应。说、唱:1、能听录音并进行模仿2、能根据图片或实物说出单词。3、能根据表演猜意思,说词语。4、能根据表演情况要求说出最基本的话语。玩、演1、能在教师的指导下,用英语做游戏,在游戏过程中,能根据情景需要,用简单的英语进行交流。2、能表演歌谣和歌曲3、能根据故事情节进行角色表演。力求使教学面向全体学生,为学生提供自主学习和相互交流的机会,以及充分表现和自我发展的空间,鼓

3、励学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作等方式,发展语言技能。教学进度:周 次单 元节 次1、2Unit1 Family63、4Unit2 Friends65、6Unit3 Park67、8Unit4 Revision69、10Unit5 Streets611、12Unit6 Beijing613、14Unit7 Festivals615、16Unit8 Revision617、18复习619、20复习6Teaching contentsUnit1 FamilyLesson 1Teaching aims To learn the new words and new sentences.Teaching

4、 pointsNew words. Sentence patterns.Teaching materialsFlash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards.periodLesson 1Teaching ProcedureI. warm-up1.Daily oral practiceT: Good morning !Ss: good morning!2.Review the words.T: Show me the pencil (ruler, book)Ss: Listen and do.II.PresentationStep1.Part A1. T

5、: Present the flash cards: “Whats this?” Teach Ss to read the new words.2. Ask little teacher to lead Ss read the new words.3. T: Say, Ss point and read after me. T point, Ss look and say.4. Divide them into six groups.(grandpa, grandma,brother, sister, mom, dad)or S1 say, team listen and tap. T: Pr

6、esent the word cards, team read and tap.5. T: Write the chant on the blackboard, teach then to read.6. Play the tape, listen and chant.Step2: PartBSs: Look and read the sentences: I to the tape, read after it.Teaching characteristics:TeachingReflectionTeaching characteristics:1、2、3、Improve link:1、2、

7、3备课组长检查签字:教研组长检查签字:教导处主任检查签字:Teaching contentsUnit1 FamilyLesson 2Teaching aims To learn the new words and new sentences.Teaching pointsNew words. Sentence patterns.Teaching materialsFlash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards.periodLesson 1Teaching ProcedureI. warm-up1.Daily oral practiceT: How a

8、re you?Ss: Fine, thank tyou!2.Review the words.T: Who is and answer.II.PresentationStep1.Part A1.T: Write the new sentence: Who is Chinese .Others judge yes or no.5. Set the situation to practise.6.Play the tape, listen and read.7. DialogueStep2: PartBDraw and talk.Listen and draw.Teaching character

9、istics:TeachingReflectionTeaching characteristics:1、2、3、Improve link:1、2、3备课组长检查签字:教研组长检查签字:教导处主任检查签字:Teaching contentsUnit1 FamilyLesson 3Teaching aims To learn the new words and new sentences.Teaching pointsNew words. Sentence patterns.Teaching materialsFlash cards, tape and recorder.Students card

10、s.periodLesson 1Teaching ProcedureI. warm-up1.Daily oral practiceT: Who is Step1.Part A Lets talk1.Set a situation to teach sentences.Whos and sing.Step2: PartB Lets act1.Review the dialogue.2.Group work3. Ask and answer .Teaching characteristics:TeachingReflectionTeaching characteristics:1、2、3、Impr

11、ove link:1、2、3备课组长检查签字:教研组长检查签字:教导处主任检查签字:Teaching contentsUnit1 FamilyLesson 4Teaching aims To learn the new words and new sentences.Teaching pointsNew words. Sentence patterns.Teaching materialsFlash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards.periodLesson 1Teaching ProcedureI.warm up.1.Read the words

12、.2.Daily oral practice.(How are you. How many ?)II.PresentationStep1:Part A1.Review the words of family.Write it on the board. Explain. Teach them to read.2.Teach new words by flash cards.3.Different ways to practise the new words.4.Teacher say and students do.Step2: Part BT:Present the letters.Teac

13、h them to learn the letters.Read.Teaching characteristics:TeachingReflectionTeaching characteristics:1、2、3、Improve link:1、2、3备课组长检查签字:教研组长检查签字:教导处主任检查签字:Teaching contentsUnit1 FamilyLesson 5Teaching aims Consolidate the Language knowledge.Teaching pointsNew words. Sentence patterns.Teaching material

14、sFlash cards, tape and recorder.Students cards.periodLesson 1Teaching ProcedureI.Warm upTPR Listen and do.II.PresentationStep1:Part A1. Look at each picture carefully.2. Listen and number.3. Check.Step2: Part B1. Discribe your family.2.Practice each other.3.Draw your family.4.Shareing it.Teaching characteristics:TeachingReflectionTeaching characteristics:1、2、3、Improve link:1、2、3备课组长检查签字:教研组长检查签字:教导处主任检查签字:Teaching co

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