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1、英文歌唱比赛宣传文案通用多篇英文歌唱比赛宣传文案(通用多篇) 英文歌唱比赛宣传文案3篇 英文歌唱比赛宣传文案 宣传方式 1.快闪 2.古装 3.轮滑 4.人偶 5.天佑青年 6.微信 7.机房桌面 8.荧光舞加荧光板子 9.路灯投影 10.海报 11.广播站 12.半决赛导师带团(40-50人) 13.海选唱吧 14.手绘涂鸦 15.路标(立体) 16.决赛选手海报 17.照片树 18.幸运选手肖像画一张 19.十佳歌手游戏app 20.校外媒体(甘肃电视台) 21.校园歌手赛 等你来挑麦 进入决赛选手一路跟踪拍摄 和信封晋级 比赛形式 开幕式 毕业生晚会 英文歌唱比赛宣传文案 策划人:英语协

2、会 二零一一年三月六号 一、活动介绍: 1、活动主题: “super singing star”。 2、活动目的: 为广大英语爱好者提供一个培养兴趣爱好、扩大求知领域、锻炼交往能力、提高综合素质的广阔平台,激发同学们对英语及文艺的兴趣,英语协会特举办英文歌曲比赛为广大英语爱好者提供展现自我的舞台。 3、主办单位: 湖南软件职业学院英语协会 4、活动对象: 湖南软件职业学院全体同学 5、活动时间及地点: 初赛:2011年5月6号(星期五)晚7:00 阶梯教室101 决赛:2011年5月9号(星期五)晚7:00 学生活动中心 二、活动过程: 1.宣传部张贴宣传海报 报名方式: a:设点处报名,现场

3、报名 b: 英语协会成员到各班去登记名单,现场报名 注:1(报名时填写姓名,班级,联系方式)。 2(报名可以是个人参赛也可以是组合参赛)。 2.办公室负责整理报名人员信息,以及活动所需的物品购买。 3.才艺部门负责教室申请以及向兄弟社团负责人发出邀请及递送邀请函 4.学习部中推选一名主持人,两名评委以及评委老师的邀请。 5. 组织部负责活动现场的布置以及维持现场纪律。 A、初赛: 选手在一段时间内清唱。评委打分,取前10名进入决赛。(具体说明:报名者首先在确定时间内(3分钟内)演唱,根据情况,确定10人的进入决赛者。形式不限,组合或个人均可。)预赛中的评委由英语协会成员担任(七名). B、决赛

4、: 采用晚会的形式,比赛在有选拔性的同时具有表演性。评委打分,一等奖一名、二等奖一名、三等奖二名,优秀奖若干。(注:选手必须自带伴奏带,舞蹈动作及是否伴舞,由报名者自主选择。)决赛中的评委由英语协会成员和部分老师担任。 2、比赛细则及评分标准: 大赛本着“公平、公正、公开”的原则,评分力求严肃、公平、公正。要求选手展示自己的风格,增加表演的成分。表演有创意着可酌情加分。 各项评分标准具体说明如下:(以100分为总分) A、音乐基础:20分。即参赛选手的音乐基础、音准、音质、音色等,以及英文歌词的吐字及发音 B、艺术表现:20分。即参赛选手对音乐的表现力以及台风台纪等。 C、现场感染力:20分。

5、即参赛选手快速反应能力和特殊情况下的应急、应变能力。 D、参赛态度:20分。即参赛选手的化妆与服装反映出选手对待比赛的态度。 E、综合印象:20分。即参赛选手在整个参赛过程中给予评委的总体印象。 七名评委去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,所得的平均分即为该选手的得分。 三、现场环境布置: 1. 在比赛开始前把舞台布置好,并适当地播放一些节奏轻快的歌曲迎接观众。做好赛场出入口,和其它物品发放的准备工作。 2. 设计一个以“super singing star”为主题的布景。 3. 以气球、花等装饰品装饰舞台。 4. 为了能够在歌唱比赛的决赛中营造良好的气氛,提高观众的热情,使比赛更有声有色地进行,

6、我们在决赛过程中加插面向观众的小游戏。同时,可邀请其他人员表演嘉宾客串演出。 四、具体流程: 1.所有参赛选手和理事会成员提前半小时到场,安排选手出场顺序(抽签决定)。 2.组织评委嘉宾,观众入场,维持好秩序。 3.主持人介绍评委以及到来参加的各个协会以及比赛规则。 4.选手按主持人名单依次上台表演(中间穿插3个特别节目)。 5.所有参赛选手完成比赛后,由评委代表,及学院领导致词。 6.主持人公布获奖名单,进行颁奖。 7.宣布活动结束奖项设置 五、活动结束: 由理事会成员清理现场,并写好总结和广播稿。 六、奖项设置: 大赛设一等奖1名,二等奖1名,三等奖2名,优秀奖若干名,并颁发相应证书及奖品

7、。 待定2010年读书节活动方案 一、 活动目的: 书是人类的朋友,书是人类进步的阶梯!为了拓宽学生的知识面,通过开展“和书交朋友,遨游知识大海洋”系列读书活动,激发学生读书的兴趣,让每一个学生都想读书、爱读书、会读书,从小养成热爱书籍,博览群书的好习惯,并在读书实践活动中陶冶情操,获取真知,树立理想! 二、活动目标: 1、通过活动,建立起以学校班级、个人为主的班级图书角和个人小书库。 2、通过活动,在校园内形成热爱读书的良好风气。 3、通过活动,使学生养成博览群书的好习惯。 4、通过活动,促进学生知识更新、思维活跃、综合实践能力的提高。 三、活动实施的计划 1、 做好读书登记簿 (1) 每个

8、学生结合个人实际,准备一本读书登记簿,具体格式可让学生根据自己喜好来设计、装饰,使其生动活泼、各具特色,其中要有读书的内容、容量、实现时间、好词佳句集锦、心得体会等栏目,高年级可适当作读书笔记。 (2) 每个班级结合学生的计划和班级实际情况,也制定出相应的班级读书目标和读书成长规划书,其中要有措施、有保障、有效果、有考评,简洁明了,易于操作。 (3)中队会组织一次“读书交流会”展示同学们的读书登记簿并做出相应评价。 2、 举办读书展览: 各班级定期举办“读书博览会”,以“名人名言”、格言、谚语、经典名句、“书海拾贝”、“我最喜欢的”、“好书推荐”等形式,向同学们介绍看过的新书、好书、及书中的部

9、分内容交流自己在读书活动中的心得体会,在班级中形成良好的读书氛围。 3、 出读书小报: 英文歌唱比赛宣传文案 英语歌唱比赛英文主持稿 Contest Hosts ContributionW: Good evening, my honored teachers、X: Good evening, my fellow students、W: We will be the hosts today、X: Im Xiong Xinya、 W: Im Wang Zhiying、X: This is a happy day full of flowers day、W: This is a day full o

10、f hope for the future day、X: In this beautiful day, we gathered together、W: In this wonderful day, we burst into songs、X: Class3s English Song ContestXW: starts now!W: The purpose of the contest is to arouse students interest in English learning and motivate them to practice their English、X: First o

11、f all, please allow us to introduce our distinguished guests here who are:W: the foreign teacher Mrs、 Moore,X: and our head teacher Mr、 Ye、W: Today, there will be11 students to sing for us、X: And all of you will be the judges of the contest、W: Thank you very much for joining us、X: Now, ladies and ge

12、ntleman, lets wele the first contestant Peng Kailun with warm applause!W: I cant wait! Now please enjoy her song Tik Tok、 Please make a good start!W: I couldnt imagine a cute girl had a voice with strong rhythm before her singing、X: Yes、 What an amazing performance! And I love it very much、X: Life i

13、s like a show, we should show our best、 Lets wele Qin Ye、 Her song is The show、 X: Her voice is really beautiful、 Dont you think so?W: I approve of you、X: And I have strong desire to see next show、W: We know, music is created for expressing our spirit、 Just sing a song for who you love and who love

14、you、 My Love, hope you will like it、W: Thanks for her nice performance、 My Love is really classical! I love it、X: I also enjoy it、 Next one is Mao Yangbo、 His song is My Love, too、W: Lets listen to him、X: His voice gives us another feeling、 His singing is quite different from Zhou Yus、W: I think so、

15、 However, their shows both are very nice、X: Lets enjoy Zhou Bos Beautiful in White、X: If I remember correctly, Beautiful in White was originality sung by Westlife、 The group is really popular! So Zhou Bo, why did you choose this song?X: (Free Play)W: Love is the most beautiful thing in the world, lo

16、ve should be kept in our heart、 Next song is Jar of Love, it will be sung by Huang Zhe、X: Her voice made me feel a little distressed、 I reveled in the beautiful song just now、W: Me too、 I want to enjoy it once more、X: I hope you will、 We often wish we can turn back time, though its impossible、 Pleas

17、e wele Liu Fuhan and her song Back to December、W: Lets enjoy、X: I love her voice, its different from others、 Its simple but real、W: I agree with you、 I think she is a little nervous、 I once said that love is the most beautiful things, and somebody even against the world in order to love、 Lets enjoy

18、Us Against the World, which will be sung by Huang Yuqing、W: How great her performance is! I still remember the beautiful lyrics、X: You are right、 The lyrics are like the beautiful poem!W: In our life, we usually pray for wealth, health and everything we want, because we believe the God will help us、

19、 Lets enjoy Zhu Ruis Pray、X: The song is really beautiful、 I fell in love with it、 It makes me forget the unhappy things and trouble in life、W: Yes, I love this kind of songs very much、 When I am at a loss, those songs will help me find the right direction、X: After a peaceful song, we will enjoy a p

20、op song、 Then lets enjoy Dynamite, it will be sung by Zhang Jiacheng、W: When I heard the melody, I cant help feeling like dancing! Its really rhythmed、X: His performance is really nice、 In our life, we should have a clear direction showing us where to go、 So we need holding our heart in our hands、 T

21、hen its my turn、 My song is Holding a Heart、W: You voice is really nice、 I have never known you could sing well before today、X: Thank you very much、W: Everybody knows that time is really valuable, especially when you spend your time with someone who is important to you、 So never close our eyes, caus

22、e we got no time to lose、 Please enjoy the song Never Close Our Eyes which will be sung by the last contestant, Ye Yihang!W: Thank you、 From now on, I will try to make good use of every minutes of myself because of your song、X: Me too、 Thank the last contestants wonderful performance、 You really did

23、 a good job! The most exciting part of the contest is ing! Now lets wele our English teacher Ms、 Lan、 And she will choose some student to give an extra show for us!(After the extra show)W: Now please all of you to choose the best contestant today、(。)X: Oh! Congratulations! _, you are the best contes

24、tant! What do you want to say to our classmates and our teachers?W: Our voice is like the singing bird todayX: Our smile is like the bright sunshine today、W: I hope we can always smile happily like this、X: I hope we can always singing beautifully like this、W: Thank you! Congratulations everybody, you are really excellent, thank you for you outstanding performance、X: Thanks our distinguished guests、 You are the best guests!W: Now, ladies and gentleman, thank you for your watching!X: Class3s English Song ContestXW: is ended!

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