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1、完整版英语趣味阅读20篇1 Honesty诚实A man went to an insurance office to have his life insured. The manager of the office asked him how old his parents were when they died.“Mother had a bad heart and died at the age of thirty. Father died of tuberculosis when he was thirty-five.”“I am very sorry,”said the manage

2、r,“we cannot insure your life as your parents were not healthy.”As the man was leaving the office, depressed, he met a clerk, who had overheard the conversation.“You must not be so frank and tell the truth,”said the clerk,“no office will insure you if you speak like that. Use your imagination a litt

3、le.”The man went to another office and was shown into the managers room.“Well, young man, how old were your parents when they died?”“Mother was ninety-three, and she died from a fall off her bicycle. Father was ninety-eight and he died while he was playing football.”判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。( )1.A woman

4、 went to an insurance office.( )2.The mans mother died of tuberculosis at the age of thirty( )3.The mans father died of tuberculosis when he was thirty-five.( )4.The man told the truth to the first manager.( )5.The man told the truth to the second manager.2. An American on a British Train一个美国人乘英国火车A

5、 young American entered a railway compartment on a British train, to discover that all seats were occupied, Including one on which was seated a small dog. To its owner, a middle-aged lady wearing a large hat, he said politely,“Excuse me, maam, but may I sit down?”She said nothing, but merely sniffed

6、 and turned over the pages of her newspaper.Again he said,“Excuse me, maam, but may I have this seat, please? And again she ignored him.For a third time the young American said,“Maam, would you please remove your dog so that I may sit down?”And for the third time the snooty matron totally ignored hi

7、m, so he opened a window, picked up the dog, threw it out, and then sat on the empty seat.There was a stunned silence, and then an Englishman sitting opposite said,“You know, you Yanks are the strangest people. You drive on the wrong side of the road. You eat with the fork in the wrong hand, you nam

8、e the floors in the wrong numbers, and now youve just thrown the wrong bitch out of the window!”选择正确的答案( )1.The young man was on _.A. an American train B. a British train C. a British bus( )2.Were there any free seats?A. Yes, there were. B. Yes, there werent. C. No, there werent.( )3.The young man w

9、as very_ to the middle-aged lady for three times.A. polite B. rude C. naughty( )4.Did the young man throw out the dog ?A. Yes, he didnt. B. No, he didnt. C. Yes, he did.( )5. Whose dog was it?A. The American B. The Englishman sitting opposite C. The woman3A Bad Foot受伤的脚There was a bookseller who did

10、 not like to pay for anything. One day a big box of books fell on his foot.“Go to the doctor,”said his wife,“show that foot to him.”“No,”he said,“Ill wait until the doctor comes to our shop next time. Then Ill ask him about my foot. If I go to see him, I shall have to pay.”The next day the doctor ca

11、me to the shop to buy some books. The bookseller told the doctor about his bad foot. The doctor looked at it and promised to help.He took out a piece of paper and wrote something on it.“Buy this and put it on the foot before you go to bed every night.”he said.“Thank you.”said the bookseller.“And now

12、, sir, here are your books.”“How much?”asked the doctor.“Two pounds.”“Good,”said the doctor.“I shall not have to pay you anything today.”“Why?”asked the bookseller.“I have examined your foot. I want two pounds for that. If people come to my house, I ask them to pay one pound for a small thing like t

13、hat. But when I go to their houses, I usually charge two pounds. And I came here today, didnt I? Bye-bye!”选择正确的答案( )1.The bookseller_ to pay for anything.A. liked B. dont like C. didnt like( )2.His wife asked him to see _.A. a doctor B. a driver C. a customer( )3.How much was the book that the docto

14、r wanted to buy?A. one pound B. two pounds C. three pounds( )4.Did the doctor come to the bookshop the next day?A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. Yes, he didnt.( )5.Did the doctor pay for the book?A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. Yes, he didnt.4.The Gold and the Fur Coat金子与皮大衣A young man and an

15、 old man were waiting for a bus at a station. They sat next to each other.“Whats that in your bag?”asked the young man, pointing to a big bag beside the old man.“Gold, nothing but gold,”answered the old man.The young man could hardly believe his own ears,“What?”he said to himself in surprise.“So muc

16、h gold? My God! How I wish to be able to get so much gold!”Then he began to think about how to get the gold.The old man looked tired and sleepy and it seemed that he could hardly keep his eyes open.“Are you sleepy, sir?”asked the young man.“Then youd better lie down on the chair and have a good rest

17、. Dont worry about the bus. Ill wake you up in time.”“All right. Its very kind of you, young man.”The old man lay down and before long he fell asleep.The young man took the big bag gently. But when he was about to run away, he found a corner of his fur coat was under the old mans body. Several times

18、 he tried to pull it out, but he couldnt. At last he took off his coat and went away with the bag.The young man ran out of the station as quickly as his legs could carry him. When he reached a place where he thought the old man couldnt find him, he stopped and quickly opened the bag.To his surprise,

19、 there was nothing but a lot of small stones in it. He hurried to the station at once. But when he got there, he found the old man was gone.判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。( )1. The young man and an old woman were waiting for a bus at a station.( )2.The young man had a bag that full of gold.( )3.The old man wa

20、s not tired or sleepy in fact.( )4.The young man took the bag away.( )5. There was much gold in the bag.5 Shave Me First先给我刮脸A barber was in his shop, busily cutting a mans hair, when a handsome young stranger came in. He had a small boy with him. They sat down together and waited until the barber h

21、ad finished. Then the young man told the barber to shave him and to cut the small boys hair.The barber said,“Do you want me to cut the boys hair first, or to shave you?”“Oh, shave me.”said the young man.“Then Ill go down the road and have a glass of wine while youre cutting the boys hair.”The young

22、man sat down in the barbers chair, and the barber began to shave him.When he had finished, the young man got up and said,“Ill go down the road now and have my wine while youre cutting the boys hair.”“All right, but I wont take long.”the barber warned him. The young man went out, the small boy obedie

23、ntly sat down in the barbers chair,and the barber began to cut his hair.As he had said, he soon finished, and then the boy sat down and waited. At the end of half an hour, when the young man had still not come back, the barber said to the boy,“It is a pity that your daddys taking such a long time. W

24、here is he likely to be now?”“I cant guess,”answered the small boy.“And that man wasnt my daddy. Ive never seen him before in my life. I was playing in the street this morning, and he came up to me and asked me whether Id like to have my hair cut without having to pay anything. I said I would, becau

25、se my hair was rather long, so he brought me here.”根据短文,把句子补充完整。1.The young stranger came to the shop with a _ _.2.The barber_ the man first.3.The stranger _ _ the small boys Daddy.4.The barber _ _ any money at last.6.“You Failed!”“你没及格!”When I was at the university I studied very hard. But a lot of

26、 my friends did very little work. Some did just enough to pass exams. Others didnt do quite enough. Tim was one of them. He spent more time playing games in the club than working in the library.Once, at the end of term, we had to take an important test in chemistry. The test had a hundred questions.

27、 Beside each question we had to write“True”or “False”.While I was studying in my room the night before the test, Tim was watching television. Tim usually worried a lot the night before a test. But on that night he looked perfectly calm. Then he told me of his plan.“Its very simple. There are a hundr

28、ed questions and I have to get sixty correct to pass the test. Ill take a coin into the examination room. I havent studied a chemistry book for months, so Im sure Ill just toss the coin. If the coin comes down on my hand with the right side up, I write“True”.If it rests with the other side up, I wri

29、te“False”.That way, Im sure Ill get sixty questions right.”The next day Tim came cheerfully into the examination room. He sat tossing a coin for half an hour and handed in his paper one hour earlier than the rest of us.The next day, he saw the chemistry professor in the corridor.“Oh, good,”he said.“

30、Have you got the results of the test? What mark did I get?”The professor looked at him and smiled.“Ah, its you, Tim. Just a minute.”Then he reached into his pocket and took out a coin. He threw it in the air, caught it in his hand and looked at it.“Im terribly sorry, Tim,”he said,“You failed.”根据短文,把

31、句子补充完整。1. When I was at the university I studied very _.2._ spent more time playing games in the club than working in the library.3. Tim saw the _ _ in the corridor.4.Tim _ pass the test.7Elena Was Taught a Lesson埃琳娜受到教训Elena was not a good student. Her head was in the clouds most of the time. She wanted to listen in class and to study,but other things were more important, like her boyfriend, her clothes, and television. Every time she tried to concentrate on her lesson, her mind wandered.One day, her English teacher, Mrs Green, said she was go

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