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1、陕西省中考英语试题word版含答案2009年陕西省中考英语试题第l卷(共70分)听力部分A卷1听句子,选答语(共5小题。计5分)本题共有5个小题,每个小题你将听到一句话,读两遍,请从所给的三个选项中选出一个最恰当的答语。1AThank you BAll right CVery good 2AIts June 21st BIts Sunday CIts 8:35 3AIts right BIt doesnt matter CMy pleasure 4AYes. Id love to BYes,I would COf course not 5AYou will BNot at all CCerta

2、inly 听对话。选答案(共10小题,计l0分)本题共有l0个小题,每个小题你将听到一段对话和一个问题,读两遍,请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。6AA basketball BI A sweater CA skirt 7AOn foot BBy bike CBy bus 9A11 B12 C13 10ASnowy BWindy CCloudy 11AIn New York BIn London CIn Beijin9 12AA reporter BA policewoman CA driver 13A20 yuan B20 pounds C20 dolla

3、rs 14AShe was short BN0,she didnt CYes,she did 15ASheis ill BShe worked late last night C She looked after her daughter last night听短文,选答案(共5小题,计l0分)本题你将听到一篇短文,读两遍,请从每个小题的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。16If you are tired,how can you let the monkey know it? APut both your hands on your headBPut both your hands behind

4、 your head CPut both your hands on your stomach17The monkeys put out their hands to ask for after they have done something for you Aa little money Ba little water Csome food18Where are the monkeys taught in India? AIn the forest BIn the zoo CIn a school19Are the monkeys in America taught to be docto

5、rs or nurses? ADoctors BNurses CBoth20After the job is done,Helen hopes to get some Aapples Bpears Cbananas笔试部分1语言知识(共l0小题,计l0分)本题共有l0个小题,请从每个小题的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。21On sunny afternoon,my parents and I had a good time on the beachAthe Ban Ca D/22Mike and his friend are going to the to see the new action

6、 movie tonight。Abook shop Brestaurant Cconcert Dcinema23Can you tell me your parents at home? I often wash clothes and sweep the floorAhow will you help Bhow you helpChow you will help Dhow do you help24Lets do it There is only five minutes left Ahardly Bslowly Cquickly Dpolitely25Good news! There f

7、ewer people catching this kind of illness nowAare Bis Cwas Dwere26 you your drawing? Not yet! It will be done in a few minutesADid;finish BWill;finish CDo;finish DHave;finished27She often new words in the dictionaryIts a good habit Alooks after B1ooks down Clooks up D1ooks out28I love people are fri

8、endly to others Awhich Bwhose Cwhat Dwho29My father told me a story last night. It is one Ive ever heard Athe funniest Bfunniest Cfunnier Dthe funnier30I will call you as soon as I the ticket to the football matchAwill get Bget Cgot Dam getting完形填空(共10小题。计l0分)阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯

9、完整。One Monday morning,I was standing waiting for the train and suddenly felt illI couldnt stand still,and the world began to sway(摇摆)and then went blackAll I heard was“Oh,my God,shes falling” The next thing I 31 was that the doctor was asking me my nameThis happened 32 I Was too tiredI was so busy c

10、leaning my new house that I didnt eat 33 last weekendThe doctor told me that a gentleman waiting for the 34 saw me fall downHe got to my side 35 ,and told others to call 911He stayed with me 36 the ambulance(救护车) arrivedThen he went with me to the hospital,which made him 37 his trainThe doctor told

11、me the gentleman didnt want to leave his nameI dont know who this gentleman is 38 if he reads this article and remembers a young lady fainting(晕倒)at the train station,Id like 39 to know that l want to say“Thank you”to him。Whenever I meet with such a thing,I will do the same as he 40 to meAnd I11 pas

12、s on the kindness to others31Amet Bforgot Csaid Dremembered 32Aso Bbecause Cthough Dhowever 33Alittle Bmuch Cfew Dmany 34Atrain Bplane Cbus Dcar 35Aat first Bjust now least Dat once 36Awhile Bsince Cuntil Das soon as 37Acatch Bmiss Cdrop Dmeet 38AOr BAlthough CFor DBut 39Ame Bhim Cher Dyou 40Ad

13、oes B。do Cdid Dwill do 阅读理解(共15小题,计25分)A)根据下面一篇短文的内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的用“A”表示,错误的用“B”表示。(共5小题,计5分)(A)Pearl SBuck(赛珍珠巴克)was a very popular American writer Of her dayShe was famous for her books about ChinaPearl SBuck was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature(诺贝尔文学奖)in l938The writer was born in West Virgi

14、nia,AmericaShe spent almost half of her long life in ChinaHer youth was spent in Jiangsu Province,ChinaShe learned to speak Chinese before she could speak EnglishHer mother had traveled widely in her youth and liked literature very muchAfter being educated by her mother and by a Chinese teacher,Pear

15、l SBuck went to school in Shanghai at the age of fifteenShe continued her education in the United States at a Womans College to study psychology(心理学)After graduating in 1914,she returned to China as a teacherIn the l920s her family moved to NanjingThere she taught English and American literature at

16、a universityAs a writer,Bucks book,The Good Earth,appeared in l931 and sold quite well in its first YearIt has been translated into over thirty languagesIn l938 she became the third American to win the Nobel Prize for LiteratureBy the time of her death,Pearl had published(出版)more than seventy booksP

17、earl SBuck died in March,1973,just two months before her 81st birthday41Before she went to school in Shanghai,Pearl SBuck studied all by herself( )42Pearl SBuck was known to many people for her books about China ( )43In l914,Pearl SBuck worked as a literature teacher at a university in Nanjing( )44P

18、earl SBuck went to study literature at a Womans College in America ( )45Pearl SBuck won the Nobel Prize for Literature in l938 and published over seventy books in her life ( )B)阅读下面两篇短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(共10小题,计20分)(B)Americans love carsThey go everywhere in them8 5of people in the

19、US go to and from work by car。And most adults have driving licensesWhy does this car culture exist?How it startedAmericas love of ears started after the war(战争)when soldiers returned home from World War II to rebuild their livesThey borrowed money from the government to buy houses and cars which bec

20、ame the symbols of status(地位)The more money they had,the bigger their ears wereMaking of roadsDuring the war,President Eisenhower noticed what good roads Germany hadHe decided to build new four-lane(四车道)roads in AmericaHe said if something happened suddenly,the two-lane roads wouldnt be able to carr

21、y all the cars that would suddenly leave the citiesCar and oil companies liked his idea and building startedCar loversNot just teenagers are crazy about carsSome Americans love their cars so much that they paint their cars beautifully I These are called Art CarsEvery April there is an activity in Ho

22、uston,Texas,where they show their carsPollutionCars have polluted the environmentAmerican President Bush refused a worldwide law that is against pollutionMany countries were angry about itBush said he had to think of the American economy(经济)and all the American people that make money from carsFactor

23、ies say they want to make cars that pollute lessBut others say making cars that pollute less will never be as good as having fewer cars46When did Americans begin to love cars? ABefore the new two-lane roads were built BAfter World War II CDuring World War II DBefore World War II47New four-1ane roads

24、 were built Ain Germany Bby car and oil companies Cin America Dwhen something suddenly happened48The underlined word “building” here means “the building of ” Acompanies Bsoldiers lives Chouses Droads49What were other countries feelings about Bushs decision? AThey agreed with him BThey showed anger t

25、o it CThey paid no attention to it. DThe passage doesnt tell US50The meaning of the last sentence is:“ ” AIts better to have fewer cars BIts better to make cars that pollute less CIts easier to make cars that pollute less DIts easier to make people have fewer cars(C)We moved to a new area when our s

26、on was in Grade Five Before we moved,we took him to spend half a day at his new schoolThere he saw his new classmates and teachersHe enjoyed the visitDuring the almost l50-kilometer drive home,he told US that he had told some of the students the date when we would move there And he had also invited

27、them to visit us.The moving day,a Saturday,was a busy dayBut we arrived at our new house at noonAbout an hour later,kids began to come and soon one of them invited our son to his house to play for the afternoonBy the time he returned,he knew where most of the kids lived and all of their family histo

28、riesOn Monday morning,the door bell rang just before the time he would leave for schoo1Then it rang again and againBy the time he was ready,we had eight young boys waiting to walk to school with him on his first dayThey all lived near USI asked them if their parents had sent themThe answers surprise

29、d and pleased me,“No,we just came so that he would have people to walk withand “It is the right thing to doThe startings of lasting(持续的)friendships were formed(形成)that dayWe have livedhere nearly six years and the same group of kids still plays together,goes to parties on weekends together,and surfs

30、 togetherI still get thinking how welcoming and kind those kids wereAnd how lucky my son is to have them as friends!51Before the family moved to the new area,the son was taken to his new schoo1 Ato invite the teachers to visit them Bto play with his classmates Cto see if the school was far Dto get to know it52What did the son know about other kids after they played for the afternoon? ATheir living places and family histories BTheir family stories and their life CTheir school life and family histories DTheir living places and family members5

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