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1、大学体验英语4一周一练答案2174 Model Test 2Key to Model Test (2) Band FourPart I. WritingSample Writing:June 18, 2002Dear Wang Hui,I am sorry that it has taken me so long to reply to your last letter. As you know,July is the test season, and these days Im almost up to my ears in preparation for finalexams. But a

2、fter that will come summer vacation. Ive already made elaborate plans forthe coming vacation.First of all, Id like to travel back home and have a good rest. After such alongterm of study, I am a little tired. I plan to stay home for about half month, and takethe opportunity to visit our high school

3、teachers and friends. Then I will come backto school for a one-month remedy class. Through these years I have been given toomuch weight to written English, but only to find myself quite weak in oral communication.So Ive signed up for an oral English training course to improve my spokenEnglish.What i

4、s your plan for summer vacation? You mentioned in your last letter thatyou would make a trip to Beijing during the summer vacation. Have you made up yourmind?Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li MingPart II. Reading Comprehension (Skimming and scanning)1. Y 见小标题。2. Y 见小标题caution 部分的第一句话But family

5、exports caution that the new equalitycan also have a negative side, diminishing respect for parents.3. N 见第一段最后几行可知父母和子女的差别表现在很多方面。4. N 见第二段 可知差距并没有消失,而是缩小了。5. Y 见小标题Causes of the change部分,一共四个自然段,段意正是所述内容。6. NG 文章没有提到所述内容。7. Y 见小标题Where do families go from here?第一句。8. He believes that parents in th

6、eir eagerness to keep the peace and avoid arguments miss an opportunity to teach children how to resolve conflicts, rather than simplyavoiding them. 见小标题caution 部分第二段的倒数第四句话。9. neglecting values, neglecting teaching opportunities, and neglecting the relationship。Band Four 175见小标题caution 部分第二段的倒数第五行。

7、10. Because the parents experience the rebellion in the 60s, they can better accept theirsons desire for independence and crazy and sometimes rebellious things that childrendo.见小标题growing understanding部分第一段的第三行。Part III. Listening ComprehensionSection A11-15 DBDBB 16-18 ADB 19-21 AAC 22-25 DBCCSecti

8、on B26-29 CCBA 30-32 BDC 33-35: ADASection C36-43 regularly, measure, frequently, mass media, academic, preferences, commercial, advertising,44. polls are used to obtain information about voters attitudes45. to put forward candidates with winning potential, and to plan campaigns.46. it is often poss

9、ible to determine the probable winnerPart IV. Reading Comprehension( Reading in Depth)Section A48. F) authority 该空需要选择一个名词与over 搭配,表示 对行使权利。Obedience 指服从不能与此搭配。48. N) clearly 根据句子的意思需要选择个副词修饰drawn, 且前面有much more 限定,全句子的意思为,随着社会的复杂,服从是相对而言的,在此种状况下,处于某种地位的人在权力能触及范围内此权势变得越来越明显。只有clearly 最合适。49. O) assi

10、gn 根据句子表述 teach 与homework 搭配只能选assign 表示布置作业。50. D) obedience 根据上下文提示的摩托车手遵守规则听从警察,their 限定前面的那种情况,所以选择该词。51. K) likely 根据上文提到的情况,如果这种范围越权了,那么遵守就不可能了。52. E) recite 该空选择一个动词与lists 搭配,只有recite 表示背诵条条款款。53. M) chaos 根据本段的意思,遵守某种权力有时候有利于社会处于和谐的状态。没有这种约束,社会就会变得一片混乱。54. I) answer 根据搭配 answer the question5

11、5. J) blindly 该空需要选择一个修饰形容词的副词,指盲目服从的人。56. B) other onethe other 搭配,表示一种看法,另一种看法。Section B57. B) 主旨题。 第一段是introduction.,第二段从but 引出sea water,第三段提到利用temperature variation between currents来开发海水资源。第四段提到利用thermal sea176 Model Test 2energy proposal 来开发海水资源。第五段提到利用 wave power 来开发海水资源。综上所述B) How to use sea

12、water to develop water source of energy正确。58. C) 词汇题。根据第二段landlocked后面一句The seas have contributed little or nothingin the way of power. 可知这儿提到的水资源不是来自海水,又根据构词法可判断C) almost or entirely surrounded by land是正确答案。59. D) 细节题。见第四段。60. B) 推断题。文章中不曾提到 Russia 和 South America , 而Asia也只提到 Japan.61. A) 推断题。用排除法,

13、文章中不曾提到 C, 而B和D与文章的主题句不符合。62. D) 是非判断题见第一段的第二到第三行。63. C) 词汇题。见第二段第三行 they是所在从句的主语和主句的主语一致。64. A) 推断题。根据文章的最后一段的最后一句话可推测出。65. D) 主旨题。第三段提到的并不是所有的时尚都能被人们接受甚至有人抵制新的时尚。接着举出例子来说明时尚的接受是怎样的过程。66. B) 根据文章第二段提到的one reason, a second reason, a further reason可知一共三个原因。Part V. Cloze67-71: CBCBA 72-76: CADBA77-81:

14、 DACBA 82-86: BADAA67. C. autonomous 形容词指自主的,自治的。Autonomy 名词自治自主,auto 指汽车。该空需填写一个名词。据意思这种装置在现代化过程中发挥着重要的作用。68. B. 该空后面指一种普遍原理,且machine 为单数。69. C. ones own 指自己的70. B. 该空填一个表所属的定语从句71. A. 选一个副词修饰detect, constantly,经常地,consistently 表前后一致地。72. C. 根据前面提到的governor 指自动调温,调速的装置。所有只有increase合适。73. A. no one

15、指泛指没有人这种反馈装置能起作用。74. D. such a 修饰名词。75. B. as as 表比较结构。76. A. it is adj. to do that 77. D. nothing but 强调 “只有,仅仅”。78. A. in their path 表在它们的路径。79. C. by + doing 指手段,途径。80. B. avoid doing 结构81. A. recharging place 指充电位置。82. B. which 指不确定哪一个。83. A. 现在分词做状语表伴随的状态。84. D. until 指直到为止85. A. artificial 指人造

16、的,人工的,与第三段第四行 artificial “tortoises” 遥相对应。false指假的,人造的,fake 指仿造的,unnatural 指非天然的。86. B. which to do 需要“思考”的义项。Band Four 177Part VI. Translation87. nothing but some broken furniture88. Given the condition of the engine89. In terms of employment90. regardless of the color of his skin91. the only docto

17、r I can rely on178 Model Test 2Model Test 2Listening MaterialPart III. Listening ComprehensionScripts:Section A: Understanding ConversationsDirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the endof each conversation, one or more questions will be asked a

18、bout what was said. Both theconversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there willbe a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, anddecide which is the best answer. Then write the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Short Conve

19、rsations.11. W: If we hurry we can take a taxi instead of the local train and save half an hour.Couldnt we?M: Yes, the taxi takes thirty minutes to get downtown.Q: How long does it take the local train to get downtown?12. W: The guests are leaving for London today on the nine oclock flight. Can you

20、drivethem there on time?M: Id be happy to, but my car is under repair.Q: How are the guests going to get to London?13. M: Would you like to go on a picnic this afternoon? Tom and Rose are coming too.W: Im sorry, but I was just going out shopping. I need to get a pair of shoes that goeswith my pants

21、suit. They had to order them, and they just arrived yesterday.Q: What is the woman going to buy downtown?14. M: How did you like the performance?W: Generally speaking, it was very good. The part of the secretary was played beautifully,but I thought the man who played the boss was toodramatic to be r

22、ealistic.Q: How does the woman feel about the boss in the play?15. W: Are you going to take that job at the real estate agency?M: Oh, Im not sure. There are so many advantages to my present job, but the real estateagency is offering me a lot of money.Q: Which of the following can best describe the m

23、an?16. W: I really get puzzled. Its hard to tell if Johnson liked the film or not.M: Im sure he wouldnt have been enthusiastic about it if he didnt like it.Q: According to the man, how did Johnson like the film?17. M: What happened to the flight, Jean? You said your parents were arriving at 7:00. Bu

24、tits 8:00 nowW: I dont know. They told me their time of arrival on the phone. Maybe there is reallysomething wrong with the flight.Q: What did the phone call say?18. M: What did you think of the final exam?Band Four 179W: It wasnt as easy as I had expected. I barely had time to get to the last quest

25、ion.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?Now you will hear two long conversations.Conversation OneM: When I was around sixteen years old, I liked to lie in bed late at night and listen tothe radio.W: What sort of programs did you listen to?M: I was a teenager then, so of course I liked to list

26、en to music. Carpenter is my favoritesinger. I like Yesterday Once More best.W: But I prefer Steve Wonder.M: I was also keen on talk shows.W: You could concentrate on conversations in the middle of the night?M: In a way, You see, I like this feeling of being connected to the outside world, yet atthe

27、 same time comfortable and safe at home in my bed.W: I prefer watching television too, Its more exciting.M: Oh, of course I love television too, and movies. But they are entirely different experiencesfrom listening to the radio.W: Yes, theyre intensely visual.M: And much more passive. You just sit b

28、ack and let the images happen to you.W: It maybe so, but I still prefer TV to the radio.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. What did the woman prefer when she was young?20. Who is the mans favorite singer?21. What does the man think about TV?Conversation TwoM: Co

29、ld day, isnt it?W: Yes, its freezing.M: I hope the snow will let up. The ground is so slippery.W: Well, this is January.W: Luckily itll soon be winter vacation.M: And the Chinese New Year.W: Whens that?M: Early February? I think.W: Are you going to celebrate it with a big firework show?M: Not then.

30、We usually have fantastic displays of fireworks on our National Day.W: Oh, yes. I remember that. I saw one on October 1st. It was really magnificent. Thewhole sky lit up.M: Dont you have big fireworks shows in America?W: Sure we do.M: Do many people go out to watch it like we do in China?180 Model T

31、est 2W: Of course. I was in San Francisco last July. We all drove to the seaside to watch thefireworks. There were cars everywhere. The whole city seemed to have turned out.M: Was it good?W: Fantastic. But we had a hard time driving back home.M: Too many cars on the road, I suppose.W: How right you are!Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.22. What is the weather like according to the conversation?23. Whats the most probable relationship between the two speakers?24. When do Americans have displays o

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