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1、在职MBA联考英语词汇练习及答案1. A_ gain or profit is the actual gain after all working expenses have been paid.A. gross B. netC. positive D. negative2. A better working environment improves peoples performance, and _ productivity.A. furthermore B. henceC. moreover D. even3. A completely new situation will _ when

2、 the examination system comes into exist-ence.A. rise B. ariseC. raise D. arouse4. A cork will _ in water, but a stone sinks.A. fly B. flowC. float D. drift5. A dark suit is preferable _a light one for evening wear.A. to B. thanC. for D. against6. A deputy director will be _the whole factory next we

3、ek when the director is away for a month.A. in favor of B. in charge ofC. in place of D. on behalf of7. A few minutes after the plane had taken off, it _to the ground,A. crashed B. crushedC. dashed D. flashed8. A friendship may be _, casual, situational or deep and lasting.A. identical B. originalC.

4、 superficial D. critical9. A good newspaper publishes both _ and foreign news.A. current B. latestC. recent D. domestic10. A good teacher must know how to _ his ideas.A. convey B. displayC. consult D. confront答案与精解1.答案B翻译净利润指的是把所的有成本费用都刨掉后的实际所得。分析net的意思是“(利润或重量)净的,纯的”;gross的意思是“(利润或重量)总的,毛”;positive

5、意思是“肯定的,积极的”;negative的意思是“消极的,反面的,否定的”。2.答案B翻译一个更好的工作环境能促使人们更好地工作,因而会提高生产力。分析四个选项都是副词。Hence的意思是“因此”;furthermore与moreover同义,意为“而且”;even的意思是“甚至”。3.答案B翻译这项考试制度出台后,会出现一个崭新的局面。分析arise是不及物动词,意思是“出现,产出,发生”,后常跟介词from,表示“由引起,由产生”;rise是不及物动词,意为“升起,上升,增高”;raise是及物动词,意思是“举起,增加,提高”;arouse是及物动词,意思是“唤醒,引起”。4. 答 案C

6、翻译活塞会在水上漂浮而石头则会沉下去。分析Float的意思是“漂浮”;fly的意思是“飞,飘扬”;flow的意思是“流,流动”;drift的意思是“漂流”5.答案A翻译作为晚装,黑色西服要比浅色西服更合适。分析to一般跟preferable搭配在一起,构成preferable to,意思是“更好的,更合意的”。其他的三个选项均不能与preferable搭配。6.答案B翻译下个星期经理要外出一个月,代经理将主持全厂作。分析in charge of的意思是“负责,主管”;in favor of的意思是“赞成,支持”;in place of的意思是“代替”;on behalf of 的意思是“代表”


8、意思是“最新的,最近的”;recent的意思是“近来,最近”。10.答案A翻译一个好老师必须要懂得如何表达他的思想。分析convey的意思是“传达,表达”;display是“展示,表现”;consult是“请教,咨询,查阅”;confront的意思是“面临,遭遇”。1. A good way to _ a language is to live in the native culture with the native speakers.A. require B. acquire eC. inquire D. sustain2. A great many people are often wi

9、lling to sacrifice higher pay for the _ of becoming white collar workers.A. privilege B. advantageC. profit D. preference3. A hush fell over the guests who had _ for the wedding celebration.A. assembled B. participatedC. attended D. summoned4. A Korean manufacturer has _ us a price ten percent lower

10、 than yours.A. referred B. offeredC. gave D. told5. A landing on Mars is within the _ of current physical theory.A. dimension B. volumeC. magnitude D. scope6. A Love marriage, however, does not necessarily _much sharing of interests and responsibilities.A. take over B. result inC. holds on D. keep t

11、o7. A man has to make _ for his old age by putting aside enough money to live on when old.A. supply B. assuranceC. provision D. adjustment8. A neat letter improves your chances of a favorable_ .A. circumstance B. requestC. reception D. response9. A police officer was sent to _ the crime.A. march B.

12、investigateC. survey D. explore10. A product is to be considered as being _, when introduced into the commerce of another country at less than its normal value.A. discharged B. discardedC. disposed D. dumped答案精解1.答案B翻译掌握一种语言的最佳途径就是与说这种语言的人们生活在一起,处于说该种语言的文化环境之中。分析acquire的意思“获得,习得”,常常指经过很长一段时间的努力才获得某种

13、东西。比如说acquire knowledge获得知识。Require的意思是“要求,需要”;inquire的意思是“询问,调查,问候”,这个单词也可以写成enquire;sustain的意思是“支持,抚养,维持”。2.答案A翻译许多人经常愿意牺牲高收入来换取获得白领工作者的特权。分析privilege的意思是“特权,恩典”;advantage的意思是“优点,优势”;profit的意思是“利润,收益”;preference的意思是“偏爱,优待,优先考虑”。3.答案A翻译前来参加婚礼的客人们肃静下来。分析assemble的意思是“聚集,集合,召集”;participate的意思是“参加”,它是一

14、个不及物动词,后面要加in构成participate in,表示“参加”;从逻辑上讲,attend的意思是“出席”,它符合题意,但attend是一个及物动词,后可直接跟宾语,因此,C不是答案;summon的意思是“召集,召唤,传唤”,它也是一个及物动词,故不是答案。由此可见,只有A既符合题意,又符合语法规则,为正确答案。4.答案B翻译一家韩国制造商给我们报的价要比你们的低10。分析offer的意思是“报价”;refer的意思是“参考,查阅,提到”;give的意思是“给”;tell的意思是“告诉”。5.答案D翻译在火星着陆是现代物理学研究的范围。分析scope的意思是“范围”,表示一种事物所掌握

15、或控制的两度空间的区域,也可用作比喻,指掌握的程度或涉及的广度;dimension的意思是“尺寸”;volume的意思是“容积,体积”;magnitude“宏大,硕大”。6.答案B翻译然而一个有爱情的婚姻并不一定导致双方兴趣的一致承担更多的责任。分析result in的意思是“导致,结果”;take over的意思是“接受,接管”;hold on的意思是“紧握,等一会儿”;keep to的意思是“遵守,坚持”。7.答案C翻译一个人必须存足够的钱养老。分析provision的意思是“准备,预备”;make provision for的意思是“为而做准备”;supply的意思是“储备,供应”,常与


17、即被视为倾销。 分析dump是一经济词汇,意思是“倾销”;discharge的意思是“解雇”;discard1. A promotion of a country s international trade position is associated with _ of its currency.A. appreciation B. boomC. spiral D. prosperity2, A minor is going _ the school that we will have three days off for this week.A. by B. aheadC. round D

18、. down3. A small child has to learn to keep its _ before it can walk far.A. weight B. scaleC. balance D. stability4. A standard test is supposed to be _ because the marking is not affected by individual preferences.A. subjective B. objectiveC. transparent D. influential5. A student sticking closely

19、to the _of the school is often praised by teachers.A.orders B. regulationsC. principles D. interests6. A week after her husband died, Mary broke _ completely and had to go into hospital.A. up B. inC. down D. oat7. A wooden bridge is not strong enough to _a railway train.A. retain B. supportC. mainta

20、in D. obtain8. A year ago the firm had a _ loss of 4.3 million dollars or 20 cents a share after all necessary deduction.A. total B. grossC. net D. clear9. Able placed too much _ on sports mad not enough on his studies.A. importance B. emphasisC. interest D. worth10. According to Nobels famous will,

21、 the interest on his fund will be _ to five people who have made great contributions to mankind daring the previous year.A. contributed B. devotedC. distributed D. allocated答案精解1.答案A翻译一个国家的外贸地位同它货币的增值有关。分析appreciation的意思是“增值”;boom的意思是“繁荣”;spiral的意思是“螺旋式上升”;prosperity的意思是“繁荣”。2.答案C翻译关于这个星期我们将休息3天的谣言传

22、遍了整个学校。分析go round 的意思是“四处走动,绕道”go by的意思是“(时间)过去,经过”;go ahead 的意思是“继续下去,开始”;go down的意思是“下沉,下降”。3.答案C翻译小孩在学会走远之前,要学会保持平衡。分析balance的意思是“平衡”;weight的意思是“重量”;scale的意思是“刻度”;stability的意思是“稳定性”。4.答案B翻译标准化测试应该具有客观性,因为判分不受到个人好恶的影响。分析objective的意思是“客观的”;subjective的意思是“主观的”;transparent的意思是“透明的,极薄的”;influential的意思

23、是“有权力的,有势力的”。5.答案B翻译严格遵守规章制度的学生经常受到老师的表扬。分析regulation的意思是“规章制度”;order的意思是“命令”;principle的意思是“原则”;interest单数的时候意思是“兴趣,趣味,爱好”。6.答案C翻译她的父亲死后一个星期,Mary彻底崩溃了,不得不被送往医院。分析break down的意思是“(由于过于劳累或焦虑,体力、精神)衰退,支持不住”;bread up的意思是“打碎,中断”;bread in的意思是“闯入”;bread out的意思是“爆发,突然发生。”。7.答案B翻译木桥之力不足以支撑一列火车。分析support的意思是“支

24、持,支撑”;retain的意思是“保持,保留”;maintain的意思是“维持,维修,主张”;obtain的意思是“获得”。8.答案C翻译一年前该公司的净亏捐损为430万美元或者说在做出必要的扣除之后,一股净亏20美分。分析net的意思是“纯的,净的”;total的意思是“全部的”;gross的意思是“总的”;clear的意思是“以清偿债务的”。9.答案B翻译Able放在体育运动上精力过多,而放在学习上的时间不够。分析place emphasis on表示“强调”或“重视”;importance的意思是“重要性”;interest的意思是“兴趣”;worth的意思是“价值”;importanc

25、e,interest和worth都不能和placeon搭配。10. 答案C翻译根据诺贝尔的著名遗愿,他的基金的利息将分发给上一年为人类做出重大贡献的五个人。分析distribute的意思是“将分发,分配,分送”;contribute to的意思是“捐献,贡献”;devote to的意思是“将奉献给”;allocate的意思是“分配,分派”。distribute和allocate都表示把一定数量的钱或东西在一些成员中进行分配。但在实际运用中,有一定的区别。distribute常指就整体开定量分若干份在各处分发,或将物品等发给某群体分散在各处的员。一般经济上的生产与分配中的分配都用这个词。例如:T

26、he teacher distributed the examination papers to the class.教师分发试卷给全班学生。The products should be distributed in accordance with the principle “To each according to his work”应该依照按劳分配的原则来分配产品。allocate是指某执政机构为某政府计划拨出专款。例如:Half of medical supplies have already been allocated funds for the new school.一半药品已分

27、配给震区的受害者。The town allocated funds for the new school.这个城镇拨专款给这所新建学校。1. According to the weather forecast, which is usually _, it will snow this afternoon.A. accurate B. preciseC. exact D. perfect2. Accuracy is to the programming of computers.A. fundamental B. decisiveC. characteristic D. typical3. A

28、dam is one of my best friends, He always _ me whenever I am in trouble.A. stands out B. stands byC. stands up D. stands up to4. After 1978 the farm began to take _ a new look.A. in B. onC, up D. to5. After a long struggle, he _ his opponents.A. competed with B. got on withC. defeated D. yielded to6.

29、 After a meal in a restaurant, you ask the waiter for the _ A. bill B. noteC. receipt D. menu7. After a quick _ at the patient the doctor rang for an ambulance.A. glance B. peerC. gaze D. scan8. After careful planning, John _ a way of solving the problem.A. thought about B. thought ofC. thought over D. thought out9. After flying across the Atlantic, Charles Lindbergh became famous _A. immediately B. overnightC. punctually D. promptly10. After his recovery from illness, he _ his former position.A. assumed B. presumedC. consumed D. resumed答案精解1. 答案A翻译天气预报通常都很准确。根据天气预报,今天下午

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