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1、英语四级高频词汇17collar klrn.衣领;环状物生活用法white collar/blue collar/pink collar 白领蓝领粉领shirt/fur collar 衬衫领子毛领dog collar 狗脖套;牧师或其他神职员工带的领子collar sb. 逮捕常见考点collar主要作为名词来考查:People who do all the office work are called white-collar workers.所有做办公室工作的人都被称为白领。labor lebrn. 劳工,劳动 v. 辛苦工作 adj. 劳动的生活用法labor force 劳动力Labo

2、rs Day 劳动节in labor 临盆常见考点labor既是名词也是动词,名词形式比较常考:Physical labor, raw materials, and capital are no longer the key ingredients in the creation of wealth. ( n.)体力劳动,原材料和资本都不再是创造财富的关键要素。farmer frmrn.农民,农夫;农场主生活用法farmers market 农贸集市farmland 农场 farmers tan 穿短袖脖子上和袖子边长时间晒太阳后的分界线常见考点farmer变形:farm v. 种田,务农n.

3、 农场,畜牧场作为名词来考查:Farmers cultivate their farms with cows.农夫用牛耕田。raise rezv. 养殖;养育;筹集(资金);举起 n. 加薪;提高生活用法raise the roof 高声喧哗 You raise me up 你鼓舞了我(歌名)raise a few eyebrows 令人吃惊的Jemmas miniskirt raised a few eyebrows at the board meeting. 杰玛穿超短裙去参加董事会会议,令众人惊讶不已。raise your game 努力改进Theyre going to have to

4、 raise their game if they want to stay in the Premiership this season. 如果他们这个季度还想继续保留总理的职位,他们应该努力做得更出色些。raise your hand against 打Never raise your hand to a child. 什么时候也不要打孩子。常见考点raise既是动词也是名词,作动词还有“抚养”的意思:Her parents died when she was a baby and she was raised by her grandparents. ( v.)她从小父母就去世了,是祖父

5、母把她抚养大的。She asked the boss for a raise. ( n.)她要求老板给她加薪。nine nannum.九n.九个,九点钟生活用法nine-to-five job 朝九晚五的工作Nine 美国百老汇歌舞片Ninetales 九尾Ninewest 玖熙(品牌名)nine lives 九条命;大难不死的情况I cannot believe he survived from the car crash! He must have nine lives or something.不敢相信他居然经历了那场车祸后还能活着。他一定有九条命之类的吧。be on cloud nin

6、e 开心,高兴Ever since Mary got her promotion at work, shes been on cloud nine. 自从玛丽升职后,她就一直非常开心。常见考点nine作为数词来考查relax rlksv.放松;休息;宽慰;放宽生活用法Relax. 放松,还可说Chillrelax ones hold on sb./sth. 放手,松开Never relax your hold on an alligator.永远不要松开握住鳄鱼的手。relax into sth. 坐或者躺在某物里放松I want to go home and relax into my co

7、zy chair.我想回家窝在我舒服的椅子里。常见考点relax的变形:relaxation n. 放松,消遣relaxed adj. 松懈的,放松的,悠闲的relax oneself 放松自己If you relax or if something relaxes you, you feel more calm and less worried or tense.如果你放松或者什么让你放松,你就会感到平静,少很多担忧和紧张。leading lidadj.领导的,重要的,主要的生活用法leading hand 有经验的老手She is leading you on. 她在等你撩她The bli

8、nd leading the blind. 问道于盲leading edge 尖端,前沿 Scientists at the leading edge of cancer research处于癌症研究前沿的科学家们常见考点leading的变形:lead n. 领导,榜样v. 领导,指挥adj. 带头的,最重要的leading主要以形容词作为考点:He is now a leading surgeon at Johns Hopkins Medical School, and hes also the author of three books.他现在是霍普金斯医学院的顶尖外科医生,同时也是三本书

9、的作者。private pravtadj.私人的,秘密的,私立的生活用法private doctor/dentist/eye 私人医生牙医侦探private 二等兵 Saving Private Ryan 拯救大兵瑞恩(电影名)go private 企业私有化private conversation 私人对话 private property 私有财产private education/ healthcare 私立教育医疗保健常见考点常见搭配:in private 私下的 private主要作为形容词来考查:Didnt you see the private sign over there?你

10、没有看见这个私人的标示吗?file faln. 文件夹, 档案; 文件; vi. 把文件归档; vt. 把(文件等)归档;生活用法secret/confidential/personnel files 秘密机密人事档案access/copy/create/delete/download/save a file 获取复制建立删除下载保存文件file box 档案盒,文件盒file a complaint 提出诉讼 file for sth 提成申请X file X档案(美剧名)常见考点file既是动词也是名词,注意区分:The police filed charges against the t

11、wo suspects. ( v.) 警方对两名嫌疑犯提起了诉讼。 I keep your records on file for five years. ( n.)我把你的记录归档保存5年。cop kpn.警察 v.抓住;获得;偷窃生活用法cop 条子,警察cop out 逃避dirty/bent cop 黑警常见考点cop作为名词警察的意思来考查load lodn. 负载; 负荷; 工作量; 装载量; vi. 加载; 装载; 装货;vt. 使担负; 装载;生活用法working load 工作负荷load capacity 负载能力,载重能力freeloader 蹭吃蹭喝的 load 上膛

12、loading. 加载中、缓存中.常见考点load的变形:loadable adj. 可受载的loaded adj. 负荷的load既是动词也是名词,注意区分:Do not load the film in bright light. ( v.)不要在光线亮的地方装胶卷。The maximum load for this elevator is eight persons. ( n.)这部电梯的最大载客量为8人。sack skn.袋,麻袋;开除v.开除,劫掠,掠夺生活用法sack bag 麻布袋;健身小包sleeping sack 睡袋a sack of potatoes/coal/flour

13、 一袋马铃薯煤面粉sack lunch (packed lunch) 自带午餐get the sack 解雇They gave him the sack for being late. 因为迟到,他们开除了他。hit the sack 睡觉When did you hit the sack?你什么时候睡的觉?An empty sack cannot stand upright. 很穷或者很饿的人没办法正常行事Sit down and have something to eat before you go back to work. An empty sack cant stand uprigh

14、t.坐下吃点东西再回去工作,空沙袋可是没办法立起来的。常见考点sack既是名词也是动词,注意区分:n. 布袋;洗劫The corn was stored in large sacks. ( n.)玉米装在大麻袋里。v. 解雇,洗劫,把.装入袋The invaders sacked every village they passed on their route. ( v.)侵略者洗劫了他们途经的每个村庄。topic tpkn.话题,题目,主题生活用法off topic 偏题on topic 贴题Topic Chocolate Bar(巧克力棒品牌名)常见考点topic的变形:topical a

15、dj. 时下关注的topic作为名词来考查:Our discussion included topics such as acid rain and the melting of polar ice. 我们的讨论涉及各种话题,例如酸雨和臭氧层空洞。progressprresn.进步;前进,进展 生活用法progress bar 进度条progress report 进度报告常见考点progress的变形:progressive adj. 进步的,先进的常用搭配:make progress in 在.方面取得进步work in progress 在进行工作progress既是名词也是动词:Are

16、nt you discouraged by the slow progress your staff is making? ( n.)你不会因为你员工缓慢的进程很灰心丧气吗?As the war progressed, more and more countries became involved. ( v.)随着战争的推进,越来越多的国家卷入其中。disease dzizn.疾病生活用法lung disease 肺病/heart disease 心脏病common/rare disease/fatal disease 常见罕见致命的疾病epidemic disease 流行病Parkinso

17、ns disease 帕金森病(PD)foot in sbs mouth disease 说错话常见考点disease的变形:diseased adj. 患病的 disease主要作为名词来考查:They are more likely to survive serious diseases today.他们现今更有可能在严重的疾病中生存下来。program prrmn.程序;节目单;大纲;v.给.编写程序生活用法computer program 电脑程序program design 程序设计training program 训练计划TV program 电视节目常见考点program既是名词

18、也是动词:I was accepted into the forensic science program. ( n.)我被法医科学项目录取了。She programmed the computer to calculate the rate of exchange in twelve currencies. ( v.)她为计算机编制了一套计算12种货币之间兑换率的程序。economics eknmksn. 经济学; 国家的经济情况; 经济 生活用法The Economist 经济学人 (杂志名)Keynesian/Marxist economics 凯恩斯主义马克思主义经济常见考点econo

19、mics的变形: economist n. 经济学家economy n. 节约,经济economics作为名词考查:Her study of economics changed her view on governments role in economic activities.她对经济学的研究改变了她对政府在经济活动中所扮演的角色的看法。distance dstnsn.距离;间距;远处生活用法keep the distance 保持距离 long-distance relationship 异地恋 within walking distance 步行距离 striking distance

20、 对于渴望的人事物属于近距离My grandmothers house is old, but as it is in striking distance of the sea, it was always a favorite summer destination when we were kids.我奶奶家的房子虽然有些破旧,可是作为离大海非常近的房子,是我们小时候暑假最喜欢去的地方。常见考点distance的变形:distant adj. 遥远的,冷漠的,远隔的distance作为名词考查:I noticed a certain distance between father and s

21、on. 我注意到父子之间有些疏远。connect knektv. 连接;联想;使有联系生活用法well-connected 人脉connect A with/to B 把AB连起来connect the dots 连点成线;把碎片信息组合起来;把点连成线游戏connect up 把某物连起来常见考点connect的变形: connection n. 连接,关系,人脉connected adj. 联通的,有联系的常用搭配: connect to/with connect作为动词来考查:Has the phone/electricity/gas/internet been connected in

22、 your new place yet?你们的新房子通电话电煤气了吗?appear prv.出现;似乎生活用法It appears so/not 好像是好像不是Speak of the devil, and he shall/will appear 说曹操曹操到appear in court 出庭So it appears 看来是的-I think were late. -So it appears.-我想我们迟到了。-看来是的。常见考点appear的变形: appearance n. 出现 appear作为动词来考查:She appears briefly in the new Bond f

23、ilm.她在新的007电影中有几个镜头。optional pn()ladj. 可选择的, 随意的; 生活用法elective/optional course 选修课常见考点optional的变形:option n. 选项,选择权optional作为形容词来考查:My phone came with 20 optional ringtones.我的手机自带了20种铃声的选择。threaten ret()nvi. 威胁, 恐吓; vt. 威胁, 恐吓; 预示的恶兆;生活用法threaten sb. with sth./sb. 用某物某人威胁某人常见考点threaten的变形: threatenin

24、g adj. 威胁性的threat n. 威胁,恐吓 常用搭配:threaten to 威胁,预示threaten作为动词来考查:They threatened the shopkeeper with a gun. 他们用枪威胁店主。competition kmpt()nn. 竞争; 比赛; 竞争者; 生活用法swimming/chess/crossword competition 游泳国际象棋填字比赛stiff competition 僵持的竞赛 in competition with 跟谁比赛常见考点competition的变形:competitive adj. 竞争的compete v.

25、 竞赛,竞争competitor n. 竞争者,对手competition作为名词来考查:Theres this whole culture of competition that sucks people in.大环境的竞争文化让人们被线上游戏吞噬了。selectslktv.选择,挑选adj.精选的,选择的生活用法select committee 特别委员会select all 全选常见考点select的常见变形:selective adj. 有选择的,严格筛选的 selection n. 选择 select既是动词也是形容词,注意区分:It helps people to select t

26、he most effective sunscreen. ( v.)它帮助人们选择最有效的防晒霜。These activities should be available to all students, not just a select few. ( adj.)这样的活动应该让所有的学生都参加,而不只是少数学生。conclusion knklu()nn.结论,推论;结束生活用法in conclusion 最后reach/draw the/a conclusions 结论是.jump to conclusion 忽略中间的过程直接跳到结尾常见考点conclusion的变形:conclude

27、v. 推断,决定,作结论常用搭配:in conclusion 总之,最后come to a conclusion 得出结论conclusion作为名词来考查:The conclusion of the book was disappointing.这本书的结尾让人很失望。subject sbdektn.科目;主题;受试者v.使隶属,使受到生活用法subject matter 主题题材 subject peoples/states 被征服的民族国家drop the subject 别再说这个话题了常见考点subject的变形:subjective adj. 主观的,个人的subject既是名词也

28、是动词还是形容词,不同词性意思不一致:n. 主题,科目Id tried to explain the situation, but he just changed the subject. ( n.)我想把情况解释清楚,他却岔开了话题。v. 使.隶属,使屈从 The invaders quickly subjected the local tribes. ( v.)入侵者很快就征服了当地的部落。adj. 服从的,取决于.的Will room-renters be subject to hotel taxes? ( adj.)房屋出租者也要缴纳旅馆税吗?risk rskn. 风险;危险;冒险v.

29、 冒的危险生活用法high/low risk 高低风险at your own risk 自担风险risk sbs neck 冒着危险at/run the risk of doing sth. 冒着.的风险If you tell him the truth, you run the risk of hurting his feelings. 你要是告诉他真相就太冒险了,可能会伤害他的感情。常见考点risk的变形:risky adj. 有风险的 常用搭配:at risk 处于危险中take a risk 冒险risk既是名词也是动词:We must learn to recognize risks, because if we cant see the risks were taking, we cant make responsible choices. ( n.)我们必须学着去认识风险,因为如果我们不能清楚知道我们要承担的风险,我们不能够做

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