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1、真题四级写作的特点与要求孙子云:“知己知彼,百战不殆”。想在写作考试中获得成功,就必须首先了解四级考试的要求和评分规则。由于新四级考试还没有开始进行,笔者就以一篇根据现行四级写作题目“DoLucky NumbersReally Bring Good Luck?”写成的学生作文为例来讲述几个最基本的道理。四级历年真题四级模拟试题英语四级听力四级必背范文例文1:Some people think that certian(拼写错误) numbers will bring good luck to them. Numbers such as six, eight, sixteen and eight

2、een are regarded as lucky numbers. There are also people who think that their success is related to certain numbers.However, some other people think numbers have nothing to do with their luck. They believe in their own rather than“lucky numbers”. They dont do things according to certain numbers.As f

3、ar as I am concerned, I think it is a persons own business whether he believes in a certain number or not. The most important thing is that he has done the work by himself and has done it quite well. As to the belief in numbers, it is their (前后指代不一致,应改为his) personal choice.该文章是当年四级考试命题组印发给全国评卷老师的一篇例

4、文,根据15分制的评分标准,这篇例文被评为14分,供全国评卷老师作为评分参考。乍看起来,本文无论从遣词造句还是思想深度,似乎都算不得一篇佳作;但它之所以能够被评为14分,还是有其内在深层次原因的,那就是经常被考生们所忽视的议论文写作常识。简要地讲,可分为以下三个部分:(一) 英文议论文的结构特点汉语写作对文章结构的要求不是很高,如开头段应该包括什么、论题句应该在什么时候出现、文章的结尾是否必须总结全文等等。而英语写作要求文章结构必须十分严谨,文章各个部分的功能都要十分清晰,开头、中间和结尾都有严格的要求。简而言之,英语议论文共有三大特点:1、 观点鲜明的开头;2、 紧扣主题的结尾;3、 有主题


6、1中每一段的首句都简要地概括出了该段的主要内容,换句话说,每段的内容都是根据首句来展开的,其顺序不能颠倒。(关于段落的衔接,在后面的内容中将详细介绍。)(二) 中心统一在中心统一这个问题上,英语议论文和汉语议论文的概念也有所不同。中国人在写议论文时常常遵循“中庸”的原则,其具体的表现就是认为世界上没有任何事情是绝对的。当他们在文章中表扬一件事物或一种现象的时候,总要指出其不足;同样,在批评一件事物或一种现象的同时,也总不忘记指出其也有合理之处。这种做法从道理上来讲并没有什么不妥,但却不符合英语议论文的写作习惯,因为英语作家在写议论文时关注的是自己的辩论技巧和其结果对公众的影响力。换句话说,如果

7、作者告诉大家两面都有道理也就等于说两面都没有道理,因为读者在读了文章之后仍旧不知道作者的看法是什么,以及自己在这种情况下到底该怎么做。所以,既然四级考试考的是英语文章,大家就应该遵循英文议论文的写作思路和习惯:表示支持则旗帜鲜明地支持;表示反对就彻彻底底地反对,而不能采取“墙头草两边倒”的做法。以上面的例文1为例,如果作者的观点是“幸运数字是既有道理又无道理的”,这种观点就无法让人接受,因为在英语议论文中,这是典型的中心不统一。(2) 语篇的连贯性英语议论文的段落多采取直线展开式,即段落开始直接切入主题,并给出事实、例证、推理等。英语议论文段落这种展开方式是形成其语篇连贯的基础。语篇的连贯是指

8、段落中各句的意义通过某种有序的排列(如时间顺序、因果顺序、逻辑顺序等)而相互关联。在论述该段落主题的时候,每后一个句子都是建立在前面一个句子的基础之上的。如果去掉段落中的一个句子,这种连贯便会受到影响,就会造成读者在理解上的困难。3 议论文中心段落的主题句及其论据、议论文中常用的词句与短语(1) 议论文中心段落的主题句及其论据一篇议论文能否获得高分与其中心段落主题句的质量不无关联,而主题句质量的高低则又取决于审题的好坏和论据的选择(即所选的论据在逻辑性、说理性、准确性及与主题内容的关联性等方面是否都经得起推敲)。需要明确的是,中心段落只应有两个组成部分:段落的主题句和支持主题句的论据。段落的主

9、题句也应有两个部分组成,即:主题句=主题+作者对主题的看法或态度,两者缺一不可。假设应试者被要求写一篇有关吸烟的议论文,那么 SMOKING 就是中心段落的主题。请看下面这个主题句:Smoking is a habit of many men.该主题句暴露出两个问题:(1)作者审题不清;(2)作者没有表明对主题的看法或态度。一般说来,议论文要求应试者阐明自己对某问题的看法或态度。因此当我们拿到议论文的题目以后,要认真审题,权衡某事的利与弊,然后确定我们的立场。如何构建段落的主题句呢?拿到议论文的题目以后,经认真审题后,用英文列出你所能想起的与主题有关的例证。我们还用吸烟这个话题为例:2012年

10、6月英语四级作文题目及参考范文:On Excessive Packaging 谈商品过度包装现象提纲:1. 目前很多商品存在过度包装现象2. 出现这一现象的原因3. 我对这一现象的看法和建议简易范文如下:首段:现象描述In contemporary society, it has become a trend for many products or items to be excessively packaged. In the meanwhile, an increasing number of customers find it more expensive to purchase th

11、ese goods. Taking a look around, we can find a great many examples in supermarkets: excessive packages of food, clothes and gifts. 当今社会,商品往往被过度包装。同时,越来越多顾客发现这些商品更贵了。看看我们周围,可以发现超市中就有很多这样的例子:食品,服饰和礼物都存在过度包装。二段:原因分析It is evident that the causes of this phenomenon are diverse. In the first place, some c

12、ustomers psychological need is the root cause. These packages bring the sense of beauty, arouse peoples enthusiasm to buy, and help manufacturers to promote sale. In the second place, it is these packages that enable shops to build up a foundation for advertising. As a matter of fact, industries in

13、mounting numbers have come to realize the necessity of packaging for sale.显然,该现象原因是多方面的。首先,顾客的心理需求是本质原因。这些包装给顾客带来美感,激发他们购买的热情,帮助了商家提升销量。此外,也正是这些包装使商店能给商品的宣传广告。尾段:观点+建议However, as a customer, I am convinced that quality of goods is of great importance. Thus, we should educate, advocate and encourage

14、our friends, classmates and acquaintances to buy goods without excessive packages. (170 words)然而,作为顾客,我坚信商品质量是重要的。因此,我们应该教育,倡导和鼓励我们的同学,朋友和熟人们去购买不过度包装的商品。参考范文二:作文:产品过度包装No one in China has failed to notice that goods arewrapped(包装)in flaring(华美的,花哨的)boxes or bags. Taking a look around,we can find exa

15、mples with ease:a small computer is packed in a thick and heavy(又厚又重)carton,clothes are puttedin a well-designed plastic bags(塑料袋)which printed various kinds of patterns and colorsand so on.What are the causes of this problem?On the one hand, in order to earn more economic gains(经济收益), a considerabl

16、e number of (很多)manufactures usually wraptheir products with unnecessary but appealing(吸引人的)materialsaiming at attracting customers attention , arousi ng their curiosity and then stimulating their purchasing desire (吸引顾客的注意力并引发他们的好奇心). On the other hand, quite a fewcustomers believe that the more de

17、licatethe package seems,the superior the quality will be(包装越精美,产品质量就越好),the notion has also encouraged the trend of excessive packagin.命题还是按照“描述现象”“分析原因”“建议措施” 2. 2011年12月大学英语四级作文题目及范文附点评:Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will1坚强的意志是成功的重要保证。2意志坚定的人才能完成伟大的使命,3学生也是这样,不刻苦学习,终究不会成为有用之才参考范文一:Nothing Succ

18、eeds Without a Strong Will No great work can be performed without will. We envy famous men and imagine that fame was due to some trick of luck. But when we know their histories, we find that it is long years of will and constant effort that have brought about their success. Just as we cant reach the

19、 top of a mountain without climbing, we cant achieve success without will. The modern society provides people with more opportunities than before, and there are stories which tell us the possibility of becoming successful overnight. Actually that is not the case. Before these people become successfu

20、l, a lot of hard work has been done, unnoticed mostly. What we usually see is the result, but what we ignore is a long process of struggling forward and wrestling with internal or external obstacles. Take “quitting smoking” for example, which is , to most people , a difficult task, so people always

21、give up the idea for they dont have the strong will. In a nutshell, strong will is an important condition or role of the success the individual should desire to maintain forever. There is no instant success in this world. Strong will is the best policy to make your life distinct and your dreams come

22、 true.参考范文二:Where There Is a Will There Is a WayThere is an old saying: where there is a will, there is a way. It tells us that a strong will is the most essential quality that anyone who wants to achieve success. It can contribute a lot to ones success.Although“All roads lead to Rome”, none of them

23、 is completely smooth. Our life is filled with obstacles which may make us feel so hopeless that we may choose to give up. At the crucial moment, strong will helps a lot. As a matter of fact, the ability to work through difficult situation and unfortunate events with strong will can make one stronge

24、r and more capable. In other words, if we want to realize lifes goal, we must keep forging ahead with strong consciousness.From what has been discussed above, we can see that the establishment of tough determination is of great importance to everyone. With a strong will, including our knowledge, we

25、will be able to deal with any situation in our life. Whatever we do, as long as we stick to and do not give up easily, we will realize the goal at last. 3. 2011年6月英语四级考试作文真题,附范文及作文解析Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Online Shopping. You shou

26、ld write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1. 现在网上购物已成为一种时尚 2. 网上购物有很多好处,但也有不少问题 3. 我的建议 Online Shopping Nowadays, with the rapid development of information technology, online shopping has gained great popularity among more and more web users. For example, it is fashionable for y

27、oungsters to purchase daily essentials, such as books, clothes, electrical equipment, on some famous website, like Taobao, EBay and Alibaba. Undoubtedly speaking, online shopping has many advantages. Firstly, compared with traditional shopping, its very convenient. What you need to do is just clicki

28、ng your mouse and waiting instead of going out by foot or driving. Secondly, more choices than real store are another attraction to customers. However, in spite of convenience and more choices of online shopping, we cannot turn a blind eye to its disadvantages. Obviously, quality problem is its firs

29、t disadvantage. Its common that articles arent so good just as they are described online that customers always buy fake commodities. In addition, its troublesome and annoying for many customers to make a change when they are not satisfied with what they bought online. As a college student, I like on

30、line shopping but I expected that effective measures should be taken to make it better。Specifically speaking, government should work out strict regulations and rules to prevent unfaithful and unlawful activities of online shop owners. Only by this way can online shopping become really safe and attra

31、ct an increasing number of customers.此次考试的作文题目为Online shopping,是一个考生们相当熟悉的话题,这也沿袭了四级考试贴近学生生活的特点,相信考生一定会觉得有话可说。从题材上来看,此次作文属于校园生活类,题材上属于议论文,命题类型是现象解释型,这与2006年新题型(学生自主选课),2007年12月(该选什么样的课程)以及2009年6月(博物馆免费)是同一类型的,考生考前若能掌握了写作模板,写好这篇文章应该不难。主要写作思路如下:第一段应该是现象引入段,主要描述现象,引起话题;表现较为典型的一个方面;进一步阐述现象。第二段是说明原因段,主要承

32、上启下,解释这一现象的原因一;原因二;原因三;重申观点,总结上述观点。第三段是总结观点段,主要讲述导致的结果;作者的态度;原因一;原因二;总结全文。下面是文都四六级精品图书大学英语四级考试三层突破写作完形翻译中“现象解释型”的模板,请同学们对照一下:第一段:Nowadays, there exists a public controversy concerning the issue of引出现象.What amazes us most is典型的一个方面.It is true that进一步阐述现象.第二段:Many reasons account for 这一现象The main reason is原因一.What is more, 原因二. Thirdly, 原因三.第三段:As a result,总结上述观点.Considering all these, 讲述导致结果及作者态度.For one thing, 原因一. F

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