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1、初中英语阅读典型题分类解与练第五部分 完 形 填 空一、典 型 题 分 类 解 与 练简 介 完形填空题是将一篇短文从中抽走1015处,形成空白,文后对每个空白提供四个选项。它的重点是考查学生对英语阅读理解和对各种英语语言知识的运用能力,它的难点是学生必须具备对语言功能的理解以及运用语言的能力。 根据材料内容,完形填空大致可分为六大类: 文化习俗 科普知识 风流人物 故事幽默 日常生活 人生百味 命题趋势:以语境展开问题,强调在理解文章的基础上作答,而不是单纯进行语言形式检测,对日常语言知识引申一步,突出语言的语用功能。 突破方法:通读全文,掌握文章大意 完形填空的大部分选项是根据文章的意思来

2、设计,必须依据语境去选择,应弄清文章中涉及到的 “W” ,即:who (人物),what (事件),when (时间),where (地点),why (原因),whose(相互关系)。从字里行间捕捉信息,理顺上下文的逻辑关系,分析判断,选出符合情节,上下前后能相互呼应的选项。注意句型、语法、词语搭配和习惯用法 在了解材料主旨的前提下,分析句子结构、词法运用、词语辨析、固定搭配和惯用语,对答案进行筛选。 1 In England, people often talk about the _1_ because you can experience(经历) four seasons in _2_

3、day. In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour _3_ black clouds come, and then it rains hard. The weather gets _4_ cold. In the late afternoon the sky will be clear, the _5_ will begin to shine and it will be summer at this time of a day. In England, you can also have summer in

4、 winter, _6_ have winter in summer. So in _7_ you can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes you should wear warm clothes. When you go to _8_ , you will see some English people usually take an umbrella or a raincoat with them in the _9_ morning, but you shouldnt laugh at them. If you _10_ take an u

5、mbrella or a raincoat, you will regret(后悔) later in the day.( )1.A.time D.books( )2.A.a C.the )3.A.ago B.before C.later D.after( )4.A.few B.a few C.little D.a little( ) B.moon C.sun )6.A.and B.or C.but )7.A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter( )8.

6、A.England B.Japan C.America D.France( )9.A.sunny B.rainy C.snowy D.cloudy( )10.A.cant B.dont C.wont D.didnt答案 :1. C2. D3. C4. D5. C6. A7. D8. A9. A10. B1 命题目的 主要考查 上下句理解。 解题点拨 根据下文可知,在英国人们经常谈论的是weather,故选C。2 命题目的 主要考查冠词用法。 解题点拨 首先去掉不合题意的B项。比较A、D,a; one均表示“一”, one表示“不定的、随意的”,符合题意,故选D。3 命题目的 主要考查近义词辩析

7、。 解题点拨 ago常接在一段时间状语后面,表示“-以前”; before常放在某个时间前,表示“在-之前”; later常放在一段时间状语后,表示“-以后”;after常放在一段时间状语前,表以“-以后”。比较四词,只有later符合题,故选C。4 命题目的 主要考查a little; little; a few; few的用法区别。 解题点拨 首先去掉不合题意的few; a few,因为它们修饰可数名词,比较a little; little,只有a little可以用来修饰形容词,故选D。5 命题目的 主要考查上下文理解。 解题点拨 对照下文“will begin to shine.”根据

8、常识,能“shine”只有sun, 故选C。6 命题目的 主要考查并列连词。 解题点拨 分析前后两分句,它们之间仅是并列关系,没有“递进、因果、转折”意,故选A。7 命题目的 主要考查上下句理解。 解题点拨 按常理,我们应当在夏天游泳,但英国气候复杂多变,有时“冬天”也可游泳,故选D。8 命题目的 主要考查上下文理解。 解题点拨 根据下文“youll see some English people”可知你去的应该是England,故选A。9 命题目的 主要考查句子理解。 解题点拨 根据常理,如果天气不好,如rainy, snowy,cloudy, 我们带雨伞出门不足为怪,但如果是sunny,我

9、们带雨伞就会引起别人嘲笑,故选A。10. 命题目的 主要考查句子分析, 解题点拨 该句为if引导的条件状语从句,句中应用一般现在时表示一般将来时,故选B。 类似题集 (1) Once a Frenchman got to England. He _1_ only a little English. One day when he was _2_ by the windows of a restaurant and having lunch, he heard a _3_ “Look out!” So he put his head out of the _4_ to find out what

10、 was _5_ outside. Just then a basin of dirty water poured(倒水) over his _6_. Then another. He was very angry. He shouted, “Damn you(该死)! See what you have_7_” The men passing by laughed at him and he _8_ even more angry. One of them said to him, “You _9_ be a foreigner. Look out in English means Be _

11、10_.”( )1.A.taught B.knew C.heard D.spoke( )2.A.seeing B.buying C.working D.sitting( )3.A.sound B.noise C.voice D.saying( )4.A.table B.window D.coat( )5.A.shouting B.coming C.happening D.fighting( )6.A.head B.hand C.eye D.mouth( )7.A.given B.said C.done D.finished( ) B.had C.made D.did

12、( )9.A.will B.can C.may D.must( )10.A.happy B.out C.careful D.careless答案 :1. B2. D3. C4. B5. C6. A7. C8. A9. D10.C 1 命题目的 主要考查动词词辩析。 解题点拨 首先排除A、C。因为这两个答案不符合题意。比较B、D。B为最佳答案,因为该题强调“懂得”,它已包含“说一点”意。2 命题目的 主要考查句子理解。 解题点拨 从后半句可看出,他正在吃饭,因此他就应该是“sitting”。故选D。3 命题目的 主要考查同义词辩析。 解题点拨 该处是说他听得一喊声,这儿的“喊声”意为人的嗓音,故

13、选C。4 命题目的 主要考查句子理解。 解题点拨 比较四答案汉意,只有B项符合题意,意为“他把头伸向窗外”。5 命题目的 主要考查动词词意辩析。 解题点拨 他把头伸到窗子外的目的是要看外面发生了什么,故选happening(发生)。6 命题目的 主要考查推理知识。 解题点拨 他把头伸到窗外,当然是他的“头”被倒上了脏水。故选A。7 命题目的 主要考查动词词意辩析。 解题点拨 该句意为“你看你做了什么”, 答案中符合题的只有C。8 命题目的 主要考查动词用法。 解题点拨 该空后接的是形容词,因此所选词应该为系动词,比较四答案,只有A为系动词,故选A。9 命题目的 主要考查情态动词表示推测。 解题

14、点拨 该句是别人对他进行的推测,别人推测他是一个外国人,是因为他不懂“look out”的含义,语气较肯定,故选D。10. 命题目的 主要考查固定短语。 解题点拨 “look out”意为“小心、当心”,答案符合此意的只有“be careful”,故选C。(2) In the past, people didnt use stamps , They had to pay money when they received letters. Rowland Hill, a schoolmaster in England was the first _1_ using stamps. He thou

15、ght it _2_ much easier for people to use _3_. They could go to the nearby _4_ to buy stamps and put them on envelopes(信封) _5_ they _6_ letters. The post office only put seals(印章) _7_ the stamps so that people could not use the stamps _8_. In this way, the post office _9_ send postmen to collect mone

16、y. It only needed _10_ postmen to deliver() letters. The government finally accepted(接受) the good idea.( )1. A. to think B. thinking C. to think of D. think about( )2. A. could be B. will be C. is D. was( )3. A. a stamp B. stamps C. stamp D. stamps( )4. A. a shop B. school C. village D. post office(

17、 )5. A. after B. before C. in D. with( )6. A. sent B. send C. to send D. sended( )7. A. in B. over C. on D. above( )8. A. again B. too C. either D. also( )9. A. need not to B. didnt need to C. needed not to D. didnt need( )10. A. few B. fewer C. many D. much答案 :1. C2. A3. B4. D5. B6. A7. C8. A9. B10

18、.B 1 命题目的 主要考查不定式后置作定语。 解题点拨 本题是不定式后置作定语修饰the first,由于后面加动名词using,可推知C项to think of 为正确答案。Think of意为“想到,想起”。故选C。2 命题目的 主要考查be的形式变化。 解题点拨 本题是be动词的各种不同形式,从句意看Rowland Hill的设想当时尚末实行,仅是一种可能性,故选A。3 命题目的 主要考查推理知识。 解题点拨 邮票应用复数形式来表示,因为这是要大量使用的,且前句也用了复数形式。故选B。4 命题目的 主要考查上下文理解。 解题点拨 出售邮票的只能是邮局,不可能是学校或村子,即使那些地方代

19、售,也不具有普遍性。故选D。5 命题目的 主要考查引导时间状语从句的连词。 解题点拨 这是一个时间状语从句,根据常识邮票是在寄信之前贴上的,故连词应用before, after表示相反意思,其余两项不能引导从句。故选B。6 命题目的 主要考查谓语动词形式。 解题点拨 本题是动词send的几种不同形式,由于是用在句中作谓语,所以应该用过去式。故选A。7 命题目的 主要考查介词词意辩析。 解题点拨 本文意为“在邮票上打上邮戳”,故用on表示。Over与above虽也有“在-之上”之意,但在物体之间没有接触面,故排除。8 命题目的 主要考查句子理解。 解题点拨 此处作“不能再用”解,again意为“

20、重复前一次动作”是正确答案。9 命题目的 主要考查一词多“性”的用法。 解题点拨 need可作情态动词或行为动词,若作行为动词,则后接带to的不定式,若作情态动词则后接动词原形,本题作行为动词,故选B。10. 命题目的 主要考查上下句理解。 解题点拨 本题实际是一个比较级,是与不用邮票时相比较而言,所需劳动力减少,故选B。(3) All _1_ the world mothers and fathers teach their children manners(礼貌). There are all kinds of manners. Other children may have manner

21、s that are different _2_ yours. Many years ago, children who had good manners were seen and not heard. They kept _3_ if grown-ups(成年人) were talking. Today children have _4_ freedom(自由). Sometimes good manners in one place are bad in _5_ places. If you visit some friends in Monglia and they ask you t

22、o eat with them, they want you to give a loud “belch(打嗝)” after you finish _6_ . Belching would show that you like your food. But in some other countries, if you give a loud belch, you are told to say “_7_ , please.” Manners are differint all over the world. But it is good to know _8_ all manners be

23、gin in the _9_ way. People need ways to _10_ that they want to be friends.( )1.A.through B.over D.on( ) B.with C.from )3.A.noise B.happy C.quiet D.quite( )4.A.many B.more C.few D.less( )5.A.another B.the other C.others D.other( ) eat C.eating D.ate( )7.A.Excuse me B.So

24、rry C.Pardon D.Good( )8.A.what B.which C.since D.that( )9.A.different B.same C.some D.difficult( )10.A.take B.bring C.see D.show答案 :1. B2. A3. C4. B5. D6. C7. A8. D9. B10. D1 命题目的 主要考查固定句型。 解题点拨 比较四选项,可与all构成词组的只有over,即all over-,意为“整个的-”,故选B。2 命题目的 主要考查介词用法辩析。 解题点拨 四答案中与be different 构成词组,意为“与-不一样”的只

25、有介词from,故选C。3 命题目的 主要考查上下文理解。 解题点拨 根据上文“children who had good manners were seen and not heard.”可判断出以前人们认为不发出声音的孩子是好孩子,“不出声”为“安静”,故选C。4 命题目的 主要考查句子理解。 解题点拨 该句意为“当今孩子”与“过去孩子”作比较有了“-的自由”,比较四答案,只有B合适,故选B。5 命题目的 主要考查other; the other; others; the others; another的用法区别。 解题点拨 首先去掉不合题意的A、C项,因为A项another修饰单数名词,

26、故去掉。C项others不可再修饰名词,再去掉。比较B、D项,B项强调范围,本题无此意,故选D。6 命题目的 主要考查动词用法辩析。 解题点拨 动词finish后接动词时,动词后常接-ing,故选C。7 命题目的 主要考查习惯用法。 解题点拨 根据习惯,如将要给别人带来麻烦时,应该说“Excuse me.”, 故选A。8 命题目的 主要考查连词用法。 解题点拨 分析该句,空格后的句子作动词know的宾语从句,去掉不合题意的since。又因宾语从句中已有了宾语,所以去掉A、B,故选D。9 命题目的 主要考查形容词用法辩析。 解题点拨 首先去掉不合题意的difficult。比较A、B、C三项,A、

27、C项修饰复数名词,故排除,所以选B。10. 命题目的 主要考查动词词意辩析。 解题点拨 把答案中四动词分别代入句中空白处,符合句子逻辑的只有D,意为“表示-”,故选D。(4) The seasons in Australia are the opposite(相反)of ours . _1_ it is winter here ,it is summer there .Australia is _2_ the south of the world .Juliana ,July and August are the winter month. The summer is in December

28、, _3_ and February. The north of the country is _4_ than the south .Australias main (主要的) problem is water . A_5_ large part of the country has no rain at all. But the east coast (海岸) has rain _6_ the year round .There are no dry months here . In March 1982 ,there was a terrible drought (干旱) in Aust

29、ralia . The summer rain didnt _7_ . There were 138 million sheep in Australia this year .This was 14% of all the sheep in the world . Because there was no _8_ rain and the grass didnt grow well, the farmers _9_ to sell many of their sheep and many sheep _10_ , too, It was a great disaster (灾难) for A

30、ustralia farmers.( )1.A.Bacause B.Since C.When D.For ( ) B.on D.near ( )3.A.November B.Jamuary C.March D.October ( )4.A.colder B.cooler C.hotter D.warmer ( )5.A.very C.too D.much( )6.A.whole B.half C.all D.part ( )7.A.have B.fall C.give D.keep ( )8.A.plenty B.a litter C.a lot D.enough ( )9.A.have B.had C.must D.needed ( )10.A.died B.dead C.death D.dying 答案 :1. C2. A3. B4. C5. A

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