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OptiX NGSDH 数据单板IMA专题A.docx

1、OptiX NGSDH 数据单板IMA专题A资料编码产品名称OptiX NG-SDH使用对象技术支持工程师产品版本编写部门TDT 研发资料版本V1.10OptiX NG-SDH数据单板IMA专题拟 制:刘长杰日 期:2007-07-10审 核:日 期:审 核:日 期:批 准:日 期: 华 为 技 术 有 限 公 司版权所有 XX修 订 记 录日 期修订版本作 者描 述2007-07-10V1.00刘长杰根据用服需求新编2008-1-5V1.10OSN产品族文档整体优化目 录1 原理概述 61.1 ATM技术介绍 61.1.1 ATM特点 61.1.2 ATM应用组网方式一 61.1.3 ATM

2、应用组网方式二 71.2 IMA技术介绍 81.2.1 IMA特点 81.2.2 IMA应用组网方式一 81.2.3 IMA应用组网方式二 92 单板规格 92.1 SSN1ADQ1& SSN1ADL4单板规格 92.2 SSN1IDQ1& SSN1IDL4单板规格 103 网管配置界面 113.1 网管界面 113.1.1 主界面 113.1.2 网元级ATM配置界面 113.1.3 单板级ATM配置界面 123.2 界面参数介绍 133.2.1 ATM流量管理参数界面 133.2.2 ATM业务管理参数界面 163.2.3 OAM 参数管理界面 223.2.4 端口子空间参数管理界面 26

3、3.2.5 VCTRUNK绑定参数管理界面t 273.2.6 IMA组参数管理界面 283.2.7 告警参数管理界面 314 典型应用组网 324.1 单网元业务汇聚 324.1.1 工程需求 324.1.2 工程规划 334.1.3 配置过程 344.2 环形组网 444.2.1 工程需求 444.2.2 工程规划 454.2.3 配置过程 484.3 IMA的3G组网 774.3.1 工程需求 774.3.2 工程规划 774.3.3 配置过程 795 典型故障处理案例 875.1 主控复位 875.2 单板复位 885.3 ATM连接业务不通 895.4 IMA链路协商不起来 915.5

4、 ATM业务丢包 926 维护注意事项 93关键词:IMA 配置摘 要:缩略语清单:无。参考资料清单:无。1 原理概述1.1 ATM技术介绍1.1.1 ATM特点1. ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode),异步转移模式,面向连接,信元定长,硬件实现短标签(VPI、VCI)交换,速度快。2. 分组交换,各连接可共享带宽。3. QOS保证。1.1.2 ATM应用组网方式一各个接入点用SDH单板将ATM业务封装到独立的SDH通道。业务仅在目的点通过ATM单板进行ATM层的处理,中间节点不进行ATM层的处理,只完成SDH的VC通道穿通,这种情况下我们可以将2M/155M的AT

5、M业务汇聚到中心节点集中处理后收敛到STM-1/STM-4光口输出。如下图所示:图 1 典型组网方式一1.1.3 ATM应用组网方式二第二类是要进行业务共享和保护:本网元与其他网元上的ATM业务共享同一VC通道(VC-12,VC-4,VC-4-xV),各节点需要进行ATM层的处理,如下图所示:图 2 典型组网方式二这类组网形式主要用于网络中多个网元共享一个VC-12/VC-4/VC-4-xV进行ATM业务的传输,实现ATM业务的带宽共享和保护。 说明: 局限性和市场销售、组网配置注意事项: VP/VC Ring的保护方式是点到点的双向业务, 由于单个单板支持的ATM交换能力一般情况下为1.2G

6、(极端情况只能达到1.05G),通过两个处理芯片级联实现,所以单个单板支持的VP/VC Ring保护带宽为: 300M。1.2 IMA技术介绍1.2.1 IMA特点4. 由于PDH的速率是等级分布的,在E1(2M)和E2(8M)之间没有可行的传输速率。那么,如果要传输速率为3M的ATM信元流,就必须用一条E2链路来承载,必然造成带宽的很大浪费,而通过IMA E1来承载则只需两条E1,提高了带宽的利用率。目前的IMA协议最多可以复用32条链路,以E1为例,可在64M之内可以灵活选择复用带宽。5. 复用的链路可以随时增加或删除,对带宽的配置灵活;如IDQ1中绑定到IMA的VCTRUNK可以动态增减

7、绑定的VC12通道,实现IMA组中其对应的E1链路动态的加入或移出。1.2.2 IMA应用组网方式一Node B上来的业务经过E1透传到IMA单板,实现IMA协议的对接。IMA单板解析出ATM业务然后把多点上来的业务汇集到外部光口,外部光口直接和RNC对接。图 3 IMA典型组网方式一1.2.3 IMA应用组网方式二多点的Node B上来的业务经过2M透传到IMA单板实现IMA协议对接,然后经过SDH网汇聚后成,再将所有Node B业务的汇聚到一个STM-1/STM-4上和RNC对接图 4 IMA典型组网方式二2 单板规格2.1 SSN1ADQ1& SSN1ADL4单板规格内部有8个VC4的交

8、叉容量。提供16个VCTRUNK的绑定。ADQ1提供4个外部155M的光接口。ADL4提供1个外部622M的光接口。8个VC4中后4个VC4可作VC3交叉。内部最大可支持12路E3业务。单个网元支持8K条ATM连接,单个单板支持2K条ATM连接。支持LB、CC等OAM功能。支持ATM端口性能和ATM连接性能。支持1+1/1:1 VPRING/VCRING保护,最大支持300M的保护。单板最大提供600M的ATM双向业务。2.2 SSN1IDQ1& SSN1IDL4单板规格内部有8个VC4的交叉容量。提供70个VCTRUNK的绑定。IDQ1提供4个外部155M的光接口。IDL4提供1个外部622

9、M的光接口。8个VC4中只有第1个VC4可作VC12交叉。内部最大可支持63路E1业务,最大支持16个IMA组,每个IMA组中最多有32个。支持IMA协议1.1和1.0,支持标准协议定义的帧长,支持标准协议定义的帧格式。单个网元支持8K条ATM连接,单个单板支持2K条ATM连接。支持LB、CC等OAM功能。支持ATM端口性能和ATM连接性能。支持1+1/1:1 VPRING/VCRING保护,最大支持300M的保护。单板最大提供600M的ATM双向业务。支持单板1+1 DPS保护3 网管配置界面3.1 网管界面3.1.1 主界面使用T2000配置ATM/IMA业务,其网管配置入口界面包括“主界

10、面”, “网元级ATM配置” 和 “单板级ATM配置”.图1-1 显示网管的主操作入口界面. 图 5 主界面 在主界面中可创建网元、子网、拓扑结构。3.1.2 网元级ATM配置界面Figure 1-2 显示网元级ATM配置.图 6 网元级ATM配置界面NE Level ATM Configuration通过上面红色圈注的界面可配置ATM业务。.3.1.3 单板级ATM配置界面Figure 1-3 shows the board Level ATM configuration.图 7 单板级ATM配置界面Board Level ATM ConfigurationFrom those folder

11、s, operator can configure the parameter of IMA board.3.2 界面参数介绍ATM流量管理参数界面FunctionValue rangeDefault ValueParameter MeaningATM Traffic ManagementIDSystem auto allocationIn each NE, traffic ID is unique. The traffic ID in Ingress direction or Egress direction of each connection can be set respectivel

12、y.Traffic Type15 kinds of trafficThe following table (Table 1-2) lists the relationship between traffic type and service type.Service Type4 kinds of serviceCBR, rtVBR, nrtVBR, ABR, UBR. Except ABR, other services are supported.Clp01Pcr90353207Refer to Table 1-2.The unit is cells/s. The parameter def

13、ines the peak transmission rate of ATM traffic.Clp0Pcr90353207The unit is cells/sClp01Scr90353207The unit is cells/sClp0Scr90353207The unit is cells/sMCR90353207The unit is cells/sMBS2200000The unit is cells/sCDVT713300000The unit is 1/10us.QoS ClassClass1Class5Class1Open flow frame discarding flagY

14、es or NoYesImmediately activate or notYes or NoYesWhether the configuration is activatedNote: 1. The traffic parameters of different traffic types/service types to be configured may not be the same.2. The default value refers to Table 1-2.表1 ATM流量参数表Traffic type on T2000Standard traffic typeService

15、typeClp01PcrClp0PcrClp01ScrClp0ScrMCRMBSCDVTNoTrafficDesriptoratmNoTrafficDescriptorUBR0000000 NoClpNoScratmNoClpNoScr: pcr01UBRCBR90000000ClpNoTaggingNoScratmClpNoTaggingNoScr: pcr01, pcr0CBR909000000ClpTaggingNoScratmClpTaggingNoScr: pcr01, pcr0CBR909000000NoClpScratmNoClpScr:pcr01, scr01, mbsnrtV

16、BR900900020ClpNoTaggingScratmClpNoTaggingScr:pcr01, scr0, mbsnrtVBR900090020ClpTaggingScratmClpTaggingScr:pcr01, scr0, mbsnrtVBR900090020ClpNoTaggingMcratmClpNoTaggingMcrABRDont support.ClpTransparentNoScratmClpTransparentNoScr: pcrO1, cdvtCBR900000010000ClpTransparentScratmClpTransparentScr: pcr01,

17、 scr01, mbs, cdvtrtVBR9009000210000NoClpTaggingNoScratmNoClpTaggingNoScr: pcrO1, cdvtUBR900000010000NoClpNoScrCdvtatmNoClpNoScrCdvt: pcrO1, cdvtrtVBR900000010000NoClpScrCdvtatmNoClpScrCdvt: pcr01, scr01,mbs, cdvtrtVBR9009000210000ClpNoTaggingScrCdvtatmClpNoTaggingScrCdvt: pcr01, scr0, mbs, cdvtrtVBR

18、9000900210000ClpTaggingScrCdvtatmClpTaggingScrCdvt: pcr01, scr0, mbs, cdvtrtVBR9000900210000Note: The last traffic type is applicable to ABR service, which is not supported.3.2.1 ATM业务管理参数界面FunctionValue rangeDefault ValueParameter MeaningATM Service ManagementCross connectConnection ID18192In each

19、NE, connection ID is uniqueConnection TypePVCPVPPVCPVC: VC connectionPVP: VP connectionSpread Typep2pp2mprootp2mpleafp2pp2p: point-to-point, bidirectional connectionp2mproot: multicast root connection, unidirectionalp2mpleaf: multicast branch connection, unidirectionalSource Board/Source IMA board.

20、According how many boards are inserted into the shelf.Source PortExternal Port-xInternal Port-xSource IMA port.For External Port: 1. Therere 4 ports in SSN1IDQ1 board, named “External Port-14”2. Theres 1 port in SSN1IDL4 board, named “External Port-1”For Internal Port: The amount is related to the V

21、CTRUNK numbers configured in IMA board.Source VPI04095Its range is determined by Max. VPI BITS in ATM Interface Management. And the value is decided by engineer plan.Source VCI3265535Its range is determined by Max. VCI BITS in ATM Interface Management. And the value is decided by engineer plan.Posit

22、ive Traffic Descriptor/Traffic ID of positive connection. Its related to the result of “ATM Traffic configuration”.Positive UPC/NPCEnableDisableUPC/NPC of positive connectionSink Board/The value is same as “Source Board”Sink Port/Destination IMA port. According to the service traffic destination.For

23、 External Port: 1. Therere 4 ports in SSN1IDQ1 board, named “External Port-14”2. Theres 1 port in SSN1IDL4 board, named “External Port-1”For Internal Port: The amount is related to the VCTRUNK numbers configured in IMA board.Sink VPI04095Its range is determined by Max. VPI BITS in ATM Interface Mana

24、gement. And the value is decided by engineer plan.Sink VCI3265535Its range is determined by Max. VCI BITS in ATM Interface Management. And the value is decided by engineer plan.Reverse TrafficTraffic ID of reverse connection. Its related to the result of “ATM Traffic configuration”.Reverse UPC/NPCEn

25、able or DisableEnableUPC/NPC of reverse connectionImmediately Activate or NotYes or NoYesWhether the configuration is activatedNote:1. Multicast is a unidirectional connection with the same source but different sinks. It is required to create the root connection (p2mproot) before adding a branch con

26、nection (p2mpleaf). Each root connection can be added with up to eight branch connections. 2. The multicast is divided into spatial multicast and logic multicast. Spatial multicast is a kind of multicast in which the sink ends of root connection and branch connection are at different ports. The logi

27、c multicast is a kind of multicast where the sink ends of the root connection and branch connections are at the same port. But VPI and VCI are different.ProtectionProtection Type1+11:11+1Switching DirectionSinkSourceSink + SourceSinkSwitching TypeDual EndSingle-EndedSingle-EndedRevertiveRevertiveNon

28、-revertiveRevertivePause Time0100100The unit is 100msWTR Time13012The unit is minProtection PairWorking Connection IDThe following note lists the restrictions on creating ATM protection pairs.The value range is decided by the result of “Cross-connection”Protection Connection IDThe value range is dec

29、ided by the result of “Cross-connection”Protection Group IDThe value range is decided by the result of “Protection Group”Note: Restriction on creating ATM Protection Pair1. 1+1 or 1:1 service is created only when the spread type is P2P cross connection.2. When deleting a protection pair, reserve the protection connection on t

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