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1、湖南省衡阳市八年级英语上册期末检测考试题 2015年下期初二年级英语学科期末检测试题试题说明: 本卷共四大题,75个小题,共计120分,时量120分钟。一 听力技能( 共三个部分,20 小题, 计25分 )A 对话理解 (共10小题,计10分)听下面五段对话,每听完一段对话后,回答一个问题.1.( ) Why is snowing bad news for the woman ?A. She cant go home by bike .B. Snowy days make her sad .C. She doesnt bring her hat and gloves .2.( ) What h

2、amburgers does the woman want ?A. A chicken hamburger B. A cheese hamburger C . A beef hamburger3 . ( ) Where did the man visit ?A. Beijing B . Kunming C . Shanghai 4 .( ) How long did it take Alan to finish the test ? A . Half an hour B . An hour C . Two hours 5 .( ) Why didnt Joe clean his bedroom

3、 ? A . He felt tired after playing soccer . B . He was busy doing homework . C . He didnt want to share the housework . 听第六段对话,回答6_7 小题 .6 .( ) How often does Rose cycle ? A . Three times a week B. Four times a week C .Every day7 .( ) When is Rose going to take part in a cycling race ? A . This Wedn

4、esday B . This Thursday C. This Friday听第七段对话 ,回答810 小题8 .( ) What sport does David usually do ? A . Plays basketball B . Takes a walk C . Goes swimming 9 .( ) What does David eat every day ? A . Chocolate B . Fast food C . vegetables10 .( ) How many hours does David sleep every night ? A . Eight hou

5、rs B . Nine hours C . Ten hours B 笔录要点。 根据你所听到的内容,填写下面的表格,每空一词 (共5小题,计5分) Lily On weekends ,she likes to stay at home , play computer games and 11_ . She never goes out to exercise . She is a little 12_ now . She eats chocolate every day . Lucy She often 13_ pingpong in the gym . She only eats choco

6、late 14_ a week . What Lucy buys for Lily A( n) 15_ about how to keep healthy .C 短文理解 。 听短文,根据所听到的内容判断下列句子的正( T )误 ( F )(共5小题 ,计 10分 )( )16 .Miss White is a music teacher .( )17. Last year Miss White came to the new school .( )18 .Miss White gave everyone nothing to eat during the concert .( )19 .Th

7、e concert lasted two hours .( )20 .The students really liked the music . 二 . 知识运用 (共两个部分,20 小题,计20分 )A 单项选择。从 A.B.C三个选项中选择正确答案填空。(共10小题,计10分)21 . Sarah does well _running and she thinks it is good _ her health.A. in , for B. in , in C. for, for 22. Jane used to _, but now she likes _. A. swim ,read

8、B. swam, reading C. swim ,reading23. _ I didnt watch the movie because I lost the ticket . _ _. A. How terrible B. What a pity C. You are right24. _ you _ your homework at 9 yesterday evening ? A. Did, do B. Were , doing C. Were , do25. Wang Li spent _ time reading the book than Zhou Chen. A. less B

9、. little C. fewer26. _ lovely day . Lets go for a picnic . A. What B. What a C. How27. The music _ so sweet that the girl lost _ in it . A. sounds , her B. sounded , herself C . sounds , herself28. _ Is Mr. Brown driving here ? _ Im not sure . _ he will come here by bus .A. May B. May be C. Maybe29.

10、 Dont eat _ food, or you will become_ fat . A. too much , much too B. too much , too much C. much too , much too 30. _ Michael , could I use your dictionary ? _ _. Im not using it now . A . Hurry up B . Not at all C. Sure , go aheadB.完形填空。 阅读短文,从所给的A.B.C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。(共10小题, 计10分) Different people h

11、ave different hobbies . We students also have our own hobbies such as 31_ , painting and looking after animals . 32_ can make us grow , develop our interests and help us learn many things . Liu Tao is a student . His hobby is 33_. When he was a junior high school student , he wrote a book and publis

12、hed ( 出版 )it in 2012. Many teenagers ( 青少年 ) 34_ his book . As a result , he became a successful young 35_ now . Liu Tao is very lucky 36_ his hobby brings him success . But he regards writing as only one 37_ his many hobbies . He is 38_ in other things . He likes playing football , too .Remember th

13、at we 39_ spend all our time on our favorite hobby . There are many other interesting things 40_ in life .31. ( ) A. read B . reading C. to read32 . ( )A. Hobbies B . Habits C . Life33. ( ) A. writing B. swimming C. reading34 . ( ) A . show B. hate C . like35 . ( ) A . writer B . scientist C . reade

14、r36 . ( ) A. because B . why C . however37 .( ) A. for B .of C. with38 .( ) A. interest B. interests C .interested39 .( ) A .shouldnt B. can C. should40. ( ) A. do B. to do C. doing三阅读技能 ( 共四个部分,20小题,计40分 ) (A)阅读下面的短文,判断句子的正误,正确的在括号里写“”,错误的写。( 共小题,计分。)Dear Jack, Im sorry to hear about your accident

15、. Your classmatestold me you broke your arm in the skating competition ( 比赛 ) . I hope your arm doesnt hurt too much . I will send some movies to cheer you up . I think you will enjoy these new movies .I once broke my arm , too . So I know how you are feeling now . It happened last year . I rode my

16、bike home . Suddenly , a monkey appeared(出现 ) in front of me . I was frightened (害怕 )and fell down from my bike . Luckily , some kind people saw the accident and took me to the hospital .Anyway , Ill come and see you at the weekend . I hope youll get better soon . Yours , Mike根据短文内容,判断正 ( T ) 误 ( F

17、) 。41. ( ) Jack had a traffic (交通 ) accident (事故 ).42. ( ) Jack broke his arm in a competition .43. ( ) Mike will send some movies to Jack .44 . ( ) Mike broke his arm in an accident last year .45 . ( ) Mike went to hospital by himself after the accident . ( B ) 阅读下面的短文,回答所提的问题 (共5小题,计10分 ) In Engla

18、nd , children dont get their presents on Christmas Eve ( December 24th ). Father Christmas , or Santa Claus , comes at night when everyone is asleep . He comes down the chimneys ( 烟囱 )of houses and leaves the presents in the stockings at the foot of childrens beds . On the morning of Christmas Day (

19、 December 25th ), children usually get up very early to open the presents . Then they have plenty of time to play with their new toys . Their parents prepare the Christmas dinner for the whole family . They usually eat turkey and Christmas pudding . (布丁 )At three oclock in the afternoon , many peopl

20、e turn their TV on to listen to the Queens Christmas message . The day ends with everyone relaxing , playing games , watching TV , singing Christmas carols or just falling asleep . 46. Where are the Christmas stocking ? _.47. Do children get their presents on the morning of Christmas Day ? _.48. Whe

21、n is Christmas Day ? _.49. Why do many people turn on their TV at 3 in the afternoon On Christmas Day ? _.50. What do people usually eat for Christmas Day ? _ ( C ) 阅读材料, 从每小题所给A. B. C中选出最佳选项 ( 共5小题,计10分 ) The school had a very good football team . The headmaster was glad because the team always won

22、 . The boys were all clever and active ( 活跃 ) . Its best player was Peter , but he was the worst student . He always did something wrong in school . He didnt study hard and never did his homework on time , so his teachers were angry with him . But his coach (教练 ) liked him very much . When Peter was

23、 in Grade Two , one day , the headmaster called him to his office and told him, “ You must leave the school because you copied ( 抄写 ) others answers again and again. ” The boy said nothing and left the office . After a moment his coach came to the office and said to the headmaster , “ Are you sure P

24、eter copied the answers ? He is the best player and must be the best student , too .” The headmaster showed him two answer papers . “ This one is Susans paper. She is the best student in the class ,” the headmaster said . “ This one is your football players . They are the same . The football player

25、sat at the next desk , and just copied from her .” “ But maybe she copied from him ,” the coach said ,” You cant say that . ” “ Look at this ,” the headmaster said , “ Susan didnt know the answer to the question , so she wrote ,“ I dont know .” “ And your football player wrote , “ I dont know either

26、 .” 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 51. The headmaster _. A. liked Peter very much B. was glad because the team always won C. was clever and active 52. Peter was _. A. the best player and the best student B. the best player but the worst student C. the worst player but the best student 53. Peter copied others answer

27、 _. A. often B. seldom C. once 54 . Peters coach _ the headmaster .A. didnt agree with B. agreed with C. was angry with 55. Which of the following is NOT true ? A. Peters coach liked him very much. B. Peter always did something wrong in school . C. Peter didnt copy Susans answers . ( D )阅读短文,从A. B.

28、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。 ( 共5小题,计10分 ) A short Chinese man is one of the biggest men in the world now. He is Ma Yun . (马云) Ma Yun was born in 1964 in Hangzhou . When he was young , he wanted to learn English . Every morning he got up at 5 , rode his bike for 40 minutes to a hotel near the West Lake and talked

29、 with foreign tourists (外国游客 )in English . He did it for nine years , rain or shine . In 1994 , MaYun heard about the Internet for the first time . And on a trip to the USA in 1995 , MaYun saw the Internet for the first time . He searched Yahoo for the world “ beer “ , but he found there was nothing about Chinese beer . When he saw the chance , he returned to China and set up ( 创立 ) a website . He called it China Pages . Four years later , MaYun , his wife and his friends set up Alibaba in Hangzhou . He believed in the Internet business potential (商业潜力 )when few other Chinese did .

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