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高中英语人教版选修八Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Using language课时作业 1.docx

1、高中英语人教版选修八Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Using language课时作业 1Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Using language课时作业一、单词拼写1. He was interested in _ (天文学)and always stayed up at night to watch the stars.2. Computer hackers have broken down security _(系统), raising questions about the safety of information.3.

2、Too much sugar can be _(伤害)to childrens teeth. 4. The threestar hotel offers a friendly _ (气氛)and personal service.5. What you did would _ (阻止)the children from playing computer games too much.6. Marys _(到场)at the party last night was not noticed.7. 6 _ (乘) by 5 is 30.8. _(理论)is based on practice.9.

3、 Not long ago a _(剧烈)earthquake occurred off the coast of Indonesia.10. My sister _(困惑) me and causes me anxiety.【答案】二、选词填空in time in ones turn prevent from block out give birth to as far as1. Sheila describes the adventure of _ Perri in a tiny town where her husband was doing research fieldwork.2.

4、The wall _ all the light. It should be pulled down.3. Ill go with you _ the station for company.4. The manager wants to see changes in the company, and I am sure he will _.5. Class Three should be responsible for raising the red flag this week _.6. Sometimes I think _ myself _ smoking and drinking i

5、s a very hard task.【答案】三、单句改错1. If you put your heart into it, youll succeed on time. _2. This is such interesting a film that I see it twice._3. Its no longer a question now that whether man can land on the moon._4. Whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend o

6、n if this problem can be solved._5. General speaking, he is a smart boy except his carelessness._6. The river is so polluted that every day we can see a lot of things being floating on the water._【答案】1. onin 2. suchso3. 去掉whether 4. ifwhether5. GeneralGenerally 6. 去掉being四、单项填空1. _a certain doubt am

7、ong the workers as to the necessity of the work.A. It existed B. There existedC. There had D. It had【答案】B【解析】句意:对于做这份工作的必要性,工人们存在一定的疑惑。There exists/existed.有/存在,相当于There be.结构。2. Seeing the bad results of the exams, she was rather frustrated and felt _ about her future.A. surprising B. puzzlingC. pu

8、zzled D. surprised【答案】C3. Theory is based on practice and _ serves practice. A. in turn B. by and byC. by chance D. in this case【答案】A【解析】A. 依次,轮流,反过来;B. 不久以后;C. 意外地;D. 在这种情况下。句意:理论基于实践并反过来为实践服务。结合语境可知选A。4. We rent a beach house with two small rooms, _can serve as a kitchen.A. the smaller of which B.

9、 a smaller of whichC. the smaller of them D. smaller of that【答案】A【解析】考查定语从句的引导词。先行词为rooms,应用which引导;the 比较级表示两者之中较的那一个。5. The bill would _ workers twelve weeks of unpaid leave for family emergencies.A. permit B. supply C. admit D. provide【答案】A【解析】permit后可接sb to do sth,表示允许某人做某事;provide和supply都有提供之意,

10、而admit是承认之意,三者均不符合句意。6. Darling, I didnt get promoted._! There will be loads of other opportunities.A. Well done B. What a pityC. Cheer up D. All right【答案】C【解析】答语句意:振作起来!还会有很多其他的机会的。well done做得很好;what a pity真遗憾;cheer up振作起来;all right好。7. The police arrived twenty minutes later and _ the crowd for th

11、e sake of safety.A. took up B. wound upC. woke up D. broke up【答案】D【解析】考查动词短语。句意:二十分钟后警察到了,为了安全起见把人群驱散了。take up从事,占据;wind up上弦;wake up唤醒;break up驱散。8. The air liner from Beijing _ at 3:00 p.m.A. is about to arrive B. has arrivedC. arrives D. is going to arrive【答案】C【解析】此处表示根据时间表或安排即将发生的事情,应该用一般现在时表将来或

12、现在进行时表将来。故选C。 9. At this time tomorrow, _ over the Atlantic.A. were going to fly B. well be flyingC. well fly D. were to fly【答案】B五、阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AScientists now believe there are some things in the sky that we will never see. We wont see them with the biggest telescope in the

13、world,on the clearest night of the year. Thats because they are unseen. They are the mysterious dead stars called black holes.You might find it hard to imagine that stars die. After all, our sun is a star. Year after year we see it up in the sky, burning brightly, giving us heat and light. The sun c

14、ertainly doesnt seem to be getting old or weak. But stars do burn out and die after billions of years.As the stars gases burn, they give off light and heat. But when the gases run out, the star stops burning and begins to die. As the star cools, the outer layers of the star pull in toward the center

15、. The star pushes into a smaller and smaller ball. Imagine if the earth were crushed (挤压) until it was the size of a tiny marble (玻璃弹子). Thats how tightly this dead star, a black hole, is packed. What pulls the star in toward its center with such power? Its gravity. A black hole is so tightly packed

16、 that its gravity sucks in (吸进) everything even light. The light from a black hole can never come back to your eyes. Thats why you see nothing but blackness.1. Which of the following can explain how the star dies?A. As the gases run out, it cools down.B. As it hits other stars, it crashes.C. As it s

17、ucks in too much light, it explodes.D. As it gets hotter and hotter, it explodes.2. The underlined word “mysterious” in Paragraph 1 probably means _.A. ordinary B. bright C. strange D. common3. Which of the following is NOT a fact?A. Black holes are dead stars.B. Black holes have gravity.C. The dead

18、 stars are tightly packed.D. The sun wont die even after billions of years.4. What happens after a star dies?A. It becomes invisible.B. It falls to the earth.C. It burns up all of its gases.D. It becomes brighter and easier to see.【答案】【语篇解读】有些星星是我们无法看见的,这些被望远镜看不到的天体被称为黑洞。科学家们正在研究它们。3. D【解析】细节理解题。由第二

19、段最后两句话可知。4. A【解析】推理判断题。由最后一段内容可推知,当一颗星星死亡后,就看不见了。BImagine being at a movie theater. You are watching a movie youve been waiting months to see. All of a sudden, a mans cell phone rings. Not only does the man answer it, he keeps talking on the phone for a long time. Situations like this lead many peop

20、le to support cell phone blocking equipment (屏蔽设备). While this is quite understandable, its much fairer and safer to allow people to use their cell phones in movie theaters.Using cell phones in movie theaters is a matter of culture. If you look around a theater, most people there are not using phone

21、s and are enjoying the film they paid to see. The few bad apples are those that are rude in almost all situations. The ones that shout at waiters and cut in line. Putting in the blocking equipment would punish everyone, not just the impolite, but the wellmannered people as well.Many theaters already

22、 have punishments in place for people who use their cell phones in a troublesome way while in movies. At theaters I have been to, they periodically have workers come in and see if there are rude phone users. If they notice anyone breaking theater rules, they have the power to remove people from the

23、area. Thats enough to prevent most movie goers from using cell phones in an unacceptable way.Another argument against putting in cell phone blocking equipment is emergency situations. There are times when people might be getting a message that requires them to leave the theater. Some of these might

24、be car accidents, births, deaths, or someone getting locked out etc. All of these are situations that would just require someone to immediately leave the theater.Putting in cell phone blocking equipment would be unfair to those who know how to use their phones politely. The answer to this problem is

25、 to make sure rules are followed, not to prevent everyone in the theater from using their cell phones.5. The man mentioned in Paragraph 1 can be described as_.A. patient B. impolite C. friendly D. strict6. According to the text, the badmannered phone users_.A. are rude not just in movie theatersB. s

26、how no interest in the movies at allC. welcome the blocking equipmentD. are much worse than a few bad apples7. What is the authors attitude to cell phone blocking equipment in movie theaters?A. He pays little attention to it. B. He feels doubtful about it.C. He is uncertain of it. D. He is against i

27、t.8. Which of the following shows the structure of the text?【答案】【语篇解读】本文是议论文。经常有人在看电影时打电话,会影响其他人。一些人希望电影院安装手机信号屏蔽设备,作者就此提出了反对意见。六、七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。As youre busy with your studies, the weeks during the Spring Festival can be a time when training and healthy eating plans go

28、out of the window. But you can continue running and avoid weight gain during the holiday season. 1 Pick a race.Having a race on your calendar (日历) is a motivation to keep running during the holiday. 2 Check our active. com or Running in the City for events near you.Dont skip breakfast.If youre going to a holiday party in the evening, dont make the mistake of skipping breakfast. You may think youre saving calories for later. 3 Bring your own healthy dishes.Chances are that most of the dishes at holiday gatherings are going to be high in taste and calories. Bring your

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