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1、初中英语100道语法点重点难点题100道英语题包含所有语法点、重难点,初中三年都在考(附答案)今天,老师为大家分享英语单选100题,包含初中三年所有的语法点、重难点,中考前一定要全部做一遍。( )1.Where UncleSun yesterday?A.was B.were C.did D.does( )2.They going to seeMr. Sun B.are D. be( )3.Someare intheriver and someare games.A.swiming,playing B.swimming,playingC. swimming,

2、playing D.swimming,playing( )4.Whereis Dick?He tothe reading-room.A.hasbeen B. went C.hasgone D.goes( ) 5.Mark Twain, anAmericanwriter, everybody here.A.knows knownto D.isknown for( )6.Ihope he willcometo see mebeforehe here.A.leave B.leaves C. will leave D.left( )7.Myteachertoldmeth

3、at Australians English.A.spoke B.speakC. speaks D.arespeaking( )8.Ithink she right now.A.reading B.reads reading )9.-Wherearethe children?-They a goodtimeinthegarden.A.arehaving B.have C.have had D.had( )10.-Where myglasses?Icantfindthem.-I themonthebookshelf,butthey arent there.A.youpu

4、t,put B. youhaveput, have putC.haveyou put,put D. didyouput,have put( )11.When thepolice arrived,theman for 10minutes.A.died B. wasdeath C.had died D.had been dead( )12. Bythetimethistalkisover,we alot about theearth.A.willbelearning B.arelearning C. world learn D.will have learnt( )13.The teacherst

5、old methat they meto smoothaway the difficulties.A.helped B.will help D.weregoing tohelp( )14.-Have youseen himtoday?-Yes,I himthis morning.A.has seen B.see C.willsee D.saw( )15.He worriedwhenhe B.was C.does D.did( )16.Whatsyour friend going next week.A.doing C.does D.

6、to do( )17.Idontthink thatitstrue. Hesalways strangestories.A.tell B.telling C.told D. tells( )18.Have youever WestHill Farm?A.gone to B.arrived C.cometo D.beento( )19.Howlong he thenovel?A.has,borrowed B. has, keptC.has,lent,using( )20.He todo thislessons at eight every begining B

7、. isbeginningC.begin D. begins( )21.The children a swimthis afternoon.A.aregoing tohas B. is going tohaveC. are having D.aregoing tohave( )22.There atelephonecall formy B.are C. was D.were( )23. he onwellwithhisfriendsthisterm?A.Does,gets B. Does, getC. Is,getting D.Is, g

8、eting( )24.Who awaymy pen?Icantfind it.A.haven taken B.takes C.hastaken D.took( )25.Shallwe football thisSaturday? B. playing C.plays D.toplay( )26.The children at school B. are C.was D.were( )27. Mr.Smith shortstories, buthe a TVplay writing, iswriting writing, wr

9、itesC.writes,is writing D.writes,writes( )28.Hesaid he theleaguefor twoyears.A.has joined B.hasbeen in C.had beenin D.joined( )29.Shelikeswateringtreesinthe garden, she?A.doesnt B.dontC.isnt D.didnt( )30.What you todo tokeep theroomclean?,have B. does, haveC.did,have D.are, have( )31.Someflowers

10、 byKatealready.A.have been watered B.watered C.have watered D.has beenwatered( )32.When wintercomes,theleaves fall.A.aregoing to B. will C.will be D.would( )33.I tothecinema.I thereevery Sunday.A.go,go B.amgoing, goC.go,amgoing D.amgoing,amgoing( )34.You aboutthefuture now, you?A.dontthink,dont

11、ent thinking, arentC.dontthink, do D.arent thinking, are( )35.Hewasafraid that he hisway.A.wouldlost going to D.shalllose( )36.We each other sincehelefthere.A.didntsee B.hadntseenC.haventseen D. hadseen( )37. Mr.Smith outfor a walkintheparkevery going B.goes C. went D.go( )3

12、8.He fromhomefor a longtime.A.hasgone away B.had gone awayC.has left D.hasbeenaway( )39.You mustntgotoo high, oryou dangerous.A.will be B.are C.wouldbe D.isgoingto( )40.We have known each other .A.sincewewereyoung B.after wewereyoungC. whenwe areyoung D.ifweareyoung( )41.Shepromisedshe dobetter work

13、.A.would B. will C.shall D.isgoingto( )42.Howlong hasthisshop ?A.beopen B.been openC.opened D.been opened( )43. Mr.Smith heresincehe movedto hiscity.A.hadlived B. have liveC.have lived D.haslived( )44.-Have youreadthe newspaper?-No,I havent .A.too B. yet C.just D.already( )45.Ourknowledgeofthe unive

14、rse allthe time.A.grow B. isgrowing C.grows D. grew( )46.She wontgo tothecinemaifshe the worktomorrow.A.doesntfinish B. wontfinishC.willfinish D.finish( )47. Mygrandma forhalf a year.A.hasbeen dead B. was deadC.hasdied D. died( )48.She tothe GreatWallseveral times.A.goes B.hasgoneC.went D. hasbeen(

15、)49.The earth roundthesun.A.move B.movesC.moved D.willmove( )50.LiuFengwei threeyuan for thelostlibrary book.A.paid B.spent C.cost D. took( )51.I thebikefor over fouryears.A.have bought B.have buyC.have had D. bought( )52.He toldusthat he that factory thenextday.A.hadvisited B. hasvisitedC. will vis

16、it D.wouldvisit( )53.Hismother theParty last year.She a Partymember for a year.A.joined,was B.hasjoined,isC.joined, hasbeen D.has joined, hasbeen( )54.We dont know ifit the dayaftertomorrow.A.willrain B.rainsC. rained D.wouldrain( )55.Hesaid he hislifefor hiscountry.A.give B.gave C.had given D.would

17、give( )56.He always tothepark onSundaymorning.A.go B.goes C. went D.isgoing( )57.Look, thestudents tothe listening B. are listeningC.listen D.listened( )58.He inthisschool in1958.A.taught B. hastaughtC.teaches D. hadtaught( )59.Theysaidthey toEngland thenext day.A.will fly B.ha

18、dflownC. wouldfly D. flew( )60.They theworkintwo days.A. hadfinished B.would finishing D. willfinish( )61. Bytheend oflastweek, we two thousand words.A.would learn B.have learnedC.hadlearned D. werelearning( )62.When heleft, hismother .A. is cooking B.cooked C. wascooking D. cooks( )63.

19、Wellgotoplay withsnow ifit tomorrow.A.snow B.snowsC.will snow D. snowed( )64.There nomilkinthe glass.A. have B.has C.are D. is( )65.The train whenwe gottothestation.A. hasjustleft B.had justleft C.leaves D. left( )66.Dr Smithis not athome.He towork.A. hasgone B.hasbeenC.hadbeen D. had gone( )67.That

20、 manknowsa lotabout NewYork.Iheard he before.A. hadgone tothecity B.had beenin thereC. had been there D. had beenNewYork( )68.The artist to Europe. He is there now.A. hasgone B.hasbeenC.had gone D. hadbeen( )69. MissBrownsaidshe never toNorthChina before.A. has, gone B.has,been C.had, gone D.had, be

21、en( )70.What your grandma this timeyesterday?A. is,doing B.was, doingC. did, do D. had,done( )71.I toseethefilmbecauseI have lost my ticket.A.wontgo B.didnt goC.dont go D. haventgone( )72.The studentswillhavea football matchifit fine nextSaturday.A.will be B.would beC. was )73.SheaskedmeifI th

22、estory before.A. haveread B.hadreadC. wouldread D.will read( )74.What they at eight yesterday evening?A.are, doing B.did, do C.have, done D.were,doing( )75.Youcantsee himnowbecausehe animportantmeeting.A. is having B.haveC.has D.washaving( )76.I tomy brother sincelastsummer.A. didntwrite B.hadntwrit

23、tenC.havent written D. dontwrite( )77.LiPingwill visittheGreatWallassoonashe free.A.will be C. was D.hasbeen( )78.Oneday whenI the postofficeI myuncle.A. pass,see B. was passing, sawC.passed, saw D.pass, saw( )79.He he somemistakesinthetest.A.said,willmake B. said, madeC.said, hadmade D.said, m

24、ake( )80.They tiredsothey stopped a rest.A.are, have B. were,haveC. were,tohave D.are, having( )81. Myfather every day.A.takesa walk B.tookwalk C.take a walk D. is taking a walk( )82. Mary is sevenyearsold.She eight B. will C.was D.will be( )83.Atableandmany chairs madebyhimyesterday.A

25、.was B.were C.arebeing D.was being( )84.Ill gowithyou assoonas I mywork.A.willfinish B.shall finishC.finish D.finished( )85.Trees greeninspring.A.turn B.turnsC.wouldturn D.isturning( )86.YesterdayI inbedall day because Ihadafever.A.lay B.lie C.laid D.lain( )87.Hello,Mike. Itsyou.I you inBeijing. How long have youbeen here?A.dont know,were B.hadntknow,areC.havent known,are D.didnt know,were( )88.A:When again?B:When he .Illletyou know.A.hecomes,

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