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牛津沪教版英语六年级下册 Unit3 复习学案.docx

1、牛津沪教版英语六年级下册 Unit3 复习学案六年级下U3Step3: Words and expressions. . Words.1. festival n.节日e. g. -The Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese festival.春节是中国的传统节日。 -Its the most important holiday of the year.它是一年中最重要的节日。【记忆链接】Dragon Boat Festival端午节 Mid-autumn Festival中秋节2. race n. 比赛e. g. -Who won the 400-

2、metre race? 谁赢了400米赛跑? -Alison won first prize.艾莉森得了第一名。【记忆链接】racing car赛车 horse race赛马 boat race赛船3. something pron.某事;某物e. g. -Are you looking for me? 你在找我吗?-Yes, I have something to ask you.是的,我想问你点儿事。【友情提示】在英语中,如果需要用形容词修饰something、somebody和someone这些词时,形容词只能放在这些词后面,如something interesting 或somebod

3、y boring。4. celebrate v.庆祝;举行仪式;纪念(节日)e. g. We celebrated the New Year with a dance party.我们举行跳舞晚会庆祝新年。People usually celebrate Mid-autumn Festival with a gather-together dinner.人们总是要一起吃顿团圆饭来纪念中秋节。【知识拓展】celebration n.庆祝会,典礼e. g. birthday celebrations生日庆祝会a day of celebration庆祝日5. born v. 出生;出世e. g.

4、She was born in 1980.她生于1980年。The Trades Union movement was born in the early years of the century. 工会运动创始于本世纪初。【知识拓展】be born, give birth to的区别(1) be born意为“出生”,但其主语通常只能是表示被生下的人或动物。e. g. She was born in 1968.她生于1968年。She was born in a very musical family.她生在音乐之家。(2)give birth to意为“生产,生下”。其宾语通常是表示幼畜或

5、婴儿的词,其主语只能是表示雌性的词。e. g. She gave birth to five children.她生了五个小孩。6. ago adv.以前e. g. -Have you been to Beijing before? 你去过北京吗? -Yes, I went there six years ago. 去过,六年前去的。7. country n.(1)(复数countries)国家e. g. China and Japan are Asian countries.中国和日本是亚洲国家。【百科小贴士】世界七大洲中,除南极洲外,都有国家分布,各大洲的国家分布是不均衡的,非洲的国家最多

6、。面积最大的国家是俄罗斯,面积最小的国家是梵蒂冈,总面积只有0.44平方公里。(2)乡下,农村 e. g. -Where did you go yesterday, Mary? 玛丽,你昨天去哪儿了?-We went for a picnic in the country. 我们去乡下野餐了。8. advice n.劝告,忠告,意见e. g. Thats my advice to you. 这就是我给你出的主意。On his advice I am staying in bed. 听他的劝告,我卧床休息。【友情提示】advice是不可数名词,不可以说an advice,一条建议可以说a pie

7、ce of advice。【记忆链接】some advice一点意见 a piece of advice一条意见 give advice提出忠告 take ones advice接受忠告【知识拓展】advise v.劝告,忠告,警告,建议 9. king n.国王e. g. -Does France have a king? 法国有国王吗?-No, it doesnt. It has a president.没有,有总统。【百科小贴士】当今世界仍有几十个国家有国王或者女王,这些国家包括:比利时、丹麦、荷兰、挪威、瑞典、泰国、西班牙、英国等。 10. die v.(过去式、过去分词died,现在

8、分词dying)死e. g. -Fish will die without clean water. 没有清洁的水,鱼就会死去。-Thats right. We must keep our rivers clean.对,我们必须保持河流清洁。11. later adv.以后e. g.-Someones knocking at the door. Ill call you back later. 有人敲门,我过会儿给你打过去。-Talk to you later then.那就一会儿再聊吧。【指点迷津】late adj.(1)迟到的e. g. -Hurry up, or well be late

9、 for school! 快点,不然上学要迟到了!-Dont worry. Theres still twenty minutes left.不用着急,还有20分钟呢。(2)晚的e. g. -I have a lot of work and will go home late today.今天有很多工作,我会晚点儿回家。-OK, but dont be too late.好的,但不要太晚。12. lose v.失去;丢失;输e. g. I cannot find my watch, I must have lost it. 我找不到手表,我一定把它给丢了。Our team lost the f

10、ootball match.我们队足球比赛输了。【记忆链接】lose memory丧失记忆 lose ones eyesight失去视力 lose ones way迷路 lose a chance错过机会 lose ones train没赶上火车 lose a game输一局场 lose a battle打败仗 lose ones job失业【知识拓展】find v.发现;找到 win v.赢得13. battle n.战斗e. g. The hero was killed in battle.这位英雄在战斗中牺牲了。【记忆链接】gun battle枪战 battlefield战场 battl

11、e plane战机 battleship战舰14. lunar adj.月(亮)的;阴历的【记忆链接】lunar module登月舱 lunar naut登月宇航员 lunar vehicles月球车 lunar month太阴月(约29.5日) lunar calendar阴历 lunar year闰年15. remember v.想起,记起e. g. -Do you remember Helen? 你记得海伦吗? -Yes, we were classmates in primary school.记得,我们在小学是同班同学。16. without prep.没有e. g. -Ive po

12、sted the letter without a stamp.我没贴邮票就把信投进邮箱了。-Oh, no! 哦,真糟糕!17. pudding n.(餐后的)甜食,甜点;布丁 e. g. There isnt a pudding today.今天没有甜食。Bread and butter pudding面包和黄油布丁18. rather adv.宁愿,宁可;更确切地;有点,相当e. g. Id rather go to the movies.我宁愿去看电影。Hes my friend, or rather he was my friend.他是我的朋友,不过更确切地说,他曾经是我的朋友。He

13、 was rather tired.他有些疲倦了。19. send v. (过去式、过去分词sent)寄送e. g. -Have you sent New Year cards to your friends? 你给你的朋友们寄新年贺卡了吗? -Yes, Ive sent quite a few.是的,寄了不少。. Daily expressions. 日常表达1. very much 很,非常e. g. -Do you like the book? 你喜欢这本书吗? -Yes, I like it very much.是的,非常喜欢。2. in danger 在危险中danger n.危险

14、dangerous adj.危险的e. g. Some wild animals are in danger.有些野生动物处境危险。Its dangerous to go out when there is a typhoon. 台风来临时外出很危险。3. moon cake 月饼e. g. People usually eat moon cakes on 15th August.人们经常在八月十五那天吃月饼。4. the fifth day of the fifth lunar month 农历五月初五;端午节阴(农)历的表达是中国特有的表达方式。在英文中,我们要用序数词来表达农历的第几个月

15、和第几天。 e. g. the fifteenth day of the first lunar month衣历正月十五(元宵节)5. have dragon boat races 举行龙舟赛e. g. Every year, we have dragon boat races on Dian Shan Hu Lake.我们每年要在淀山湖上举行龙舟赛。【知识拓展】have作为实义动词,含有多种含义。e. g. have breakfast吃早饭have a swim/walk/ride游戏散步骑马have a class上课have a meeting开会We have coffee at 1

16、1.我们11点钟喝咖啡。【随堂小练】. Choose the word or expression which is closest in meaning to the underlined part in each sentence. A. would like to B. sad C. without D. send E. take his advice F. over( ) 1. There are more than fifty students in my class.( ) 2. Qu Yuan was not happy at that time.( ) 3. I dont li

17、ke rice dumplings with no meat.( ) 4. The new king didnt listen to him.( ) 5. I want to have some pudding.( ) 6. I will post a Christmas card to my friend.【Keys】1. F 2. B 3. C 4. E 5. A 6. D. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms. 1.Id rather have some . ( sandwich)2.I like r

18、ice dumplings with meat. (salt) 3.People cant live air. (with)4.Why do people have a (celebrate)5.The new king didnt listen to Qu Yuans_. (advise)6.Look, the boy is in . (dangerous)【Keys】1. sandwiches 2. salty 3. without 4. celebration 5. advice 6. dangerStep 4: Important Sentences structures.1. Tod

19、ay, people eat rice dumplings and have dragon boat races to remember him on that day every year.(1) to remember him为不定式表目的,意为“为了”e. g. Tom gets up early to catch the early bus.汤姆起得早是为了赶上早班公交车。(2)on表示具体的某一天或特殊的某一天的早上、下午、晚上等。e. g. on Tuesday 在星期二 on April 8 在4月8日on the night of May 25th 在5月25日的晚上 on a

20、 sunny morning 在一个晴朗的早晨【知识拓展】(1) at表示时间的一点或较短的时期。e. g. at 11:00在11点钟 at half past five在5点半at noon在中午 at this time of day在每天的这个时刻(2) in表示某年、某季、某月或泛指某天中的某段时间。e. g. in 1998在1998年 in spring在春天 in July在7月in the morning/afternoonevening在上午下午晚上2. I like sweet rice dumplings without beans, but I dont like s

21、alty ones with meat.(1) one是代词,ones是其复数形式,指代rice dumplings。(2)介词with意为“带有”;without是其反义词,意为“没有”。(3) but为并列连词,表示转折。e. g. I like this warm weather, but I dont like hot weather. 我喜欢这种温暖的天气,但我不喜欢炎热的天气。3. Would you like用于询问对方的意见,相当于Do you want?肯定回答用“Yes, please”;否定回答用“No, thanks”。e. g. -Would you like som

22、e more ice-cream? 你想再来点冰淇淋吗?-Yes, please./No, thanks.好啊。/不要了,谢谢。【指点迷津】want, would like的区别want vt.“想;想要”,相当于would like。当主语是第一人称时,用would like要多于want,因would like语气较委婉。want和would like用法一样,其后可接名词作宾语,也可接不定式作宾语,也可接sb。再加不定式作复合宾语。e. g. I want/would like a kilo of tea.我要一千克茶叶。He wants/would like to go and see

23、 Mr Green.他想去看格林先生。4. Id rather have a piece of pizza.Id rather“情愿,宁愿”,是would rather的缩写形式,多用于口语的表达,后接动词原形。e. g.-Would you like to go shopping with me this afternoon?你今天下午愿意和我一起去购物吗?-Well, Id rather stay at home.哦,我宁可待在家里。【友情提示】would rather还常常和than连用。e. g. Shed rather play tennis than swim. 她宁愿打网球也不愿

24、游泳。American young people would rather get advice from strangers than from families.美国的年轻人宁可咨询陌生人,也不愿咨询家人。. 随堂练习】Choose the best answer. ( ) 1. There is airport in Pudong New Area.A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 2. Would you please your name here?A. write B. to write C. writedown D. to write down( ) 3. Let

25、 me to the airport tomorrow.A. drive B. to drive C. will drive D. driving( ) 4. Uncle and Aunt in America for five years.A. live B. lived C. has lived D. have lived( ) 5. My father will the airport at 2 oclock.A. arrived B. arrive C. reach D. get( ) 6. Are you going to country for a holidayA. other

26、B. the other C. another D. the another( ) 7. This is a map Hainan Island.A. for B. to C. from D. of( ) 8. Pudong International Airport is the city center.A. far away B. near C. far away from D. far( ) 9. you ever Canada?A. Have. . . been to B. Have. . . goneC. Have. . . been in D. Have. . . gone in(

27、 ) 10. A: Is there in this book?A. something interesting B. anything interestingC. interesting anything D. interesting anything( ) 11. Susan often helps her mum the cleaning on Sundays.A. for B. by C. to D. with( ) 12. What time are they going to ?A. come back to home B. come back at homeC. come bac

28、k home D. back home( ) 13. The moon is closer than any star.A. for us B. by us C. from us D. to us( ) 14. The child looks ill. Something be wrong with him.A. must B.need C. can D. need to( ) 15. Miss Zhang is going to teach maths next term.A. our B. us C. we D. ours【Keys】1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C 6.

29、C 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. B 11. D 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. B. Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms. 1.I have bought two for my friends as Christmas presents. (scarf)2.Would you please tell me the time of flight NO. MU586. (depart)3.Ill meet my father at the airport before the plane

30、. (arrival)4.There are some over there. (trolley)5.All the must wait here until the rain stops. (passage)6.Do you know the of the bus? (destinate)【Keys】1. scarves 2. departure 3. arrives 4. trolleys 5. passengers 6. destination. Rewrite the following sentences. 1.Jacks already been to Hainan Island.

31、 (改为否定句) Jack been to Hainan Island .2.This book cost him ten yuan. (保持句意不变) He ten yuan this book.3.They came back at two oclock. (对划线部分提问) _ _ they come back?4.We should get to school on time every day. (保持句意不变) We should_ _ school on time every day.【Keys】1. hasnt, yet 2. paid. . .for / spent. . on 3. When did 4. arrive atPart 3 Reading and Writing. Reading compreh

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