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旅游英语选读自学考试试题doc 10页.docx

1、旅游英语选读自学考试试题doc 10页旅游英语选读自学考试试题(doc 10页)全国2007年10月高等教育自学考试旅游英语选读试题课程代码:00837请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上Write all your answers on the Answer Sheet!I. Multiple Choice (l20=20)Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A. B. C. and D. Choose the one that best completes the se

2、ntence.1. The International Conference on Travel and Tourism Statistics convened by WTO in _, _, in 1991 reviewed, updated and expanded on the work of earlier international groups. A. Hanover, Germany B. Ottawa, Canada C. Madrid, Spain D. Osaka, Japan2. China has numerous temples, pagodas, statues,

3、and cave carvings, _ are associated with Buddhism, Daoism and Confucius. A. whose B. whichoperators, foreign tour7. Increases in _ and _ are the main factors that give rise to tourism. A. travel marketing, travel agents B. leisure time, warm weather C. mode of travel, population D. net discretionary

4、 incomes, improved educational standards8. The Pacific Asia Travel Association was founded _ _ to develop, promote and facilitate travel to and among the destination areas in and bordering the Pacific Ocean. A. in Hawaii, in 1951 B. in Tokyo, in 1952 C. in Soul, in 1955 D. in HongKong, in19499. Ther

5、e are also a number of _, and perhaps _ effects on the tourist localities. A. more direct, more visible B. most direct, most visible C. less direct, less visible D. least direct, least visible10. _ and _ have successfully expanded tourism without destroying their Environment. A. Australia, Switzerla

6、nd B. Switzerland, Austria C. Britain, Spain D. Spain, France11. The first task of a tour brochure is _. A. to be attractive, truthful, accurate and easily comprehended B. to reinforce an image of quality and reliability C. Both A and B D. to be quickly recognized by customers12. It has been said th

7、at more food and beverage repeat business has been lost by _ than by poor food. A. poor service B. badly cooked food C. badly designed menu D. poor interior design13. In the second half of the 20th century, travel _ has become safe, comfortable, rapid and above all cheap. A. by water B. by railway C

8、. by highway D. by air14. _ with a well-established transportation network, _ effectively move its rapidly increasing numbers of international and domestic tourists. A. Only . we can B. Only. can we C. As . we should D. Once . should we15. The automobile and the jet plane have radically affected the

9、 hospitality industry, _travel patterns and _ to the development of different types of hotels. A. change, lead B. changes, leads C. changing, leading D. changed, led16. Domestic tourism usually consists of _ travel activities by citizens within their own country. A. business B. leisure C. mature D.

10、A and B17. Tourism contributes to both preservation and development of the worlds _. A. cultural heritage B. cultural tradition C. scenic route D. scenic wonder18. In the case of tourists interested in other cultures, _ will determine the destination selected. A. the standard of accommodation B. the

11、 support services C. the location and availability of the cultural event D. the sun-sea-sand set19. Today the successful general manager must be highly _ person, capable of _ a complex business enterprise. A. train, direct B. trained, directing C. training, directed D. being trained, being directed2

12、0. In _, _ and _, high-speed trains have been developed and are in operation. A. Britain, France, Austria B. Germany, France, Japan C. Germany, Spain, Japan D. Britain, USA, Australia II. Reading Comprehension (210=20) Directions: Read the following passages and make your proper choice.(A)Traveling

13、with children who are old enough to read, write, or play games need not be a problem. By taking along a supply of papers, pencils, or one of the excellent game books that are sold just for the purpose, the time can be made to fly. Verbal games, too, such as “Twenty Questions”, help to pass the hours

14、.When traveling on public transportation, having games and diversions on hand is just as important, since it is unreasonable to expect children, especially small ones, to be able to sit still for long periods of time. It is up to you to keep watch over them, however, and not let them roam by themsel

15、ves or make excessive amounts of noise. Fellow passengers have paid for their travel tickets and even those who love children can learn to hate them quickly when trapped in a train or airplane with those who are ill-behaved.On ships there are usually activities of children. Although it is a break fo

16、r parents to be able to send their children off to participate and have some time alone, you should still make sure that your children behave well. Children should not be permitted to race through corridors or to be unsupervised, no matter how much you enjoy relaxing in your desk chair without them

17、nearby. It would be unfortunate if your children were the cause of others feelings that they were also traveling “with children” yours because of their interruption through constant noise, quarreling, or bad behavior.More and more frequently, children are sent to travel unaccompanied by an adult, wh

18、ether to visit a relative, or to travel to grandparents. Many parents expect that a flight attendant or train steward will take care of their children when they send them off alone. This is an unreasonable expectation. Travel attendants have specific jobs to do, and these do not include child care.

19、For that reason each airline has established a minimum age for unaccompanied children. As long as that regulation is respected, there is no reason that children who are emotionally stable and unafraid should not travel by themselves. In my experience with our grandchildren, the airlines have done an

20、 excellent job of caring for them and the children have enjoyed it thoroughly. Of course, if it is not possible for a parent to accompany a very young child, then another adult should be hired as a traveling companion.21. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Traveling with

21、 a primary school child is not a problem. B. Adults find it easy to pass the time by doing the game such as “Twenty Questions”. C. Children find time fly by doing verbal games such as “Twenty Questions”. D. Game books help make the time pass quickly for young children.22. It is implied but not state

22、d that _. A. small children cannot be expected to be emotionally stable for long B. parents find it harassing to take care of their own children C. small children always make much noise D. few fellow passengers like traveling with children23. The italicized word “break” (Para. 3) most probably means

23、 “ _ ”. A. accident B. mistake C. rest D. pause24. Parents cannot depend on travel attendants to take care of their children because _. A. they are not responsible for child care B. there is a minimum age for children who travel alone C. their children are emotionally unstable and timid D. parents s

24、hould always go with their children25. It can be inferred from the passage that _. A. the author doesnt like traveling with his children B. the author doesnt like traveling with other passengers children C. the author opposes the airlines minimum age for unaccompanied children D. the author prefers

25、childrens unaccompanied travel if they are old enough(B)With its almost six billion people, the world offers a fascinating variety of human shapes and colors. As humans spread throughout the world, their adaptations to diverse climate and other living conditions resulted in this fascinating variety

26、of complexions, colors and shapes. Changes in the genetic structure added distinct characteristics to the peoples of the globe. In this sense the concept of race, a group with inherited physical characteristics that distinguish it from another group, is a reality. Humans do indeed come in a variety

27、of colors and shapes.In two senses, however, race is a myth, a fabrication of the human mind. The first fabrication is the idea that any one race is superior to another. All races have their geniuses and their idiots. Like language, no race is superior to another. Adolf Hitlers ideas were extreme. H

28、e believed that a superior race, called the Aryans, was responsible for the cultural achievements of Europe. They possessed the genetic stuff that made them inherently superior. Even many scientists of the time not only Germany but throughout Europe and the United States espoused the idea of racial

29、superiority. Not surprisingly, they considered themselves members of the supposedly superior race!In addition to the myth of racial superiority, there is a second myth that of the existence of a “pure” race. From the perspective of contemporary biology, humans show such a mixture of physical charact

30、eristics, that the “pure” races do not exist. Instead of falling into distinct types clearly separate from one another, human characteristics flow endlessly together. These minute gradations made arbitrary any attempt to draw definite lines.Large groupings of people, however, can be classified by bl

31、ood type and gene frequencies. Yet even this arrangement does not uncover “race”. Rather, such classifications are so arbitrary that biologists and anthropologists can draw up listings showing any number of “race”. Ashley Montagu, a physical anthropologist, pointed out that some scientists have classified humans into only two “races” while others have found as many as two thousand. Montagu himself classified humans into forty “racial” groups.This is not meant to imply that the idea of race is a myth. That idea is definitely very much alive. It is firmly embedded in our culture, a

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