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中考英语英语 语法填空精选附答案.docx

1、中考英语英语 语法填空精选附答案中考英语英语 语法填空精选附答案一、英语语法填空1阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入适当的词或使用括号中单词的正确形式填空。 Exam time! Most kids dont like exams, _we cant live without them. They play an important role in our lives. Exams are not all the same. There are _kinds. One kind tests our knowledge and skills. The other

2、kind helps find excellent students in different fields. For example, universities _(use) it to choose students. At middle school, exams are about answering _(question) on paper. At university, doing an experiment or even _(draw) a picture can also be exams. Kids in different _take different exams. I

3、n the USA, many school children do a book report or a science report _part of their exams. In Australia, middle school students need to use _they have learnt in class to make speeches. Sometimes, teamwork is part of an exam. So exams are our lifetime friends. Be nice and _(patient) with them. They _

4、(help) to make US better than before. 【答案】 but;two;use;questions;drawing;countries;as;what;patient;will help 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了考试是我们一生的“朋友”,善待他们,耐心对待他们,他们会帮助我们变得比以前更好。 (1)句意: 大多数孩子不喜欢考试,但是没有考试我们无法生活。根据dont like exams不喜欢和we cant live without them离不开可知此处是转折关系,故用连词but,但是,故填but。 (2)句意: 考试不尽相同,共有两种。根据下文的one和t

5、he other可知是两者,故是基数词two,两个,故填two。 (3)句意: 例如,大学用它来选择学生。描述客观事实用一般现在时,主语是名词复数 universities,故谓语动词是动词原形,use是动词,故填use。 (4)句意: 在中学,考试是关于在纸上回答问题的。answerquestion,回答问题,故question是名词,表示泛指用复数形式,故填 questions。 (5)句意: 在大学里,做实验甚至画画也可能也是考试。根据 doing an experiment or可知or前后一致,故此处用动名词做主语,draw是动词,故填 drawing。 (6)句意: 不同国家的孩子

6、参加不同的考试。根据 different后是名词复数,下文提到美国,加拿大等国家,故此处是名词国家,country,故填 countries。 (7)句意: 在美国,许多学生在考试中会做读书报告或科学报告。此处缺少介词,根据report可知此处是作为某个报告内容,as是介词,故填as。 (8)句意: 在澳大利亚,中学生需要用他们在课堂上学过的东西来演讲。此处是宾语从句,learn后缺少宾语,故用what指代物,故填what。 (9)句意:善待他们,耐心对待他们。be系动词后缺少形容词,be patient with,对有耐心,固定搭配,故填 patient。 (10)句意:他们会帮助我们变得比

7、以前更好。根据 Be nice可知祈使句后是将来时,help是动词 , 故填 will help。 【点评】考查语法填空,注意谓语的时态,非谓语动词,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。2语法填空 Tonight is the night when children in much of the _(west) world will be waiting for a fat man _ red and white to pass by on his sleigh and climb down the chimney to deliver the Christmas _ (present). And as

8、 we all know, Santa Claus, or Father Christmas lives at the North Pole, you might not realize hes_ (actual) from Finland. Everyone dreams of the coming of Santa Claus _ (bring) him something. Stories _him spread throughout the centuries including one in which he helped a poor man who couldnt afford

9、money for his married daughters. In the dead of night, Nicolas came to throw gold into his house. But the windows were too narrow so he had to climb down the chimney, yes, you guessed it, threw gold in the girls stocking _ (hang) up to dry. I guessed, I thought, Santa Claus was just a commercial bus

10、iness. _ I learned here today that he was a real man that did great things. _ he is a legend continued. Im proud because he was a saint. He helped all the people. He helped _(we). And now he helps me every day. Very few people know this fact.【答案】 western;in;presents;actually;to bring;about;hung;But;

11、And;us 【解析】【分析】文章大意:我们都知道,圣诞老人或圣诞老人住在北极,你可能不会意识到他来自芬兰。每个人都梦想着圣诞老人的到来(给他带些东西)。关于圣诞老人故事他流传了整个世纪,我想,我猜圣诞老人只是一种商业活动。我今天在这里学到他是一个真正的做了大事的人。他是个传奇人物。我很骄傲,因为他是个圣人。他帮助了所有的人。现在他每天都在帮助我。 (1)句意:今晚是西方世界大部分地区的孩子们将等待一个红白相间的胖子驾着雪橇从烟囱上爬下来送圣诞礼物的夜晚。west作定语修饰world,应使用western,故答案是western。 (2)句意:今晚是西方世界大部分地区的孩子们将等待一个红白相间

12、的胖子驾着雪橇从烟囱上爬下来送圣诞礼物的夜晚。red and white是圣诞老人穿的衣服,穿某种颜色的衣服,使用介词in,故答案是in。 (3)句意:今晚是西方世界大部分地区的孩子们将等待一个红白相间的胖子驾着雪橇从烟囱上爬下来送圣诞礼物的夜晚。present可数名词,前面没有冠词出现,因此使用复数形式,故答案是presents。 (4)句意:我们都知道圣诞老人来自北极,实际上他来自芬兰。actual修饰动词is,因此使用副词形式actually,故答案是actually。 (5)句意:每一个人梦想着圣诞老人的到来,给他带来礼物。带来礼物是他们梦想圣诞老人到来的目的,因此使用动词不定式做目的

13、状语,故答案是to bring。 (6)句意:关于他的故事传了几个世纪,就包括他帮助了一个买不起女儿的陪嫁的贫穷的父亲的故事。关于,about,介词短语作后置定语修饰stories,故答案是about。 (7)句意:但是窗户太窄,因此他不得不从烟囱爬下,朝挂着晾干的长筒袜里扔金子。hang作后置定语秀是stocking,stocking与hang是被动关系,因此使用过去分析作定语,hang的过去分词是hung,故答案是hung。 (8)句意:但是今天我在这里知道他是一个做大事的真人。本句和前面一句的描述不一致,应使用转折连词but连接,位于句首首字母大写,故答案是But。 (9)句意:他是个传

14、奇人物。本句和前一句是顺接关系,应使用and连接,位于句首首字母大写,故答案是And。 (10)句意:他帮助我们。we在句中做宾语,应使用宾格us,故答案是us。 【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章,字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍,检查验证。3阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的词,要求所填的词意义准确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。 When I was in the middle school, I got into an argument with a boy in

15、 my class. The teacher _(decide) to teach us a very important lesson. She brought us up to the front of the _kla:sru:mand placed him on one side of her desk and_on the other. In the middle of her desk was a large, round object. I could _(hard)see that it was black. She asked the boy what color the o

16、bject was. White, he_ a:nsa(r)d I couldnt_bliv he said the object was white, when it was clearly black! Another argument started between my classmate and me, this time about the_of the object. The teacher told me to stand where the boy was standing and told him to come stand where I had been. We cha

17、nged_(place), and now she asked me what the color of the object was. I had to answer, White. It was an object with two differently colored sides, and from his viewpoint (视角) it was_. Only from my side it was black. I have always remembered the lesson I learned that day. Sometimes we need to look at

18、the problem from the other _(person) viewpoint in order to truly understand his/her view. 【答案】 decided;classroom;me;easily;answered;believe;color;places;white;persons 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了作者明白的认识道理,我们需要从别人的角度来看待问题,以便真正理解他的观点。 (1)句意:老师决定给我们上一节很重要的课。根据 When I was in the middle school可知时态是一般过去时 , 故填 decided。 (

19、2)句意:她把我们带到教室前面根据,定冠词the后是名词, kla:sru:m 是classroom,教室,是名词,故填 classroom。 (3)句意:让他在桌子的一边,我在另一边,在她的桌子中间有一个很大的圆形物体。此处是placed的并列宾语,故用宾格,此处指代作者,故用第一人称单数,me,是代词,我,故填me。 (4)句意:我很容易看出它是黑色的。根据 it was black可知这个结果是很显然的,故此处是轻松地,副词修饰动词,hard,是副词,困难地,easily,是副词 , 故填 easily。 (5)句意:“白色,”他回答。描述过去用一般过去时, a:nsa(r)danswe

20、red,是动词过去式 ,故填 answered。 (6)句意:我真不敢相信他说那东西是白色的。根据,couldnt是情态动词,其后是动词原形, bliv believe,是动词,相信,故填 believe。 (7)句意:另一个争论开始于我和我的同学之间,这次是关于物体的颜色。根据上下文的白色和黑色可知,是谈论颜色,the定冠词后是名词,color,是名词,故填 color。 (8)句意:我们换了地方。此处缺少宾语,故是名词,表示彼此的位置,是复数,place是名词,故填 places。 (9)句意:这是一个两面颜色不同的物体,在他看来是白色的。系动词is后是形容词,根据上文我真不敢相信他说那东

21、西是白色的,可知这个位置看是白色的,white,是形容词,故填 white。 (10)句意:我一直记得那天的教训有时我们需要从别人的角度来看待问题,以便真正理解他/她的观点。viewpoint是名词,person是名词,故此处是名词所有格,故填 persons。 【点评】考查语法填空,注意谓语的时态,词性,所有格,和所给单词的读音等多种用法。4阅读下面的短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。 I never saw my father home from work late or ill, nor did I ever see my father take a nig

22、ht out with the boys. He had no_ (hobby) but just took care of his family. For 22 years, since I left home for college, my father called me every Sunday at 9:00 am. He was always _ (interest)in my lifehow my family as doing. The calls even came when he and my mother were in Australia, _ (English) or

23、 Florida. Nine years ago when I bought my _ (one) house, my father, 67 years old, painted my house himself. He worked eight hours a day. He would not allow me _ (pay) someone to have it done. All he asked was a glass of iced tea, and that I hold a paintbrush for him and talk to him. But I was too bu

24、sy, for I had a law practice to run, and I could not take the time to hold the paintbrush, or talk to my father. Five years ago, my 71yearold father _ (spend)five hours putting together a swing set(秋千)for my daughter. Again, all he asked was that I get him a glass of iced tea, and talk to him. But a

25、gain, I had laundry to do, and the house to clean. The morning on Sunday, January 16, 1996, my father telephoned me as _ (usually), this time he had seemed to have forgotten some things we had discussed the week before. I had to get to church, and I cut the conversation short. The call came at 4:40

26、am. That day my father _ (send)to hospital in Florida, I got on a plane immediately, and I vowed(发誓)that when I arrived, I would make up for the lost time, and have a nice long talk with him and _ (real)get to know him. I arrived in Florida at 1:00 am, but my father had passed away at 9:12 pm. This

27、time it was he who did not have time to talk, or time to wait for me. In the years since his _ (die) I have learnt much about my father, and even more about myself. As a father, he never asked me for anything but my time. Now he has all my attention, every single day.【答案】 hobbies;interested;England;

28、first;to pay;spent;usual;was sent;really;death 【解析】【分析】 这篇短文中作者给我们讲述了她的父亲,她父亲是一个很顾家的人,眼里只有他的家人。作者在短文中讲述了生活中的几件事情,从这些事情中我们可以看到,作者因为太忙,跟父亲没有太多的交流,当作者想要弥补时,父亲却离开了她。 (1)句意: 他没有爱好,但只是照顾家人。hobby是可数名词,表示泛指用复数形式,故填 hobbies。 (2)句意: 他总是对我的生活感兴趣。be interested in,固定搭配,对.感兴趣,故填 interested。 (3)句意: 这些电话甚至是在他和我妈妈在澳

29、大利亚、英国或佛罗里达的时候打来的。 根据 in Australia 可知此处是表示国家的名词,England,英国,故填 England。 (4)句意: 九年前,当我买下我的第一栋房子时,我67岁的父亲亲自粉刷了我的房子。one,基数词,一,表示第一个,用序数词,first,故填 first。 (5)句意: 他不允许我付钱给某人去做这件事。allow sb to do,固定搭配,允许某人做,故填 to pay。 (6)句意: 五年前,我71岁的父亲花了五个小时组装秋千给我女儿。根据 Five years ago 可知是一般过去时,spend的过去式是spent,故填 spent。 (7)句意

30、: 1996年1月16日星期日的早上,我父亲像往常一样7点给我打电话,这次他似乎忘记了我们一周前讨论过的一些事情。as usual,固定搭配,像往常一样,故填 usual 。 (8)句意: 那天,我父亲8被送到佛罗里达州的医院。根据 That day可知时态是一般过去时,send与主语father是被动关系,故是被动语态,主语是第三人称单数,助动词是was,send的过去分词是sent , 故填 was sent。 (9)句意: 我发誓当我到达时,我会弥补失去的时间,和他好好长谈,然后真正地了解他。副词修饰动词短语get to know,real的副词是really,故填 really。 (1

31、0)句意: 在他去世后的几年里,我了解了很多关于我父亲的事情,甚至更多关于我自己的事情。 his是形容词性物主代词,其后是名词,death,是名词,故填 death。 【点评】考查语言综合运用能力,注意谓语的时态,语态,词性,搭配等多种用法。5阅读下面材料,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(每空1个单词) A group of boys gathered around a tree. What a tall tree! they said to each other. It would be exciting to climb to the top! The group of boys then decided to play a game to see who could _(climb) to the top of the tree f

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